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Assignment V the category of aspect

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The problems for discussion

1. The aspective meaning of the verb.

2. The aspective category of development and the opposition it is constituted by.

3. The possible reductions of the opposition.

4. The verbid representation of the category of development.

5. Do-forms interpretation.

6. The category of retrospective coordination.

7. Different views on the essence of the perfect forms in Modern English.

8. The verbid representation of the category of retrospective coordination.

Recommended reading:

1. Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar.- M:
Vysshaya Shkola, 2000, Ch. XV.

2. Ilyish B.A. The Structure of modern English. - L.: Prosveschenie,
1971, Ch. VIII, X.

3. Иванова Т.П., Бурлакова B.B., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая
грамматика современного английского языка. - М: Высш. Шк.,
1981, С. 57-65.

4. Иофик Л.Л., Чахоян Л.П., Поспелова А.Г. Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка.- Л.: Просвещение, 1981, С. 74-76.

Additional task

1. Модель темпоральной референции Г.Райхенбаха. Recommended reading:

Райхенбах Г. Философия пространства и времени. - М.: Прогресс, 1985.-344

Practical tasks

G.O.Curme gives the following classes of aspect according to the way they represent the action:

1. Durative (continuing), 2. Point-action a) ingressive (initial stage),

b) effective (final point), 3. Terminate (indicates an action as a whole).

Record the following verbs in groups, their aspective character being taken into account. Comment on the use of Continuous, Perfect and Perfect Continuous forms.

to enjoy to admit to fall to love
to blame to pass to lie to talk
to enter to argue to sit to laugh
to spring up to open to attack to feel
to go to bring to throw to sleep
to jump off to mean to escape to exist to work

Assignment VI


The problems for discussion

1. What does the category of mood express?

2. The formal description of the spective mood.

3. The constructions rendering the same semantics.

4. The structural and functional basis of Subjunctive II.

5. The subjunctive presenting the past posterior.

6. The main drawbacks of the description of the category of mood in the existing manuals.

Recommended reading:

5. Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - M: Vysshaya Shkola, 2000, Ch. XIII.

6. Ilyish B.A. The Structure of modern English. - L.: Prosveschenie, 1971.Ch.XI.

7. Иванова Т.П., Бурлакова B.B., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. - М: Высш. Шк., 1981, С. 68-74.

8. Иофик Л.Л., Чахоян Л.П., Поспелова А.Г. Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка.- Л.: Просвещение, 1981, С. 82-87.

Additional task

The problem of the imperative mood in English. Recommended reading:

1) Слюсарева H.A. Проблемы функциональной морфологии современного английского языка. - М.: Наука, 1986. - С. 62-67.

2) Воронцова Г.Н. Очерки по грамматике английского языка. - М.: Изд. лит. на иностр. яз., 1960. — С. 250-262.

3) Бархударов Л.С. Очерки по морфологии современного английского языка. М: Высш. Шк. 1975.-С. 131-136. Practical tasks

1. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the correct form of the subjunctive mood and explain your choice.

1. Russia demands that the preparation of a new war which is being conducted in the USA (to condemn). 2. Education is costly, and even if it (not to be) and I (can afford) it, I am of the opinion that it (not to be) advisable that you (to keep) at a school. 3. Cape Town? No one (to imagineO that it was just a night's journey from here. It seemed as though it (to be) in another world. 4. The author described the events as they had been, changing only the names lest anyone (to think) the story autobiographical. 5. Gemma felt uncomfortable and began to wish she (to refuse) to come: the silence was growing awkward.6. The fellow's face was as if it (to come) from some grave or another. 7. If you (to let) me know that you wanted to speak to me I (to call) on you. 8. Every team has a few players in reserve in case any one of the footballers (to fall) ill or (to get) hurt in the game. 9. I (not to mind) it so much, if it (not to be) for the things she said. 10. If only they (to have) a chance to be human beings.

2. What concept seems to be the most grounded for you.

Г. Суит выделяет наклонение, выражающее нереальность,
называя его "Thought Mood" и подразделяет его на подтипы в
зависимости от способа выражения - синтетическими или
аналитическими формами с вспомогательными глаголами
should, would, он называет Conditional mood, сочетания с. may
and might Permissive mood. Трактуя формы, омонимичные
претериту и перфекту прошедшего времени, Г. Суит занял
промежуточную позицию, называя эти формы Tense-moods.
Ф.И.Смирницкий различает сослагательное I (не
противоречащее реальности), сослагательное II

(противоречащее реальности, предположительное (should + infinitive) и условное (should and would). Б.А.Ильиш рассматривает формы с should and would как особое употребление зависимого будущего.

Assignment VII

THE SENTENCE The problems for discussion

1. The essential features of the sentence.

2. The classification of sentences in classical grammar.

3. The classification of sentences in structural grammar. (Ch. Fries).

4. The existence of the purely exclamatory sentences.

5. Intermediary predicative constructions.

5. Parts of the sentence model of sentence analyses.

6. Distributional analyses.
7. IС model.

8. The theme-rheme model.

Recommended reading:

1. Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - M: Vysshaya Shkola, 2000,. Ch. XXI-XXV.

2. Ilyish B.A. The Structure of modern English. - L.: Prosveschenie, 1971, Ch. XXIV-XXV.

3. Иванова Т.П., Бурлакова B.B., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка.-М: Высш. Шк., 1981, С. 164-210.

4. Иофик Л.Л., Чахоян Л.П., Поспелова А.Г. Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка. - Л.: Просвещение, 1981, С. 117-155.

Additional task

1. Теория речевых актов.
Recommended reading:

1)Новое в зарубежной лингвистике. Теория речевых актов, в. 17, М., 1986.

2)Levinson St. Pragmatics. L. -N.Y., 1983.

2. Теория референции.

1) Арутюнова Н.Д. Предложение и его смысл. - М., 1985.

2) Падучева Е.В. Высказывание и его соотнесенность с действительностью. - М., 1985.

Practical tasks

1. Analyse the following sentences indicating "theme" and "rheme ". Comment on the devices. 1. There are several dialects in the English language. 2. In my topic lay two basic questions. 3. It was Mendeleyev who discovered the periodic law. 4. In 1913 Niels Bohr offered a new explanation to the atomic nuclear. 5. The radio was invented by Popov. 6. Hanging on the walls were pictures of scientists. 7. Only two of the reasons will be discovered here. 8. There was not a single car there. 9. It was in Yasnaya Polyana that L.Tolstoy wrote his major books. 10. No machinery was needed to perform this test.

2. Analyse the following sentences according to the 1С model.

1. My friends were waiting for me at the station. 2. The people upstairs complained. 3. I'll see what can be done about it. 4. They're sure to be home now. 5. Usually the boys in the family milked the goats in the morning. 6. The young trapeze artist on the high wire fell off. 7. The boys usually answered rudely when they were questioned.

З.Маке a transformational analyses: 1. The barking dog frightened me.

Assignment VIII


The problems for discussion

1. The peculiar features

2. Different construction types of the composite sentence.

3. The structural features of the principal clause in the complex sentence.

4. The classification of subordinate clauses.

5. Clauses of primary nominal position.

6. Subordinate clauses of secondary nominal position.

7. Clauses of adverbial position.

8. The types of structure and arrangement of complex sentences.

9. The problem of existence of compound sentences.

10.The types of coordinate connection.

11.Semi-complex sentence.

12.Semi-compound sentence.

Recommended reading:

1. Blokli M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar. - M: Vysshaya Shkola, 2000, Ch. XXVI-XXX.

2. Ilyish B.A. The Structure of modern English. - L.: Prosveschenie, 1971, Ch.

3. Иванова Т.П., Бурлакова B.B., Почепцов Г.Г. Теоретическая грамматика современного английского языка. -М: Высш. Шк.,1981, С. 230-238.

4. Иофик Л.Л., Чахоян Л.П., Поспелова А.Г. Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка.- Л.: Просвещение, 1981, С. 192-218.

Practical tasks

1. Analyse the following complex sentences. State in what way the subordinate clauses are introduced. 1. He owed it to his first teacher that he had a good pronunciation. 2. Her father did not like when she interfered with his work. 3. I can't tell you which way is the shortest. 4. I cannot say that what I have heard is much to his credit. 5. I thought how alike people were in a moment of common interest. 6. In the morning Henry cooked the breakfast while Bill was still sleeping. 7. It is getting dark and windy so we had better return home. 8. Take a lantern because we shall not be able to find our way. 9. Be careful so that you won't slip and injure yourself. 10. I looked in all directions but no house was to be seen.

2. Analyse the means of connecting coordinate clauses in the
following compound sentences.

1. A little nervous and depressed he turned to retrace his steps, for all at once he felt himself very much of a nobody. 2. How glad I am to have met you then, otherwise we might have lost sight of each other

3. Trench, either you travel as a gentleman, or you travel alone.4. To
know things by name is one thing; to know them by seeing them,
quite another. Philip Bosinney was known to be a young man without
fortune, but Forsyte girls had become engaged to such before, and
had actually married them. 5. She drew the curtain back and the room
was flooded with gold.6.1 want to go very much, still I do not care to
go out in the rain. 7. The moon went down, the stars grew pale, the
cold day broke; the sun rose.8. Not all the necessary things were
bought for the trip, therefore we had to postpone our departure for
several days.

Assignment IX


The problems for discussion

1. The problem of the highest syntactical unit.

2. The distinguishing features of the text as a lingual element.

3. The types of the sentence sequence based on the communicative direction of their component sentences.

4. The subdivision of cumulation.

5. The parcellated constructions.

Recommended reading:

1.Blokh M.Y. A Course in Theoretical English Grammar.- M:
Vysshaya Shkola, 2000, Ch. XXI.

2. Ilyish B.A. The Structure of modern English. - L.: Prosveschenie,
[971, С 348-350.

3. Иофик Л.Л., Чахоян Л.П., Поспелова А.Г. Хрестоматия по теоретической грамматике английского языка.- Л.: Просвещение, 1981, Ch. IX.

4. Dijk Т.А. van. Some Aspects of Text Grammars. - The Hague: Mouton, 1972.


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