Put these questions in right order according to the text. Answer them in short. — КиберПедия 

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Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Put these questions in right order according to the text. Answer them in short.

2020-04-01 206
Put these questions in right order according to the text. Answer them in short. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. What is the structure of a kidney?

2. What is a ureter?

3. What is the urinary system?

4. What is the main function of kidneys?

5. What parts does a urinary system consist of?

6. What is the structure of a kidney?

7. What is a urinary bladder?

8. What are main functions of the urinary system?

9. What is a urethra?


10. Compose a word from the given letters:

eriune                         _____________________

rertuha                      _____________________

eretru                        _____________________

reau                          ______________________

inkedy                      ______________________

nealr                         ______________________

epnronh                    ______________________

erelguat                    ______________________

awstse                        ______________________

mpety                         ______________________

paenhyrmac               ______________________

opnehrn                      ______________________

eoglmuruls                 ______________________



11. Make a word combination, match the words:




primary                                urine






12. Find 8 pairs of verb antonyms and 5 pairs of adjective antonyms in the list of given words:

Eliminate, relax, major, keep, leave, outer, secondary, minor, distend, anterior, external, fill, internal, maintain, posterior, destroy, primary, store, bring, remove, expel, enter, flatten, empty, inner, contract.


13. Fill in gaps with prepositions with, from, to, in, from, by, of, to:

1.The urinary systemconsists __ the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. 2. The purpose of the respiratory system is to bring oxygen ____ the body and to eliminate carbon dioxide. 3. These valves prevent blood ____ flowing back. 4. The urinary bladder is located __ the abdomen. 5. The wall is supported __ connective tissue. 6. Urinary system contributes __ the production of red blood cells. 7. Carbon dioxide is removed____ the body by the circulatory and respiratory system. 8. Urethra is covered____ the transitional epithelium.


14. Replace Russian words with English equivalents:

The мочеиспускательнаясистемаis composed of the почек, the мочеточников, theмочевогопузыря, andtheмочеиспускательногоканала. The main work of the urinary systemis to вывести waste from the организма.The почкиare the major bean-shaped organs of the мочеиспускательнойсистемы. Their function is to remove liquid waste from the кровиin the form of мочи.The почкиremove мочевину from the blood through нефроны. Each нефрон consists of a ball of blood capillaries, called a клубочек, and a small tube called a почечныйканалец.Мочаexits the почки via the мочеточники, a pair of ducts carrying urine from the kidneys to theмочевойпузырь. The мочевойпузырь is a triangle-shaped organ used for the storage of мочи. The urine is stored and subsequently выводитсяfrom the body by мочеиспусканием. The мочеиспускательныйканалconveys urine from the floor of the мочевогопузыряto the outside. The main функцииof the urinary system are to regulate гомеостаз of the blood and to remove продуктыжизнедеятельностиfrom the body.

15. Label the diagram of the urinary system below with the following parts then color your diagram:

Kidney (brown), adrenal gland (light brown), ureter (orange), urinary bladder (orange), urethra (orange), renal artery (red), abdominal aorta (red), renal vein (blue), inferior vena cava (blue)

16. Fill in the gaps with necessary words urethra, urinary, urea, urinary bladder, ureters,urine:


Kidneys are the ‘filters’ of the _______________ system. They remove nitrogenous wastes, water and _________ from the blood. The liquid waste produced, ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________, is collected by the kidneys and passes through the _____________ to the ______________________. The urinary bladder is a strong muscular organ that stores the urine until it can be excreted via the _________________


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