Find a mistake if any and give the right variant. — КиберПедия 

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Find a mistake if any and give the right variant.

2020-10-20 392
Find a mistake if any and give the right variant. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.    Requiring goods can’t be shippedat the customer`s request. They

       A                        B                           C

aren’t available now.


2. The price having been mentioned was 5 per cent lower than the

                                  A                                  B

price paid by the previous contract.

       C                   D

3. Even ifposting now the letter can’t reach John till Monday.

   A     B                             C                  D

4. He didn`t usually utter a wordunlessspeaking to.

       A                   B        C     D

5. Being receivedthe required information the sellers senttheir order

         A              B                                          C    D

to the buyers.


6. Payment will be executedagainst cablesigning by the captain

                         A                B        C

 of the vessel.


7. The letter having been typed by the typist now should be sent

                             A                                                  B

as soon asit`s ready.

C            D

8. We received a letter from the suppliers advised that they are ready

         A                                                    B

  to fulfil the order according to the terms stipulated.

        C                                                       D

9.  I hearhim raise a big personal short-term loan. Frankly speaking he

    A    B                                                              C

agreed to offer his business as collateral required.



10. But the Western leaders, though forced to give way on some questions,


will stick to the policies which have brought about a fallen standard

                                                              B                      C

of   living for working people.


11. The Civil Service unions, represented more thana half-million

                                              A                           B

government workers, demandeda 15-percent pay raise.

                                                C                   D

12   We asked them to writeimmediatelyhaving advisedthe terms of

                           A             B               C               D

payment and delivery.


13. If the presented documents comply with the terms of the credit


the buyer cannot refuse to pay on the grounds of the goods not

                                                   B                            C

corresponded to the order or contract.


Exercise 3


Read the text below. In most of the lines 3-27 there is one wrong word or word combination. Some lines, however, are correct.

· If a line is correct, put a tick (Ö) in the space in the right-hand column.

· If there is a mistake in the line, circle out the mistake and write the correct word in the right-hand column.



1 When we say working capital, we are referring to the net (Ö)
2 working capital. Firm’s investment in current assets called is called
3 gross working capital. The different between current difference
4 assets and current liabilities called net working capital. is called
5 Net working capital can be positive or negative. When (Ö)
6 current assets are in excess of current liabilities, net (Ö)
7 working capital is positive. On another hand, when the other
8 current liabilities exceed current assets, net working capital (Ö)
9 is negative. (Ö)
10 Gross working capital indicates firm’s investment and (Ö)
11 finance of current assets. Net working capital, on the financing
12 other hand, shows the liquidity of a firm. As the result, net (Ö)
13 working capital indicates the financing needs of a firm, (Ö)
14 both through long-term as well as short-term financing and
15 sources. Working capital is the part of firm’s capital is used for that is
16 routine day-to-day business operations. In other words, (Ö)
17 working capital refers to the funds needing by the business needed
18 to run it’s operations for one accounting year. Working its
19 capital reflects the number of money a firm has at its amount
20 immediate disposal. (Ö)
21 Adequate working capital is important for any business (Ö)
22 operations. Working capital financed, however, can be a financing
23 challenge for a business, especially for a small firm. In (Ö)
24 order to understand the best way to finance working (Ö)
25 capital, it is important understanding the difference between to understand
26 the two types of working capital: permanent working (Ö)
27 capital and temporary working capital (Ö)


3 Environment of Accounting

3.2.1 Consult a dictionary and practice the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the text or submit the examples of your own:

approximately [ə'prɔksɪmətlɪ]
consistency [kən'sɪst(ə)n(t)sɪ]
control process [kən'trəul] ['prəuses]
current assets ['kʌr(ə)nt ]; ['kɜːr(ə)nt] ['æsets]
debtor ['detə]
dual aspect ['djuːəl] ['æspekt]
entire debt [ɪn'taɪə ], [en-] [det]
equation [ɪ'kweɪʒ(ə)n]
financial analysts [faɪ'nænʃ(ə)l] ['æn(ə)lɪsts]
forecast of the unanticipated events ['fɔːkɑːst] [ɔv] / [əv] [ðiː] / [ðɪ] [ˌənan'tisəˌpātid] [ɪ'vent]
implementation [ˌɪmplɪmen'teɪʃ(ə)n]
in monetary terms [ɪn] ['mʌnɪt(ə)rɪ] [tɜːmz]
intangible [ɪn'tænʤəbl]
investment counsel(l)ors [ɪn'vestmənt] ['kaun(t)s(ə)lə]
managerial accounting [ˌmænə'ʤɪərɪəl] [ə'kauntɪŋ]
mortgage ['mɔːgɪʤ]
primary objective ['praɪm(ə)rɪ] [əb'ʤektɪv ], [ɔb-
prudence ['pruːd(ə)n(t)s]
revenue ['rev(ə)njuː]
routine [ruː'tiːn]
tangible ['tænʤəbl]
the uses are varied [ðiː] / [ðɪ] [juːziz] [ɑː(r)] / [ə] ['vɛərɪd]
to compare the consequences [tuː] / [tu] / [tə] [kəm'pɛə] [ðiː] / [ðɪ] ['kɔn(t)sɪkwən(t)s]
to control equipment [tuː] / [tu] / [tə] [kən'trəul] [ɪ'kwɪpmənt]
to harmonize with [tuː] / [tu] / [tə] ['hɑːmənaɪz][wɪð]
to implement [tuː] / [tu] / [tə] ['ɪmplɪment]
to indicate targets [tuː] / [tu] / [tə] ['ɪndɪkeɪt] ['tɑːgɪts]
to induce [tuː] / [tu] / [tə] [ɪn'djuːs]
to pertain to [tuː] / [tu] / [tə] [pə'teɪn ] / [pɜː-] [tuː] / [tu] / [tə]
various segments of organization ['vɛərɪəs] ['segmənts] [ɔv] / [əv] [ˌɔːg(ə)naɪ'zeɪʃ(ə)n]

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