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Security and trust 1. _______ (husband) will secure the house so that it is safe from outside forced entry. Prior to retiring at night and leaving in the morning _______ (husband) will secure all doors, windows, and openings. 2. _______ (wife) and _______ (husband) will avoid dangerous situations and places. 3. _______ (wife) and _______ (husband) will physically protect one another. 4. _______ (wife) and _______ (husband) will inform one another of their whereabouts and plans within reasonable estimates (1 hour) of time, i.e., “I’m going shopping and will be back at about 5:00.” Return at 6:00 is OK. “I’ll meet you at the restaurant at 12:00 for lunch.” One hour late is too late. |
Financial trust 1. _______ (husband) and/or _______ (wife) will provide the financial support for the family. _______ (husband) does not/does expect that ______ (wife) will work outside the home. 2. Additional comments regarding financial support. 3. _______ (husband) will contribute # _______ percent and ______ (wife) will contribute # _______ percent of the monthly household budget which is $ _______. |
Marriage Contract
Contributed by Nikita Melnikov and Natalia Larina
Rights and duties
1. Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) will respect rights and legal interests of one another, both in marriage and after divorce.
2. Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) will maintain good relations in the family.
3. Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) will raise the children together and take an active part in their children’s life.
4. Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) will share important decision making.
5. Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) will share housework equally.
6. Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) will not be unfaithful to each other.
Financial trust
1. Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) will work and contribute 75% of their wages to the monthly household budget.
2. If one of the spouses doesn’t work, other will provide the financial for the family.
3. Natalia Larina (wife) can work short week if she keeps the house and raises children.
4. Goods which cost more than 5000 rubles will be bought in presence of both spouses Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife).
Property trust
1. All the property Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) will have after the marriage will be common.
2. All the property Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) had got before the marriage will be personal (private).
3. Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) will care of the common property.
Regulations about the divorce
1. If Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) divorce all the common property will be divided into two equal parts.
2. If Nikita Melnikov (husband)and Natalia Larina (wife) divorce, all the private property owned before the marriage will belong to he owner.
3. If Nikita Melnikov (husband)or Natalia Larina (wife) is unfaithful (the adultery must be proved), they will divorce. The victim (sufferer) will receive two thirds all the common property and will claim a compensation of moral damage.
4. The children will stay with Natalia Larina (wife), Nikita Melnikov (husband)will provide the financial support for the children in the amount of 35% of his wages.
Final regulations
1. This contract will come into power on the day of wedding.
2. This contract is a notary’s certification.
3. The spouses can change or break this agreement at any moment.
4. This contract is made in triplicate: two copies are for the spouses, the third one is for the notary.
October 10, 2007
I comply with the terms of the contract Nikita Melnikov
(the signature of the husband)
I comply with the terms of the contract Natalia Larina
(the signature of the wife)
Certified by the notary Alexander Ivanov
(the signature of the notary)
Unit 5
Four Stages of Marriage Relationships
The idea of equality also affects the relationships between husbands and wives. Women have witnessed steady progress toward equal status for themselves in the family and in society at large. According to Letha and John Scanzoni, two American sociologists, the institution of marriage in the United States has experienced four stages of development. In each new stage, wives have increased the degree of equality with their husbands and have gained more power within the family.
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