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2017-11-27 | 371 |
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Pattern: In summer she watched the sunrise
In summer she didn't watch the sunrise
1. I saw Peter at the meeting.
2. The children stayed at home all the evening.
3. They spent the summer vacation in the Crimea.
4. I read this newspaper yesterday.
5. They had time to do it.
6. She sent her mother a telegram.
7. They watched TV last night.
8. Peter wanted to wait for a few minutes.
9. You left umbrella here.
10. Mr. Cook wrote newspaper reports.
VII. Put the Questions to the underlined words.
1. He was in Kiev last week.
2. My friend wrote to me very often last year.
3. They were at their office yesterday morning.
4. Our students read a lot of English books last year.
5. He took his son out on Monday evening.
6. Mr. Brown spoke to us about the plan yesterday.
7. The students usually go home after classes.
VIII. Make special questions.
Pattern: He learned English at school (where?)
Where did he learn English?
1. It rained heavily during the night (when?).
2. Ann spent her winter holidays in Kiev (where?).
3. We had supper at 8 o'clock (what time?).
4. He wrote three letters last night (how many?)
5. My sister read an interesting book yesterday (what)
6. They took a plane, because it was faster than a tram (why?)
7. I used Kate's book (whose?).
8. They stayed in Moscow only for two days (how long?)
9. They traveled by sea (how?).
10. She understood the last question (who?).
IX. Open the brackets.
1. Yesterday (to be) my day off. I usually (lo wake up) early on my day off, but yesterday I (to get up) at ten o'clock.
2. " When you (to have) breakfast yesterday? I (to have) breakfast at nine in the morning "
3. " When you last (to go) to the theatre?” " Two weeks ago "
4. I usually (to go) to bed at eleven o'clock. Yesterday my friends (to come) to see me, and I (to go) to bed at one.
5. He (to live) in Paris for a long tune and (to know) a lot about the city.
6. I got a package in the mail. When I (to open) it, I (to find) a surprise.
7. I (to call) Roger at nine last night, but he (to be, not) at home. He (to study) at the library.
8. Last January a child (to see) snow for the first time in his life.
X. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Когда ваш инженер вернулся в Нью-Йорк? – Он вернулся в Нью-Йорк три дня тому назад.
2. Кто уехал в Нью-Йорк на прошлой неделе? – М-р Смит.
3. Джон пошел к доске, написал предложение, прочитал его и вернулся к своему столу.
4. Какое упражнение вы делали дома вчера? – Упражнение 20.
5. Поговорите об этом с м-ром Смитом. Он вчера приехал из Лондона
6. Что вы делали на уроке вчера? – Мы читали тексты и делали упражнения, говорили по-английски с нашим преподавателем и переводили предложения с русского языка на английский.
7. Когда вы получили это письмо? – Вчера утром.
Test 5.
I. Transform the verb into the Future Indefinite Tense.
Pattern: He works hard
He will work hard.
1. He reads a lot.
2. She works hard.
3.I am never late.
4.I have tea in the morning.
5. Mary thought about the play.
6. It rained heavily in the evening.
7. You are again on holiday.
8. They brought their friends home.
II. Make sentences negative and interrogative.
Pattern: will not – won't
shall not – shan't
1. It will snow in the morning.
2. Не will become a good engineer.
3. She will translate this article tomorrow.
4. The manager will answer your question on Saturday.
5. We shall review these rules in some days.
6. This medicine will do her good.
7. We shall return home the day after tomorrow.
8. They will move to a new flat next week.
III. Substitute "to be going to" for "shall" or "will" in the following sentences.
Pattern: I shall cook dinner
I am going to cook dinner-
1. I shall learn the poem tomorrow.
2. They will grow apples in their garden.
3. You will open the box.
4. Her father will buy her a bicycle for her birthday.
5. She will play the piano for us.
6.1 shall solve this problem tomorrow.
8. That will happen soon.
IV. Answer the following questions. Pay attention to the use of the Present Indefinite Tense in the subordinate clauses of time and condition.
Pattern: What wilt you do if he comes today? (to ask him to help me).
If he comes today, I shall ask him to help me. (I'll)
1. What will you do if you pass your exam? (to go to the cinema).
2. What will she do when she finishes reading the text?(to translate it)
3. What will you do if it doesn't rain? (to go the country).
4. What will you do if he feels bad? (to send for a doctor).
5. What will you do if you receive a letter? (to answer it).
6 What will they do when summer comes? (to go to the seaside).
7 What will the teacher do if you ask him a question? (to answer it)
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