Look at the pictures above and answer the questions: — КиберПедия 

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Look at the pictures above and answer the questions:

2020-04-01 288
Look at the pictures above and answer the questions: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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ü What are people doing? Who are they? Are they skilled in these activities?

ü Are you engaged in sports? What kind of sports?

ü What helps you to coordinate and control your body?

ü What is the role of the nervous system in a human body?

ü Do you remember any facts about nervous system (human nervous system)?


2. Look at the pictures above and answer the questions:

ü Why can we feel cold, heat, pain? Why can we smell or hear sounds?

ü Why does your body react to stimuli?

ü What types of nervous systems take part in these physiological processes?


3. Look at the pictures above and answer the questions:

ü How do people feel in these pictures? (nervous, relaxed, irritated, tired.)

ü How do you feel at the moment? Why? What has happened?

ü What types of nervous system are involved in these physiological processes?


4. Put down some information that you know about human nervous system (cells, parts, types, processes):



Vocabulary forhelp ing you to cope with texts and tasks:

Word building:

Noun Suffix - on, - ance (- ence)

Verb suffix – ize

Prefix inter -


See Unite 5 for the adjective suffix – al, -ic, the noun suffix – us

See Unite 7 for the noun suffix – um, the verb suffix – ate

See Unite 8 for the noun suffix –th


Noun suffix – on 1.(physics, mathematics and biology) forms nouns denoting subatomic particles: proton, quanta: photon, molecular units: codon, or substances: interferon. 2. (biology, genetics) forms names of things considered as basic or fundamental units: codon, recon.

3. (chemistry) forms names of noble gases and certain nonmetal elements: boron, silicon.

Noun suffix – ance (- ence) is used to make nouns from verbsor nouns from adjectives and means quality, action, state or process: perform – performance, intelligent - intelligence

Verb suffix – ize is added to adjectives and nouns toform transitive verbs with the general senses “to render, make”: actualize,sterilize,Americanize; “to convert into, give a specified character or form to”: computerize, dramatize, motorize, “to subject to (as a process, sometimes named after its originator)”: hospitalize, terrorize, galvanize, oxidize, winterize.

Prefix inter- a prefix means “between,””“mutually,” “reciprocally,” “together,” “during”: intercept; interest.



5. Choose verbs (nouns, adjectives) form the words given below and translate them into Russian:

     Coordinate, initiate, central, peripheral, spinal, cerebrum, cerebellum, cranial, internal, external, separate somatic, autonomic, visceral, enteric, somatic, skeletal, sympathetic, parasympathetic, activate, mobilize, activate, enteric, gastrointestinal, special, neuron, axon, specific, specialize, glial, neuronal, participate, generate, substance, integrate, coordinate, cerebral,  situate, cerebrospinal, circulate, frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital, corpus,automatic, region, locate, vertebral, individual, resemblance,sacrum, integrate, originate, terminate, antagonistic, accelerate


6. Read and translate the anatomical terms of Latin-Greek origin. Pay your attention to the pronunciation of the words:

Cerebrum [sq`rJbrqm], cerebellum [,serI`belqm], meninges [mI`nInGJz], sensory [`sens(q)rI],receptor [rI`septq], somatic [sq`mxtIk], enteric [en`terIk], neuron [`njuqrOn], axon [`aksOn], dendrite [`dFndrAIt], interneuron [,Intq`njVqrOn], glial [`glAIql], oligodendrocyte [,OlIgq(V)`dFndrqsAIt], myelin [`mAIqlIn], thalamus [`Talqmqs], hypothalamus [,hAIpq(V)`Talqmqs], pituitary [pI`tjHIt(q)rI], amygdala [q`mIgdqlq], hippocampus [,hIpqu`kxmpqs], corpus callosum [`kLpqs kq`lqVsqm], medulla oblongata [me`dAlq,OblON`gRtq], pons [pOnz], tectum[`tFktqm], spinal [`spaIn(q)l], cerebral [`serqbr(q)l],peduncle [pI`dANkl], cauda equine [`kLdq `JkwaIn], data [`deItq], ganglion [`gxNglIqn], ventral [`ventr(q)l], dorsal [`dLs(q)l]


tomonitor[`mOnItq]– контролировать, следить, наблюдать, проверять

toprocess[`prquses]– обрабатывать, перерабатывать

toinitiate[I`nISIeIt]– начинать, приступать, инициировать

centralnervoussystem [`sentr(q)l nE:vqs`sIstqm] - центральнаянервнаясистема

peripheralnervoussystem[pq`rIf(q)r(q)l nE:vqs`sIstqm] – периферическаянервнаясистема

brain[breIn] – головноймозг

spinalcord[`spaIn(q)l kLd] – спинноймозг

brainstem[breIn stem] – стволмозга

spinalcanal[`spaIn(q)l kq`nxl] – спинномозговойканал

toenclose[In`klquz]– заключать, охватывать, окружать

vast[vRst] – огромный, обширный

sensoryreceptor[`sens(q)rIrI`septq]– чувствительноенервноеокончание

somaticnervoussystem[sq`mxtIknE:vqs`sIstqm] – соматическаянервнаясистема

autonomicnervoussystem[,Ltq`nOmIknE:vqs`sIstqm] – автономнаянервнаясистема

entericnervoussystem[en`terIknE:vqs`sIstqm] – энтеральнаянервнаясистема

sympatheticnervoussystem[,sImpq`TetIknE:vqs`sIstqm] – симпатическаянервнаясистема

parasympatheticnervoussystem[,parq,sImpq`TetIknE:vqs`sIstqm] – парасимпатическаянервнаясистема

emergency[I`mE:G(q)nsI]- чрезвычайное положение, аварийная ситуация

toconduct[`kOndAkt]– проводить, управлять

nervefiber[nE:vfaIbq]– нервное волокно

diversity[daI`vE:sItI] – разнообразие

afferentneuron[`xf(q)rqnt `njuqrOn]- афферентныйнейрон

efferentneuron[`ef(q)r(q)nt `njuqrOn]– эфферентныйнейрон

motorneuron[`mqutq `njuqrOn]– двигательныйнейрон

interneuron[,Intq`njVqrOn]– промежуточныйнейрон

Swanncells[SwAnselz]– швановские клетки (леммоциты)

togenerate[`Gen(q)reIt]– производить, образовывать

insulation[,Insjq`leIS(q)n]- изоляция

senseorgan[sens `Lgqn]– органчувств

cerebralhemisphere[`serqbr(q)l`hemIsfIq]– полушариеголовногомозга

cerebralcortex[`serqbr(q)l`kLteks] – кораголовногомозга

greymatter[,greI`mxtq] – сероевещество

whitematter[,waIt`mxtq]– белоевещество

pituitary gland [pI`tjHIt(q)rI glxnd] - гипофиз

cerebrospinal fluid [,sErIbrq(V)`spAIn(q)l `flHId]– спинномозговаяжидкость

midbrain[,mId`breIn] – средниймозг

frontal lobe [`frAnt(q)l lqub]– лобнаядоля

temporal lobe [`temp(q)r(q)l lqub]– височнаядоля

parietal lobe[pq`raIqt(q)llqub]– теменнаядоля

occipital lobe [Ok`sIpItl lqub]– затылочнаядоля

to cough [kOf] - кашлять

vomiting[`vOmItIN] - рвота

medullaoblongata[me`dAlq,OblON`gRtq]– продолговатыймозг

totravel[`trxv(q)l]– двигаться, перемещаться

tocontrol[kqn`trqVl]– управлять, контролировать, купировать (боль)

pupillaryreflex[`pjHpIl(q)rI `rJfleks] – зрачковыйрефлекс (пупилломоторныйрефлекс)

accommodationreflex[q,kOmq`deIS(q)n `rJfleks] – аккомодационныйрефлекс

speech[spJC] - речь

bundle[`bAndl]- пучок

conduit[`kOnd(j)uIt]- канал

input[`Input] - вход, входныеданные

output[`autput]– выход, результат

data[`deItq]– данные,показатели

towrap (around) [rxp] – заворачивать, окутывать

fightorflightresponse[faItLflaItrI`spOns]– инстинктивнаяфизиологическаяреакциянаситуацию,несущуюугрозужизни

todilate[daI`leIt] – расширяться, растягиваться,

toaccelerate[qk`selqreIt]– учащаться, ускоряться,

toinhibit[In’hIbIt]– подавлять, тормозить, угнетать,



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