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Text 1. Перевод поэтического произведения
Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face
by Jack Prelutsky
Be glad your nose is on your face,
not pasted on some other place,
for if it were where it is not,
you might dislike your nose a lot.
Imagine if your precious nose
were sandwiched in between your toes,
that clearly would not be a treat,
for you'd be forced to smell your feet.
Your nose would be a source of dread
were it attached atop your head,
it soon would drive you to despair,
forever tickled by your hair.
Within your ear, your nose would be
an absolute catastrophe,
for when you were obliged to sneeze,
your brain would rattle from the breeze.
Your nose, instead, through thick and thin,
remains between your eyes and chin,
not pasted on some other place--
be glad your nose is on your face!
Text 2. Текст для перевода медицинской инструкции.
How to take medicines?
Talk to your doctor about how to take your medication. In order to be more proactive about taking your medication, you need to understand what you're taking and why. Talk to your doctor when your meds are prescribed and make sure you understand the proper regimen for taking them.
· Understand exactly what you're being treated for and how each medication affects your mind and body. Do not passively accept the prescription slip. Ask your doctor what the medication does.
· Talk to your doctor about side effects. You should always know what side effects to watch for and when and if you should discontinue use.
· Ask about how to take the medications. Some medications need to be taken with lots of water. Some need to be taken with food. Some must be taken every day, while others are taken multiple times a day. Make sure you know how to properly take your medication to get the best results.
· Use one pharmacy for all medications so the pharmacist can check for interactions with new prescriptions.
Understand what to do if you miss a dose. Despite your best efforts, you will likely miss a dose of your medication at some point. This happens to even to the most vigilant and there is different protocol for different types of meds. Sometimes, you should double the dose the next day. Other times, you should simply continue with regular doses and watch for side effects. Make sure you know what to do in the event you miss a dose of medication.
Some more tips:
· When traveling, pack the instructions along with your medication. This allows others to help you in case of emergency.
· When writing calendar or electronic reminders, keep in mind that others may see them. If you're embarrassed of any medication, you can invent some kind of code work to remind yourself.
· Visual reminders are easy to ignore once you get used to them. Consider changing your calendar or sticky notes to a different color every month.
· Some medications have 'black box warnings'. This means that when taken incorrectly, or by those with certain conditions, fatalities may arise. Place these and other such medications in a safe location and call your doctor right away if you think you might have accidentally taken more than prescribed.
· Keep medication out of reach of children and pets.
· Medications classed as controlled substances should be kept in a locked container.
Text 3. Текст для перевода с русского на английский язык.
Text 4. Публицистический текст для перевода с английского языка на русский.
Diana became a global ambassador for Britain with the many tours she made throughout the world. There is hardly one corner of the world Diana did not visit during her tragically short life. As a result of those visits, British business boomed around the world and, of course, the many charities she supported also benefited.
Diana announced in her devastating Panorama interview in 1995: “I would like to be the queen of people’s hearts”. Her greatest gift was the deep love she felt for ordinary people – particularly those who were in some way disadvantaged. One of the many tragedies of her death is that working Princess had already made plans to continue her work.
She had been preparing to join forces with South African president, Nelson Mandela, for a new international campaign on behalf of AIDs sufferers. And the Leprosy Mission, too, was due to discuss with Diana a proposed tour to Bangladesh for 1998. She made her ambition clear on a hospital visit in London when she announced: “Anywhere I see suffering is where I want to be, doing what I can.”
Her latest cause – spearheading the campaign to ban landmines worldwide – was gathering momentum. It was the subject she felt deeply and passionately about, and she had promised to do more to help. Americans Ken Rutherford and Jerry White, themselves victims of landmines, took her on her last foreign trip in July 1997. She had already made a visit to Angola for the same cause, but on this trip she saw the work being done in war-ravaged Bosnia. Ken Rutherford summed up the feelings of many charity workers: “She took two obscure Americans under her wing and projected us on the world stage because she took up our cause.”
“She promised to continue to support us, and all the victims whom she met in Bosnia felt for the first time they had at long last found a voice for them. A lot of politicians talked and talked about these dreadful weapons, but the Princess did more than talk. She acted and her actions had statesmen throughout the world listening. She gave us heart go on. She was the driving force by her sheer inspiration and encouragement.” Diana’s earlier trip to Angola was also ground-breaking. When she walked courageously through a minefield she underlined the importance of her humanitarian work. It will remain one of her lasting legacies. In 1995 her work was officially recognized when the United Cerebral Palsy Foundation presented her with the Humanitarian of the Year Award.
Diana herself once complained that she wanted to be seen as a “work-horse and not as a clothes-horse” after comment was made on one of her outfits. But it was through fashion that the Princess was able to help others. She knew she had pulling power and wherever Diana turned up, the jet set turned out to spend money like it was going out of style. Needy kids from Barnardo’s benefited to the tune of 300,000 in just one night from a charity event in London in 1985. Mike Whitlam, from the British Red Cross, summed it up simply: “She helped make the world a better place. She would give people who felt they had no hope, the hope they so desperately craved.” Her own 36th birthday on 1 July was not spent enjoying herself but out at a fundraising dinner to mark the centenary of London’s Tate Gallery.
Уровень b1
Quell`anno il grano era alto. Ogni cosa era coperta di grano. Le colline, basse, si susseguivano come onde. Fino in fondo all’orizzonte grano, cielo, grilli, sole e caldo.
Quella maledetta estate del 1978 è rimasta famosa come una delle più calde del secolo. Il calore entrava nelle pietre, bruciava le piante e uccideva le bestie. Il sole ti levava il respiro, la forza, la voglia di giocare, tutto.
Ad Acqua Traverse gli adulti non uscivano di casa prima delle sei di sera. Solo noi ci avventuravamo nella campagna rovente e abbandonata.
Mia sorella Maria aveva cinque anni e mi seguiva con ostinazione. “Voglio fare quello che fai tu”, diceva sempre. Mamma le dava ragione. “Sei o non sei il fratello maggiore?” E mi toccava portarmela dietro.
Nessuno si era fermato ad aiutarla. Normale, era una gara.
- Dritti, su per la collina. Niente curve. È vietato stare uno dietro l’altro. E vietato fermarsi. Chi arriva ultimo paga penitenza - aveva deciso il Teschio e mi aveva concesso: - Va bene, tua sorella non gareggia. E troppo piccola.
- Non sono troppo piccola! - aveva protestato Maria - Voglio fare anch’io la gara! - E poi era caduta.
Peccato, ero terzo. Primo era Antonio. Come sempre.
Antonio Natale, detto il Teschio. Perché lo chiamavamo il Teschio non me lo ricordo. Il Teschio era il più grande della banda. Dodici anni. Ed era il capo. Gli piaceva comandare e se non ubbidivi diventava cattivo. Non era una cima, ma era grosso, forte e coraggioso.
Secondo era Salvatore.
Salvatore Scardaccione aveva nove anni, la mia stessa età. Eravamo in classe insieme. Era il mio migliore amico. Salvatore era più alto di me. Era un ragazzino solitario. A volte veniva con noi ma spesso se ne stava per i fatti suoi. Era più sveglio del Teschio, ma non gli interessava diventare capo. Il padre, l'avvocato Emilio Scardaccione, era una persona importante a Roma. E aveva un sacco di soldi in Svizzera. Questo si diceva.
Poi c'ero io, Michele. Michele Amitrano. E anche quella volta ero terzo, stavo salendo bene, ma per colpa di mia sorella adesso sono fermo.
Stavo decidendo se tornare indietro o lasciarla là, quando mi sono trovato quarto. Remo Marzano mi aveva superato. E se non mi rimettevo subito ad arrampicarmi, mi sorpassava pure Barbara Mura.
Sarebbe stato orribile. Sorpassato da una femmina. Barbara saliva a quattro zampe. Tutta sudata e coperta di terra.
- Che fai, non vai dalla sorellina? Non l'hai sentita? Si è fatta male, poverina. - Per una volta non sarebbe toccata a lei la penitenza. - Ci vado, ci vado... E ti batto pure -. Non potevo dargliela vinta così.
Non la vedevo. - Maria! Maria! Dove stai?
- Michele...
Eccola. Era lì. Piccola e infelice. Con una mano si massaggiava una caviglia e con l’altra si teneva gli occhiali.
Действие романа “Das Parfum” происходит во Франции середины XVIII века. Главные персонаж - известный парфюмер Балдини размышляет об изменениях в жизни Франции 70-х–80-х годов XVIII века.
Am 1. September 1753, dem Jahrestag der Thronbesteigung des Kӧnigs, lieβ die Stadt Paris am Pont Royal ein Feuerwerk abbrennen. Es war nicht so spektakulär wie das Feuerwerk zur Feier der Verehelichung des Königs oder wie jenes legendäre Feuerwerk aus Anlass der Geburt des Dauphins, aber es war immerhin ein sehr beeindruckendes Feuerwerk. Man hatte goldene Sonnenräder auf die Masten der Schiffe montiert. Von der Brücke spieen sogenannte Feuerstiere einen brennenden Sternenregen in den Fluss. Und während allüberall unter betäubendem Lärm Petarden platzten und Knallfrӧsche über das Pflaster zuckten, stiegen Raketen in den Himmel und malten weiβe Lilien an das schwarze Firmament. Eine vieltausendköpfige Menge, welche sowohl auf der Brücke als auch auf den Quais zu beiden Seiten des Flusses versammelt war, begleitete das Spektakel mit begeisterten Ahs und Ohs und Bravos und sogar mit Vivats — obwohl der Kӧnig seinen Thron schon vor achtunddreiβig Jahren bestiegen und den Hohepunkt seiner Beliebtheit längst überschritten hatte. So viel vermag ein Feuerwerk.
Text 1. Перевод поэтического произведения
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