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Учебное пособие

По английскому языку

для студентов

Дневного и заочного отделений

По направлениям

«Экономика» и «Менеджмент»

Набережные Челны, 2009

Учебное пособие по английскому языку для студентов дневного и заочного отделений по направлениям «Экономика» и «Менеджмент» / Составители: доцент Э.В. Максимова, доцент Л.Р. Славина, ст. преподаватель Э.А. Абдрашитова, - Набережные Челны: Изд-во Камской государственной инженерно-экономической академии, 2009. – 81 с.


Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов-бакалавров, обучающихся на дневном и заочном отделении по направлениям «Экономика» и «Менеджмент». Целью данного пособия является развитие умений и навыков чтения, перевода, устной речи и письма и может быть использовано как в аудиторной, так и в неаудиторной самостоятельной работе студентов. Пособие состоит из трех частей. В первой части представлены практические задания по английскому языку для аудиторной работы. Во второй части даны контрольные работы для студентов-заочников и в третьей части – задания для самостоятельной работы студентов.



Рецензент: д.п.н., профессор кафедры иностранных языков филиала КФУ Газизова А.И., д.ф.н., доцент кафедры иностранных языков ИНЭКА Билялова А.А.


Печатается в соответствии с решением научно-методического совета Камской государственной инженерно-экономической академии


©Камская государственная


академия, 2012



1. Explaining your job………………………………………………..……..…………...6

2. Using the Internet……………………………………………………….……….…..20

3. Business Etiquette ……………………………………………………….….…........28

4. Image…………………….….…………………………………....……………….…24

5. Success………………………………………………...………………..……........…32

6. Future………………………………………………………………..…………..…...38

7. Price………………………………………………………….………………..…...…45

8. Insurance…………………………………………….……………………..…………54

9. Service………………………………………………………



I. Roles and activities

Ex 1.1. Соедините слова 1-5 с их значением a-e.

1. founder a. to start a company or organization

2. set up b. one of a member of people who own a

business together

3. team c. to be responsible for

4. partner d. a group of people who work together to

do a job

5. run (a business) e someone who starts a company or


Ex 1.2. Напишите профессии данных областей профессиональной деятельности.

a technical job – technician

1. accounts

2. art

3. banking

4. economics

5. engineering

6. music

Ex 1.3. Заполните пропуски профессиями в следующих предложениях:

A financial __ analyst _ is someone who analyses the financial markets.

1 A financial ____________ is someone who gives advice about financial services.

2 A sales ____________ is someone who represents their company and sells their products.

3 An ____________ manager is someone who assist the manager.

4 A ___________ offers consultancy services to management.

5 A ____________ is someone who develops software.

6 A ____________ is someone who produces films.

Ex 2.4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в Present simple или Present continuous.

1. He joined the company 25 years ago and he still ___ works__ (work) for us.

2. We ____________ (not/send) out any orders this week because we’re waiting for the new lists.

3. I ____________ (deal) with Mr Matsumi’s clients this week because he’s away.

4. Go down this road, turn right, and the road ____________ (lead) straight to the industrial estate.

5. Because of the Euro/Dollar exchange rate, EU exports ____________ (not/do) very well at the moment.

6. The stock market is risky because the price of shares ____________ (vary) according to economic conditions.

7. I ____________ (learn) French because I’m going to be based in the Paris office next year.

8. Hello. I’m Heinrich Brandt, I’m German, and I ____________ (come) from a small town near Munich.

III. Describing your job

Ex 3.1. Сопоставьте каждую фразу с вопросами a-d.

1. I’m a …. (graphics designer)

2. I work as a … (consultant)

3. I work for … (web design services)

4. I’m responsible for … (project management/managing projects)

5. My main role is to … (meet with clients, sell our services)

6. We provide …(web design services).

a What kind of company do you work for?

b What does your company do?

c What do you do in your job?

d What’s your job?

Ex 3.5. Опишите компанию, в которой вы работаете, свою профессию и ваши обязанности.

recognition, text to speech, etc.

2 Mark the following statements as True or False:

IV Applying for a job: A letter of application

Ex 4.1. a) Прочитайте объявление о работе (the job advertisement) и заполните информацию внизу:

Job title –

Department –

Location -

Responsibilities –

Skills required –

Experience required –

Qualifications required –

How to apply –

Marketing Executive

We are looking for a dynamic new Marketing Executive to join our busy team. The Marketing Department is based in Manchester in the UK.

Our Marketing Executives are responsible for maintaining the current client base, researching their ongoing requirements and informing the sales and design teams, as well as giving suggestions for promotional activity. You will also be expected to research the market place in order to expand the existing client base, and keep up-to-date with current competition.

Previous experience is not necessary as training will be given. You will be a university graduate (any subject), with a keen interest in the fashion world, good communication and IT skills, a clean driving licence, motivated and able to work to tight deadlines.

This is a permanent position.

To apply, please complete the application form and send it with a covering letter to Martha Chase, Human Resources Director.

Interviews will be held on 11th August.

b) Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What kind of experience is the company looking for?

2. Would you like to apply for this job? Why / Why not?

Ex. 4.2. Прочитайте сопроводительное письмо (a covering letter) Кейт. Отвечает ли Кейт требованиям, предъявляемым в объявлении из упражнения 4.2.? Является ли она подходящим кандидатом на эту должность?

38 Steeple Drive Marsden MD4 8YT Tel: 08931 462918 Email:   Martha Chase Human Resources Director Style House Marsden MD2 4BK   28th July 2010 Dear Ms Chase, I would like to apply for the post of Marketing Executive advertised in this week’s Fashion News. I have worked as part of the sales team for a fashion designer for six months. I am very interested in the world of fashion and am keen to pursue a career in this area. I have good communication skills and am able to work both independently and as part of a team. I am self-motivated and can work to tight deadlines. Although I do not have a degree, I have good qualifications from school and excellent computer skills. I have a clean driving licence. Please find enclosed my CV. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Kate Campbell

Ex.4.3. Заполните письмо словами:

closing, CV, Department, experience, interview, manager, post, qualified, salary, skills

Dear Sir,

I am writing to apply for the 1 _______ of Sales Manager advertised on 3rd March in The Times newspaper. I have worked for the past two years as a junior 2 ____________ in an electronics company in the II. Re-read the text to find the answers to these questions.

Marketing 3 _____________. I feel now is the right time to apply for a higher position as I believe I have gained the necessary 4____________.

I am a 5_____________ engineer (see the enclosed 6__________) and believe I have excellent management 7___________. My 8___________ at present is $25,000 a year.

I realize that the 9____________ date for applications was last Friday, but I hope that you will still be willing to consider my application. I am available for 10_________________ at any time. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.

Yours faithfully,

Jason Stephenson



I Ex 1.1. Просмотрите первую часть теста и заполните пропуски в предложениях:

Politeness is about showing _______________ for others. It means thinking about other people’s _______________.

Part one

There are different opinions about what is polite or impolite. Different cultures express politeness in different ways. Even in the same company, there may be different views about what are good manners or bad manners. But the same rules apply everywhere. Politeness is about showing respect for others. It means thinking about other people’s feelings.

Ex 1.2. Прочитайте вторую часть текста и ответьте на вопросы:

1) Who are we usually polite to in a business environment? Give two examples.

2) Why is it better if managers show respect for their workers?

Part two

In formal situations we follow standard rules for politeness. In business we are usually polite when we make new contacts, meet customers or people from other companies. Politeness is often linked to status. We are usually more polite to people above us in the organizational hierarchy. In today’s working environment most managers show respect for their workers. They might say, “We really need to send the report as soon as possible. Could you please do it today?” If you consider other people’s feelings they are usually more willing to work hard, to help and to cooperate.

Ex 1.3. Заполните пропуски словами:

hierarchy rules status subordinates

1. In formal situations it is a good idea to follow standard __________when making new contacts. 2. Politeness is often linked to __________. 3. We are more polite to people who are above us in the organizational __________.


We in Sydney are very easy-going and relaxed about rules. But we work hard. We start work pretty early in the morning. Breakfast meetings are common, starting at 8 am. And we like to start meetings on time – so it’s important not to be late! We’re generally very informal. Men often wear a jacket and tie during office hours. But we prefer informal clothes when the weather’s hot. For lunch, we usually go out for a sandwich. What do we talk about? Well – it isn’t difficult to talk to Australians – we’re very friendly people. But it helps a lot if you can talk about sport.


Most people that I know don’t like to start work early. We hate breakfast meetings! People are always in a hurry – so being on time for meetings is important. People think the British are very formal. But thins are changing. I think we’re quite informal nowadays. Some men still wear formal business suits – but a lot of people come to work in casual clothes. Lunch is often a quick sandwich and a coffee. After work we like to go to the pub with colleagues. At the pub you can talk about anything you like!

New York

Life in New York is fast and dynamic. Some people say that we’re rude. I don’t mean to be rude – I just don’t have much time for being polite! Work starts early in the morning – breakfast meetings start at 7 am – don’t be late! Most people dress in suits for business – it’s important to look smart. A lot of people eat at their desk at lunchtime. But if we go to a restaurant, we talk business right through lunch. We don’t talk about the food. People are very competitive and work always comes first!

Ex 4.3. Заполните таблицу, пользуясь текстами:

  Sydney London New York
Breakfast meetings Common – 8 am    
Punctuality     important  
What do people talk about outside work?     business

Ex 4.4. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Are business people in your country easy-going or more formal?

2. What do they usually wear?

3. Do most business people in your country have a long lunch at a restaurant or do they eat a quick sandwich?

V. ПРЕДЛОЖЕНИЯ И ПРОСЬБЫ (offers and requests)

Ex 5.1. Изучите таблицу и ответьте на вопросы внизу:

Offers Responses
Can Ihelp you? Let mecarry your bags for you. Would you likea coffee? Do you wantsome sugar? I couldmake a copy for you. Yes, I’m looking for Mr Jones. Thanks – that’s very kind of you. Not just now, thanks. I don’t take sugar, thanks. Thanks, but I don’t really need one.
Requests Responses
Can youphone me tomorrow? Could I havesome water, please? Would you pleasecheck the figures? Could yougive me some directions, please? It’s a bit difficult. I’m very busy. Yes, of course.   Yes, no problem.   I’m sorry. I don’t know this place very well.

Обозначьте «галочкой» наиболее неформальные выражения в каждой группе таблицы.

2. Обозначьте «минусом» ответы, которые означают «нет». Какие слова в английском языке мы иногда используем, чтобы избежать ответа «нет»?


6.1. Сопоставьте фразы 1-6 и ответы на них a-f.

1. Can I introduce my colleague? This is Jane Duncan. 2. I’m really sorry about my mistake. 3. Thanks very much for your help. 4. Would you like to join us for lunch? 5. Is it OK to smoke in here? 6. Thanks for a very nice lunch. a. No problem. You’re welcome. b. That would be very nice. Thank you! c. That’s all right. Don’t worry about it. d. I’m glad you enjoyed it. e. Pleased to meet you. f. I’m sorry. It isn’t allowed.

Ex 6.2. Представьте, что вы летите в Нью-Йорк. Напишите, что бы вы сказали в следующих ситуациях:

1. You are thirsty.

2. The passenger next to you has a copy of Newsweek. You would like to read it.

3. You want to go to the toilet, but the passenger next to you is in the way.

4. It’s lunch-time. You’re a vegetarian. The stewardess has just given you the chicken.

Ex 6.3. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях:

1. Would

Could you like to go to the conference in Brussels?

2. Let me to help you with that report.

3. Would I have another cup of coffee, please?

4. You can open the window, please?

5. Could you give me please some information?

6. Can I the new designs see?

Review 1



Ex 1.1. Прочитайте статью и выполните задание:



Ex 2.1. Выберите наилучшее определение этим словам и фразам:


a. manufactured in a factory b. made without machines


a. hard working b. having a special ability


a. companies or small businesses b. groups of people

Textile industry

a. businesses manufacturing b. businesses writing texts



a. production b. shows

Domestic market

a. sales abroad b. sales in your own country

Ex 2.2. Заполните пропуски следующими словами и фразами:

campaigns famous fashion houses shows

glossy magazines image publicity wear

1____________, such as Versace and Yves Saint Laurent, are choosing celebrities for their advertising 2____________. In the past, supermodels like Cindy Crawford were the main stars of fashion. Now the 3 ____________ are full of photos of beautiful actors such as Nicole Kidman. Louis Vuitton’s latest advertisements feature the singer Jennifer Lopez, and no 4____________ fashion models. Newspapers are more interested in what film stars 5____________ to the Oscars (Academy Awards) than in fashion 6____________. But people in the fashion industry still say that they cannot do without them. They create the 7___________ of the brand and generate a lot of 8____________.


Ex 3.1. Заполните таблицу пропущенными словами, выпишите из словаря их транскрипцию:

Существи-тельное Прилага-тельное Существи-тельное Прилага-тельное
  luxurious commerce 5.
fashion 2. economy  
3. industrial fame 7.
creation 4. 8. talented

Ex 3.2. Прочитайте текст и переведите:

Companies don’t just sell products. They sell a lifestyle. Nearly everything you buy says something about you: your clothes, your car, your mobile, all show what kind of life you have. Customers choose brands that represent their lifestyle, or the lifestyle they want to have.

Through advertising, companies try to promote an image of the kind of people their customers want to be. For example, Ray-Ban – the sunglasses producer – ran an advertising campaign with photos of strong, dynamic men. The idea was that men who are leaders and heroes wear Ray-Ban.

Another example is Gap. They have a range of clothing for men called StressFree. You can drop something on your trousers and it cleans off immediately. So you have no worries. You can be relaxed and stylish at the same time. The company advertised the clothing with the song, I’m free.

Ex 3.3. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Companies don’t just sell products. What more do they sell?

2. What three examples does the author give of things that people buy that “say something about who you are”?

3. What kind of men did Ray-Ban show in the photos in their advertising campaign?

4. What kind of people do their customers want to be?

5. Is Gap’s StressFree clothing for men or for women?

6. What two adjectives describe the image of the brand?


I. What is success?

Ex 1.1. Что означает для вас успех? Выберите один из вариантов и объясните свой выбор:

- a top job - being good at what you do

- being your own boss - being happy

- earning a lot of money - something else

- being famous

Ex 1.2. Что делает компанию успешной? Заполните предложения словами и фразами:

demand grow control market share profit market leader

1. A successful company has to make a __________.

2. There has to be a ____________ for your products.

3. The most successful companies ____________ the market.

4. Successful companies have a bigger percentage of sales than their competitors. They have a bigger _____________.

5. A company that has the biggest sales or the best selling product in the market is the _____________.

6. Successful companies are always finding new markets and new opportunities to ____________.

Ex 1.3. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы:

II. Business failure

Ex 2.1. Заполните текст пропущенными словами и выражениями, переведите текст:

bankrupt distribute sold cool equipped order set up

Snacks 2U was a small firm that produced fresh snack foods and 1 __________ them to shops, cafes and bars in the region. To 2 __________ snacks, it used trucks which it 3 __________ with refrigerators to keep the food 4 __________. The business was a success until one day a new producer 5 __________ in the same area. It supplied exciting new snack foods at a lower price. Shops and cafes started to 6 __________ products from the new company. Snacks 2U wasn’t able to compete, and six months later it went 7 __________.


1.1. Сопоставьте слова (1-5) с их определениями (a-f):

1. smoother a. ending

2. convenient b. through or by

3. eliminating c. reception

4. via d. not so difficult

5. reminder e. easy

6. lobby f. a message to help you to remember


Finance for space ventures

It is very difficult for companies in the private space industry to find the necessary 1_________ for new space projects. Private investors don’t like investing in space because the 2_________ is high, and because the 3________ can be as much as 20 years or more. Investors want to be sure that they will get a good 4__________. However, some millionaire space enthusiasts will support projects even if there is not much 5 ___________ for making a profit. Even government projects are often short of money. Most space ventures have to run on 6___________.

1.5. Вычеркните слово, которое не сочетается с глаголом в каждой группе:

1 launch: a satellite, a rocket, a budget, a new product

2. set up: a satellite, a company, a joint venture, an organization

3. raise: money, capital, the price, a rocket

4. make: money, a profit, an investment, a cost

5. take: an elevator, a risk, an investment, a decision

1.6. Сопоставьте определения с соответствующими словосочетаниями из упражнения 1.5.

To put a satellite into orbit. launch a satellite

1. to borrow money to finance a new venture.

2. to do something that is dangerous and could have bad results.

3. to put something new on the market for people to buy.

4. to make an agreement with another company to work together on a business activity.

5. to put money into a business activity in the hope of making a profit later.

II Venture capital

III Modals of possibility

3.1. Посмотрите на примеры и заполните правила:

- Michael Laine hopes that he will complete a space elevator by 2018.

- Things will not be easy.

- Laine thinks the construction will cost between $7 and $10 billion.

- Nine out of ten ventures won’t make any return.

- In future, you may be able to take an elevator to space.

- The elevator could deliver one million kilos of material per year.

- Some people might beinterested in the new product – but not many.

- They may not finish the construction on time.

1. We use will / may to make predictions that we feel certain about.

2. We usually use will / may after think, hope and expect.

3. We use the modal verbs _________, __________ and __________ to make predictions that we are uncertain about and to express possibility.

4. The contraction he’ll is the same as _________ __________.

5. The contraction won’t is the same as _________ ___________.

3. 2. Образуйте предположения, используя положительную или отрицательную форму модальных глаголов: will, may, might или could.

1. In 2020, most people work from home (certain). 2. Most meetings take place via video (uncertain). 3. That means there is much less traffic on the road (certain). 4. Electric cars are common (uncertain). 5. People have more free time. (uncertain). 6. You carry your medical details on a chip under your skin (certain). 7. There isn’t enough oil to meet world demand (uncertain).

Review 2

1. Заполните пропуски в тексте прилагательными в сравнительной или превосходной степени:

The hotel industry is changing. The latest trend is for (1small) ________, (2stylish) ________ hotels with no more than 100 rooms. These hotels are investing in (3attractive) ________ designs, (4comfortable) ________ furniture, and more personal service than the (5big) ________ hotels. Some, targeting business customers, are offering (6good) _______ value for money and more up-to-date technology. Among the new hotels starting up in London, the one with the (7low)_________ prices is the Orion, advertised at £59 per night. At the luxury end of the market, the (8expensive) _________ is the Seven Stars Hotel with rooms priced at £195 per night. But with no swimming pools or large function rooms to maintain, these small hotels can expect to be (9profitable) __________ without charging (10high) ______ than average prices.


I Ex. 1.1. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выполните задания после текста:

Make it cheaper and cheaper

Глагол без дополнения

3. Costs are rising all the time.

4. The price of milk rose last month.

Какие из глаголов в упражнении 2.1. используются с дополнением, а какие без?

Ex. 2.3. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа в тексте, переведите текст.

Earn less, spend more?

III. Pricing strategy


  Strategy Profit increase (%)
  Reduce costs by one per cent  
  Increase the volume of sales by one per cent  
  Increase all its prices by one per cent.  

Ex. 3.2. Прочитайте о ценовой стратегии мистера Тейлора, эксперта по маркетингу. Насколько компания может увеличить свою прибыль, применяя каждую стратегию из упражнения 3.1.? Прочитайте первую часть и заполните таблицу наверху.

Part one

Price is important to everyone. Companies spend a lot of time deciding how to set prices. But they often don’t choose the best method of pricing their products. This can have a huge impact on profitability. A study of 2,400 companies showed what happened when they followed one of three strategies. The first strategy was to reduce costs by one per cent; the second was to increase the volume of sales by one per cent; and the third was to increase all their prices by one per cent. The companies who reduced their costs improved profitability by 2.3 per cent. The companies who increased their volume of sales also had an increase in profitability – of 3.3 per cent. But the companies who increased their prices saw the biggest increase, with profits increased by as much as 11 per cent.

Part two

So how should companies set the price for a product? One method is a simple “cost-plus” strategy. You calculate what it costs to produce an item and then you add the profit margin you’d like to have. And that’s your price.

Another method is to find out what your customers are ready to spend on that product. Then you set the price to match.

And a third way is to look at the competition. You see what your competitors are asking for the same kind of product and you set your price at about the same, or lower if you want to be competitive.

Pricing is really difficult to get right and companies have to think carefully about the different factors. For example, ask: Who are your target customers and is a price important for them? A second question is: What kind of product or service are you selling? Because if it’s a quality product or a special service that no one else can offer, then asking a lower price won’t help your sales. Pricing should be a part of your plan. You shouldn’t develop a product and then say: “OK, now let’s think of a price.”

1. The cost-plus method of pricing: “You calculate what it costs to _____________ an item and then you add the _______ _______ you’d like to have.”

2. Another method: “Find out what your ____________ are ready to _________ on that product.”

3. A third way: “Look at the ___________.”

4. Before setting a price, companies should ask two question: Who are the __________ __________? What kind of ___________ or ___________ are we ______________?

5. You shouldn’t develop a product and then say: “OK, now let’s ________ ________ ________ ________.”

Matrix Media

Matrix Media is a small film company that 1 has produced (produce) a number of profitable films in the last few years. Their last success 2__________ (be) in 2002 with Blue Moon over the Water, which 3__________ (make) over $40m in its first six months. The latest news is that Oscar-winning director Ben Loach 4__________ (join) the company as a director and 5__________ (agree) to make three films. At $1.88 the shares look undervalued.

Recommendation: BUY

TRL Engineering

TRL Engineering 6__________ (perform) steadily over recent years, but in the last few months, the share price 7__________ (be) very volatile. In May the company 8__________ (announce) that it had lost a major motorway maintenance contract and in July it 9__________ (issue) a profits warning. Recently the shares 10__________ (recover) from a two-year low, but prospects do not look good.

Recommendation: SELL


I Problems

Ex. 1.1. Ответьте на вопроы:

What insurance do you or your family have? What insurance do you have to have by law?

Part one

Interviewer: Can you explain how an insurance company is structured?

Irene: Well, we have three main departments: life products, commercial insurance and private insurance. Each department has a manager who is in charge of the staff and takes care of general administration. Each department also has clerical staff, who answer the phone and deal with online applications and claims. They handle most applications and claims. But when there are special cases, they bring them to the underwriters, who are experts on the products handled by that department. When there is a question about an application for insurance cover, the underwriters make the decision to accept or decline the risk.

1. a manager   2. clerical staff   3. underwriters a Take care of general administration. b Handle online and telephone applications and claims c Agree to accept a risk or not d Manage staff e Deal with the majority of applications and claims. f Take decisions on special cases.  


Ex. 1.5. Прочитайте вторую часть диалога и ответьте на вопросы:

Part two

Interviewer: What do you mean by “special cases”?

Irene: Well, for example, if someone is applying for insurance, on the application form we ask the question: “Have you made any previous claims in the last four years?” When someone has made three claims or more in a four-year period, we see that person as “high risk” and we don’t really want to offer them cover. But there may be cases where we can review the situation. For example, a customer who made several claims for theft lived in an area of high crime. But perhaps he has now moved to a new address in a district with less crime. So we can review his case. Sometimes we agree to accept the risk but with special terms and conditions. We may quote a higher premium or offer only limited cover.

1. What example does Irene give of a “high risk” case? Complete the sentence: When someone has made _____________ claims or more in ____________.

2. What example does Irene give of a case where the company may “review the situation”?

3. What special terms does the company sometimes offer in cases of high risk? Complete the sentence: We may quote a ___________ premium or offer only limited __________.

II Insurance fraud


INSURANCE FRAUD costs Americans $80 billion a year - $950 per family. This is not just because of large-scale fraud – everyday consumers also contribute to the loss by making dishonest claims. 1____ A new lie detector telephone technology may change that. The Layered Voice Analyzer (LVA) measures micro tremors in the voice to determine the emotional state of speakers. 2_____

A similar system, the Voice Risk Analyzer (VRA), is already in use in the UK and has helped UK companies to make savings. Highway Insurance is a UK-based auto underwriter that uses the VRA in their fraud detection programs. Michael Lawrence, marketing and special projects manager with the company, reports that only 5 per cent of claims for auto theft were thought to be fraudulent before using the system. 3_____

“The analysis takes place in our first stage of screening.” Says Lawrence. The process begins when a policyholder reports a claim to the company’s automated telephone system. The system informs policyholders that their calls may be monitored for fraud-prevention and detection purposes. If the voice analysis reading show a claim to be suspicious, the policyholder is informed that further investigation is required. A live telephone interview is then arranged. VRA readings show that 38 per cent of claims relating to theft are high risk, and 18 per cent are eventually found to be fraudulent.

If policyholders withdraw their claim during the investigation process, the company will take no action.

4_____ As a result of fewer claims and more accurate identification of fraud, Highway Insurance has saved more than £3 million. “Before we started using this technology, we didn’t know how much fraudulent claims cost us, because we didn’t know which claims were fraudulent,” explains Lawrence.5_____.


insurance fraud - страховое мошенничество

stretch the truth – преувеличивать

tremors – дрожащий голос

a policyholder - страхователь

suspicious – подозрительный, сомнительный

Ex. 2.4. Заполните пропуски одним из вариантов a-c.

1. The company ____________ all claims to see which ones could be fraudulent.

a. screens b. detects c determines

2. Calls are ____________ using the Voice Risk Analyzer.

a. controlled b. maintained c. monitored

3. If any calls are suspicious, the company ____________ them.

a. invents b. invests c. investigates

4. The VRA system helps to ___________ fraud.

a. prohibit b. prevent c. protect

5. People often _____________ fraudulent claims when they hear that the company will investigate them.

a. contribute b. withdraw c. identify

6. Identifying fraudulent claims has helped the company the company to ____________ money.

a. raise b. spend c. save

III Insurance risks

Ex. 3.1. Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски словами: telecommunications finance disasters rich investors owner workplace insurance information stock market



I Feedback on service

Ex. 1.1. Заполните комментарии туристической компании (a holiday travel company) следующими словами:

apology dissatisfied friendly pleased wrong excellent useful mistake dirty rude poor

1. We had 1_______________ service from first enquiries on the telephone to arrival at the resort. Staff very 2___________ and efficient.

2. Very 3___________ to receive the receipt and confirmation the day after booking.

3. We were very 4__________ with the service at the hotel. Our room was 5__________ and the hotel receptionist was 6_________.

4. When I booked my holiday, your representative quoted me the 7__________ price. I pointed out the 8__________, but she made no 9__________.

5. The holiday representative had good local knowledge and gave 10_________ information.

6. The service in the hotel restaurant was 11__________.

Ex. 1.2. Просмотрите текст и выберите предложение, которое наиболее точно описывает основную идею текста:

a. Companies that receive no complaints offer the best service.

b. It’s good for companies to receive complaints.

Getting better service

II Dealing with complaints

Ex. 2.1. Сопоставьте шаги 1-5 компании «LEARN routine» с их описанием:

1. LISTEN aShow that you understand how the customer is feeling.
2. EMPATHISE bTell management about the problem
3. APOLOGISE cDon’t interrupt when the customer explains the problem
4. REACT dPromise to do something
5. NOTIFY eSay “Sorry”.

Customer service trainer

It is very important to be polite and helpful at all times, and to see things from the customer’s point of view.

If a customer is very angry about a mistake, stay calm. Don’t get angry yourself. You may think: “I didn’t make the mistake. This isn’t my responsibility.” Dealing with customers’ complaints often means solving problems that aren’t your fault. The answer is to solve the problem professionally as part of the job.

When the customer explains the problem, listen carefully and repeat to check that you have understood. Often the customer just wants to express his feelings. If he doesn’t demand any action, you’ll have to suggest a solution.

Sometimes you can’t do exactly what the customer would like you to do. In this situation, you have to say what you can do. It is essential to use the right language. You will give the customer more confidence if you say: “I will”; not “I might” or “I can’t”. Don’t say: “I don’t think we can do that”, say: “I will find out for you.”

Of course there are times when you just can’t win. For example, if it’s a very difficult person who will not cooperate, then you probably won’t find a solution. But you’ll know that you have done your best. You have to try to provide your customer with what he or she wants.

Ex. 2.7. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. What do employees often think when a customer shouts at them?

2. What do you think it means “to solve the problem professionally’?

3. Which word makes the customer feel confident that the employee is going to do something? Which words should the staff not use?

Customer service guarantee

If you (3be)___________ dissatisfied in any way with the quality of our service, we (4send) ____________ you a?15 voucher.

Special offer!

We (5deduct)_________ 10 per cent from the price if you (6order) __________ before October 31st.


Cancellation charges

If you (7cancel) ___________ less than four weeks before the date of departure, the total cost of travel (8be) ___________ payable.


Product information

If you (9require))___________ further information about any of the products featured in this brochure, please call 040 900 900 and our sales staff (10be) ________ pleased to help you.


Ex. 3.4. Составьте предложения по образцу:

1. a motorway may be very busy – we/miss the flight

If the motorway is very busy we’ll miss the flight.

b traffic may be OK – we/get to the airport on time


2. a weather may be good – they/have the party in the garden


b it may rain – they/hold the reception in the marquee


3. a the play may do well – it/open on Broadway


b the play may do badly – it/close after a week


Ex. 3.5. Объясните значение этих предложенийпо образцу.

1 For further information call us on 0800 726354.

If you ring 0800 726354, we’ll give you some more information.

2 We’ve got these products on a ‘sale or return’ basis.


3 Subscribe to Business Age before 30 September and save up to 33%.


4 The Ford Ka comes with a money-bank guarantee.


IV Dealing with problems

Situation 1.

Student A: A shop manager

Your shop sells fruit and vegetables. You received some tomatoes this morning but they are damaged and you can’t sell them. Phone the supplier. Explain the problem, listen to the options and choose the best solution.

Student B: A supplier

Your company supplies vegetables to stores. You receive a phone call from a shop manager. Listen to the customer and offer two possible options:

1 – cancel the order and refund the cost.

2 – replace the order with a new delivery (they will receive it in about three hours).

Listen to the shop manager’s decision and promise action.

Situation 2.

Student A: A supplier

Your company supplies bread to stores. You receive a phone call from a shop manager. Listen to the customer and offer two possible options:

1 – offer to collect all the extra rolls.

2 – tell the shop to sell what they can. Refund the cost of any rolls that they don’t sell.

Listen to the shop manager’s decision and promise action.

Student B: A shop manager

Your shop sells bread. You ordered 200 rolls this morning but the supplier delivered 400. You can’t sell 400. Phone the supplier, listen to the options and choose the best solution.

Review 3

1. Заполните пропуски в тексте глаголами в Present Perfect (в отрицательной или положительной формах):

be decide fall introduce rise see stay

The Channel Tunnel is an impressive example of modern technology, but it 1_______________ so successful as a financial venture. Shareholders are unhappy about the latest reports, which show that the number of cars using the tunnel 2________________ by 8 per cent in the last twelve months. The number of trucks and commercial vehicles 3________________ at the same level, but the company 4_________________ an increase in its market share. Airline traffic between London and Paris 5_______________ because of low cost airfares. Eurotunnel’s directors 6____________________ not to review their pricing strategy. Instead, they 7__________________ a programmer of cost-cutting in the hope of saving the company.

Офисный служащий (А) звонит технику (В). Поставьте фразы из их диалога по порядку.

B OK, but if we send someone to you, you may have to wait till this afternoon.

B Fine. Then I’ll arrange for someone to come to you.

A I’ve got a problem with my laptop – it isn’t working.

A That’s OK, I can wait.

B Right. Well there are two possibilities: we could send someone to you to look at it, or you could bring it to us.

A I can’t bring it to you very easily – it’s connected to other equipment at my desk.


Приложение I

Контрольная работа № 1

IV. Закончите предложения.

1. Economics is not an applied subject like...

2. Like chemistry, economics...

3. As a group, people must also choose whether to invest money to business or to expand national parks through...

4. The common element of all decisions is...

V. Верны или неверны следующие утверждения:

1. Economics is a subject that most students encounter only briefly.

2. Economics is not a basic discipline like history, mathematics, English and chemistry.

3. Some of economics has a descriptive rather than an analytical flavour.

4. Economics is like English grammar, because it has difficult rules and principles.

VI. Выберите правильное слово:

1. Economics is a... discipline.

a) basic; b) natural; c) social.

2.... is an applied subject.

a) history; b) accounting; c) economics.

3. Mathematical tools are used in economics...

a) briefly; b) extensively; c) finally.

4. Like English grammar economics has a few... and principles.

a) rules; b) graphs; c) lines.

5. Every choice involves...

a) investment; b) cost; c) time.

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is the difference between economics and such disciplines as history, mathematics, English and chemistry?

2. What is used extensively in economics?

3. What similarities has economics to chemistry?

4. Is economics the science of making choices?

5. What is the common element in all choices?

6. What does economics study?


People and societies organize economic life to deal with the basic problems through economic systems. An economic system can be described as the collection of institutions, laws, incentives, activities that govern economic relationships among people in a society and provide a framework for answering the basic economic questions.

Most economic systems use one or more of three basic methods to make economic decisions: tradition, command and markets. So economic systems are classified into four broad categories, according to how most economic decisions are made. These are traditional, command, market and mixed economies.

Traditional economy. People generally repeat the decisions made at an earlier time or by an earlier generation. Can just anyone be king or queen of England? Tradition answers that question. In the US, women were strongly directed to certain "traditional" occupations for many years, such as teaching, raising children, nursing and being librarians.

Command economy. They rely almost totally on government to make economic decisions through centralized authorities. The government owns all the major productive resources. The former USSR and some other eastern bloc countries are examples of countries where government decisions were dominant.

Market economy. Most productive resources are owned by private individuals. Individuals make economic decisions in response to market signals and on the basis of their own preferences.

Mixed economy. The economic system used in most countries lies between the two extremes of command and market economies. Mixed economies answer the basic economic questions partly through the market and partly through the government, with some decisions based on tradition as well.

II. Переведите с английского языка на русский:

The collection of incentives; to govern; a framework; four broad categories; an earlier generation; to be strongly directed to; occupations; to rely on; to own; through centralized authorities; dominant.

III. Переведите с русского языка на английский:

Иметь дело с основными проблемами через экономические системы; описывать; обеспечивать; один или более трех основных методов; командная экономика; в соответствии с; смешанная экономика; воспитание детей; почти полностью; бывший; страны восточного блока.

IV. Закончите следующие предложения:

1. Any economic system can be described as...

2. Four broad categories of economic system are...

3. The example of traditional economies is...

4. The government owns all the major productive resources in...

V. Выберите правильное слово.

1. People and societies organize... to deal with the basic problems through economic systems.

a) basic methods; b)economic system; c) economic life.

2. Tradition, command and markets are three basic methods to make...

a) economic decisions; b)government decisions; c)productive resources.

3. Economic systems are classified into four... categories.

a) social; b) broad; c) basic.

4. Command economies rely almost totally on... to make economic decisions through centralized authorities.

a) government; b) themselves; c) people.

VI. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is an economic system?

2. What are three basic methods that most economic systems use?

3. What does it mean "traditional" occupations for women in the US?

4. What were "traditional" occupations for women in the US?

5. What does it mean "command" economy?

6. What does the government own?

Приложение 2 Самостоятельная работа

Прочитайте и переведите тексты:



There are numerous myths about the origins of money. The concept of money is often confused with coinage. Coins are a relatively modern form of money. Their first appearance was probably in Asia in the 7th century BC. And whether these coins were used as money in the modern sense has also been questioned.

To determine the earliest use of money, we need to define what we mean by money. We will return to this issue shortly. But with any reasonable definition the first use of money is as old as human civilization. The early Persians deposited their grain in state or church granaries. The receipts of deposit were then used as methods of payment in the economies. Thus, banks were invented before coins. Ancient Egypt had a similar system, but instead of receipts they used orders of withdrawal – thus making their system very close to that of modern checks. In fact, during Alexander the Great’s period, the granaries were linked together, making checks in the 3rd century BC more convenient than British checks in the 1980s.

However, money is older than written history. Recent anthropological and linguistic research indicates that not only is money very old, but it’s origin has little to do with trading, thus contradicting another common myth. Rather, money was first used in a social setting. Probably at first as a method of punishment.

Early Stone Age man began the use of precious metals as money. Until the invention of coins, metals were weighed to determine their value. Counting is of course more practical, the first standardized ingots appeared around 2200 BC. Other commonplace objects were subsequently used in the abstract sense, for example miniature axes, nails, swords, etc.

Full standardization arrived with coins, approximately 700 BC. The first printed money appeared in China, around 800 AD. The first severe inflation was in the 11th century AD. The Mongols adapted the bank note system in the 13th century, which Marco Polo wrote about. The Mongol bank notes were “legal tender”, i.e. it was a capital offense to refuse them as payment. By the late 1400s, centuries of inflation eliminated printed bank notes in China. They were reinvented in Europe in the 17th century.

Ответьте на вопросы, основываясь на содержании текста.

1. Are the concepts of money and coinage the same?

2. How old is the first money?

3. What did early Stone Age men use as money?

4. Where and when did the first bank notes appear?

5. When and where was the printed money reinvented?



A tax is a compulsory charge or other levy imposed on an individual or a legal entity by a state or a functional equivalent of a state (e. g., tribes). Taxes could also be imposed by a subnational entity.

Taxes may be paid in cash or in kind or as corvee labor. In modern capitalist taxation systems, taxes are designed to encourage the most efficient circulation of goods and services and are levied in cash. In kind and corvee taxation are characteristic of traditional or pre-capitalist states and their functional equivalents. The means of taxation, and the uses to which the funds raised through taxation should be put, are a matter of hot dispute in politics and economics, so discussions of taxation are frequently tendentious.

Political authority has been used to raise capital throughout history. In many pre-monetary societies, such as the Incan empire, taxes were owed in labor. Taxation in labor was the basis of the Feuda

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