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` Тематический словарь
Приветствие, знакомство
1. name – имя;
2. a surname – фамилия;
3. a nationality – национальность;
4. an age – возраст;
5. a job – профессия, род занятий;
6. to be married – быть женатым, замужем;
7. to be single – быть не женатым, не замужем;
8. a family – семья;
9. to be from – быть родом из …;
10. a wife – жена;
11. a husband – муж;
12. a son – сын;
13. a daughter – дочь;
14. a mother – мать;
15. a father – отец;
16. a friend – друг;
17. Mr. (mister) – господин;
18. Mrs. (mistress) – госпожа (замужняя женщина);
19. Miss – госпожа (незамужняя женщина);
20. How old are you? – Сколько тебе лет?
21. I’m 16. – Мне 16 лет.
22. I’m about 20. – Мне около 20 лет.
23. I’m not 20 yet. – Мне еще нет 20 лет.
24. I’m over 30. – Мне за 30.
25. I’m hard on 30 (thirty). – Мне уже под 30.
26. W hen were you born? – Когда вы родились?
27. When is your birthday? – Какого числа день вашего рождения?
28. When is your name-day? – Когда ваши именины?
29. Are you of age? – Вы совершеннолетний?
30. No, I’m still under age. – Нет, я еще несовершеннолетний.
31. He is twice as old as I. – Он вдвое старше меня.
32. They are (of) the same age. – Они одного возраста.
33. She looks her age. – Она выглядит не старше своих лет.
34. Where are you from? – Откуда вы родом?
35. What country are you from? – Из какой страны вы родом?
36. He is my countryman. – Он мой соотечественник.
37. Are you Swedish (Swede)? – Вы швед?
38. Are you good at languages? – Вы владеете (иностранными)
39. You speak English clearly – Вы говорите по-английски ясно (fluently, fairly well, (бегло, весьма хорошо, abominably). отвратительно).
40. My English needs brushing up! – Мне нужно поработать над своим английским.
41. He speaks poor English. - Он плохо говорит по-английски.
Профессия, род занятий
42. actor – актер, артист;
43. actress – актриса;
44. architect – архитектор;
45. agronomist – агроном;
46. artist – артист; художник;
47. banker – банкир;
48. businessman – бизнесмен;
49. builder – строитель;
50. book-keeper – бухгалтер;
51. cashier – кассир;
52. clergyman – священник;
53. conductor – дирижер;
54. construction worker – строитель;
55. cook – повар;
56. clerk – служащий;
57. director – директор;
58. doctor – врач;
59. driver – водитель, шофер;
60. ecologist – эколог;
61. economist – экономист;
62. employee – служащий;
63. engineer – инженер;
64. geologist – геолог;
65. housewife – домохозяйка;
66. inspector – инспектор;
67. lawyer – адвокат, юрист;
68. librarian – библиотекарь;
69. mechanic – механик; машинист;
70. military man – военный;
71. militiaman – милиционер;
72. manager – менеджер, управляющий;
73. miner – шахтер;
74. minister – министр;
75. officer – офицер;
76. operator – оператор;
77. pilot – летчик; лоцман;
78. politician – политик;
79. party worker – партийный работник;
80. policeman – полицейский;
81. pianist – пианист;
82. painter – живописец; маляр;
83. saleswoman – продавщица;
84. secretary – секретарь;
85. plumer – слесарь-сантехник;
86. soldier – солдат;
87. seaman – моряк;
88. sailor – матрос;
89. student – студент; учащийся;
90. teacher – преподаватель;
91. technician – техник;
92. thief – вор;
93. shorthand typist – машинистка-стенографистка;
94. typist – машинистка;
95. vet (veterinary) – ветеринар;
96. worker – рабочий.
Task. R ead the dialogues. Make up similar dialogues.
1. - What’s your name?
- My name is Paul.
- And what’s your neighbour’s name?
- His name is Jack.
2. - Excuse me, please. Is your name Baxter?
- Yes, it is. I’m Steve Baxter. And this is my wife Jill.
- Oh, good. How do you do?
3. - Hello! You’re Jill Baxter?
- Yes, that’s right, I’m. And this is my husband Steve.
- Oh, good. How are you?
- Fine, thanks.
4. - How are you?
- I’m very well, thank you.
- And how is Mr. Green today?
- He isn’t very well today, I’m afraid.
5. - Good morning, Mr. Wilson.
- Good morning, Miss Best. How are you?
- Fine, thank you. How’s your sister?
- Very well indeed, thank you, Mr. Wilson.
- Please, give her my regards.
- Thank you. And give my regards to your family, too. Good-bye.
- Good-bye, Miss Best. Nice to see you.
6. - What’s your job?
- I’m an engineer.
- Is Jim an engineer, too?
- Yes, we are both engineers.
7. - What are you?
- I’m a doctor.
- And what about your husband?
- He is a pilot.
8. - Hello! I’m David Clark.
- Hello! I’m Linda Martin.
- Are you a teacher?
- No, I’m not.
- Oh, are you a student?
- Yes, I’m.
9. - Who is that man?
- Which man?
- The one next to Betty Brown.
- Oh, that’s Anthony Brown.
10. A. - (answering phone): 075693.
B. - Is that you, Pat?
- Yes, who is it?
- It’s me, Chris. Chris Best. A. - Oh, hello, Chris!
11. - Where are you from?
- I’m from England.
- Where is Hans from?
- He is from Germany.
- Is he German?
- Yes, he is.
12. - Are you busy tonight?
- Yes, I’m. And you?
- So am I.
Is pop music
– a cold hard business which only exists to make more money?
– a harmless way to relax and have fun?
– a serious, important art form?
– a voice for the thoughts and feelings of young men?
– a way to save lives and change the world?
Brett: Pop’s an international industry – it’s as simple as that. Record companies are in business to make a profit. Everything else – the styles, stars and songs – all depend on that one fact. Personally, I think it’s wrong. I mean, why should companies become rich because kids like rock and roll. Still, there is no point complaining… the system’s never going to change.
Conchita: Pop music gives pleasure to billions of people. It saves lives, too. Think of all that money that Band Aid sent to Africa, for example. Things like that are important. After all – how else can 14 or 15-year-olds do anything about the world’s problems? They can’t vote, can they?
Joao: I don’t understand why people take music so seriously. I’ve got friends who are like that. They criticise new records – analyse what the lyrics mean – argue about which songs are better than others… it drives me crazy! Why can’t they just relax and have fun?
Jamila: For me, pop is a kind of global language. A really unusual, exciting one too. It cuts across all the barriers – age, colour, sex, religion – and brings people together. I think that’s why everyone likes it so much. It’s a way of sharing all our hopes and fears.
Sergei: I don’t really listen to much rock and pop these days. I prefer classical music. Why? Well… pop’s lost it’s direction, I think. Everything’s controlled by machines and technology. Ten or twenty years ago there were real artists writing real songs – now all you get is synthesisers and dance music. It’s like wallpaper… everything sounds the same.
Petra: I think pop music is better today than ever before. There are stars from all over the world – lots of different styles and images – it’s great. Yes, of course there’s a lot of rubbish, too, but so what? There always was and there always will be. What you have to do is choose, not complain. Pop’s like a big funfair. If you can’t have a good time it’s nobody’s fault but yours.
Anne: What fascinates me about pop is the future. What’s going to happen in the next ten or twenty years? Will my parents really keep playing Pink Floyd and The Who? Will I still enjoy Erasure, Oasis and the other people I like now? And what about my kids? What kind of music will they be into? It’s a strange thought, isn’t it? Anyway, I suppose there’s only one way to find out, really … wait and see.
Jonas: I don’t think you can just talk about ‘pop’ music any more. These days it’s much bigger than that. Pop is a culture. It involves magazines, TV programmes, films, books, clothes, videos, advertising, charities… a whole way of life.
Тематический словарь
Понятие | Определение |
reggae | регги, реггей (ритмичная музыка в стиле "рок" вест-индского происхождения) |
funk | фанк (сильно ритмизованный, чувственный музыкальный стиль, идущий от блюза - первоначально в джазе, а затем в поп-музыке, где из него возник в 70-х танцевальный "диско") |
soul | соул, негритянская музыка |
salsa | сальса (род карибской музыки) |
Понятие | Определение |
middle-of-the-road | рассчитанный на большую аудиторию; средний, посредственный (о музыке) |
to compile | выбирать информацию, собирать материал из разных источников; состав-лять книгу, сборник |
to absorb | понимать, постигать |
It is not my scene. | Это не то, что мне нравится. У меня другие интересы. |
disposable | доступный; предмет одноразового пользования, товары повседневного спро-са (к ним относятся продукты, напитки, газеты) |
lyrics | слова популярной песни |
Howdy | Привет (амер.) |
to pass on | умереть, скончаться (of, from - от чего-л.) |
excerpt | выдержка, извлечение, цитата; выбирать отрывки, делать выписки, выдерж-ки; подбирать цитаты |
to paste | приклеивать, склеивать; заклеивать |
impersonator | пародист; самозванец; человек, выдающий себя за кого-то другого |
squawk | громкий, пронзительный крик; вопль |
Exercise 1.
Music survey
1. What kind of music do you like?
Rock _________
Pop ___________
Classical ___________
Other ___________- what?
2. What kind of music do your parents like?
Rock ______
Pop _______
Classical __________
Other ___________- what?
2. What kind of music do your parents like?
Rock ______
Pop _______
Classical __________
Other ________ - what?
3. How many CDs do you buy a month?
1 or 2 __________
3 or 4__________
More than 4 _________ - how many?
4. How much time do you spend listening to music a day?
An hour or less __________
1-3 hours __________
More than 3 hours __________ - how many
Still with the Beatles
Isn't there something wrong if today's teenagers rate their parents' favourite groups ahead of the groups of today?
The most comprehensive survey ever of popular music taste was published recently. In the survey the Beatles Revolver was voted the best album ever with three other Beatles albums also in the top 5. And, says Colin Larkin, who compiled the list, the Beatles are favourites among all ages.
Being into what your mum and dad like is usually seen as very uncool. 'But,' says Colin Larkin, 'many 12-year-olds put Revolver above albums by other contemporary groups, and almost every list from a teenager had at least one of the Beatles albums on it.'
David Morgan, 14, says he grew up loving the Beatles. 'My mum and dad have all their albums.
I like chart songs, but the Beatles are more solid and real, not so throw away.'
Karen Bishop, 19, isn't surprised at their lasting appeal. 'You tend to absorb Beatles songs when you're quite young, like nursery rhymes almost. You hear songs like Yesterday all the time.'
For many youngsters, however, the Beatles are not much more than a name.
'I've heard of the Beatles but I don't really know a lot about them,' says 11-year-old Natalie.
Stephen Timus, 13, prefers dance music. 'I don't like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones - it's not my scene.'
John Hindmarch, 25, who writes for Smash Hits, is disbelieving about the Beatles' supposed army of teen fans. 'When you're that age there is a strong belief that the music of the moment is good, and older music is for mum and dad,' he says. 'It's a generation thing to think that your own music is best.'
He went on, 'Kids nowadays have their own CD players and spend a lot of money on music.' Reflecting this, pop culture is changing. 'These days artists get big very quickly. But they can be the biggest thing on the planet one minute and forgotten the next. Perhaps it's the disposable aspect of today's idols that allows groups like the Beatles to last.'
Exercise 3.
S 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s
a) Modern pop music dates from the _______________________________________.
b) Dozens of British groups were successful in the United States in the ________________.
c) Singer-songwriter-poets like Bob Dylan and Joan Baez became popular in the_____________.
d) Everyone was dancing to disco music with the Bee Gees in the ___________________.
Groups like the Spice Girls and The Back Street Boys were popular in the___________
_ Exercise 5.
Face the music
The Beatles, Adriano Celentano, Julio Iglesias, Johnny Halliday, Elvis Presley - all names from the days when everyone knew what music they liked, and everyone liked the same music. But what about music of today? Do we understand it or do we just love the noise it makes?
'No one is interested in the lyrics today, are they? It's the music that's important.' Eva, Budapest
The golden age of rock music was the sixties and seventies, wasn't it? Since then, it's so frustrating that there are no great groups today, which are likely to be around in twenty years' time.' Gunter, Hamburg
'I'm astonished how popular opera is now. I think it's due to singers like Pavarotti and Domingo.' Sinead, Cork
'Julio Iglesias is still the greatest, isn't he? He's so relaxing. I don't understand what he's saying, but it doesn't matter, does it?' Sally, Brighton
‘I’m bored with so much British and American rock. Why can't we hear more music from other countries and cultures?' Jeanne, Paris
'The trouble is, there's too much choice these days. No one can possibly keep up to date with all the new bands, can they?' Sandra, Buenos Aires
'You don't have to know much about music to be a pop musician these days, do you? There aren't many bands that can play their own instruments. It's all done in the studio, isn't it?' Ingrid, Gothenburg
` Тематический словарь
Приветствие, знакомство
1. name – имя;
2. a surname – фамилия;
3. a nationality – национальность;
4. an age – возраст;
5. a job – профессия, род занятий;
6. to be married – быть женатым, замужем;
7. to be single – быть не женатым, не замужем;
8. a family – семья;
9. to be from – быть родом из …;
10. a wife – жена;
11. a husband – муж;
12. a son – сын;
13. a daughter – дочь;
14. a mother – мать;
15. a father – отец;
16. a friend – друг;
17. Mr. (mister) – господин;
18. Mrs. (mistress) – госпожа (замужняя женщина);
19. Miss – госпожа (незамужняя женщина);
20. How old are you? – Сколько тебе лет?
21. I’m 16. – Мне 16 лет.
22. I’m about 20. – Мне около 20 лет.
23. I’m not 20 yet. – Мне еще нет 20 лет.
24. I’m over 30. – Мне за 30.
25. I’m hard on 30 (thirty). – Мне уже под 30.
26. W hen were you born? – Когда вы родились?
27. When is your birthday? – Какого числа день вашего рождения?
28. When is your name-day? – Когда ваши именины?
29. Are you of age? – Вы совершеннолетний?
30. No, I’m still under age. – Нет, я еще несовершеннолетний.
31. He is twice as old as I. – Он вдвое старше меня.
32. They are (of) the same age. – Они одного возраста.
33. She looks her age. – Она выглядит не старше своих лет.
34. Where are you from? – Откуда вы родом?
35. What country are you from? – Из какой страны вы родом?
36. He is my countryman. – Он мой соотечественник.
37. Are you Swedish (Swede)? – Вы швед?
38. Are you good at languages? – Вы владеете (иностранными)
39. You speak English clearly – Вы говорите по-английски ясно (fluently, fairly well, (бегло, весьма хорошо, abominably). отвратительно).
40. My English needs brushing up! – Мне нужно поработать над своим английским.
41. He speaks poor English. - Он плохо говорит по-английски.
Профессия, род занятий
42. actor – актер, артист;
43. actress – актриса;
44. architect – архитектор;
45. agronomist – агроном;
46. artist – артист; художник;
47. banker – банкир;
48. businessman – бизнесмен;
49. builder – строитель;
50. book-keeper – бухгалтер;
51. cashier – кассир;
52. clergyman – священник;
53. conductor – дирижер;
54. construction worker – строитель;
55. cook – повар;
56. clerk – служащий;
57. director – директор;
58. doctor – врач;
59. driver – водитель, шофер;
60. ecologist – эколог;
61. economist – экономист;
62. employee – служащий;
63. engineer – инженер;
64. geologist – геолог;
65. housewife – домохозяйка;
66. inspector – инспектор;
67. lawyer – адвокат, юрист;
68. librarian – библиотекарь;
69. mechanic – механик; машинист;
70. military man – военный;
71. militiaman – милиционер;
72. manager – менеджер, управляющий;
73. miner – шахтер;
74. minister – министр;
75. officer – офицер;
76. operator – оператор;
77. pilot – летчик; лоцман;
78. politician – политик;
79. party worker – партийный работник;
80. policeman – полицейский;
81. pianist – пианист;
82. painter – живописец; маляр;
83. saleswoman – продавщица;
84. secretary – секретарь;
85. plumer – слесарь-сантехник;
86. soldier – солдат;
87. seaman – моряк;
88. sailor – матрос;
89. student – студент; учащийся;
90. teacher – преподаватель;
91. technician – техник;
92. thief – вор;
93. shorthand typist – машинистка-стенографистка;
94. typist – машинистка;
95. vet (veterinary) – ветеринар;
96. worker – рабочий.
Task. R ead the dialogues. Make up similar dialogues.
1. - What’s your name?
- My name is Paul.
- And what’s your neighbour’s name?
- His name is Jack.
2. - Excuse me, please. Is your name Baxter?
- Yes, it is. I’m Steve Baxter. And this is my wife Jill.
- Oh, good. How do you do?
3. - Hello! You’re Jill Baxter?
- Yes, that’s right, I’m. And this is my husband Steve.
- Oh, good. How are you?
- Fine, thanks.
4. - How are you?
- I’m very well, thank you.
- And how is Mr. Green today?
- He isn’t very well today, I’m afraid.
5. - Good morning, Mr. Wilson.
- Good morning, Miss Best. How are you?
- Fine, thank you. How’s your sister?
- Very well indeed, thank you, Mr. Wilson.
- Please, give her my regards.
- Thank you. And give my regards to your family, too. Good-bye.
- Good-bye, Miss Best. Nice to see you.
6. - What’s your job?
- I’m an engineer.
- Is Jim an engineer, too?
- Yes, we are both engineers.
7. - What are you?
- I’m a doctor.
- And what about your husband?
- He is a pilot.
8. - Hello! I’m David Clark.
- Hello! I’m Linda Martin.
- Are you a teacher?
- No, I’m not.
- Oh, are you a student?
- Yes, I’m.
9. - Who is that man?
- Which man?
- The one next to Betty Brown.
- Oh, that’s Anthony Brown.
10. A. - (answering phone): 075693.
B. - Is that you, Pat?
- Yes, who is it?
- It’s me, Chris. Chris Best. A. - Oh, hello, Chris!
11. - Where are you from?
- I’m from England.
- Where is Hans from?
- He is from Germany.
- Is he German?
- Yes, he is.
12. - Are you busy tonight?
- Yes, I’m. And you?
- So am I.
Is pop music
– a cold hard business which only exists to make more money?
– a harmless way to relax and have fun?
– a serious, important art form?
– a voice for the thoughts and feelings of young men?
– a way to save lives and change the world?
Brett: Pop’s an international industry – it’s as simple as that. Record companies are in business to make a profit. Everything else – the styles, stars and songs – all depend on that one fact. Personally, I think it’s wrong. I mean, why should companies become rich because kids like rock and roll. Still, there is no point complaining… the system’s never going to change.
Conchita: Pop music gives pleasure to billions of people. It saves lives, too. Think of all that money that Band Aid sent to Africa, for example. Things like that are important. After all – how else can 14 or 15-year-olds do anything about the world’s problems? They can’t vote, can they?
Joao: I don’t understand why people take music so seriously. I’ve got friends who are like that. They criticise new records – analyse what the lyrics mean – argue about which songs are better than others… it drives me crazy! Why can’t they just relax and have fun?
Jamila: For me, pop is a kind of global language. A really unusual, exciting one too. It cuts across all the barriers – age, colour, sex, religion – and brings people together. I think that’s why everyone likes it so much. It’s a way of sharing all our hopes and fears.
Sergei: I don’t really listen to much rock and pop these days. I prefer classical music. Why? Well… pop’s lost it’s direction, I think. Everything’s controlled by machines and technology. Ten or twenty years ago there were real artists writing real songs – now all you get is synthesisers and dance music. It’s like wallpaper… everything sounds the same.
Petra: I think pop music is better today than ever before. There are stars from all over the world – lots of different styles and images – it’s great. Yes, of course there’s a lot of rubbish, too, but so what? There always was and there always will be. What you have to do is choose, not complain. Pop’s like a big funfair. If you can’t have a good time it’s nobody’s fault but yours.
Anne: What fascinates me about pop is the future. What’s going to happen in the next ten or twenty years? Will my parents really keep playing Pink Floyd and The Who? Will I still enjoy Erasure, Oasis and the other people I like now? And what about my kids? What kind of music will they be into? It’s a strange thought, isn’t it? Anyway, I suppose there’s only one way to find out, really … wait and see.
Jonas: I don’t think you can just talk about ‘pop’ music any more. These days it’s much bigger than that. Pop is a culture. It involves magazines, TV programmes, films, books, clothes, videos, advertising, charities… a whole way of life.
Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...
Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...
Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰)...
История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...
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