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Theoretical scientific research

2017-10-11 1285
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Theoretical scientific research

1. Scientific research can be theoretical and empirical. Theoretical scientific research is an action aimed at the development of the conceptual apparatus of science and the improvement of cognition of objective reality and its laws. During it there is no immediate practical interaction with objects, they are studied only indirectly, in a mental experiment. The theoretical research uses the following methods: idealization (a method of constructing an idealized object), a mental experiment (which replaces the real experiment with real objects), axiomatic and hypothetico-deductive method of constructing a theory, and others.

2. The theoretical research is organically interrelated with the empirical research and constitutes the structure of the scientific knowledge: an empirical research contributes to the development of the theoretical knowledge, delivering new experimental data, the theoretical one studies new prospects for empirical research based on the explaining facts and experimental data.

3. The result of the scientific research is theoretical knowledge. Theoretical knowledge is a set of ​​common scientific laws which allows explaining the previously discovered facts and empirical regularities, as well as to predict and anticipate future events and facts. The differences between the empirical and theoretical knowledge can be seen from the following example. Gas Laws by Boyle-Marriott, Charles and Gay-Lussac are empirical laws. But the model of an ideal gas equation of Clapeyron-Mendeleev is theoretical knowledge.

4. Theoretical study starts with the defining of the subject and the object of the research. After that the process of constructing of the logical structure of the theory, concepts, etc. begins. This process consists of two stages. The first stage is the stage of induction. Induction is the ascent from the concrete to the abstract. At the stage of induction researcher inventories in detail all available results, all that is of his interest. After that the next stage - the deductive process - begins. It is the ascent from the abstract to the concrete. At this stage, the concept and a system of axioms are formulated. Then they unfold in a set of principles, factors, conditions (groups of factors), models, mechanisms, theorems, etc. Sometimes, if the problem of a research is divided into several relatively independent aspects, the concept develops into some conceptual positions which further develop into a set of principles, etc. In turn, the principles may evolve into classes of models, types of tasks, etc. So the logical structure of the scientific theoretical work is built.


1.Make up questions to the following answers:

a) Theoretical scientific research is an action aimed at the development of the conceptual apparatus of science and the improvement of cognition of objective reality and its laws.

b) It is represented by ideal objects as abstractions or theoretical constructs.

c) The theoretical study uses the following methods: idealization, a mental experiment, axiomatic and hypothetico-deductive method of constructing a theory.

d) This process consists of two stages.

e) At the stage of induction researcher inventories in detail all available results.


Match the words.



at the same




Gas Laws by

an ideal gas equation of














Divide the text into its logical parts and give a title to each part.

Explain the meaning of the words “research”, “definition”, “argument” in English. Give the sentences of your own using these words.

3. What have you learnt about: a) fundamental research b) different viewpoints about theory c) possible outcome of the research

Translate into English

Виды исследований

Фундаментальные научные исследования — это экспериментальные или теоретические исследования, направленные на получение новых знаний без какой-либо конкретной цели, связанной с использованием этих знаний. Их результаты — гипотезы, теории, методы и т. д. Фундаментальные научные исследования могут заканчиваться рекомендациями для прикладных исследований, научными публикациями и т.п. ЮНЕ СКО относит к чисто фундаментальным исследования, направленные на открытие законов природы, установление отношений между явлениями и объектами реальной действительности.

Прикладные научные исследования — исследования, направленные на получение новых знаний с целью практического их использования. Результатом прикладных исследований являются рекомендации по созданию технических инноваций.


1. Образуйте степени сравнения и переведите: cold, wide, large, happy, simple, good, bad, many, little, beautiful, difficult, wonderful, important.

2. Переведите на русский язык: 1. It is difficult to say which month is the best or better. 2. In summer the days are longer than the nights. 3. The shortest day of the year is the 22nd of December. 4. This is the most difficult exercise in this textbook. 5. It is more interesting for me to read books than to watch films. 6. He is the best sportsman in our group. 7. Our flat is smaller than yours. 8. This article is the most interesting in the magazine. 9. Mary likes vanilla ice-cream more than chocolate ice-cream. 10. What is the largest country in the world?

Числительные (Numerals)

Числительное – это часть речи, которая отвечает на вопросы сколько? (количественные) или который по счету? (порядковые).

Количественные числительные от 13 (thirteen) до 19 (nineteen) образуются, присоединяя суффикс - teen к соответствующим простым числительным: например, 14 -fourteen, 16 - sixteen, 17 - seventeen. Десятки образуются с помощью суффикса -ty, например, 70 - seventy, 60 - sixty, 90 - ninety.

Порядковые числительные, кроме first (первый), second (второй), third (третий), образуются от со­ответствующих количественных числительных путем прибавления суффикса –th: например, четвертый – fourth, пятый – fifth, десятый – tenth.

Время. 10 a.m. – ten a.m. 10.05 –five past ten. 10.15 –a quarter past ten. 10.30 – half past ten. 10.40 –twenty to eleven. 10.45 –a quarter to eleven. 10.55 –five to eleven.

Даты. 20.05.1976 – the twentieth of May nineteen seventy six. Для чтения года до 2000 числительное делят пополам: 1325 – thirteen twenty five. Но 2001 – two thousand one.

Чтение арифметических действий: plus (and), minus, multiplied by, divided by.

1. Прочитайте: 18, 22, 45, 56, 81, 79, 94, 34, 98, 100, 109, 482, 311, 528, 674, 799, 901, 1801, 1111, 2005, 5881, 7207, 4369, 34 567, 345 678, 3 456 789

2. Назовите время: 1.05, 2.10, 3.15, 4.20, 5.25, 6.30, 7.35, 8.40, 9.45, 10.50, 11.55, 12.00.

3. Переведите на русский язык: The first lesson, the tenth page, the fifth month, the twenty-fifth exercise, the thirty-seventh question, the ninth week, the third lesson.

4. Прочитайте арифметические действия: 13+14=27, 14-13=1, 4х2=8, 8:4=2.

5. Переведите на английский язык: вторая книга, шестая ручка, десятый урок, третий карандаш, двадцать седьмой день, двенадцатый месяц, первая неделя, пятая комната, четвертый дом

6. Прочитайте следующие даты: 7.11.1917, 22.06.1941, 9.05.1945, 20.10.1926, 16.04.1920, 23.12.1968, 28.08.1944, 1.01.1969.



Theoretical scientific research

1. Scientific research can be theoretical and empirical. Theoretical scientific research is an action aimed at the development of the conceptual apparatus of science and the improvement of cognition of objective reality and its laws. During it there is no immediate practical interaction with objects, they are studied only indirectly, in a mental experiment. The theoretical research uses the following methods: idealization (a method of constructing an idealized object), a mental experiment (which replaces the real experiment with real objects), axiomatic and hypothetico-deductive method of constructing a theory, and others.

2. The theoretical research is organically interrelated with the empirical research and constitutes the structure of the scientific knowledge: an empirical research contributes to the development of the theoretical knowledge, delivering new experimental data, the theoretical one studies new prospects for empirical research based on the explaining facts and experimental data.

3. The result of the scientific research is theoretical knowledge. Theoretical knowledge is a set of ​​common scientific laws which allows explaining the previously discovered facts and empirical regularities, as well as to predict and anticipate future events and facts. The differences between the empirical and theoretical knowledge can be seen from the following example. Gas Laws by Boyle-Marriott, Charles and Gay-Lussac are empirical laws. But the model of an ideal gas equation of Clapeyron-Mendeleev is theoretical knowledge.

4. Theoretical study starts with the defining of the subject and the object of the research. After that the process of constructing of the logical structure of the theory, concepts, etc. begins. This process consists of two stages. The first stage is the stage of induction. Induction is the ascent from the concrete to the abstract. At the stage of induction researcher inventories in detail all available results, all that is of his interest. After that the next stage - the deductive process - begins. It is the ascent from the abstract to the concrete. At this stage, the concept and a system of axioms are formulated. Then they unfold in a set of principles, factors, conditions (groups of factors), models, mechanisms, theorems, etc. Sometimes, if the problem of a research is divided into several relatively independent aspects, the concept develops into some conceptual positions which further develop into a set of principles, etc. In turn, the principles may evolve into classes of models, types of tasks, etc. So the logical structure of the scientific theoretical work is built.


1.Make up questions to the following answers:

a) Theoretical scientific research is an action aimed at the development of the conceptual apparatus of science and the improvement of cognition of objective reality and its laws.

b) It is represented by ideal objects as abstractions or theoretical constructs.

c) The theoretical study uses the following methods: idealization, a mental experiment, axiomatic and hypothetico-deductive method of constructing a theory.

d) This process consists of two stages.

e) At the stage of induction researcher inventories in detail all available results.


Match the words.



at the same




Gas Laws by

an ideal gas equation of














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