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Косвенная речь (Reported speech / Indirect speech)

2019-10-25 517
Косвенная речь (Reported speech / Indirect speech) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Как правило, сложности с пониманием возникают именно с общими вопросами. Их часто ещё называют “ Вопросы Да/Нет ”, потому что на переводимые прямые вопросы в косвенные можно ответить одним словом – да или нет. Косвенные вопросы образуются при помощи слов “ if ” или “ whether ”, которые ставятся в самом начале переводимого в косвенную речь вопроса. Правила согласования времён в предложениях те же самые, что и в простых косвенных предложениях, однако они не начинаются с вспомогательных глаголов (will, have, do…), вместо них используются слова “ if ” и “ whether ”, которые переводятся на русский как “ ли ”: в данном случае разницы между ними нет. Использовать союз “ that ” в косвенных вопросах грамматически неверно.


Direct Question Indirect Question
  “Do you like music?” He asked me if I liked music. (Неверно: he asked me did I like music) или He asked me whether I liked music.
  “Will he participate in the quiz competition?” She asked me if he would participate in quiz competition. или She asked me whether he would participate in quiz competition.
  “Are you feeling well?” I asked him if he was feeling well. или I asked him whether he was feeling well.
  “Did you go to school?” They asked me if I had gone to school. или They asked me whether I had gone to school.
  “Have you taken the breakfast?” He asked me if I had taken the breakfast. или He asked me whether I had taken the breakfast.
  “Were they going to the car?” She asked her husband if they had been going to the car. или She asked her husband whether they had been going to the car.
  “Have they been going to the car” She asked her husband if they had been going to the car. или She asked her husband whether they had been going to the car.


Данные вопросы образуются без “ if ” и “ whether ”. На их место ставятся вопросительные наречия: where, why, which, who... Остальные правила образования те же, что и в обычных косвенных предложениях.

Direct Question Indirect Question
“How are you?” He asked me how I was. (неверно: how was I)
“What is your name?” Alice asked him what his name was.
“Why did you come late?” She asked him why he had come late.
“Where have you been?” She asked her husband where he had been.
“When will they come?” He asked when they would come.
“What were you doing?” He asked Anna what she had been doing.
“Why are you crying?” They asked his wife why she was crying.

Повелительные (imperative)  предложения


В косвенных повелительных и восклицательных предложениях, чаще всего согласование времён отсутствует. В зависимости от контекста могут заменяться глаголы said, told, advised и т.п.

Повелительные предложения

 “Please help me” → He asked me to help him.

“You should work hard for exam” → He suggested him to work hard for exam.

“Do not tell a lie” → They said to him not to tell a lie.

“Open the door” → He ordered to open the door.

“Do not waste your time” → The teacher advised the students not to waste their time.

“Do not smoke” → Doctor advised me not to smoke.


Далее предлагаю дополнительную информацию по теме. Которую мы не касались на занятиях, но для полноты картины можно ознакомиться

Модальные глаголы

При изменении прямой речи в косвенную необходимо также обращать внимание, есть ли в предложении модальные глаголы. Как и главные глаголы, они должны изменяться в косвенной речи, однако не все модальные глаголы можно изменять. Изучите таблицы ниже.

Модальные глаголы, которые изменяются в косвенной речи

Direct Speech Indirect Speech


“I can drive a car.” She said, “He can play a violin.” “We can climb on a hil.” He said he could drive a car. She said that he could play a violin. They said they could climb on a hill.


“I may buy a computer.” She said, “He may visit a doctor.” “They may go to zoo.” He said that he might buy a computer. She said he might visit a doctor. They said they might go to zoo.


“I must work hard.” She said, “They must carry on their work.” I said to her, “You must learn English.” He said he had to work hard. She said that they had to carry on their work. I said to her that she had to learn English.


Модальные глаголы, которые не изменяются в косвенной речи

Direct Speech Indirect Speech


“I would start a business.” “We would apply for a visa.” “I would appear in the exam.” He said that he would start a business. They said they would apply for visa. She said she would appear in the exam.


“I could run faster.” “We could not learn the lesson.” “She could play a piano.” He said that he could run faster. They said they could not learn the lesson. She said she could play a piano.


“Guests might come.” “I might meet him.” “It might rain.” He said that guest might come. Anna said she might meet him. She said it might rain.


“I should avail the opportunity.” “We should take the exam.” “I should help him.” He said that he should avail the opportunity. They said they should take the exam. She said that she should help him.


He said to me, “You ought to wait for him.” “We ought to attend our classes.” “I ought to learn method of study.” He said to me that I ought to wait for him. They said that they ought to attend their classes. She said that she ought to learn method of study.


Время и наречия

Guess Who I Bumped Into?

Tim wandered along the path thinking aloud, "If I continue this diet I should lose twenty pounds by the end of..." when BOOM! he bumped into another city dweller out for a day's walk in the park.

"I'm terribly sorry," he apologized, "I was so caught up in my thoughts, I didn't see you!" he managed to stammer.

Smiling, Sheila responded, "It's OK. Nothing's broken... No really, I wasn't watching my step either."

Suddenly they both stopped making excuses and stared at each other.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" inquired Tim while Sheila exclaimed, "You're Tim, Jack's brother, aren't you?!"

They both began to laugh as they had met each other the week before at a party that Jack had given.

Still laughing, Tim suggested, "Why don't we have a cup a coffee and donut?" to which Sheila replied, "I thought you wanted to continue your diet!" They both were still laughing by the time they reached the Swimming Donut cafe.​

Comprehension Questions

Questions one to five test your comprehension. The remaining questions test reported speech. Fill in the blanks with reported (indirect) speech using the text above.

Where do they live?

· In the park

· In the countryside

· In the city


Where did they first meet?

· In the park

· At the Swimming Donut

· At Tim's Brother's house


Косвенная речь (Reported speech / Indirect speech)

Косвенная речь (Reported speech) – это передача чьих-то слов без точного их цитирования, в отличие от прямой речи (direct speech). Косвенною речь часто ещё называют просто непрямой речью (Indirect speech). Стоит отметить, что обычно используют именно косвенную речь, значительно реже прямую. Сравните (обратите внимание, что в непрямой речи изменяется время главного глагола):


He said, “I am going to watch TV.”
He said (that) he was going to watch TV.

She said, “I want to buy a car.”
She said (that) she wanted to buy a car.

Anna said, “I don’t like shopping.”
Anna said (that) she didn’t like shopping.

Союз that можно “опустить”, то есть, можно сказать:

Steve said that he was feeling ill. или так Steve said he was feeling ill.

В любом случае всегда обращайте внимание на структуру и звучание предложения, например не стоит использовать два that в одном предложении, а также, если чувствуете, что Вас могут не понять. Также если Вы не уверены в том, можно ли вставить союз that в данное предложение, то лучше тогда его не использовать. Однако в официальной речи уместнее употреблять союз that.

Настоящее и будущее время


Как правило, настоящая и будущая форма времени глаголов в прямой речи, при передаче их в косвенную речь изменяются на прошедшую форму времени.


am/is → was do/does → did will → would
are → were have/has → had can → could

go/know/want/like/may и т.д. → went / knew / wanted / liked / might и т.д.



 “I play football every day.” → He said he played football every day.

“I do my homework every day.” → He said he did his homework every day.

“Julia has a new job.” → He said Julia had a new job.

“I am playing football.” → He said he was playing football.

“I have played football.” → He said he had played football.

“I will play football.” → He said he would play football.

“I am going to play football.” → He said he was going to play football.

“I can play football.” → He said he could play football.

“I may play football.” → He said he might play football

Прошедшее время


В большинство случаев прошедшую форму времени глаголов в косвенной речи можно оставить без изменений или изменить на прошедшее совершённое время - past perfect.


“I played football.” → He said he played football или He said he had played football.

“She watched football.” → He said she watched football или He said she had watched football.

“I saw her in the street.” → He said he saw her in the street или He said he saw her…

“I did not go to work.” → He said he did not go to work или He said he had not gone to work

Данное правило неуместно, если прямая речь уже была в past perfect:

“I had played football.” → He said she had played football

“They had broken down a car.” → She said they had broken down a car

Когда можно оставить настоящее и будущее время без изменений

Иногда настоящее или будущее время глаголов в косвенной речи можно не изменять. Если ситуация в момент передачи речи не изменилась, то можно оставить время глаголов как было. Обратите внимание что say и tell в данном случае можно поставить в настоящем или прошедшем времени.

“My new job is boring.” → Michael said (says) that his new job is boring.
(Ситуация не изменилась, у Михаила по-прежнему скучная работа)

“I speak English fluently.” → Sonia says (said) that she speaks English fluently.
(Соня всё ещё говорит на английском свободно)

“I want to go to Canada again.” → David tells (told) me he wants to go to Canada again.
(Дэвид до сих пор хочет снова поехать в Канаду)

“I will go home tomorrow.” → She said (says) she will go home tomorrow.
(Она по-прежнему собирается поехать завтра домой)

И, конечно же, не будет ошибкой, если Вы скажите, например Sonia said she spoke English fluently. Но если ситуация в момент передачи косвенной речи изменилась, то необходимо ставить глагол как обычно в прошедшей временной форме. К примеру, Вы встретили Татьяну. Она сказала “Anna is in hospital.” Позднее в тот же день Вы встречаете Анну на улице и говорите: Hi, Anna. I didn’t expect to see you here. Tatyana said you were in hospital (неправильно было бы сказать: 'Tatyana said you are in hospital', так как это не соответствует действительности, на данный момент Анна не в больнице)

Изменение вопросительного предложения

В косвенных вопросах (Indirect Questions) действуют те же самые правила изменения времени, что и в утвердительных и отрицательных. Но они делятся на два типа: общие вопросы - Yes/No Questions, на которые можно ответить да или нет и специальные – Information(или Wh-) Questions, на которые ответить просто да или нет не получится. Например:

Do you like music? (на этот вопрос можно ответить да или нет).

How are you? (здесь уже не получится ответить просто да или нет, уместно - I am fine).


Как правило, сложности с пониманием возникают именно с общими вопросами. Их часто ещё называют “ Вопросы Да/Нет ”, потому что на переводимые прямые вопросы в косвенные можно ответить одним словом – да или нет. Косвенные вопросы образуются при помощи слов “ if ” или “ whether ”, которые ставятся в самом начале переводимого в косвенную речь вопроса. Правила согласования времён в предложениях те же самые, что и в простых косвенных предложениях, однако они не начинаются с вспомогательных глаголов (will, have, do…), вместо них используются слова “ if ” и “ whether ”, которые переводятся на русский как “ ли ”: в данном случае разницы между ними нет. Использовать союз “ that ” в косвенных вопросах грамматически неверно.


Direct Question Indirect Question
  “Do you like music?” He asked me if I liked music. (Неверно: he asked me did I like music) или He asked me whether I liked music.
  “Will he participate in the quiz competition?” She asked me if he would participate in quiz competition. или She asked me whether he would participate in quiz competition.
  “Are you feeling well?” I asked him if he was feeling well. или I asked him whether he was feeling well.
  “Did you go to school?” They asked me if I had gone to school. или They asked me whether I had gone to school.
  “Have you taken the breakfast?” He asked me if I had taken the breakfast. или He asked me whether I had taken the breakfast.
  “Were they going to the car?” She asked her husband if they had been going to the car. или She asked her husband whether they had been going to the car.
  “Have they been going to the car” She asked her husband if they had been going to the car. или She asked her husband whether they had been going to the car.


Данные вопросы образуются без “ if ” и “ whether ”. На их место ставятся вопросительные наречия: where, why, which, who... Остальные правила образования те же, что и в обычных косвенных предложениях.

Direct Question Indirect Question
“How are you?” He asked me how I was. (неверно: how was I)
“What is your name?” Alice asked him what his name was.
“Why did you come late?” She asked him why he had come late.
“Where have you been?” She asked her husband where he had been.
“When will they come?” He asked when they would come.
“What were you doing?” He asked Anna what she had been doing.
“Why are you crying?” They asked his wife why she was crying.

Повелительные (imperative)  предложения


В косвенных повелительных и восклицательных предложениях, чаще всего согласование времён отсутствует. В зависимости от контекста могут заменяться глаголы said, told, advised и т.п.

Повелительные предложения

 “Please help me” → He asked me to help him.

“You should work hard for exam” → He suggested him to work hard for exam.

“Do not tell a lie” → They said to him not to tell a lie.

“Open the door” → He ordered to open the door.

“Do not waste your time” → The teacher advised the students not to waste their time.

“Do not smoke” → Doctor advised me not to smoke.


Далее предлагаю дополнительную информацию по теме. Которую мы не касались на занятиях, но для полноты картины можно ознакомиться

Модальные глаголы

При изменении прямой речи в косвенную необходимо также обращать внимание, есть ли в предложении модальные глаголы. Как и главные глаголы, они должны изменяться в косвенной речи, однако не все модальные глаголы можно изменять. Изучите таблицы ниже.

Модальные глаголы, которые изменяются в косвенной речи

Direct Speech Indirect Speech


“I can drive a car.” She said, “He can play a violin.” “We can climb on a hil.” He said he could drive a car. She said that he could play a violin. They said they could climb on a hill.


“I may buy a computer.” She said, “He may visit a doctor.” “They may go to zoo.” He said that he might buy a computer. She said he might visit a doctor. They said they might go to zoo.


“I must work hard.” She said, “They must carry on their work.” I said to her, “You must learn English.” He said he had to work hard. She said that they had to carry on their work. I said to her that she had to learn English.


Модальные глаголы, которые не изменяются в косвенной речи

Direct Speech Indirect Speech


“I would start a business.” “We would apply for a visa.” “I would appear in the exam.” He said that he would start a business. They said they would apply for visa. She said she would appear in the exam.


“I could run faster.” “We could not learn the lesson.” “She could play a piano.” He said that he could run faster. They said they could not learn the lesson. She said she could play a piano.


“Guests might come.” “I might meet him.” “It might rain.” He said that guest might come. Anna said she might meet him. She said it might rain.


“I should avail the opportunity.” “We should take the exam.” “I should help him.” He said that he should avail the opportunity. They said they should take the exam. She said that she should help him.


He said to me, “You ought to wait for him.” “We ought to attend our classes.” “I ought to learn method of study.” He said to me that I ought to wait for him. They said that they ought to attend their classes. She said that she ought to learn method of study.


Время и наречия

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