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Exercise 10. Translate the following note of Sea Protest from English into Russian

2018-01-04 296
Exercise 10. Translate the following note of Sea Protest from English into Russian 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Amsterdam, 17 May, 2013

To the Notary Office,

Amsterdam, Holland


I, PyotrIvanivich Ivanov, Master of the m/t “Elbrus,” sailing under the Russian flag, owned by the XXX Shipping Company, Novorossiysk, and сlassed by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, G.R.T. 8,200 tons, on the 1st of May, 2013, sailed from the port of Novorossiysk, Russia, bound for Amsterdam, Holland, having on board 10,000 tons of Gasoil loaded in compliance with the Load-Line Certificate, and arrived at the above-said port of Amsterdam this 17th day of May, 2013, at 8.00 a.m. receiving pratique at 11.00 a.m. on the same day.

On the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th of May, 2013, we encountered very heavy weather with north-easterly winds of whole gale force and high sea. During this period the vessel was pitching, rolling and labouring heavily shipping very heavy water Fore and Aft, the ship’s expansion trunkways and pipelines being continually awash.

Water and air temperatures during that time were changing considerably, falling and rising by 5-12 degrees Centigrade. In consequence of these temperature changes I fear possible damage to the cargo owing to intensive sweating on the metallic surfaces and to the resultant increase of water content.

I, the Master, and the crew have applied all means of safeguarding the vessel and the cargo.

I declare this Sea Protest in the event of any damage to the vessel or the cargo through stress of weather conditions during the voyage, reserving the right to extend the Protest at time and place convenient.

Witnesses to the Sea Protest:

1. B. N. Borisov, SecondMate

2. P. V. Bushmin, Bos’un

3. V. I. Kashura, A.S.

______ / P. I. Ivanov
Master of the m/t “Elbrus”
(Ship’s stamp)


Learn the following words and expressions.

§ incompliancewith … – в соответствии с …

§ Load-LineCertificate – Свидетельство о грузовой марке

§ heavyweather – штормовая погода

§ winds of whole gale force – сильныештормовыеветра

§ highsea – сильное волнение (7 баллов)

§ pitching – килевая качка

§ rolling – бортовая качка

§ labouringheavily – о судне: испытывать сильную качку; подвергаться большим напряжениям

§ shipping water Fore and Aft – черпатьводуносомикормой

§ awash – смытый водой; на одном уровне с поверхностью воды

§ expansiontrunkway – расширительная шахта (горловина) танка

§ inconsequence – вследствие, в результате

§ damage – повреждение, ущерб

§ owingto – из-за, вследствие, благодаря, по причине

§ sweating – отпотевание

§ applyallmeans – применить все средства

§ safeguarding – обеспечение безопасности; защитные меры; принятие мер предосторожности

§ through stress of weather conditions – подвоздействиемпогодныхусловий


Exercise 11. Make your own notes of Sea Protest for the following accidents

1. Вследствие воздействия моря и погоды судно не было в состоянии предпринимать предписанные (инструкциями, хорошей морской практикой) мероприятия по вентиляции скоропортящихся грузов.

2. Груз подается к погрузке в таком состоянии, что, скорее всего, его качество ухудшится, а количество уменьшится в течение рейса.

3. Со стороны фрахтователя или его агента имело место какое-либо серьезное нарушение условий чартера (отказ в погрузке, чрезмерная задержка операций, погрузка неправильно упакованного груза, отказ от уплаты причитающихся фрахта/демереджа, отказ в приеме подписанных капитаном коносаментов и т.п.).

4. Получатели не в состоянии обеспечить выгрузку или приемку груза должным образом.

5. Расхождение цифр по окончанию бункеровки и возможной недостачи бункера фрахтователя.

6. Во всех случаях общей аварии.

Check yourself

Do you know the types of sea accidents and principles of their classification?



Unit 3

Medical emergencies at sea

Exercise 1. Read and translate the following text from English into Russian

First Aid

First aid is the emergency treatment given to the ill or injured before professional medical services can be obtained. It is given to prevent death or further injury, to counteract shock, and to relieve pain. Certain conditions, such as severe bleeding, or asphyxiation, require immediate treatment if the patient is to survive. In such cases, even a few seconds’ delay might mean the difference between life and death. However, the treatment of most injuries or other medical emergencies may be safely postponed for a few minutes required to locate a crewmember skilled in first aid, or to locate suitable medical supplies and equipment.

All crewmembers should be prepared to administer first aid. They should have sufficient knowledge of first aid to be able to apply true emergency measures and decide when treatment can be safely delayed until more skilled personnel arrive. Those not properly trained must recognize their limitations. Procedures and techniques beyond the rescuer’s ability should not be attempted. More harm than good might result.


On finding a casualty:

· Look to your own safety: do not become the next casualty;

· If necessary, remove the casualty from danger or remove danger from the casualty. If there is only one unconscious or bleeding casualty (irrespective of the total number of casualties), give immediate treatment to that casualty only, and then send for help.

If there more than one unconscious or bleeding casualty:

· Send for help;

· Then start giving appropriate treatment to the worst casualty in the following order of priority: severe bleeding; stopped breathing/heart; unconsciousness.


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