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Chapter 1 The stowaway ( Безбилетник )

2020-07-03 202
Chapter 1 The stowaway ( Безбилетник ) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Concepts: NOAH’S ARK, NOAH


1. Cambridge dictionary

Noah's ark - (in the Bible) a large wooden ship built by Noah in order to save his family and a male and fe male of every type of animal when the world was covered by a flood.


     2. Wikipedia

Noah's Ark is the vessel in the Genesis flood narrative through which God spares Noah, his family, and examples of all the world's animals from a world-engulfing flood.


3. Collins dictionary

In the Bible, the ark was a large boat which Noah built in order to save his family and two of every kind of animal from the Flood.


 Компонентно-дефиниционный анализ языковой единицы Noah’s Ark:

- A large ship

- Noah

- Safety

- Animals

- The ark

- A flood

- God

- Survival


«There was strict disc ipline on the Ark: that's the first point to make. It wasn't like those nursery versions in painted woodwhich you might have played with as a child - all happy couples peering merrily over the railfrom the comfort of their wellscrubbed stalls. Don't imagine some Mediterranean c ruise on which we played languorous roulette and everyone dressed for dinner; on the Ark only the penguins wore tailcoats. Remember: this was a long and dangerous voy age - dangerous even though some of the rules had been fixed in advance».

«It wasn't a n ature rese rve, that Ark of ours; at times it was more like a prison sh ip».

«You presumably grasped that the 'Ark' was more than just a single ship? It was the name we gave to the whole flotilla (you could hardly expect to cram the entire animal kingdo m into something a mere three hu ndred cubits lo ng)».

«In the beginning, the Ark consisted of eight vesse ls: Noah's gal leon, which towed the stores ship, then four slightly smaller boats, each captained by one of Noah's sons, and behind them, at a safe distance (the family being superstitious about illness) the hospit al ship».

«You don’t really believe that story about the serpent, do you? – it was just Adam’s blac k propagand a».

«Noah – or Noah’s God – had decreed that there were two classes of beast: the clean a nd the unc lean».

«Clean animals got into the Ark by sevens; the unclea n by twos».

«He founded a village (which you c all Arghur i) on the lower slopes of the mountain, and spent his days dreaming up new decorations and honours for himself».

Характеристики концепта NOAH’S ARK:

- Ship

- Dangerous

- Long time

- Animals

- Prison

- Adam and Eva

- Clean and unclean animals

- Arghuri village

- Strict discipline

- Long voyage

- Rules

- Flotilla

- Animal kingdom

- Vessel galleon

- Boats

- Hospital ship

NOAH in the BOO K

1. Collins dictionary

Noah - a Hebrew patriarch, who saved himself, his family, and specimens of each species of animal and bird from the Flood by building a ship (Noah's Ark) in which they all survived (Genesis 6–8)


2. Vocabulary dictionary
The Hebrew patriarch who saved himself and his family and the animals by building an ark in which they survived 40 days and 40 nights of rain; the story of Noah and the flood is told in the Book of Genesis.

3. Wikipedia

In Abrahamic religions, Noah was the tenth and last of the pre-Flood patriarchs. His story is contained in the Hebrew Bible, in the Book of Genesis, chapters 5–9 and in the Qur'an. The Genesis flood narrative is among the best-known stories of the Bible. Noah is also portrayed as "the first tiller of the soil" and the inventor of wine.


Компонентно-дефиниционный анализ языковой единицы:

- Patriarch

- The flood

     - Noah’s Ark

     - The inventor of wine

Examples: «I don't know how best to break this to you, but Noah was not a n ice man. I realize this idea is embarrassing, since you are all descended from him; still, there it is. He was a mo nster, a puffed-up p atriarch who spent half h is day grove lling to h is God and the other half taking it out on us».

«Put it another way: what the hell do you think Noah and his family ate in the Ark? They ate us, of course».

«The unavoidable fact is that Noah was je alous. We all looked up to the unicorn, and he couldn't stand it. Noah - what point is there in not telling you the truth? - was badtempe red, smelly, u nreliable, e nvious and cow ardly. He wasn't eve n a good s ailor: when the seas were high he would retire to his cabin, throw himself down on his gopher-wood bed and leave it only to vomit out his stomach into his gopher-wood washbasin; you could smell the effluvia a deck away».

«And the birds said Noah didn't know what he was doing - he was all b luster and p rayer».

«What would God think? That was the question always on his lips. There was something a bit siniste r about No ah's devot ion to God; creepy, if you know what I mean».

«And how did Noah react when he awoke with one of those knifing new-wine h angovers? He cursed t he son who had found him and decreed that all Ham's children should become servants to the family of the two brothers who had entered his room arse-first. Where is the sense in that? I can guess your explanation: his sense of judgment was affected by d rink, and we should offer pity not censure. Well, maybe. But I would just mention this: we knew hi m on the A rk».

«Even the least subtle mind can decode that particular euphemism: he was drunk all t he time».

«Ham went into the bedroom and … well, a naked man of six hundred and fifty-odd years lying in a drunken stupo r is not a pretty sight».

«…it steered a course sycophantically close to that of Ham’s ark».

«Maybe the jewel is only found in the female’s head, Ham’s wife suggested».

«But you don’t know about Varadi, do you? He was the youngest and strongest of Noah’s sons; which didn’t, of course, make him the most popular within the family».

«You’re familiar with Ham and Shem and the other one, whose name began with a J...»

Характеристики концепта NOAH:

-   Monster

-   God

-   Wine



-  Noah’s sons

-  Noah’s wife

-  Fourth son of Noah

-  Jealous

- Not a good sailor

- Drunkard  

Chapter 2: The visito rs (Гости)


1. Cambridge dictionary

Terrorism - the use of violence for political purposes, for example putting bombs in public places.


2. Wikipedia

Terrorism is, in the broadest sense, the use of intentional violence for political or religious purposes. It is used in this regard primarily to refer to v iolence du ring peacet ime or in the context of war aga inst non-co mbatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel).


3. Encyclopedia Britannica

Terrorism, the calculated use of violence to create a general climate of fear in a population and thereby to bring about a particular political objective. Terrorism has been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, by nationalistic and religious groups, by revolutionaries, and even by state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police.


Компонентно-дефиниционный анализ языковой единицы:

- Violence

- Political purposes

- Religious purposes

- Bombs

- Public places

- Fear

- Panic

- Civilians

- Military


       Examples: «The trouble was, the more he reflected, the less cheerful he felt. In recent years Western gove rnments had been noisy about te rrorism, about standing tall and facing down the threat; but the threat never seemed to understand that it was being faced down, and continued much as before. Those in the middle got killed; governments a nd terrorists su rvived».

«`I see,' said Franklin, and he let the sneer come through. `So you're going to assemble the passenge rs and explain to them how they're al l really Z ionist sold iers and that's why you've got to k ill them'».

«Who would they start with? The Americ ans, the B ritish? If they started with the Americans, how long would that delay the killing of the British? Fourteen, sixteen Americans - he translated that brutally into seven or eight hours. If they started at four, and the governments stood firm, by midnight they would start killing the British. What order wou ld they do it i n? Men first? R andom? Alp habetical?».

«She walked down the central aisle to the gunmen, stopped a couple of yards short, and said in a clear, slow voice suppurating with panic, 'I have to go to the goddam bathroom'».

Характеристики концепта TERRORISM:

-Get kill





Chapter 3 The wars o f religion (Религиозные войны)


1. Cambridge dictionary

Ecclesiastical - relating to the Christian Church.


2. Cambridge dictionary

Court is the place where a judge decides whether someone is guilty of a crime.


3. Encyclopedia Britannica

Ecclesiastical court, tribunal set up by religious authorities to deal with disputes among clerics or with spiritual matters involving either clerics or laymen. Although such courts are found today among the Jews (see bet d in) and amo ng the Mus lims (Sharīʿ ah) as well as the various Christian sects, their functions have become limited strictly to religious issues and to governance of church property. During earlier periods in history, the ecclesiastical courts often had a degree of temporal jurisdiction, and in the Middle Ages the courts of the Roman C atholic Chu rch rivalled the temporal courts in power.


4. Wikipedia

An ecclesiastical court, also called court Christian or court spiritual, is any of certain courts having jurisdiction mainly in spiritual or religious matters. In the Midd le Ages these cou rts had muc h wider powe rs in many areas of Europe than before the development of nation states. They were experts in interpreting canon law, a basis of which was the Corpus Ju ris Civilis o f Justinia n which is considered the source of the civil law legal tradition.


Компонентно-дефиниционный анализ языковой единицы:

- Church

- Judge

- Guilty

- Crime

- Religious authorities

- Church property

- Court Christian

- Canon law


Examples: «Born in 1480, Chassenée made his name before the eccles iastical cou rt of Autu n defending rats which h ad been ch arged with fe loniously dest roying a c rop of bar ley. The following documents, from the opening ptition des habitans to the final judgment o f the court, do not represent the entire proceedings - for instance, the testimo ny of witnesses, who might be anything from local peasants to distinguished experts on the behavioural patterns of the defendants, has not been recorded - but the legal submissions embody and often specifically refer to the evidence, and thus there is nothing absent from the essential structure and argument of the case».

«We, the in habitants o f Mamirolle i n the diocese o f Besançon, being fearful of Almighty God and humbly dutiful to his spouse the Church, and being furthermore most regular and obedient in the payment of our tithes, do hereby on this the 12th day of August 1520 most pressingly and urgently petition the court to relieve and d isburden us of the felonious i nterventio n of those m alefactors which have infested us already for many seasons, which have brought upon us God's wrath and a shameful libel upon our habitation, and which threaten all of us…».

«And how, when the Bishop and his retinue had departed, bearing of f the Bishop i n a state o f imbecility, the terrified petitioners did examine the Bishop's throne and discover in the leg that had tumbled down like the walls o f Jericho a v ile and un natural in festation o f woodworm, and how these woodworm, having secretly and darkly gone about their devilish work, had so devoured t he leg that the Bishop did fall like mighty Daedalus from the heavens of light into the darkness of imbecility».

Характеристики концепта ECCLESIASTICAL COURT:

- Judgment

- Church

- Woodworm

- Devour

- Rats

Chapter 4: The Surv ivor (Уцелевшая)


1. Collins dictionary

 A town in Ukraine; site of the `world's worst nuclear power station accident (1986), caused by a reactor explosion resulting in radioactive contamination of the atmosphere across the western part of the Soviet Union and into Europe; an exclusion zone 2,600 sq km (1,000 sq mi) exists around the site although some tourism is allowed in the nearby abandoned city of Pripyat and its surroundings.


2. Lexico dictionary

 A town near Kiev in Ukraine where, in April 1986, an accident at a nuclear power station resulted in a serious escape of radioactive material.


3. Encyclopedia Britannica

 Chernobyl disaster - accident in 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power station in the Soviet Union, the worst disaster in the history of nuclear power generation. The Chernobyl power station was situated at the settlement of Prypyat, 10 miles (16 km) northwest of the city of Chernobyl (Ukrainian: Chornobyl) and 65 miles (104 km) north of Kiev, Ukraine. The station consisted of four reactors, each capable of producing 1,000 megawatts of electric power; it had come online in 1977–83.


Компонентно-дефиниционный анализ языковой единицы:

- The world`s worst nuclear accident

- Ukraine

- Chernobyl

- Bomb

- Nuclear catastrophe

- Big damage

- Reactor explosion

- Escape of radioactivity


Examples: «She watched the television a lot after the first b ig accident. It wasn't a very serious accident, they said, not really, not like a bomb going off. And, anyway, it was a long way away, in Russia, and they didn't have proper modern power stations over there like we do, and even if they did their safety standards were obviously much lower so it couldn't happen here and there wasn't anything to worry about, was there? It might eve n teach the Russ ians a lesso n, people s aid. Make them t hink twice about d ropping the b ig one».

«There was a c loud of po ison, and everyone tracked its course like they'd follow the drift of quite an interesting area of low pressure on the weather map. For a while people stopped buy ing milk, and asked the butc her where t he meat ca me from. But soon they stopped worrying, and forgot about it all».

«Then cartoonists started making jokes, about how the reindeer were so gleaming with radioactivity that Father Christmas didn't need headlights on his sleigh, and Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer had a very shiny nose because he c ame from C hernobyl; but she didn't think it was funny. Listen, she'd tell people. The way they measure the level o f radioact ivity is i n something c alled becque rels. When the acc ident happe ned, the Norwegian government had to decide what amount of radiation i n meat was safe, and they came up with a figure of 600 becque rels. But people didn't like the idea of their meat being poisoned, and the Norwegian butchers didn't do such good business, and the one sort of meat no-one would buy was reindeer, which was hardly surprising. So, this is what the government did».

Характеристики концепта CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT:

- Russia

- Bomb

- Get off

- Power stations

- Cloud of poison

- Radioactive meat

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