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2017-11-16 | 1306 |
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Moscow is a big city. It is the capital of Russia and the center of Moscow Region. It is situated in the center of the European part of the country. Moscow stands on the banks of the Moskva-river which is joined to the great Russian river Volga by the Moscow Canal.
Moscow was built on seven hills on the territory between the Moskva and the Yauza rivers. It was surrounded by thick forests, which protected it from many enemies. But it stood on the trade crossroads between North and South, East and West, which made the town grow strong and rich.
Let's glance at the map of the city. It resembles the cross-section of a tree stump, the rings of which tell us its age. The Kremlin is the center of the city. Around it there are five rings, historically marking where the city's boundaries were centuries ago.
The area of Moscow encircled by the Circular Road is about 900 square kilometres. And the population of the city is more than 9 million people. The Circular Road (109 km long) is the boundary of the modern city, though there are many districts outside it. Moscow is the fourth largest city of the world.
Moscow is the largest transport city of Russia. It is the port of five seas due to the Moscow Canal built in 1937 which connected the Moskva River and the Volga. Four airports in the suburbs of Moscow and nine railway stations connected Moscow with the whole world.
Moscow is a multinational city. You can find people of different nations and nationalities live in it.
1. Answer the questions:
1) Where was Moscow built?
2) What are the peculiarities of the city’s geographical position?
3) What does the map of the city resemble?
4) What is the area of Moscow encircled by?
5) What does the Moscow Canal connect?
2. Define if the statements are true or false:
1. The Moscow Canal connects the Moskva River and the Black Sea.
2. Moscow was built on seven hills.
3. Moscow is situated in the central Asian part of Russia.
4. The map of the city resembles the cross-section of a tree stump.
5. The Circular Road is 200 km long.
Write out all the geographical names, mentioned in the text.
4. Give a brief summary of the text. Train the pronunciation of the following proper names:
Yuri Dolgoruky (Long Hands) Юрий Долгорукий, суздальский князь
Suzdal Суздаль, древний русский город
Assumption Cathedral Успенский собор
Annunciation Cathedral Благовещенский собор
Dmitry Donskoy Дмитрий Донской
St Basil's Cathedral собор Василия Блаженного
The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts Музей изобразительных искусств им. А. С. Пушкина
The State Tretyakov Gallery Государственная Третьяковская галерея
The All-Russia Museum of Folk Arts Всероссийский музей декоративного, прикладного и народного искусства
The Andrei Rublev Museum of Early Russian Art Музей древнерусского искусства имени Андрея Рублева
Alexei Bakhrushin Theatre Museum Театральный музей имени А. Бахрушина
Mikhail Glinka Museum of Musical Culture Музей музыкальной культуры имени М. Глинки
The Bolshoi Opera House Большой театр оперы и балета
Dialogue 1:
- When was Moscow founded?
- Moscow was founded in 1147 (eleven forty seven).
- Is there a monument to Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow? Where is it?
- Yes, there is. It is in the centre of Moscow.
- When did Moscow become the capital?
- In the 16th century. It was under Ivan III that Moscow became the capital of the State of Moscovy.
- In 1712 the capital was moved to St. Petersburg, wasn't it? When did Moscow become the capital again?
- After the Great October Revolution Moscow became the capital again.
- What do you know about St Basil's Cathedral?
- St Basil's Cathedral was built in the mid-16th century in memory of the victory over Kazan.
- There is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky in the Red Square. What can you say about it?
- During the Troubled Times Moscow was occupied by the Polish invaders, but they were routed by the popular levy headed by Minin and Pozharsky.
- What can you see on the territory of the Kremlin?
- On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great (Колокольня Ивана Великого), the Palace of Congresses, the Tzar-Cannon (Царь-пушка) and the Tzar-Bell (Царь-колокол) - the biggest cannon and bell in the world.
- What is your favorite place in Moscow?
- Red Square is.
Reproduce dialogue 1 in parts.
Dialogue 2
About Moscow
- What date is accepted as the start of Moscow history?
- Moscow was the first mentioned in the records dated back to the year 1117. So it was founded more than eight centuries ago by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Historians have accepted the year 1147 as the start of Moscow's history. At that time it was a small frontier post at the edge of Suzdal lands.
- Who led the Russian troops to a decisive victory over Tartar invader s in the battle of Kulikovo field?
- Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy did in 1380.
- When did Moscow become a wealthy city and a capital of the State of Moscovy?
- By the 15th century Moscow turned into a wealthy city. In the 16th century, under Ivan III, Moscow became the capital of the State of Moscovy.
- When were the largest Kremlin Cathedrals erected.
- At that time the Kremlin was rebuilt and the largest Kremlin Cathedrals were erected. Under Dmitry Donskoy the Kremlin was built of white stone. During the reign of Ivan III the walls of white stone were replaced by new redbrick walls and towers. The Prince invited Italian architects to construct the cathedrals. The Assumption Cathedral was built in 1475—70. The Russian Tzars and Emperors were crowned there. The Archangel Cathedral was the burial place of the Russian Princes and Tzars. The Annunciation Cathedral was erected in 1484. It is famous for the icons painted by Andrei Rublov and his apprentices.
- What can you see on the territory of the Kremlin?
- On the territory of the Kremlin you can see old cathedrals, the Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Palace of Congresses, the Tzar-Cannon and the Tzar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world.
- What the Kremlin is?
- The Kremlin is the heart of Moscow. It is the oldest historical and architectural centre of Moscow.
- What is your favorite place in Moscow?
- Red Square is.
- What can you see in Red Square?
- There is a monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Red Square. During the Troubled Times Moscow was occupied by the Polish invaders, but they were routed by the popular levy headed by Minin and Pozharsky. St Basil's Cathedral was built in the mid-16th century, in memory of the victory over Kazan.
- What happened to Moscow in the beginning of the 18th and 19th centuries?
- Though Peter the Great moved the capital to St Petersburg in 1712, Moscow remained the heart of Russia. That is why it became the main target of Napoleon's attack. Three quarters of the city were destroyed by fire during Napoleon's occupation, but by the mid-19th century Moscow had been completely restored.
- When did Moscow become the capital again?
- After the Great October Revolution Moscow became the capital again.
- What is it Moscow now?
- Now Moscow is the capital of Russia, its political, economic, commercial and cultural centre, one of the largest cities in Europe, its total area is about nine hundred square kilometers (ancient Moscow occupied the territory of the present-day Kremlin). The population of the city is over 10 million. Moscow is the seat of the Russian parliament (the Duma) and the centre of political life of the country.
- Is Moscow a beautiful city?
- Moscow is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The heart of Moscow is Red Square. It has more historic associations than any other place in Moscow. The Kremlin and St Basil's Cathedral (Vasiliy Blazhenny) are masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture. The main Kremlin tower, the Spasskaya Tower, has become the symbol of the country.
There are a lot of beautiful palaces, old mansions, cathedrals, churches and monuments in Moscow. Now Moscow is being reconstructed and we all hope that in a few years the city will become even more beautiful.
- Are there museums in Moscow?
- There are more than 80 museums in Moscow. The largest museums are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretyakov Gallery. Other unique museums in Moscow include the All-Russia Museum of Folk Arts, the Andrei Rublev Museum of Early Russian Art, Alexei Bakhrushin Theatre Museum, Michail Glinka Museum of Musical Culture and many others.
- What is Moscow famous for?
- Moscow is famous for its theatres. The best known of them is the Bolshoi Opera House, Drama theatres and studios are also very popular.
- Can you say Moscow is the centre of Russia education?
- Yes, I can. Moscow is a city of students. There are over 80 higher educational institutions in it, including several universities.
1. Read and translate Dialogue 2.
2. Make up a story about famous places of interest in Moscow on the basis of the dialogue.
3. Learn the names of all the places of interest and proper names by heart.
The Present Perfect Tense (настоящее совершённое время)
Обозначает действие, которое завершилось к настоящему моменту и связано с ним своим результатом.
Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в форме настоящего времени (have, has) и формы причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle ) смыслового глагола: I have worked, he has worked, we have worked.
2. В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Have I worked? Has he worked? Have we worked?
3. Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола: I have not worked, he has not worked, we have not worked.
4. В вопросительно-отрицательной форме частица not ставится непосредственно после подлежащего: Have I not worked? Has he not worked? Have we not worked?
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