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Инициатором строительства кирпичной церкви был крестьянин Яков Ларин из села Новлянское. Проект будущей церкви был поручен архитектору Н. П. Маркову.
Величественный пятиглавый кирпичный храм был построен к 1878 году.
До нашего времени частично сохранился старинный резной иконостас и настенная роспись, выполненная восковой темперой. Храм является одним из самых крупных и красивых в Воскресенском районе.
Здесь выпускается собственная православная газета. Ведутся реставрационные работы по восстановлению иконостаса, настенной живописи, фасада здания. Работает Воскресная школа. Прихожане чтут святыни храма, среди которых уникальные иконы и частицы святых мощей.
Воскресенский пешеходный мост
Воскресенск находится на берегу Москва-реки. Река делит его на две части, которые соединяет мост, построеный в 1601—1603 годах во время правления Бориса Годунова. Сегодня он является одним из маршрутов пешеходного туризма в городе. Прекрасный пейзаж открывается для любителей фотосъемки как с моста,так и с прилегающей набережной. Любители пеших прогулок могут, не прибегая к услугам городского транспорта, увидеть Храм Иоанна Златоуста, усадьбу Кривякино и парк. Живописность панорамы на весь город никого не оставит равнодушным.
Маршрут на английском
Krivyakino (Red Seltso)
— the noble estate of the end XVIII — the beginnings of the 19th centuries, located on the sublime left coast of the Moskva River, in the city of Voskresensk. It is recently repaired. It is used as the cultural center of heritage of federal importance. In the restored main house the cultural center which is carrying out the organization and carrying out representations, exhibitions, seminars, performances of professional and amateur collectives and soloists, and also other cultural and mass and educational actions, the organization of lecture service of the population, holding conversations and meetings with interesting people of various professions, creative specialists of culture and art is located, persons interested can hold a wedding or a photoshoot.
Today the basis of architectural composition is made by the farmstead house and the park adjoining to it with a cascade of ponds, in the same place we can see representatives of fauna — birds, proteins …
The ice arena Moscow area
Architect: Yu.A. Regentov.It is open on September 22, 1966.
The ice arena Moscow area — a sports construction in the city of Voskresensk., become the house for a number of outstanding masters of hockey and figure skating. The Voskresensky "Chemist" who is stretch acting in the palace was team, world-famous. Now here young hockey players train too and there take place competitions of the All-Russian level. Accomodates 4,500 viewers. At the weekend also tourists can drive on legendary ice. Within the stock "Kind Hour" driving takes place free of charge for all comers, it is necessary to specify date and time only.
2.3Promotional society "Voskresensk Mineral Fertilizers"
One of the largest companies in the market of mineral fertilizers in the Russian Federation, the CIS and Eastern Europe (the Russia's second producer of nitrogen fertilizers)
Today the given plant makes and realizes:
. mineral fertilizers (ammophos, diammonium phosphate, phosphate rock),
. fodder phosphates of calcium,
. phosphoric and sulfuric acids of various stamps,
. salts on the basis of phosphoric acids
Regularly there interesting tours with master classes are conducte.
Felt factory
In 1880 Timofey Vasilyevich Katsepov built in Voskresensk two-storeyed brick factory which building serves and today … at that time it executed the state military purchase orders of material for soldier's regimentals and linen, but soon it was necessary to change a profile on for production of felt.
To the Great Patriotic War the products went cars from factory on the front.
In post-war years the enterprise returned to production of felt headdresses: the technology was improved, the range extended.
Today the factory on production of felt and goods from it, offers the huge choice of color felt, footwear from felt, blankets, pillows, headdresses.
The products are exported to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, Latvia, Belarus.
Jerusalem temple
The stately temple is built on the venue in Soviet period of demonstrations, meetings and processions. The temple is interesting to tourists not so much by the architecture, how much tourist infrastructure developed in its territory.
First, there is a museum of Sagittariuses. Articles of clothing, weapon and streletsky life are presented to expositions. The excursion is constructed in such a way that to tourists will suggest to recharge an arquebuse, to try to cast bullets, to take in hands бердыш, to try on streletsky clothes.
Secondly, at the temple the school of bell ringers works. The professional bell ringer helps to master bell-ringing.
Church of Lord's Revival
The peasant Yakov Larin from the village of Novlyanskoye was an initiator of construction of brick church. The project of future church was charged to the architect N.P. Markov.
The majestic five-domed brick temple was built by 1878.
Till our time the ancient carved iconostasis and the wall painting executed by wax tempera partially remained. The temple is one of the largest and beautiful in Voskresensky district.
Here own orthodox newspaper is issued. Restoration works on restoration of an iconostasis, wall painting, a building facade are conducted. The Sunday school works. Parishioners honor temple shrines among which there are unique icons and particles of sacred relics.
Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...
Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...
История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...
История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...
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