II. Translate the following and check it up. — КиберПедия 

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II. Translate the following and check it up.

2017-10-16 273
II. Translate the following and check it up. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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(Revision of all the tenses in the Active and Passive Voices)

A. 1. Я часто пишу письма своим родителям. 2. Сейчас я пишу письмо своему другу. 3. Я только что написал письмо своему другу. 4. Мне часто пишут письма. 5. Мне уже написали письмо.

1.1 often write letters to my parents, 2. Now I am writing a letter to my friend. 3.1 have just written a letter to my friend. 4.1 am often written letters to. 5.1 have already been written a letter to.

Б. Use the required tense of the verb corresponding to the given adverbials:

1. The doctor usually examines patients, (at present, yesterday, tomorrow at 5 o'clock,
just, yesterday by two o'clock)

2. The researcher often carries out experiments, (yesterday from 10 till 12 o'clock,
already, next week, by the end of the last week, tomorrow by the end of the working day)

1.... is examining... at present;... examined... yesterday;... will be examining... tomor­row at 5 o'clock;... has just examined...;... had examined... yesterday by two o'clock;

2.... was carrying out... yesterday from 10 till 12 o'clock;... has already carried out...;... will carry out... next week;... had carried out... by the end of the last week;... will have carried out... tomorrow by the end of the working day.

HI. Translate the following and check it up.

(Impersonal and Indefinite Personal Sentences)

1. Без данных анализов бывает трудно поставить правильный диагноз.

2. Полагают, что больной полностью восстановит свое здоровье к концу лечения. Больному необходимо определить группу крови до операции. 4. Думали, что ему необходима операция на почках.

1. It is difficult to make a correct diagnosis without the findings of the analyses. 2. It is considered (they consider; one considers) that the patient will have restored his health completely by the end of the treatment. 3. It is necessary to determine the patient's blood group before the operation. 4. It was thought (they thought; one thought) that he required (needed) the operation on the kidneys.

Cycle III. Topic Questions


1. Through what vessels does the heart pump the blood to all the parts of the body? 2. What is the total weight of the blood pumped daily? 3. What is the rate of heart con­tractions regulated by? 4. How many beats does the heart make per minute? 5. What does the rate of the heartbeat depend on? 6. What composes the cardiac cycle? 7. What does each cardiac cycle consist of? 8. What part of the heart discharges out the blood to the systemic circulation? 9. Through what arteries is the blood carried to the pulmonary circulation? 10. What parts of the heart serve as the main pump? 11. What parts of the heart receive blood?


1. Where is the venous blood from the systemic and portal circulation brought to?

2. At what moment does the blood from the right atrium pass into the right ventricle?

3. Where is the blood pumped during the systole of the ventricle? 4. What circulation
does the venous blood enter when the right ventricle has pumped it into the pulmonary
artery? 5. What takes place in the lungs when the venous blood is brought there? 6. Where
does the oxygenated blood pass from the venous part of the pulmonary capillary system?


7. Where is the oxygenated blood brought to after it has passed the four pulmonary veins?

8. Where is the arterial blood pumped from the left atrium and why? 9. Where is the
arterial blood pumped during the ventricular systole? 10. Where do the arteries carry
blood from the aorta?



1. What is blood? 2. What is blood composed of? 3. What is the count of white blood cells in a healthy person? 4. When may the number of white blood cells increase? 5. What cellular elements of blood are the most numerous ones? 6. What substance of the red cell is the most important one? 7. What is the total blood volume divided into? 8. What is the average volume of the blood? 9. What does the circulating volume of the blood depend on?


1. How many heart sounds can we usually hear while listening to the heart? 2. Which of the heart sounds is the longest? 3. When is the first heart sound heard? 4. What takes place in the heart when we hear the first heart sound? 5. When do we hear the second heart sound? 6. When may we hear the third heart sound in some persons? 7. Where is the first heart sound greater? 8. Where is the second heart sound heard loudest? 9. Why are the heart sounds very important in the clinical diagnosis?


1. Who was Sechenov? 2. Into how many works did he include the findings of his observations? 3. What were some of his research works connected with? 4. What did Sechenov find out when he isolated the blood gases? 5. What conclusion did he come to on the basis of his observations? 6. What couldn't many other physiologists estimate? 7. What is the accomplishment of the respiratory process due to? 8. What did Sechenov prove by his investigations on the process of absorption of carbon dioxide? 9. What is the transfer of carbon dioxide from the blood into the lungs due to?

1. a prominent Russian scientist, the founder of Russian physiology and scientific psychology; 2. into 106 scientific works; 3. with the investigation of the blood gases and their role to the respiratory process; 4. that most of the blood gases were combined with erythrocytes; 5. that hemoglobin was that substance of the blood which accomplished the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the respiratory process; 6. they could not estimate the role of hemoglobin in the act of respiration; 7. due to hemoglobin; 8. that only 2/3 of carbon dioxide were dissolved in plasma; the rest was combined with red blood cells; 9. is due to the law of diffusion of gas from fluid into the air.


1. What is the physiology of the lungs associated with? 2. What does this particular structure of the lungs enable them to do? 3. What enables the lungs to dilate? 4. When does the number of the opened alveoli and capillaries increase? 5. When does the flow of blood into the lungs increase? 6. When does the flow of blood into the lungs decrease? 7. What vital capacity have the lungs in the adult? 8. When may the vital capacity of the lungs be 6 litres and even more? 9. What do the lungs take part in?


1. What system of the human body is our brain included into? 2. What is the weight of the human brain? 3. How many cells does the brain consist of? 4, By what is each cell

of the brain connected to every other one? 5. What comes into the brain through the spinal cord? 6. What do these stimuli come to the brain from? 7. What do the stimuli tell the brain about? 8. What does the brain do in answer to all the stimuli? 9. What does the motor cortex control? 10. Which of the parts of the brain the motor cortex or the hypo-thalamus becomes tired rapidly?


1. When does the process of inhibition begin to act? 2. What doesn't the process of inhibition allow new stimuli to do? 3 What must the nervous cells be well supplied with to provide the smooth work of the brain? 4. What must any human being have for this purpose? 5. When does one fall asleep? 6. What is restored when one sleeps? 7 Which is *" more important for a human being, sleep or food? 8. What changes take place in the human body during a sound quite sleep?

Lesson 24. Lab. Work 29.

I. Translate the following and check up your answers;

A. 1. обнаружить новообразование в печени; 2. в благоприятной окружающей среде; встречаться часто4. при определенных условиях; 5. заболеть (заразиться) гриппом; 6. подорвать здоровье; 7. выявить стафилококки; 8. уничтожить болезнетворные организмы; 9. Тщательно сохранялась; 10. докладывать о последних научных достижениях

1. to reveal a growth in the liver; 2. in a favorable environment; 3^Jo_oc£ur_often;

4. under certain conditions; 5. to catch-the grippe; 6. to impair one's health; 7. to reveal staphylococci; 10. To report on the latest scientific developments

Б. 1. задерживать рост костей; 4. в определенные дни; 5. захватить и уничтожить микробы; 6. на­рушить функции сердца; 7. Медицинский осмотр показал; 8. полностью уничто­жить; 9. боль сохраняется; 10. сообщить результаты многочисленных опытов

1. to inhibit the growth of bones; 4. on certain days; 5. to catch and destroy microbes; 6. to impair the functions of the heart; 8. to destroy completely; 9. the pain persists; 10. to report the findings of numerous experiments

II. Answer the following questions:

A. 1. What is a microorganism? 2. What is a coccus? 3. What is a membrane? 4. Whatis a phagocyte? 5. What is an aerobic microorganism? 6. What is a bacillus? 7. What is an anaerobic microorganism? 8. What is a mucous membrane?

B. 1. What examination helps to reveal a growth in the human body? 2. In what way
do microorganisms multiply? 3. What is the size of the human heart? 4. How does favourable home environment influence the development of one's character (nature)? 5. What complications may occur in case of the grippe? 6. In case of what disease does a high temperature persist for about a week? 7. At what age do the impairments of blood supply occur most often? 8. What physiologic function does skin carry out? 9. In what state of health may a man catch an infectious disease easily? 10. What corpuscular ele­ments of blood destroy invading microorganisms?

Lesson 25. Lab. Work 30.

1. Translate the following and check up your answers:

A. 1. выявить патогенные микроорганизмы; 2. быстрый рост растений; 3. вы­делить слизь; 4. желудочный сок; 5. целебные свойства; 6. тонкая кожа; 7. У меня болит горло; 8. проходить по сосудам; 9. умереть от ран; 10. важная отрасль науки 1. to find out (discover) pathogenic microorganisms; 2. a rapid growth of plants; 3. to discharge some mucus; 4. gastric juice; 5. healing properties; 6. fine skin; 7.1 have a sore throat; 8. to pass through the vessels; 9. to die of wounds; 10. an important branch

of science

Б. 1. разрушить патогенные микроорганизмы; 2. исследовать развитие растений; 3. выделение слизи; 4. сделать анализ сока поджелудочной железы; 5. главное свойство; 6. вдыхать мелкую пыль; 7. осмотреть горло больного; 8. про­пускать сок через тонкий фильтр; 9. тяжелая рана; 10. основать новую отрасль


1. to destroy pathogenic microorganisms; 2. to investigate the development of plants; 3. the discharge of mucus; 4. to make the analysis of the pancreatic juice; 5. the main property; 6. to breathe in fine dust; 7. to examine the patient's throat; 8. to pass the juice through a fine filter; 9. a bad wound; 10. to establish a new branch of medicine

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