Read the article again. For questions 1 - 12 choose from the parts A – G. — КиберПедия 

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Read the article again. For questions 1 - 12 choose from the parts A – G.

2018-01-04 432
Read the article again. For questions 1 - 12 choose from the parts A – G. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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You can choose some of the parts more than once.

Which features can reflect a person’s …

… confidence? 1… 2…

… friendliness and sociability? 3… 4…

… practicality? 5… 6…

… stubbornness? 7… 8…

… impatience? 9… 10…

… deceitfulness? 11… 12…

E.g. 1 B (the nose)

Decide if the statements are true or false.

a) A low forehead is a sign of intelligence.

b) A turned-up nose shows purposefulness.

c) People with large nostrils are trustworthy and strong-willed.

d) It is thought that a receding chin usually belongs to someone who is patient.

e) People with small eyes are believed to be deceitful.

f) Brown-eyed people usually support their friends and principles.

g) Straight eyebrows signify curiosity.

h) A downturned mouth suggests a cheerful nature.

Vocabulary list

cowardly/ cowardice



intelligent/ intelligence




practical/ impractical

self-control/ self-controlled


temperament/ temperamental


trustworthy/ untrustworthy


Verbs and Phrases


to be a sign of

to belong

to denote

to have a tendency/ to tend

to indicate

to mean

to represent

to signify

to suggest


Vocabulary notes

individual n [C]a person considered separately rather than part of a group, e.g the basic rights of an individual

personality n 1)[C, U] the various aspects of a person’s character that make them different from other people; Syn. character, nature, temperament; e.g. a woman with a strong personality/ personality trait (=typical ways of behaving) such as calmness or enthusiasm/Despite their different personalities, they became the best of friends.

2)[U] the qualities of a person’s character that make them interesting and attractive,

e. g. We need someone with lots of personality. He's honest but he lacks personality, temperament [C,U] 1) the emotional part of someone's character, especially how likely they are to be happy, angry etc, e .g. an artistic/nervous/good temperament/ Jill has such a lovely relaxed temperament. 2) [U] the tendency to get emotional and excited very easily and behave in an unreasonable way, e .g. to give displays of temperament; temperamental adj likely to suddenly become upset, excited, or angry - used to show disapproval: e.g. The actress was so temperamental that many people refused to work with her.

manner [ sing.] the way that sb behaves and speaks towards other people, e .g. I don’t like his manner. His manner was polite but cool. Manners [pl.] behaviour that is considered socially correct in a particular society or culture, e.g. good/bad manners/ Mind your manners!

denote v (fml) 1).to be a sign of; Syn. to indicate, to represent, to signify; e.g. The red triangle usually denotes danger.

suggest(v ) 1) put forward for consideration as a possibility, e.g. I suggested a visit / going / that we should go to the theatre.2) indicate, e.g. Her expression suggested anger.

Vocabulary Exercises


1. Transcribe and translate the given words:
















2. Give the English equivalents for the following Russian words:

Трусость, самообладание, ревнивый, верный, восприимчивый, сообразительный, тщательность, любознательность, эгоизм, находчивость, уверенность в себе, неуравновешенный, страстный, целеустремленный.

3. Define the meaning of each of the lexical units:

gentle, intelligent, cowardly, cunning, loyal, irritable, practical, self-controlled, trusting, trustworthy, stubborn, jealous


4. In the text find as many verbs as you can that correspond to the following definition:

“To be a sign of sth, to show that sth is possible or likely; to point to “

5. Write nouns and adjectives derived from the following words :

A. Adj.—Noun B. Noun--Adj. C. Verb--Noun

Practical- Coward-- to indicate--

Stubborn- Temperament- to suggest--

Reliable- Self-control- to irritate--

Resourceful- Ambition- to tend--

Nervous- Passion- to confide--

Passive- Strength- to perceive-



6. Use the derivative of the word given in brackets to make each sentence grammatically correct:

1). Large nostrils show strong character and (reliable).

2). A cleft in a chin is a sign of (selfish).

3). A large mouth means (generous).

4). Close-knit eyebrows show someone who is (nerve).

5). Heavy eyebrows indicate great (strong).

6). Large eyes signify unusual (perceptive).

7). A receding chin indicates (impatient).

8). A prominent chin suggests (determined).

7. Using the negative prefixes im-, un-, dis-, etc change the meaning of these adjectives into the opposite one. Make use of the dictionary .









8. Make use of the adjectives from the previous exercise to fill in the gaps:

a) She is so…by nature that nobody can get on with her.

b) Be… with your children!

c) He felt … only when he fastened his seat-belt.

d) Everyone thinks she is … after she broke the promise.

e) Don’t take so much luggage with you, Sally! Oh, you are so ….


9. Match the synonyms:

Stubborn Blunt

Loyal Dependable

Trustworthy Obstinate

Imaginative Balanced

Conservative True

Out-spoken Inventive

Stable Traditional

10. Find the odd one out:

a) cunning– deceitful – trustworthy

b) temperamental–self-controlled – stable

c) passionate – impulsive – passive

d) impulsive – practical – temperamental

e) trusting – trustworthy – reliable


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