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IV. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.
1. Мы – первокурсники Орловского юридического института Министерства внутренних дел России.
2. Курсанты скоро будут раскрывать преступления.
3. Он из семьи полицейского?
4. В институте аудитории больше, чем школе.
5. Следователь осматривает сейчас место преступления.
6. Мой друг моложе меня.
7. Его звание – рядовой.
8. Вы будущие юристы?
I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа
a) am b) is c) were
am b) is c) are
a) will be b) was c) is
a) are b) were c) was
a) was b) were c) will be
a) she b) we c) him
a) her b) we c) they
a) he b) their c) me
a) we b) she c) us
a) I b) me c) they
a) goes b) go c) shall go
a) comes b) come c) came
a) are you b) do you c) don’t you?
a) is b) do c) does
a) isn’t d) don’t c) doesn’t
a) watch b) watches c) don’t watch
a) are b) does c) do
a) did he b) don’t he c) didn’t he
a) live b) lives c) does live
a) was watching b) is watching c) were watching
a) was cleaning b) is cleaning c) will be cleaning
a) was speaking b) is speaking c) were speaking
a) best b) better c) good
a) nearest b) most near c) nearer
a) favourite b) the most favourite c) more favourite
II. Прочтите текст, выберите предложения, которые соответствуют содержанию текста
There are some governmental systems in the United States – federal, state, county, and local. At the federal level the powers of government are: the Legislative, the Executive, and the Judiciary.
Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 Senators, two from each state. One third of the Senators are elected every two years for six-year terms of office.
The House of Representatives has 435 members. They are elected every two years for two-year terms. The number of Representatives from each state depends on the number of its population.
Congress makes all laws, and each house of Congress has the power to introduce legislation. Each can also vote against legislation passed by the other. Legislation only becomes law if both houses agree.
The President, the head of the Executive Branch, must run the government programs adopted by Congress. He recommends programs and laws to Congress and requests money for federal government operations. The President appoints federal judges, ambassadors and hundreds of government officials.
There is a number of executive departments, each is responsible for a specific area. The department heads, called the Secretaries, are appointed by the President. These appointments must be approved by the Senate.
The third branch of government is the federal judiciary. Its main instrument is the Supreme Court, which watches over the other two branches. It determines whether their laws and acts are in accordance with the Constitution.
1. The legislative branch of power consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives.
2. The members of the House of Representatives are elected every four years for two-year terms.
3. The head of the Executive Branch is the Chief Justice.
4. The President appoints heads of the executive departments.
5. The Supreme Court watches over the legislative and the executive branches.
III. Поставьте 3 вопроса к тексту.
IV. Переведите предложения с русского языка на английский.
1. Курсанты строятся на плацу.
2. Мы учимся ОрЮИ МВД РФ.
3. Ты изучал английский язык в школе?
4. Брат моего друга – участковый инспектор.
5. Курсанты не используют оружие.
6. Он самый высокий студент в нашей группе.
7. Курсанты обедают сейчас в институтской столовой.
8. Ты моложе своего брата?
I. Выберите правильный вариант ответа
a) they b) them c) our
a) he b) they c) him
a) us b) we c) she
a) ours b) it c) my
a) their b) our c) my
a) were b) are c) is
a) was b) will be c) is
a) is b) was c) are
9. My uncle … a major when he retired.
a) is b) was c) were
a) is b) are c) be
a) get up b) gets up c) getting up
12. Next summer they … their friends in Moscow.
a) visit b) will visit c) visited
a) do you b) won’t you c) will you
a) go b) went c) will go
a) Do b) Does c) Shall
b) Do you b) didn’t you c) did you
a) didn’t b) don’t c) will not
a) will make b) made c) makes
a) Are b) Does c) Do
20. …she … a film at that time yesterday?
a) Was watching b) Is watching c) Were watching
21. They … a book at that moment tomorrow.
a) was reading b) is reading c) will be reading
22. Comrade Petrov … a report now.
a) was making b) is making c) were making
23. Public transport in London is (expensive) in Europe.
a) the expensivest b) the most expensive c) more expensive
24. The 22nd of December is (short) day in the year.
a) the short b) the shorter c) the shortest
25. Do you think Americans are (nice) English people?
a) nicer than b) the nicest c) nice than
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