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А. 4. 3 произношение дифтонгов и трифтонгов

2017-11-16 266
А. 4. 3 произношение дифтонгов и трифтонгов 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1) Let's pl a y the g a me ag a in.

2) This is sn a ke

It lives by a l a ke,

It is on a log,

And looks at a frog.

Ii; Yy; igh; ei; ye [ai]


1) Out of s igh t, out of m i nd.

2) It was h igh time to dine.

3) The i sland.

The i sland is n i ne m i les long.

The i sland is n i ne m i les long and f i ve m i les w i de.

4) If you run after two hares, you will catch n ei ther.

5) Twinkle, twinkle little star,

How I wonder what you are,

Up above the world so h igh,

Like a d i amond in the sk y.

6) Это муха. It’s a fl y.

Сейчас прихлопну, так и знай.

7) One, two, three, four, f i ve,

Once I caught a fish al i ve,

Six, seven, eight, n i ne, ten,

Then I let it go again.

Why did you let it go?

Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it b i te?

This little finger on the r igh t.

8) There once was a man from Dev i ser,

Whose ears were of different s i zes,

One ear was so small,

It was no use at all,

But the other won several pr i zes.

9) Ну, почему считает папа,

Что все медведи косолапы?

Нет, мой медведь не косолап,

Я спросил его «Stand up!»

Он встал на две кривые лапы,

- Садись, – Sit down, -

Прав мой папа.

10) Я по-английски – I,

Пирог с начинкой – p ie,

Начинка – cherry jam

I p ie, пожалуй съем

Я говорю: «One, two».

И p ie летит ко рту:

Считаю: «One, two, three»,

И p ie уже внутри.

Такой послушный p ie,

А не сказал: «Good-b ye»

11) A cat l i kes rats.

A frog l i kes gnats.

A lion l i kes meat.

A pig l i kes beet.

12) Если спросят: «Как дела?»

Я скажу: «All r igh

Кукла спать моя легла,

Ей шепну: «Good n igh

По ночам сверчок стрекочет

Всем –Good night - спокойной ночи.

13) All that you do

Do with you m igh t;

Things which are done by havles

Are never done r igh t.

14) The sun is sh i ning, the day is f i ne,

But Johny, the lazy son of m i ne

Is still in bed and it’s half past nine.

Oo; oy; oi [oi]


1) The b oy enj oy s his t oy.

2) The n oi se is ann oy ing.

3) N oi se.

N oi se annoys.

Any n oi se ann oy s.

Any n oi se ann oy s an oy ster.

Any n oi se ann oy s an oy ster but the n oi sy noise ann oy s an oy ster most.

Oo; ow; oh; oa[əu]


1) N o body kn ow s h ow l o nely the r oa d is.

2) S oa mes never b oa sts of what the kn ow s

S oa mes never kn ow s of what the b o asts.

But R o se never kn ow s of what she b o asts.

3) The North wind will bl ow

And we shall have sn ow.

4) D o n't g o.

D o n't g o sl ow.

D o n't g o sl ow ly, J o e.

D o n't g o sl ow ly, J o e, there’s n o sn ow.

D o n't g o sl ow ly, J o e, there’s n o sn ow on the r oa d.

5) H o pe is a good breakfast but a bad supper.

6) R o me was not built in a day.

7) Я спросил сестру свою:

- Скажи мне, «How o ld are you»?

- I’ m ten, - сестра сказала,

- Десять лет – не так уж мало.

- Десять лет, - подумал Я,

- Взрослая сестра моя.

ou; ow [au]


1) The cl ow n came d ow n to our t ow n.

2) Mr. Br ow n came d ow n town.

3) Mr. Br ow n was not all ow ed. Mr. Br ow n was not all ow ed to go out. Mr. Br ow n was not all ow ed to go ou t of the h ou se.


ea; ere; ear; eer; eu [iə]


1) He lived n ear London for y ea rs.

2) D ear me.

D ear me, I f ear.

D ear me, I f ear I really h ear.

D ear me, I f ear I really h ear the d eer quite n ear.

Aa; are; ear(e); air [eə]

1) Where are the p are nts?

2) I d are say.

I d are say it's r are.

I d are say it's r are for M a ry.

I dare say it's r are for M a ry to sit th ere.

I d are say it's r are for M a ry to sit th ere in a chair in the fresh air.

3) This is a b ear,

He sits on a ch air,

His name is Boney,

He looks for honey.

4) I hare a h are,

I have a b ear,

My toys are h ere,

My toys are th ere.

Tw [tw]


1) Tw elve tw ins tw irled tw elve tw igs.

2) Tw inkle, tw inkle, little star,

How I wonder, where you are,

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

W w; Wh [w]


1) Wh ether the w eather be fine,

Or wh ether the w eather be not,

Wh ether the w eather be cold,

Or wh ether the w eather be hot,

W e'll w eather the w eather,

Wh atever the w eather,

Wh ether we like it or not.

2) W e w onder wh ether the wh ether

W ill w eather the w eather.

Or wh ether the w eather

The w eather w ill kill?

3) Wh y do you cry, W illy?

Wh y do you cry?

Wh y, W illy?

Wh y, W illy?

Wh y, W illy? Wh y?

4) Wh ere there's a w ill, there's a w ay.

5) W illiam always w ears a very

W arm w oolen vest in w inter,

Victor, ho w ever, w ill never w ear

W oolen under w ear even in the W ild W est

6) Wh en the cat is a w ay the mice w ill play.

7) Wh at w e give, w e had, wh at we left, w e lost.

8) Wh at is done cannot be undone

9) W ee W illie W inkie

Runs through the town

Upstairs and downstairs

In his night gown.

Rapping at the w indow,

Crying through the door;

«Are the children all in bed?

It’s past eight o’clock».

10) - Wh ere are you going to, little kittens?

- W e are going to town to buy mittens,

- Wh at? Mittens for kittens?

11) Kitten s in mittens?

Wh o ever saw little kittens in mittens?

Six little kittens lost their mittens.

It’s a pity, they w e so pretty.

12) Wh ere are you going to, my little cats?

W e are going to London to buy hats.

Wh at? Cats in hats?

Hats for cats?

Wh o ever saw cats in hats?

ua; our [uə]


1) During Febr ua ry.

During Febr ua ry they made a t our.

During Febr ua ry they made a t our of Europe.

I’m absolutely s ur e that they made a t our of Europe during Febr ua ry.


ow; our [auə]

1) There’s a fl ow er.

There’s a fl ow er near the t ow er.

There’s a flower near the t ow er, it is our s.

2) A sunshiny sh ow er won’t last an h our.

I i [aiə]


1) Be quite.

Be qu i te, I'm t i red.

Be qu i te, I'm t i red of the tr i al.




(слова, которые слышатся одинаково, но пишутся и переводятся по-разному)


1) board - доска

bored – скучающий

Help me to find that board, please.

The bored boy walks alone.

2) buy - покупать

bye – пока

Pete, buy me an ice-cream, please.

Bye, see you soon!

3) facts - факты

fax – факс

Tell me the facts!

Jimmy sends me the fax from the office.



4) flour - мука

flower – цветок

Buy flour, I want tot bake cookies.

Rose is my favourite flower.

5) for - для

four – четыре

I sing this song for you.

Bobby has four bananas.

6) hear - слышать

here – здесь

Do you hear this strange sound?

Stay herе, please, don’t leave me!

7) hi - привет

high – высокий

Say hi to Mrs Gratefold.

Everest is a very high mountain.


8) hole - дыра

w hole – весь, целый (буква w не читается по закону элизии, или диэрезы, то есть буква пишется, но не произносится)

There is a hole in you shoe.

My sister wants to travel and see the whole world.

9) h our – час (закон элизии)

our – наш

I need an hour to cook a dinner.

Our dog is so clever.

10) k now – знать (закон элизии)

no – нет

Do you know him?

No, I don’t know him.

11) m ea t - мясо

m ee t – встречаться

Cook the meat, please. I am so hungry!

Let’s meet a 5 p.m. near the monument.

12) one - один

won – выиграл

I need one more chance!

He won the game and looks very happy.

13) read - читал

red – красный

I read the book, it is very interesting.

I like this red balloon.


14) right – правильный

w rite – писать (закон элизии)

Your answer is right.

Mr. Lambert, write this word on the blackboard.

15) rose - роза

rows – ряды

Oh, what a beautiful rose!

There are rows of flowers in the field.

16) s ea - море

s ee – видеть

They decide to go to the sea.

Cats can see in the dark.

17) son - сын

sun – солнце

Marry has a son. His name is Patrick.

The sun shines through the clouds.

18) too - тоже

two – два

I like it too.

I have two pieces of a pie. Would you like one?

19) wait - ждать

weight – вес

Could you, please, wait for me?

The weight of this box is 15 kilos.

20) w ea k - слабый

w ee k – неделя

Bob is too weak after the illness.

I have a week to write this article.




1) apple - яблоко

chapel – часовня

An apple lies near the chapel.

2) ball - мяч

small – маленький

wall – стена

A small ball hits the wall.

3) cat - кот

bat – летучая мышь

A cat watches a big and fat bat.

4) dog - собака

fog – туман

I lost my dog in the fog.


5) ear - ухо

here – здесь

Look here! What’s with my ear?

6) face - лицо

place – место

In an empty place I see someone’s face.

7) grass - трава

class – класс

Children from your class play on the grass.

8) hot - горячий

pot - горшок

spot – пятно

Don’t take this hot pot with a red spot.

9) ice - лед

slice – ломоть

Give me some ice and a slice of pie.

10) jacket - пиджак

racket – ракетка

Make wears a jacket and hold a yellow racket.

11) king - король

bring - приносить

ring – кольцо

A king asks to bring him the ring.

12) last - последний

past – прошлое

Jenny reads the last about the past.

13) mouse - мышь

house – дом

I can’t see a mouse in the house!

14) night - ночь

fight - бороться

k night – рыцарь (элизия)

A knight fight with a dragon at night.

15) oil - масло

spoil – испортить

An oil can spoil my dress.

16) put - класть

foot – ступня

Put the flowers and show me your foot.

17) queen - королева

screen – экран

A photo of the queen is on the screen.

18) rat - крыса

flat – квартира

There is a rat near the flat.


19) sing - петь

wing – крыло

They sing about the bird’s wing.

20) t ea - чай

b ee - пчела

s ea - море

s ee – видеть

I drink tea, see a bee and a stormy sea.

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