What’s the secret of this success? — КиберПедия 

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What’s the secret of this success?

2019-12-19 165
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People started their companies to solve their own small problems and from small things around they find a problem discovery solution

Diversity - разнообразие

Open and share-western cultures are open and ready to share, creating open sources (sharing program/information for free). This is a beginning of virtuous circle-you share for free and users tell u abt problems in ur product, so u can make it better

!это работает потому что эти компании уже достаточно богаты и уверены

+создание премиум сервиса, более разнообразного удобного для пользователей


Core academics fundamental studies (social science, mathematic, psychology..—> basic things)

Why is this place is so attractive for employees?

High salary

Nice working conditions

Mild climate - you will not be distract by a good weather if weather is always good

Flexible labor market (you can leave your workplace at any moment-it’s easy, but it’s also a good motivation to do ur work better) к тому же нет чёткого времени прихода и ухода с работы-за тобой не следят. Единственное что ты должен делать-выполнять свою работу хорошо и своевременно

It’s okay to fail. Companies are confident enough to take it like another chance to do smt new, better, than you did before

Authority comes from knowledge and experience



Revolution of the data. Digital

Digital -Electronic technology that generates, stores, and processes data in terms of two states: positive and non-positive. Positive is expressed or represented by the number 1 and non-positive by the number 0.

Digital data -Data transmitted or stored with digital technology. Expressed as a string of 0s and 1s. Each of this state is referred to as a bit. Напротив оригинал-аналог.

Big data or large data sets -compared to the data generated in the past analog environment, the size is larger, the generation cycle is shorter, has various forms.

Human being can’t process it, but computer can.

Определяющие характеристики для больших данных:

Three V of a big data

1. Volume объем-величина физического объема данных

2. Velocity (the generation cycle) скорость-скорость прироста данных + необходимость высокоскоростной обработки и получения результатов

3. Variety многообразие

Data is (and was) everything, but in the past they could not collect, store, analyse and utilise it.

So! Data is not new

—->digital big brother (credit card fraud detection; movie recommendation; housing price forecast)

What will be with people at the age of big data?

IMD (Improvised Explosive Device) was used to find Bin Laden. So it was a combination of US military technology (to kill him) and big data (PALANTIR they collect data of everything act everybody) to find him. 

There is no privacy anymore—> the dark side of big data

2019. 3. 27

WMD - weapons of mush destruction

How big data can be a weapon?

The date system can’t be perfect, cause it’s made by human and human are not perfect.

Big data is abt a past, it can’t create future. Because machines still have not imagination.

The future will be controlled by data. But who’s own data?

What can we do to control our own life, to protect ourselves?

—->To be skeptic (skepticism based on science). These things that we see is not everything, so you should think more, you should understand more. We should learn science just to understand algorithms of all technologies that influence on our life.



Computational thinking

4th Industrial Revolution

1st IR: Mechanisation by steam power

2nd IR: Mass production by electric power

3rd IR: Automation by electronics and information technology

4th IR: Exponential changes to the way we live and work due to emerging technologies such as AI, IoT, Big Data, etc.

The fist level of industry - agriculture

Second is manufacturing

Third service industry

Computer VS human


Learn in various ways

Forget often

Think creatively



Handle multipule tasks fast, simultaneously

Store large data

Execute by algorithm

The big risk of automation. Simple labor will be replaced by computers and robots

—->what should we do?

There are two options: choose life without computers (we’re too far to do it) or learn a computational thinking

Computational thinking - set of problem-solving methods that involve expressing problems and their solutions in way that a computer could execute.

It is the key

for solving problems

for achieving what one human alone cannot do

for understanding the power and limits of human intelligence and capabilities of machines

What it is

Focus on critical and logical thinking, looking at the program and solve it systematically.

Conceptual-not a programming

A way human think-not a computer

Fundamental-not rote, mechanical skill


For everyone and everywhere

Elements of computational thinking

1. Decomposition - разделение сложной проблемы на маленькие части, которыми легче манипулировать.

2. Pattern recognition - распознавание схожести между проблемами, ее элементами, решенными ранее для получение возможности использовать решение, передуманное ранее для новой проблемы. — упрощение

3. Abstraction - фокус на тех деталях, что имеют значение

4. Algorithm - составление инструкции из маленьких шагов, таких, сто любой может выполнить.

Computational thinking is a fundamental skill – it is learning to think at different layers (слой) of abstractions.

Computational thinking builds on the power and limits of computing processes, whether they are executed by a human or by a machine.

Way of thinking to solve problems. Algorithm is a result which may be executed by computer.

Not necessary programming. But understanding how computer program works.


2019.4. 3

Creative thinking.

What is moonshot?

Huge problem

Radical solution

Break through technology

——>на пересечении moonshot

Creativity is just connecting things by paying attention to smt.

Innovate - in+nova—>renewed, make new

So, you can’t actually create anything new, but you can make smt better.

Design thinking

- A methodology used by designers to solve complex problems, and find desirable solutions for clients.

- A design mindset is not problem-focused, it’s solution focused and action oriented towards creating a preferred future.

Experience Design

- UI user interface

- UX user experience - концентрация внимания на ом, как это выглядит

The design way - a culture of inquiry (исследование) and action.

Design method

Understand what you want

Sketch several variants

Decide what’s better


Validate (утверждать)


What is? Exploring the current reality, pick a problem you want to solve

What if? Envisioning alternative future

What wows? Getting users to help us make some though choices

What works? Making it work in market/as business

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