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Concepts: NOAH’S ARK, NOAH
1. Cambridge d ictionary
Noah's ark - ( in the Bib le) a large woode n ship bui lt by Noah i n order to s ave his fa mily and a male and fe male of every type o f animal w hen the wo rld was cove red by a f lood.
2. W ikipedia
Noah's Ark is t he vessel i n the Genes is flood n arrative t hrough whic h God spares No ah, his family, and examp les of all t he world's a nimals fro m a world-e ngulfing f lood.
3. Collins d ictionary
In the Bib le, the ar k was a la rge boat w hich Noah bu ilt in orde r to save h is family a nd two of eve ry kind of a nimal from t he Flood.
Компонентно-дефиниционный а нализ языко вой единиц ы Noah’s Ark:
- A large sh ip
- Noah
- Safety
- Animals
- The ark
- A flood
- God
- Survival
«There was strict disc ipline on the Ark: that's t he first po int to make. It w asn't like t hose nurse ry versions i n painted woodwhich you m ight have p layed with as a c hild - all h appy couples pee ring merri ly over the r ailfrom the co mfort of t heir wellsc rubbed sta lls. Don't i magine some Mediterranean c ruise on which we p layed languo rous roulette a nd everyone d ressed for d inner; on t he Ark only t he penguins wo re tailcoats. Re member: th is was a long and dangerous voy age - dangerous eve n though so me of the rules had been f ixed in adv ance».
«It wasn't a n ature rese rve, that Ark o f ours; at t imes it was mo re like a prison sh ip».
«You presu mably grasped t hat the 'A rk' was mo re than just a single ship? It was t he name we g ave to the w hole flotilla (you could h ardly expect to c ram the ent ire animal kingdo m into somet hing a mere three hu ndred cubits lo ng)».
«In the beg inning, the A rk consisted o f eight vesse ls: Noah's gal leon, which towed t he stores s hip, then fou r slightly s maller boats, each capt ained by o ne of Noah's sons, and behi nd them, at a s afe distance (t he family be ing superst itious about i llness) the hospit al ship».
«You don’t re ally believe t hat story about t he serpent, do you? – it w as just Adam’s blac k propagand a».
«Noah – or No ah’s God – h ad decreed t hat there we re two classes o f beast: the clean a nd the unc lean».
«Clean ani mals got i nto the Ar k by sevens; the unclea n by twos».
«He founded a v illage (which you c all Arghur i) on the lowe r slopes o f the mount ain, and spe nt his days d reaming up new deco rations and ho nours for h imself».
Характеристики ко нцепта NOAH’S ARK:
- Ship
- Dangerous
- Long time
- Animals
- Prison
- Adam and Ev a
- Clean and u nclean ani mals
- Arghuri vi llage
- Strict disc ipline
- Long voyage
- Rules
- Flotilla
- Animal kingdo m
- Vessel gal leon
- Boats
- Hospital s hip
NOAH in the BOO K
1. Collins d ictionary
Noah - a Heb rew patria rch, who s aved himse lf, his fa mily, and spec imens of e ach species o f animal a nd bird fro m the Flood by bu ilding a s hip (Noah's A rk) in whic h they all su rvived (Ge nesis 6–8)
2. Vocabul ary dictio nary
The Hebrew p atriarch w ho saved h imself and h is family a nd the ani mals by bu ilding an a rk in whic h they surv ived 40 days a nd 40 nights o f rain; the sto ry of Noah a nd the flood is to ld in the Boo k of Genes is.
3. Wikiped ia
In Abraham ic religio ns, Noah w as the tent h and last o f the pre- Flood patr iarchs. His sto ry is cont ained in t he Hebrew B ible, in t he Book of Ge nesis, chapte rs 5–9 and i n the Qur' an. The Ge nesis flood n arrative is a mong the best- known stor ies of the B ible. Noah is a lso portrayed as "t he first t iller of t he soil" a nd the inve ntor of wi ne.
Компонентно-дефиниционный а нализ языко вой единиц ы:
- Patriarc h
- The flood
- No ah’s Ark
- T he invento r of wine
Examples: « I don't know how best to b reak this to you, but Noah was not a n ice man. I realize t his idea is e mbarrassing, s ince you a re all desce nded from h im; still, t here it is. He was a mo nster, a puffed-up p atriarch who spent half h is day grove lling to h is God and the ot her half t aking it out o n us».
«Put it anot her way: w hat the he ll do you t hink Noah a nd his fam ily ate in t he Ark? They ate us, of course».
«The unavo idable fact is t hat Noah was je alous. We all loo ked up to t he unicorn, a nd he could n't stand it. No ah - what po int is the re in not te lling you t he truth? - was badtempe red, smelly, u nreliable, e nvious and cow ardly. He wasn't eve n a good s ailor: when the se as were hig h he would ret ire to his c abin, throw h imself dow n on his gop her-wood bed a nd leave it o nly to vom it out his sto mach into h is gopher-wood w ashbasin; you cou ld smell t he effluvi a a deck aw ay».
«And the b irds said No ah didn't k now what he w as doing - he was all b luster and p rayer».
«What would God think? Th at was the quest ion always o n his lips. T here was so mething a bit siniste r about No ah's devot ion to God; creepy, i f you know w hat I mean».
«And how d id Noah re act when he awo ke with one o f those kn ifing new-wine h angovers? He cursed t he son who had fou nd him and dec reed that a ll Ham's c hildren shou ld become se rvants to t he family o f the two b rothers who h ad entered h is room arse- first. Whe re is the se nse in that? I c an guess you r explanat ion: his se nse of judg ment was affected by d rink, and we s hould offe r pity not ce nsure. Wel l, maybe. But I wou ld just me ntion this: we knew hi m on the A rk».
«Even the le ast subtle m ind can decode t hat particu lar euphem ism: he was drunk all t he time».
«Ham went i nto the bed room and … we ll, a naked m an of six hu ndred and f ifty-odd ye ars lying i n a drunken stupo r is not a p retty sight».
«…it steered a cou rse sycoph antically c lose to th at of Ham’s ark».
«Maybe the jewe l is only fou nd in the fe male’s head, Ham’s wife suggested».
«But you do n’t know about Varadi, do you? He w as the you ngest and st rongest of Noah’s sons; which did n’t, of cou rse, make h im the most popu lar within t he family».
«You’re fa miliar wit h Ham and S hem and the ot her one, w hose name beg an with a J...»
Характеристики ко нцепта NOAH:
- Monster
- God
- Wine
- Noah’s sons
- No ah’s wife
- Fourth son o f Noah
- Je alous
- Not a good s ailor
- Dru nkard
Chapter 2: The visito rs (Гости)
1. Cambridge d ictionary
Terrorism - t he use of v iolence fo r politica l purposes, fo r example putt ing bombs i n public p laces.
2. Wikiped ia
Terrorism is, i n the broadest se nse, the use o f intentio nal violence fo r politica l or relig ious purposes. It is used i n this reg ard primar ily to refer to v iolence du ring peacet ime or in the co ntext of war aga inst non-co mbatants (mostly c ivilians a nd neutral m ilitary pe rsonnel).
3. Encycloped ia Britann ica
Terrorism, t he calculated use o f violence to c reate a ge neral clim ate of fea r in a popu lation and t hereby to b ring about a p articular po litical object ive. Terro rism has bee n practiced by po litical org anizations w ith both r ightist and le ftist object ives, by n ationalist ic and rel igious groups, by revo lutionaries, a nd even by st ate institut ions such as a rmies, inte lligence se rvices, and po lice.
Компонентно-дефиниционный а нализ языко вой единиц ы:
- Violence
- Political pu rposes
- Religious pu rposes
- Bombs
- Public places
- Fear
- Panic
- Civilians
- Military
Examples: «The troub le was, the mo re he reflected, t he less chee rful he fe lt. In rece nt years Western gove rnments had been noisy about te rrorism, about st anding tal l and faci ng down the threat; but the t hreat neve r seemed to u nderstand t hat it was be ing faced down, and cont inued much as be fore. Those i n the midd le got killed; governments a nd terrorists su rvived».
«`I see,' s aid Frankl in, and he let t he sneer co me through. ` So you're go ing to asse mble the passenge rs and expla in to them how they're al l really Z ionist sold iers and that's why you've got to k ill them'».
«Who would t hey start w ith? The Americ ans, the B ritish? If they st arted with t he America ns, how lo ng would t hat delay t he killing o f the Brit ish? Fourtee n, sixteen A mericans - he t ranslated t hat brutal ly into seve n or eight hou rs. If they st arted at fou r, and the gove rnments stood f irm, by mid night they wou ld start k illing the B ritish. What order wou ld they do it i n? Men first? R andom? Alp habetical?».
«She walked dow n the cent ral aisle to t he gunmen, stopped a coup le of yards s hort, and s aid in a c lear, slow vo ice suppur ating with panic, 'I have to go to t he goddam b athroom'».
Характеристики ко нцепта TER RORISM:
-Get kill
Chapter 3 The wars o f religion (Религиозные войны)
1. Cambridge d ictionary
Ecclesiastical - re lating to t he Christi an Church.
2. Cambridge d ictionary
Court is t he place w here a judge dec ides whethe r someone is gu ilty of a c rime.
3. Encycloped ia Britann ica
Ecclesiastical cou rt, tribun al set up by re ligious aut horities to de al with disputes a mong clerics o r with spi ritual matte rs involvi ng either c lerics or l aymen. Alt hough such cou rts are fou nd today a mong the Jews (see bet d in) and amo ng the Mus lims (Sharīʿ ah) as well as t he various Christian sects, their fu nctions have beco me limited st rictly to re ligious issues a nd to gove rnance of c hurch prope rty. During e arlier per iods in histo ry, the ecc lesiastica l courts o ften had a deg ree of tempo ral jurisd iction, and i n the Midd le Ages the cou rts of the Roman C atholic Chu rch rivalled t he tempora l courts i n power.
4. Wikiped ia
An ecclesi astical cou rt, also c alled court C hristian o r court sp iritual, is a ny of cert ain courts h aving jurisd iction mai nly in spi ritual or re ligious matte rs. In the Midd le Ages these cou rts had muc h wider powe rs in many are as of Europe t han before t he develop ment of nat ion states. T hey were e xperts in i nterpreting c anon law, a b asis of wh ich was the Corpus Ju ris Civilis o f Justinia n which is co nsidered t he source o f the civi l law lega l traditio n.
Компонентно-дефиниционный а нализ языко вой единиц ы:
- Church
- Judge
- Guilty
- Crime
- Religious aut horities
- Church prope rty
- Court Christ ian
- Canon law
Examples: «Born in 1480, Chassenée made his n ame before the eccles iastical cou rt of Autu n defending rats which h ad been ch arged with fe loniously dest roying a c rop of bar ley. The follow ing docume nts, from t he opening pt ition des h abitans to t he final judgment o f the court, do not rep resent the e ntire proceed ings - for i nstance, the testimo ny of witnesses, who might be a nything fro m local pe asants to d istinguished e xperts on t he behaviou ral patter ns of the de fendants, h as not bee n recorded - but t he legal sub missions e mbody and o ften speci fically re fer to the evidence, and thus t here is not hing absent f rom the esse ntial structu re and argu ment of the c ase».
«We, the in habitants o f Mamirolle i n the diocese o f Besançon, being fe arful of Almighty God and humbly dut iful to his spouse the Church, and being fu rthermore most regu lar and obed ient in the p ayment of ou r tithes, do he reby on th is the 12t h day of August 15 20 most press ingly and u rgently pet ition the cou rt to relieve and d isburden us of the felonious i nterventio n of those m alefactors which have i nfested us a lready for m any seasons, w hich have b rought upo n us God's w rath and a s hameful libe l upon our h abitation, a nd which t hreaten al l of us…».
«And how, w hen the Bis hop and his ret inue had dep arted, bearing of f the Bishop i n a state o f imbecility, the terr ified petit ioners did e xamine the B ishop's th rone and d iscover in t he leg that h ad tumbled dow n like the walls o f Jericho a v ile and un natural in festation o f woodworm, and how t hese woodwo rm, having sec retly and d arkly gone about t heir devil ish work, h ad so devoured t he leg that the B ishop did f all like m ighty Daed alus from t he heavens o f light into t he darkness o f imbecility».
Характеристики ко нцепта ECCLESIASTICAL COU RT:
- Judgment
- Church
- Woodworm
- Devour
- Rats
Chapter 4: The Surv ivor (Уцелевшая)
1. Collins d ictionary
A town in U kraine; site o f the `wor ld's worst nuc lear power st ation accide nt (1986), c aused by a re actor explos ion result ing in rad ioactive co ntaminatio n of the at mosphere ac ross the weste rn part of t he Soviet U nion and i nto Europe; a n exclusio n zone 2,600 sq k m (1,000 sq m i) exists a round the s ite althoug h some tou rism is al lowed in t he nearby ab andoned city o f Pripyat a nd its sur roundings.
2. Lexico d ictionary
A town ne ar Kiev in U kraine whe re, in Apr il 1986, a n accident at a nuc lear power st ation resu lted in a se rious escape o f radioact ive materi al.
3. Encycloped ia Britann ica
Chernobyl d isaster - acc ident in 1 986 at the C hernobyl nuc lear power st ation in t he Soviet U nion, the wo rst disaste r in the h istory of nuc lear power ge neration. T he Chernoby l power st ation was s ituated at t he settleme nt of Prypy at, 10 miles (16 k m) northwest o f the city o f Chernoby l (Ukraini an: Chornoby l) and 65 m iles (104 k m) north o f Kiev, Uk raine. The st ation cons isted of fou r reactors, e ach capable o f producing 1,000 meg awatts of e lectric powe r; it had co me online i n 1977–83.
Компонентно-дефиниционный а нализ языко вой единиц ы:
- The world`s wo rst nuclea r accident
- Ukraine
- Chernobyl
- Bomb
- Nuclear cat astrophe
- Big damage
- Reactor exp losion
- Escape of r adioactivity
Examples: « She watched t he televis ion a lot a fter the first b ig accident. It wasn't a ve ry serious acc ident, they s aid, not re ally, not l ike a bomb go ing off. A nd, anyway, it w as a long w ay away, in Russia, and they d idn't have p roper mode rn power st ations ove r there li ke we do, a nd even if t hey did the ir safety st andards we re obvious ly much lowe r so it cou ldn't happe n here and t here wasn't a nything to wo rry about, w as there? It might eve n teach the Russ ians a lesso n, people s aid. Make them t hink twice about d ropping the b ig one».
«There was a c loud of po ison, and everyo ne tracked its cou rse like t hey'd follow t he drift o f quite an i nteresting a rea of low p ressure on t he weather m ap. For a w hile people stopped buy ing milk, and asked the butc her where t he meat ca me from. But soon t hey stopped wo rrying, and fo rgot about it a ll».
«Then cartoo nists started m aking jokes, about how t he reindee r were so g leaming wit h radioactivity that Fathe r Christmas d idn't need he adlights o n his sleig h, and Rudo lf the Red- Nosed Reindee r had a ve ry shiny nose because he c ame from C hernobyl; but she d idn't thin k it was fu nny. Liste n, she'd te ll people. T he way they me asure the level o f radioact ivity is i n something c alled becque rels. When the acc ident happe ned, the Norweg ian govern ment had to dec ide what a mount of radiation i n meat was safe, a nd they ca me up with a f igure of 600 becque rels. But peop le didn't l ike the ide a of their me at being po isoned, and t he Norwegi an butchers d idn't do suc h good bus iness, and t he one sort o f meat no-o ne would buy w as reindee r, which w as hardly su rprising. So, t his is what t he governme nt did».
Характеристики концепта CHERNOBYL ACC IDENT:
- Russia
- Bomb
- Get off
- Power stat ions
- Cloud of po ison
- Radioactive me at
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