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VI. Ask and answer for a young parent and a pediatrician giving his

2020-01-13 223
VI. Ask and answer for a young parent and a pediatrician giving his 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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More children die from accidents each year than from any other cause. And yet the majority of these accidents could have been prevented.

It is not too hard to keep the baby safe during the first year of his life, because most of the time he is in a crib, a playpen, and a carriage or held by his mother. But when the child begins to get around he needs constant supervision. He must explore the world for himself, but he has no sense of danger. He does not use his eyes alone in learning about the world: he will lick, taste, squeeze, listen and toss. Ordinary things in the house become dangerous when the child reaches the exploring age. Among the common items are lamp cords, electric sockets, ashtrays, fireplaces, irons left with the cord dangling down, pins and scissors. As the child grows older he covers more territories indoors and out. Just how little we can rely on him is proven by the number of accidents which occurs to adventurous and curious children.

Accidents are the leading cause of death in children at the age of 2-3, and a fifth of all poisonings happening at just this age. Poisons kill more children than polio, diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough and streptococcal infections combined. Other leading causes of death in young children are cars, falls, fire and drowning.

In spite of all care children get hurt. They fall off beds and stairs, cut themselves with broken glass. Parents have to learn to accept some accidents as a part of growing up. If you constantly remind your child to be careful he becomes overanxious about his own welfare, and it can lead him to having more accidents or hurting more severely when he does encounter danger. Through a reasonable amount of experience with heat, sharpness and pain a child learns to explore with caution.

Words to be remembered:

accident - несчастный случай

die – умирать, death - смерть

cause – причина, причинять, вызывать

prevent - предотвращать

hard = difficult - трудный

keep (kept, kept) - держать, хранить

hold (held, held) - держать в руках

supervision – наблюдение («видение сверх, над)

sense - чувство

danger (ous) - опасность(ный)

as – по мере того как,  когда, т. к.; как, в качестве

lead (er)– вести (лидер)

poison (ing) - яд, отравлять(отравление)

fall (fell, fallen) - падать

in spite of - несмотря на

care (ful/less) - внимание, забота(внимательный)/(беззаботный)

cut - резать

break (broke, broken) - ломать

majority=most of - большинство

safe - безопасный, находящийся в безопасности

reach - достигать

explore - исследовать

common = ordinary- обычный

indoors/out(doors) - в помещении/ на улице

hurt - поранить(ся)

grow up – вырастать, взрослеть

amount = number - количество

experience - жизненный опыт

heat - жар

pain - боль

as – по мере того как,  когда, т. к.; как, в качестве


Words for better understanding:

playpen ~ манеж

crib - детская кроватка

carriage - коляска

lick - лизать

taste ~ пробовать на вкус

squeeze - сжимать

toss - подбрасывать

item - предмет

cord - шнур(провод)

socket - розетка



scissors - ножницы

rely on - полагаться на

prove - доказывать

adventurous - авантюрный, любитель приключений

curious - любопытный

scarlet fever - скарлатина

whooping cough - коклюш

fire - огонь, пожар

drowning - утопление

glass - стекло

accept - принимать, признавать

remind of - напоминать о

(over)anxious - (чересчур) беспокойный

welfare - благополучие

reasonable ~ разумный

caution – предосторожность


I. Answer the questions:

1. At what age do children need constant supervision?

2. What things may become dangerous for little children at home?

3. How do children learn about the world?

4. Should the parents worry about the children’s accidents too much? Why not?

5. Can parents prevent accidents with little children? How can they do it?


II. Close the books and complete the sentences:

1. When the child begins to get around he needs...

2. The child needs to be protected because

3. When the child reaches the exploring age ordinary things in the house...

4. When he learns about the world he...

5. Such common things as... become dangerous.

6. Leading causes of death among young children are...

7. Children get hurt when they fall off...

8. They cut themselves with...

9. Parents must know that accidents are a part...

10. If you constantly tell your child to be careful he...

11, A child learns to explore with caution through its experience with



While every effort must be made to prevent accidents, minor hurts are a part of a child's initial education. While at all times he must be protected from burns and scalds, it is no harm if he has felt the heat of a teapot or a saucepan. He soon realizes what hot is, and when told not to touch it because it is hot and will burn, he will usually listen. There must be a constant balance between protection and education.

Specific don`ts. Never leave a child alone in the house. Never leave a child near fire or near the stove or heater. Do not allow the child to play with matches. Do not leave him near the hot iron. Do not leave a hot teapot near the edge of the table, or a hanging tablecloth with the tea tray on it. Never hold the baby in your lap while drinking anything hot, or while smoking or cooking. Never leave a child alone near a bucket of water or a bath tub. Keep all the electric wires safe and in good condition. Unplug electric appliances when not in use. See that the safety latch is on the kitchen gas. Do not leave the child alone in the kitchen. He is better safe in a playpen while you are cooking. Cleaning agents, drugs and insecticides should be locked up in a cupboard. Do not leave medicine lying around. Even commonly used medicine like aspirin or iron tablets is dangerous for the baby. Always read the label before administering any medicine. Do not keep any medicine without any label. Do not keep cleaning agents in cola bottles, jam jars and so on. Do not refer to medicine as "sweetie".

Keep all small objects like coins, buttons, beads and nuts away from the baby's reach. Sharp objects such as scissors and knives should not be left lying around. Toys and furniture with lead paint mustn't be used. No child should be allowed to run with anything sticking out of his mouth. If he falls, it will injure his mouth and palate. Children mustn't be allowed to put plastic bags on their heads or cords around their neck.

The bars on the side of the baby's cot or playpen should be close enough, so that the child's head cannot get though them. There should be a barrier for stairs, gates, heaters and fireplaces.

Words to be remembered:

effort - усилие

minor(hurt) - незначительный, второстепенный

while - в то время как

protect(ion) - защищать(защита)

burn - ожог

harm(ful/less) - вред (ный/безвредный)

feel (felt, felt) - чувствовать

teapot - чайник

hot - горячий

touch - дотрагиваться

alone - один

heater - обогреватель

allow - позволять

edge (of the table) - край стола

hang (hung, hanged) – вешать, висеть

drink (drank, drunk) - пить

smoke - курить

cook - готовить (еду)

bath - ванна

electric wire (=cord) - провод (шнур)

condition - состояние

use - использовать

drug = medicine - лекарство

label - этикетка

administer (a drug) - назначать

object - предмет

away - прочь

injure - ранить, травмировать

mouth - рот

palate - нёбо

head - голова

neck - шея

bag - мешок

around - вокруг

side - бок, сторона

get through - пролезть

close - близко

enough - достаточно

Words for better understanding:

scald - ошпарить

saucepan - кастрюля

properly - правильно, надлежащим образом

stove - плита

matches - спички

tray - поднос

in your lap - у вас на коленях

bucket (of water) - ведро

(un) plug - включить в розетку (выключить)

appliances - приборы

latch - защёлка, щеколда

jam jar - банка с вареньем

coin - монета

bead - бусина

nut - орех

lead paint - краска со свинцом

stick (out of his mouth) - высовывать(ся)

bars - перекладины

barrier - барьер

cot= crib - детская кроватка

stairs - лестница

cleaning agent - чистящее средство


I. Make up sentences with your advice to an infant's parents:

Never leave a child                                                                                                     Do not allow                                                                                                             Do not keep                                                                                                                                        Keep near a heater, fire or stove                                                     to play with matches near a hot iron, a bucket of water or a bathtub alone in the kitchen                                                            small objects like coins, nuts away from the baby's reach medicine locked up                                                          medicine without a label                                              medicine lying around                                                            small objects like beads lying around                                           to run with anything sticking out of his mouth                      to put plastic bag on his head

II. Read and translate. Remember: must = should.

1.Cleaning agents, drugs and insecticides should be locked up in a cupboard, 2.Sharp objects such as scissors and knives shouldn't be left lying around. 3.No child should be allowed to run with anything sticking out of his mouth. 4.Children mustn't be allowed to put plastic bags on their heads or cords or strings around their neck. 5.From an early age the child should be taught everything about road safety. 6.Toys and furniture with lead paint mustn't be used. 7.The bars on the side of the cot should be close enough, so that the child's head cannot get through them, 8,There must be a constant balance between protection and education. 9.There should be a barrier for stairs, heaters and fireplaces.

III. Tell us what you think it is interesting to do for a child when he or she is alone at home. Start with:

It is interesting to.,.

IV. Say what is dangerous for a child to do. Start with:

It is dangerous for a child to...

V. Say in what cases the accident can take place.(Don’t forget to use Present instead of Future after “if”!)

Start with:

An accident will happen if.. (the child plays with matches)

Advice. (Make it a chain)

Parent: Should I do anything about..(the stairs?)                                              Doctor: You should put a barrier before the stairs.

VII. Give a talk to young parents having toddlers at home on their infants’ safety. Use should and should not in your recommendations.



Electric shock results from touching an exposed electric wire or from defective plugs and electric appliances like kettles, heaters, refrigerators and so on. If the shock is a serious one, the child may stop breathing and become unconscious.

First the child's contact with the electric current should be broken. While doing this remember that water and metal are conductors of electricity. Break the contact by using a dry wooden stick to remove the wire off the child. Or you can  push the child away from the wire. Do this while standing on a dry surface. Do not touch the child or the electric wire with bare hands as they conduct the electric current, too.

If the child has stopped breathing, artificial respiration should be started immediately while someone else rushes for medical aid. If the heart is not beating, a second person must do the cardiac massage. Keep up both till the child starts breathing and the heartbeats return. Take the child to the hospital as soon as possible, or send for a doctor if that is quicker.


Words to be remembered:

result from/result in - возникать от/приводить к

touch - прикасаться

electric wire - электрический провод

break (broke, broken) - ломать, рвать

bare (hands) - голый (голыми руками)

breathing = respiration - дыхание

dry - сухой

wooden - деревянный

stick - палка

remove - удалить

while - в то время как

push away - оттолкнуть

as soon as possible - как можно скорее

exposed electric wire - оголённый электрический провод

become unconscious - потерять сознание

current - ток

artificial - искусственный

rush - мчаться

return – возвращаться


Speak in pairs.


Fracture or a break in the bone can result from any injury. There is pain, swelling and tenderness and there may be a deformity. The injured part should be prevented from moving and the child should be taken to the doctor or to the hospital.                   Splints and slings are used to immobilize injured parts so that broken ends of bones could not move A splint can be ready-made or improvised from any stiff material (magazine, stick, ruler and so on). The splint should be wider than the part being splinted, and long enough to prevent movements of the joints near the fracture. Pad the limb with a clean cloth before applying a splint. Bind the splint in place above and below the fracture.

A sling can be made from a scarf or towel or a piece of sheet.

Do not give the casualty anything to eat or drink since the child may need an anesthetic to set the fracture. Usually, an X-ray is necessary to confirm whether there is a fracture or not

Compound fracture. When the broken bone has pierced the skin the fracture is called compound. This is more serious because of possible infection. Place sterile gauze over wound and take the child to the hospital immediately. If sterile gauze is not available, use a clean, washed and ironed piece of cloth. If necessary, control bleeding with pressure.

Words to be remembered;

fracture - перелом

compound fracture - сложный перелом

swelling - отёк, опухоль

tenderness - болезненность

set (the fracture) - вправить перелом

confirm - подтвердить

X-ray - рентген

whether - ли

sling - перевязь

scarf - шарф

towel - полотенце

sheet – простыня

casualty - пострадавший

pierce - пронзить, прорвать

gauze - марля

to place - помещать


splint - шина

ready-made - готовый

stiff - негнущийся

wide - широкий

pad - мягкая прокладка, подушечка

clean cloth - чистая ткань

apply – положить (применить)

bind (bound, bound) - привязать

below/above - ниже/выше

because of - из-за

available - доступный, имеющийся

control - остановить

bleeding – кровотечение


I. Answer the questions:

1. What symptoms indicate a fracture?

2. Which type of fracture is more dangerous?

3. What are the first steps of the medical aid to a patient with fracture?

4. How can one stop bleeding?

5. How can the diagnosis of fracture be confirmed?

6. Why is it necessary to immobilize the injured part?

7. How are a splint and a sling made?

8. Can one move an injured person? Why not?

II. Speak about fracture according to the plan:

1. Сause

2. Symptoms

3. Treatment 

4. Compound fracture

III. Find the correct order of first aid actions in case of a fracture according to the text:

1. Bind the splint in place above and below the fracture.

2. Make a splint of any stiff material.

3. Stop the bleeding with pressure.

4. Pad the limb with sterile gauze.

5. Take the victim to the hospital.



Sun Stroke. During the hot summer months a child may develop sun stroke if he plays about in the sun for a long time. The child sweats profusely, which results in the loss of body fluid and salts. He (or she) complains of headache, weakness and dizziness and may vomit. Skin is cool and wet with sweat, and it may not be possible to assess his body temperature. The child should be made to lie down in a cool place under the fan and given plenty of fluid. Some salt is also necessary because the child has lost a lot of it. A lemon drink with salt and sugar is very pleasant and should be given frequently.

Heat Stroke. Another way in which the heat may affect a child is by a sudden rise of body temperature to 106 F or above. The child may become delirious and get a convulsion. Every effort should be made to bring the temperature down. He should be wrapped in a wet sheet and given plenty of fluid to drink. Aspirin or paracetamol should be given to bring down the temperature - half a tablet for a child of 2-3 years of age and 1 tablet for older children. A doctor should be consulted as soon as possible, or the child should be taken to hospital.

Prevention of Sun and Heat Stroke.

The child should not play in the sun for long periods, but that does not mean that you should not let him go out in the sun at all. Over-clothing should be avoided. The child should have plenty of water, a lemon drink or fruit juice.

Words to be remembered:

heat - жара, жaр

sun stroke - солнечный удар

heat stroke - тепловой удар                                                                                           sweat - потеть, пот

profusely - обильно

loss - потеря

lose (lost, lost;) - терять

fluid - жидкое

result in - приводить к

complain of - жаловаться на

headache - головная боль

weakness - слабость

dizziness - головокружение

vomit - (глагол от "vomiting"- "рвота")

skin - кожа

cool - прохладный

wet - влажный

lie down - лечь

fan - вентилятор

plenty of = a lot of - много, множество

drink - напиток

frequently - часто

way-путь, способ

affect - поражать

a sudden rise - внезапный подъём

convulsion - судорога

bring the temperature down - сбить температуру

wrap - заворачивать

sheet - простыня

over-clothing - перекутывание

avoid - избегать

juice - сок

Words for better understanding:

assess the body temperature - оценить (измерить) температуру тела

exhaustion - изнеможение, упадок сил

stroke - удар (в том числе инсульт)

another - ещё один

delirious - бредящий

effort - усилие

mean - означать

let - позволять

I. Answer the questions about both of these conditions:

1. What are the symptoms of sun/heat stroke?

2. What is it caused by?

3. What can we do to help?

4. What measures can prevent this condition?

IL Play the parts of a mother (grandmother, etc) of a child with sun/heat stroke who is calling the emergency aid for help, and a doctor or a member of a rescue team giving advice. Start with:

You can /you must/ you should or like this:.../Do it/Don’t do it/ immediately!



An animal scratch or bite can be very frightening. The child may need extra comfort and attention in the next few days or weeks to get over the experience.

The first thing to do is to wash the bite thoroughly with water to remove the animal’s saliva immediately. Then you should wash the wound with soap for another five minutes and rinse it thoroughly. Consult the doctor the same day. It is very important to do stitches, if any are needed, within the first 12 hours after the bite.

Later the wound should be examined for signs of infection. They are: increased redness or swelling around the wound, pain or foul odor, discharge from the wound, skin warm or hot to touch at and around it, the child may get fever. In case of infection the doctor should be called at once. Until the wound is healed, the child should avoid activities that may cause the wound to open.

Any animal bite may transmit rabies. If the bite was from a pet, you should try to find out if it had taken shots for rabies and its date, to be told to the doctor. When possible, the animal should be isolated  for 10 days and watched for any change in behavior.

Tetanus may also be transmitted by bites, so you should know the date of the child’s last tetanus shot.

Preventing animal bites. It is important to teach children how to avoid being bitten by an animal. If approached by a dog who may attack, you should never scream or run. You should stand very still with your hands at your sides and avoid eye contact with the dog. Once the dog loses interest in you, slowly back away until he is out of sight. If the dog does attack, give him your bag, book, jacket, anything you can put between you and the dog. If you fall or are knocked to the ground, curl into a ball with your hands over your ears and don’t move.

Children should be taught never to tease an animal or pull its tail, even if they know the animal. They should always walk away (but never run!) if a dog begins to growl when approached.  A dog should not be bothered while it is eating. Don’t go near stray dogs or animals you don’t know

Words to be remembered:.

bite (bit, bitten) – укус, кусать

scratch – царапина

frighten - пугать

get over (the experience) –справиться (с пережитым опытом)

thoroughly – тщательно (but: through – через, сквозь)

soap – мыло

rinse - полоскать

stitches – швы, накладывать швы (на раны): do stitches, stitch the wound

(tetanus) shot – укол (прививка) от (столбняка)

wound - рана

sign - признак

swelling – опухоль, отек

foul odor – неприятный запах

discharge - выделения

heal - заживать

avoid – избегать

rabies - бешенство

cause – причина, вызывать

pet – животное, живущее в семье, домашний любимец

stray (dog) – бродячая (собака)

watch = observe - наблюдать

behavior - поведение

approach – приближаться, подходить

scream – кричать, визжать

stand still – стоять смирно, тихо

lose - терять

back away – пятиться назад, чтобы уйти

out of sight – не видно, вне поля зрения

curl (into a ball) – свернуться клубком, сгруппироваться

move – двигать(ся)

tease - дразнить

pull (its tail) – тянуть (его за хвост)

growl - рычать

bother – тревожить, беспокоить

while – в то время как


I. a) Read the text to find out some important facts about rabies (its cause, the way of transmission, the incubation period, the rabies symptoms in a dog, other names of rabies, first aid measures); b) now explain it to parents what they should know about rabies


Rabies is caused by a virus which is present in the saliva of affected animal, mainly the dog. Rabies is transmitted through bites and even licks, if the skin surface is open with a scratch, wound or sore. The virus travels to the brain and symptoms begin 4-8 weeks after the bite. Sometimes there may be a delay of over two years. The disease is always fatal, so every effort should be made to prevent it.

The pet dog should be protected against rabies by injections. However, one has no control over stray dogs. It is important to recognize a rabid animal. It may go off its food completely, behave in a strange manner or later run around biting people without any provocation. It has difficulty in swallowing, dribbles saliva all over and foams at the mouth.

The name hydrophobia is given to the disease because the animal cannot swallow and may even start convulsing at the sight of water.

In dumb rabies the animal is quiet and it appears as if a bone has got stuck in its mouth. If you try to remove the bone with your hand the dog may bite you.

The wound should be washed thoroughly with soap and water, and the dog should be tied and observed for 4 - 5 days. If it seems to be quite well at the end of this time it can be considered healthy. You should consult a doctor immediately after a dog's bite. All hospital casualty departments stock anti-rabic vaccine and know the indications, doses and so on.

Bites on head, face and neck should be treated with anti-rabic vaccine even while the dog is being watched. The treatment can be stopped after 4 days if the dog appears normal and healthy.


What Is a Poison?

A poison (or toxin) is a substance which, if taken into the body in sufficient quantity, can cause temporary or permanent damage. Poisons may be swallowed, inhaled, absorbed through the skin, instilled at the eye, or injected. Once in the body, poisons may work their way into the bloodstream, and be swiftly carried to all the tissues. Signs and symptoms vary depending on the poison and its method of entry, though vomiting is common to many cases, with the risk to the casualty that stomach contents may be inhaled.

The digestive system

The body "processes" food to extract its nutrients and eliminate waste that includes many mildly toxic elements. From the stomach, food passes into the small intestine, where nutrients are broken down and absorbed into the blood. This blood then filters through the liver, which inactivates many toxins. The kidneys also filter and excrete impurities. The food residue passes to the large intestine, and waste is expelled at the anus.

How poisons enter the body

Poisons may enter the eye, possibly causing chemical bums

Poisonous gases, solvents, vapours or fumes may be inhaled

Swallowed poisons may enter the circulatory system through the walls of the

digestive tract

Injected poisons and drugs enter the bloodstream rapidly.

Poisonous snakes, fish or insects may inject their venom into the skin. Dangerous

drugs, particularly narcotics, are injected by abusers.

Strong chemicals, such as corrosives and pesticides, may be absorbed through the skin. and may also cause burns


How poisons affect the body

. Роison reaching the brain may cause confusion, delirium, fits, and unconsciousness

Swallowed corrosives can burn the lips, mouth, and food passages

Inhaled poisons can cause severe respiratory distress

Some poisons disturb the action ol the heart

The body's poison filters, the liver and kidneys, can be seriously damaged by an "overload" of toxins

Poison in the digestive system can cause vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea

Poisons may damage the blood itself, preventing the red cells from carrying oxygen to the tissues



Food poisoning may be caused by germs or chemicals, or by some poisonous food like certain types of mushrooms. All food should be hygienically prepared and be as fresh as possible. In summer germs multiply quite rapidly, so the food should be kept in a refrigerator. If you do not have one, only freshly cooked food should be eaten. Avoid eating outside the home as much as possible.

Food poisoning can make you anything from a bit off-colour to so seriously ill that you need medical attention. In a few rare cases people can die from food poisoning.

Signs of food poisoning may develop within from a few hours to a few days after the meal. They are cramp-like pain in abdomen accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea.

If the vomiting is not severe the child can be given weak tea or other fluids in sips

If vomiting is severe the child will need intravenous fluids and so should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

Words to be remembered:

germ – микроб

chemicals – химические вещества

food/meal – пища\ прием пищи, еда

poison(-ous) – яд, (ядовитый), отравлять

cause - вызывать

fresh - свежий

keep- хранить, держать

multiply - размножаться

rapidly=quickly=fast - быстро

cook – готовить еду, варить

avoid - избегать

outside/inside – вне дома, снаружи \ внутри, в доме

as...as possible – как можно...

a bit=a little – чуть-чуть, немного

rare/frequent – редкий \ частый

sign - признак

develop – развивать(ся)

a few=some=several - несколько

cramp-like pain – схватко-образная боль

abdomen - живот

accompany - сопровождать

vomiting - рвота

diarrhea- понос

severe – сильный, тяжелый

fluid – жидкость                                                                                                           weak/strong - слабый \ крепкий,сильный

in sips – маленькими глотками



I. Answer the questions:

1. What is a poison?

2. How can poisons enter the body?

3. What substances can be poisons?

4. What do symptoms of poisoning depend on?

5. How does the human body filter poisons out?

6. How can poisons affect the body?

7.How can we avoid food poisoning?

8. What are the best conditions for keeping food?

9. What symptoms may it cause?

10. When may the symptoms develop?

11. How can we help the victim?

II.Close the books and complete the following sentences:

1.Food poisoning is caused by...

2.All food should...

3.Only freshly cooked food...

4.The person may feel anything from...

5.In unusually severe cases food poisoning may...

6.If the vomiting is not bad...

7. If the vomiting is severe...

III. Speak about:

a) symptoms of food poisoning

b) its cause

c) its prevention

d) its treatment

e) various kinds of poison and how they enter the body

f) how different poisons may affect the body


                                       PART II


Many people are prone to these severe, "sickening" headaches. They can be triggered by a variety of causes. Migraine sufferers usually recognise, and know best how to deal with, an attack. They may carry special medicines.

RECOGNITION                                                                                                   Migraines usually follow a pattern:

• There may be a warning period with disturbance of vision, in the form of flickering lights and/or a "blind patch".

• An intense throbbing headache, which may be one-sided, may develop.

• There may be discomfort in the upper abdomen, nausea, and vomiting.

• The casualty cannot tolerate any bright light or loud noise.


What you can do

Treatment is as for any headache, but help the casualty to take any special medication he or she may have (tablets or nasal sprays) and provide towels and a container in case he or she is sick.

3. An adult may take two paracetamol tablets, or her own painkillers

IF the pain does not ease within two hours, or if you are worried about the casualty's condition, call a doctor.



Almost every household contains poisonous substances, such as bleach, paint stripper, glue, paraffin, and weedkiller, which can be spilled, causing chemical bums, or swallowed. Children in particular are at risk from accidental household poisoning.


Preventing poisoning in the home

• Keep dangerous chemicals out of children's reach (not under the sink).

• Keep medicines in a locked cupboard.

• Leave poisonous household substances in their original containers - never put them in old soft-drinks bottles.

• Buy medicines and household substances in tamper-proof containers.




• To maintain airway, breathing, and circulation.

• To obtain medical aid.

• To identify the poison.



1. Wash away any residual chemicalon the skin with plenty of water. Make sure the water drains away from the casualty.

DO NOT contaminate yourself with the dangerous chemical or the rinsing water.     2. Use your judgement to call a doctor or dial 999 for an ambulance. Give information about the spilled chemical



1.Check and, if necessary, clear the airway.

 The recovery position lessens the risk of vomiting.

IF the casualty is unconscious, check breathing and pulse, and be prepared to resuscitate. If artificial ventilation is necessary, a plastic face shield will protect you if there is burning around the mouth. Place the casualty in the recovery position; she may well vomit.

DO NOT try to induce vomiting.

2. Use your judgement to call a doctor or dial 999 for an ambulance. Give information about the swallowed poison.

IF a conscious casualty's lips are burned by corrosive substances, give her frequent sips of cold water or milk.



Alcohol (ethanol) is a drug that depresses the activity of the central nervous system. Small quantities generally produce only a slight change of mood. Prolonged intake can result in all physical and mental abilities becoming severely impaired, and deep unconsciousness can ensue.

Dangers of alcohol poisoning

• An unconscious casualty is in danger of inhaling and choking on vomit.

• Because alcohol dilates the blood vessels, hypothermia may develop if the casualty is exposed to the cold.

• A casualty with head injuries who smells of alcohol may be misdiagnosed.


There may be:

• A strong smell of alcohol.

• Unconsciousness. The casualty may be reusable, but will quickly relapse.

• A flushed and moist face.

• Deep, noisy breathing.

• A full, bounding pulse.

In the later stages of unconsciousness:

• A dry, bloated appearance to the face.

• Shallow breathing.

• Dilated pupils that react poorly to light.

• A weak, rapid pulse




• To maintain an open airway.

• To seek appropriate medical attention.


1.  Check the casualty's level of response. Carefully shake his shoulders and shout at him to see if he responds. Shake and shout^ “Can you hear me?” or “Open your eyes!”

IF the casualty is unresponsive, check breathing and pulse, and be prepared to resuscitate if necessary. Place him in the recovery position.

2. Use your judgement to call a doctor or dial 999 for an ambulance.

3. Protect the casualty from the cold; insulate him from the ground, and cover with a coat or blanket.



Although there are relatively few poisonous plants in the United Kingdom, they can cause serious illness if eaten. Young children are most at risk, as they are

attracted to brightly coloured berries and seeds, and are liable to eat them.


PLANTS THAT ARE POISONOUS IF SWALLOWED: mushrooms (death cap, brown roll rim, spotted fly agaric, Cortinarius speciosissimus (often mistaken for the edible chanterelle); seeds, bulbs, and rhizomes (Laburnum, Lupin, Daffodil, Iris); berries (deadly nightshade, holly, laurel, mistletoe, yew, wild arum (lords-and-ladies).



• To maintain airway, breathing, and circulation.

• To obtain medical aid.

DO NOT try to induce vomiting. It is often ineffective, and may harm the casualty further.

I. Check and, if necessary, clear the airway.

IF the casualty is unconscious, check breathing and pulse, and be prepared to resuscitate if necessary. Place the casualty in the recovery position: he or she may well vomit.

2. Use your judgement to call a doctor or dial 999 for an ambulance. If in doubt, always call an ambulance.

3. Try to identify the plant, and which part of it has been eaten. Preserve pieces of the plant, and samples of any vomited material, to show the doctor or send with the casualty to hospital.


                                     PART IV



I. Choose the correct statements and write out their numbers:

1. More children die from accidents than from other causes.

2. Infectious diseases kill more children than poisons.

3. As a result of electric shock the child may stop breathing.

4. The child's contact with the exposed electric wire should be broken.

5. You may give the child water to drink before the anesthesia.

6. An X-ray is necessary to confirm the fracture.

7. It is not necessary to add salt to the child's drink in case of sun stroke

8. To prevent sun stroke the child should never play in the sun.

9. In an accident first of all you should see that there is no obstruction to breathing.

10. It is recommended to put the casualty on his back in any accident.

11. Germs multiply rapidly in a refrigerator.

12. Food poisoning may be caused by germs or poisonous mushrooms.

13. To minimize the risk of getting ill you must prevent bacteria from growing.

14. A rabid dog is never quiet.

15. Accidents are a part of growing up

16. It is always good to remind your child to be always careful.

17. If the child's heart stopped beating you must start artificial respiration.

18. Immobilization prevents pain and further damage of the soft tissues.


II. Among the words in the line find two with the same meaning:

l.a)dizziness b)vomiting c)respiration d)perspiration e)breathing                                2. a)wire b)cord c)heater d)object e)switch


III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:

1. Rabies is... by a virus.

2. You should... all the medicine locked up in a cupboard.

3. Small objects like coins, buttons are... for small children.

4. You can remove the wire with...

a)protected b)caused c)bare hands d)a wooden stick e)keep f)hold g)poisonous h)dangerous


TEST 3..

I. Choose the correct statements and write out their numbers:

1. All wounds made by a rabid dog must be treated with anti-rabic vaccine.

2. Fridges(refrigerators) can kill bacteria.

3. Fridges can slow the growth of most common bacteria.

4. Avoid eating inside the home as much as possible.

5. A tourniquet may be left for more than an hour.

6. Bleeding can be stopped by pressing with a clean cloth.

7. Overclothing should be avoided.

8. To bring the temperature down the child should be wrapped in a wet sheet.

9. A sudden rise of the body temperature may result in a heat stroke.

10. The injured part should be immobilized.

11. You may use only a ready-made splint to immobilize it.

12. A compound fracture is less serious than a simple fracture.

13. In a compound fracture the broken bone has pierced the skin.

14. Sterile gauze should be placed on the wound to prevent infection.

15. Children can be allowed to play with plastic bags on their heads.

16. Minor hurts in children can be avoided.

17. Minor hurts are a part of children's education.

18. If you have a scratch on the skin even a lick of a rabid dog will transmit rabies.


II. Among the words in the line choose two with the same meaning:

1. a)hard b)safe c)common d)difficult e)thorough

2. a)poison b)medicine c)drug d)death e)injury


III. Choose the right word to fill in the gap:

1. You must bind the splint... the fracture.

2. It is necessary to... with pressure.

3. When the child plays in the sun for a long time he may...

4. Eating the food which is not fresh may cause...

a)below and above b)inside and outside c)protect the wound d)control bleeding e)develop a convulsion f)sweat profusely g)cramp-like pains in the abdomen h)severe swelling


QUESTIONS FOR REVISION                                                                                       Revise the information on Choking, Fever, Headache, Poisoning. The questions below will help you:


1. What is choking?

2. What can cause choking?

3. How can I know the person is choking?

4. What is the danger of choking?

5. What should I do if somebody is choking?


1. What is called fever?

2. What can cause fever?

3. How can a feverish person look? How can I know the person has fever?

4. When and why can fever be dangerous?

5. What must I do if my child or somebody else in the family has fever?

6. Should I bring the temperature down and how can I do it?


1. What can cause headache? Is headache always associated with high fever?

2. When shall I consult the doctor?

3. What should I do to relieve the pain?

4. Shall I take any medicine?

5. How can I know the person has a migraine attack?

6. How can I help in a migraine attack?


1. What can cause poisoning?

2. How do poisons enter the body?

3. How do poisons harm the body?

4. What should be done to avoid poisoning at home?

5. What are the dangers of alcohol poisoning?

6. How can we help in alcohol poisoning?





I. Тексты для обсуждения и пересказа..................................................................3

1. Accidents........................................................................................................................3

2. Prevention of Accidents.................................................................................................5

3. Electric Shock................................................................................................................6

4. Fracture........................................................................................................................9

5. Sun Stroke and Heat Stroke.........................................................................................10

6. Rabies...........................................................................................................................11

7. Food Poisoning............................................................................................................13

II. Тексты для самостоятельного чтения, перевода и реферирования.........................14

1. First Aid in Accidents..................................................................................................14

2. Prevention of Food Poisoning......................................................................................15

3. Aggressive Dogs Get Ever More Dangerous...............................................................17

In Case of Emergency.............................................................................................................19

1. Bleeding.......................................................................................................................19

2. Choking........................................................................................................................19

3. Drowning.....................................................................................................................20

4. Allergic Respiratory Swelling.....................................................................................20

5. Shock...........................................................................................................................21

6. Fainting........................................................................................................................21

7. Poisoning.....................................................................................................................21

8. Fever............................................................................................................................22

9. Sunstroke.....................................................................................................................23

10. Heat Prostration.........................................................................................................24

11. Sprains.......................................................................................................................24

12. Wounds......................................................................................................................24

13. Scratches and Abrasions............................................................................................25

14. Insect Stings...............................................................................................................27

From Dictionary of Medical Folklore...................................................................................26

1. Dog Bites.....................................................................................................................26

2. Snakebite......................................................................................................................27

3. Food Poisoning............................................................................................................27

4. Poisoning, Antidotes For.............................................................................................28

5. Poison Ivy....................................................................................................................28

6. Headache......................................................................................................................29

7. Fever............................................................................................................................29

8. Choking...............................................................................................29

9. Drowning.........................................................................................29

Реферирование научной статьи: An Unusually Early Adder Bite...............................30

Brazilian Institute Has the Antidote...................................................................32

Adult TOXOCARA CATI Infections In U.S. Children: Report Of Two Cases...............32



More children die from accidents each year than from any other cause. And yet the majority of these accidents could have been prevented.

It is not too hard to keep the baby safe during the first year of his life, because most of the time he is in a crib, a playpen, and a carriage or held by his mother. But when the child begins to get around he needs constant supervision. He must explore the world for himself, but he has no sense of danger. He does not use his eyes alone in learning about the world: he will lick, taste, squeeze, listen and toss. Ordinary things in the house become dangerous when the child reaches the exploring age. Among the common items are lamp cords, electric sockets, ashtrays, fireplaces, irons left with the cord dangling down, pins and scissors. As the child grows older he covers more territories indoors and out. Just how little we can rely on him is proven by the number of accidents which occurs to adventurous and curious children.

Accidents are the leading cause of death in children at the age of 2-3, and a fifth of all poisonings happening at just this age. Poisons kill more children than polio, diphtheria, scarlet fever, whooping cough and streptococcal infections combined. Other leading causes of death in young children are cars, falls, fire and drowning.

In spite of all care children get hurt. They fall off beds and stairs, cut themselves with broken glass. Parents have to learn to accept some accidents as a part of growing up. If you constantly remind your child to be careful he becomes overanxious about his own welfare, and it can lead him to having more accidents or hurting more severely when he does encounter danger. Through a reasonable amount of experience with heat, sharpness and pain a child learns to explore with caution.

Words to be remembered:

accident - несчастный случай

die – умирать, death - смерть

cause – причина, причинять, вызывать

prevent - предотвращать

hard = difficult - трудный

keep (kept, kept) - держать, хранить

hold (held, held) - держать в руках

supervision – наблюдение («видение сверх, над)

sense - чувство

danger (ous) - опасность(ный)

as – по мере того как,  когда, т. к.; как, в качестве

lead (er)– вести (лидер)

poison (ing) - яд, отравлять(отравление)

fall (fell, fallen) - падать

in spite of - несмотря на

care (ful/less) - внимание, забота(внимательный)/(беззаботный)

cut - резать

break (broke, broken) - ломать

majority=most of - большинство

safe - безопасный, находящийся в безопасности

reach - достигать

explore - исследовать

common = ordinary- обычный

indoors/out(doors) - в помещении/ на улице

hurt - поранить(ся)

grow up – вырастать, взрослеть

amount = number - количество

experience - жизненный опыт

heat - жар

pain - боль

as – по мере того как,  когда, т. к.; как, в качестве


Words for better understanding:

playpen ~ манеж

crib - детская кроватка

carriage - коляска

lick - лизать

taste ~ пробовать на вкус

squeeze - сжимать

toss - подбрасывать

item - предмет

cord - шнур(провод)

socket - розетка



scissors - ножницы

rely on - полагаться на

prove - доказывать

adventurous - авантюрный, любитель приключений

curious - любопытный

scarlet fever - скарлатина

whooping cough - коклюш

fire - огонь, пожар

drowning - утопление

glass - стекло

accept - принимать, признавать

remind of - напоминать о

(over)anxious - (чересчур) беспокойный

welfare - благополучие

reasonable ~ разумный

caution – предосторожность


I. Answer the questions:

1. At what age do children need constant supervision?

2. What things may become dangerous for little children at home?

3. How do children learn about the world?

4. Should the parents worry about the children’s accidents too much? Why not?

5. Can parents prevent accidents with little children? How can they do it?


II. Close the books and complete the sentences:

1. When the child begins to get around he needs...

2. The child needs to be protected because

3. When the child reaches the exploring age ordinary things in the house...

4. When he learns about the world he...

5. Such common things as... become dangerous.

6. Leading causes of death among young children are...

7. Children get hurt when they fall off...

8. They cut themselves with...

9. Parents must know that accidents are a part...

10. If you constantly tell your child to be careful he...

11, A child learns to explore with caution through its experience with



While every effort must be made to prevent accidents, minor hurts are a part of a child's initial education. While at all times he must be protected from burns and scalds, it is no harm if he has felt the heat of a teapot or a saucepan. He soon realizes what hot is, and when told not to touch it because it is hot and will burn, he will usually listen. There must be a constant balance between protection and education.

Specific don`ts. Never leave a child alone in the house. Never leave a child near fire or near the stove or heater. Do not allow the child to play with matches. Do not leave him near the hot iron. Do not leave a hot teapot near the edge of the table, or a hanging tablecloth with the tea tray on it. Never hold the baby in your lap while drinking anything hot, or while smoking or cooking. Never leave a child alone near a bucket of water or a bath tub. Keep all the electric wires safe and in good condition. Unplug electric appliances when not in use. See that the safety latch is on the kitchen gas. Do not leave the child alone in the kitchen. He is better safe in a playpen while you are cooking. Cleaning agents, drugs and insecticides should be locked up in a cupboard. Do not leave medicine lying around. Even commonly used medicine like aspirin or iron tablets is dangerous for the baby. Always read the label before administering any medicine. Do not keep any medicine without any label. Do not keep cleaning agents in cola bottles, jam jars and so on. Do not refer to medicine as "sweetie".

Keep all small objects like coins, buttons, beads and nuts away from the baby's reach. Sharp objects such as scissors and knives should not be left lying around. Toys and furniture with lead paint mustn't be used. No child should be allowed to run with anything sticking out of his mouth. If he falls, it will injure his mouth and palate. Children mustn't be allowed to put plastic bags on their heads or cords around their neck.

The bars on the side of the baby's cot or playpen should be close enough, so that the child's head cannot get though them. There should be a barrier for stairs, gates, heaters and fireplaces.

Words to be remembered:

effort - усилие

minor(hurt) - незначительный, второстепенный

while - в то время как

protect(ion) - защищать(защита)

burn - ожог

harm(ful/less) - вред (ный/безвредный)

feel (felt, felt) - чувствовать

teapot - чайник

hot - горячий

touch - дотрагиваться

alone - один

heater - обогреватель

allow - позволять

edge (of the table) - край стола

hang (hung, hanged) – вешать, висеть

drink (drank, drunk) - пить

smoke - курить

cook - готовить (еду)

bath - ванна

electric wire (=cord) - провод (шнур)

condition - состояние

use - использовать

drug = medicine - лекарство

label - этикетка

administer (a drug) - назначать

object - предмет

away - прочь

injure - ранить, травмировать

mouth - рот

palate - нёбо

head - голова

neck - шея

bag - мешок

around - вокруг

side - бок, сторона

get through - пролезть

close - близко

enough - достаточно

Words for better understanding:

scald - ошпарить

saucepan - кас

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