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Passive Voice – страдательный залог (общие сведения)

2020-08-21 173
Passive Voice – страдательный залог (общие сведения) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Упражнение 10. Вставьте один из следующих глаголов в нужной форме в пропущенные места:

Cause, damage, hold, include, invite, make, overtake, show, translate, write


1 Many accidents  are caused by dangerous driving.

2 Cheese _____________________ from milk.

3 The roof of the building ___________________ in a storm a few days ago.

4 There’s no need to leave a tip. Service _________________ in the bill.

5 You _________________ to the wedding. Why didn't you go?

6 A cinema is a place where films _____________________.

7 In the United States, elections for President ___________________ every four years.

8 Originally the book _________________ in Spanish and a few years ago it into English.

9 We were driving along quite fast but we _____________________ by lots of other cars.


Упражнение 11. Прочтите текст об изготовлении бокалов. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в форме Present Simple Passive.


Champagne, the king of wines and wine of kings, tastes all the better when it 1. is drunk (drink) from an elegant, fine-quality glass. That, however, is only one of thousands of ways glass 2________________­­__ (use) today. And for all those different uses, many different types of glass 3__________________­­ (produce).

Glass products 4__________________­­ (manufacture) in different ways. Today, glass 5__________________­­ (blow) by hand in the traditional way which the Romans first developed, but now this work 6__________________­­ (do) by robots, too. Generally, in industry, much faster methods of mass production 7_________________­­ (need). Often, for example, glass 8__________________­­ (press) into the necessary shape by machine. Glass 9__________________­­ (shape) in other ways too. For example, it 10_________________­­ (make) into long, very thin fibres. Fibres like these 11__________________­­ (require) to make the fibre-optic cables that help to build the Information Super-Highway round the world.


Упражнение 12.. Напишите вопросы в страдательном залоге. Некоторые из них в настоящем времени, некоторые – в прошлом.

1  Ask about the telephone. (when/invent?) When was the telephone invented?

2  Ask about glass. (how/make?) How _____________________?

3  Ask about Australia. (when/discover?) ________________________?

4  Ask about silver. (what/use for?) _________________________?

5  Ask about television. (when/invent?) __________________________?


Упражнение 13.. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в нужном времени (present или past) и залоге.

1 It’s a big factory. Five hundred people are employed (employ) there.

2  Water __________ (cover) most of the Earth’s surface.

3  Most of the Earth’s surface ­____________ (cover) by water.

4  The park gates __________ (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.

5  The letter __________ (post) a week ago and it __________ (arrive) yesterday.

6  The boat __________ (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody __________ (rescue).

7 Ron’s parents __________ (die) when he was very young. He and his sister __________ (bring) up by their grandparents.

8 I was born in London but I __________ (grow) up in the north of England.

9 While I was on holiday, my camera __________ (steal) from my hotel room.

10  While I was on holiday, my camera __________ (disappear) from my hotel room.

11  Why __________ (Sue/resign) from her job? Didn’t she enjoy it?

12  Why __________ (Bill/sack) from his job? What did he do wrong?

13  The company is not independent. It __________ (own) by a much larger company.

14  I saw an accident last night. Somebody __________ (call) an ambulance but nobody __________ (injure) so the ambulance __________ (not/need).

15  Where __________ (these photographs/take)? In London? __________ (you/take) them?



Mодальные глаголы и их эквиваленты

Упражнение 14. Укажите, какие из приведенных предложений на английском языке соответствуют русскому предложению.

Студенты должны перевести текст за 15 минут.

a) Students can translate the text in 15 minutes.

b) Students may translate the text in 15 minutes.

c) Students have to translate the text in 15 minutes.

d) Students are able to translate the text in 15 minutes.

Массой можно измерить количество вещества.

a) The mass of matter may be measured by its quantity.

b) The quantity of matter may be measured by its mass.

c) The quantity of matter should be measured by its mass.

d) The mass of matter must be measured by its quantity.

Тебе следует вспомнить этот закон.

a) You had to recall this law.

b) You should recall this law.

c) You could recall this law.

d) Maybe you can recall this law.

Многие вещества могут быть наэлектризованы трением.

a) Many substances can be electrified by friction.

b) Many substanses are to be electrifired by friction.

c) One must electrify substances by friction.

d) Many substances should be electrified by friction.

5)Он должен будет продолжить эксперимент самостоятельно.

a) He should continue the experiment by himself.

b) He is to continue the experiment by himself.

c) He will have to continue the experiment by himself.

d) He will be allowed to continue the experiment by himself.

Вы должны отнестись к этому серьезно.

a) You must take it seriously.

b) They can take it seriously.

c) We must take it seriously.

d) You сould take it seriously.

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