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Task X. Here is a table with etymological duplets. Make it complete.

2017-11-18 272
Task X. Here is a table with etymological duplets. Make it complete. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Английское слово Французское слово Перевод
cow beef Корова/говядина
calf veal Теленок/телятина
sheep mutton Овца/баранина
swine pork Свинья/свинина
belly stomach живот, желудок
chance cadence шанс, случай/ каденция,
count compute считать/вычислять
frail fragile хрупкий
garner granary хлебный амбар
poor pauper бедный/нищий
ray radius луч/радиус
sever separate разделять
strait strict строгий, точный
sure secure уверенный/безопасный

Task XI. Here is a list of French suffixes and words built with their help. Continue the list with no less than six words:

- ance – arrogance, endurance, hindrance… ignorance,assistance, resemblance, forbearance, elegance, vigilance, importance

- ence – intelligence, expedience… presence, coincidence, preference, independence, silence, coherence

- ment – appointment, development, experiment… endordement, treatment, enjoyment, management, department, supplement

- age – courage, marriage, passage… baggage, cottage, coverage, storage, voyage, image

- ess – tigress, lioness, actress… access, happiness, address, darkness, busyness, impress

- ous – curios, dangerous, joyous… marvelous, hilarious, anxious, serious, enormous, famous

en – enable, endear, enact, enfold… encase, enorganic, enlink, enrapture, enslave

Task XII. Down you will see some explanations and still down words given to denote them. Identify a word or a combination of words using the necessary explanations.


Rendezvous -Place appointed for meeting

Fiancée -A bride

Fiancé -A groom

Denim -A type of clothes

A la carte -If you want to order some meal, and to eat B (board)

Etiquette -Rules of social behavior

Hors d´oeuvre -Extra dish served as a starter for a meal

Nouveau riche -The recently wealthy

Idée fixe – Obsession

Eau de toilette -A weak perfume

Camouflage – Disguise

Haute couture -High class

Carte blanche -Free hand, the ability to do whatever you want


Task XIII. Fill in the gaps with necessary French borrowings:

Tệte–ậ-tệte Nouveau riche

Blasé Cul – de sac

Bon voyage Grand prix

Rendezvous Hors d'oeuvre

Chic Carte blanche

Encore Coup Façade

Debut C'est la vie

Gourmet Bloc

Entourage Detente

Avant garde

1. This Cul – de sac is a nice place, but too quite and obscure. It would be so dull, as well as dangerous to live here;

2. I would like to start with a nice strong cup of tea, and to follow some Hors d'oeuvre to make my appetite harder;

3. The whole company decided that I could do everything, so they intrusted all the necessary information and papers to me, as well as gave me Carte blanche in making important decisions. Oh, I am nervous;

4. ABBA won Grand prix in Eurovision song contest once and since than forever;

5. I wish you Bon voyage on that long beautiful ship. Oh, how I envy your trip!

6. She always is very attractive, choosing only expensive clothes, eating in expensive restaurants, communicating with celebrities! Yes, she is Chic!

7. He offered a nice evening Tệte–ậ-tệte to discuss our future plans and I couldn’t help but coming up there;

8. I am awfully Blasé about all that mass that circulates around him after he won that completions! There are always too many reporters and journalists around our family. I am tired;

9. This restaurant is a favorite Rendezvous for writers and artists.

10. Molly Brown was the only woman on Titanic she was Nouveau riche (a person with money, but without status). People didn’t love her;

11. If we take Thomas out to dinner, we must choose a restaurant. He is a Gourmet

12. It is a successful Debut! Bravo! Now the price is our!

13. Film stars don’t usually travel alone. They are normally surrounded by a large Entourage of agents, secretaries and the other helpers

14. The audience liked her songs so much that at the end they shouted, “ Encore”, and she obliged by singing one more song

15. When she got married with a simple guy her family was furious, and only her granny calmed everybody down by saying: “ C'est la vie

16. The term “Easter… countries” referred to the Soviet Union and the other socialist states of Eastern Europe

17. His pictures are so Avant garde that it is very difficult to find a proper customer. Sometimes he sits without money for weeks;

18. She made her Coup Façade as an actress in a film at the age of 8

19. The Bloc of that old building remained the same, while interior was renovated and remodeled brand new;

20. At the moment there is a Detente between the two countries. Relations are much easier.


Some more French words that were borrowed and assimilated in English:

Французское заимствование Перевод
reign царствовать
government правительство
crown корона
state государство
duke герцог
peer пэр
prince князь
marquis маркиз
viscount виконт
baron барон
army армия
peace мир
battle битва
soldier солдат
general генерал
captain капитан
lieutenant лейтенант
sergeant сержант
bullet пуля
bayonet штык
march марш
enemy неприятель
county графство
city крупный город
village деревня
palace дворец
mansion имение
residence резиденция
domicile постоянное местожительство
fatigue усталый
retinue сдержанный
miserable несчастный
tender нежный
humble скромный, смиренный
judge судья
justice правосудие, справедливость
court суд
crime преступление
service служба (церковная)
parish приход
lesson урок
library библиотека
dinner обед
supper ужин
table стол
chair стул
plate тарелка
napkin салфетка
saucer блюдце
machine машина
engine мотор
fair ярмарка
market рынок
coquette кокетка
party партия
apartment квартира
décolleté декольтированный
costume костюм
gourmet гурман
billet-doux любовное письмо
protégé протеже
misalliance неравный брак, мезальянс
roulette рулетка, ролик, колёсико
femme женщина


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