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Кафедра «Охрана и безопасность на море»

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Кафедра «Охрана и безопасность на море»

Охрана судов

и портовых средств




Методические указания

по выполнению домашнего задания по дисциплине

«Охрана судов и портовых средств»



Направления подготовки:

6.030401 «Право»;

6.050503 «Машиностроение»;

6.051201 «Судостроение и океанотехника»;

6.060101 «Строительство»;

6.070101 «Транспортные технологии (морской транспорт»;

6.070104 «Морской и речной транспорт»


Одесса 2009

УДК 656. 052. 323. 28 (07)

Методические указания по выполнению домашнего задания по дисциплине «Охрана судов и портовых средств» разработаны сотрудниками кафедры «Охрана и безопасность на море» Одесского национального морского университета: кандидатом технических наук, доцентом Семьяниновым Владимиром Николаевичем, полковником Золотько Игорем Михайловичем и кандидатом технических наук, профессором Волошиным Андреем Александровичем в соответствии с рабочей учебной программой дисциплины «Охрана судов и портовых средств».

В методических указаниях приведены 90 вариантов домашних заданий на английском языке по основным теоретическим вопросам Кодекса ОСПС, а также методические указания по выполнению домашнего задания и образец выполнения домашнего задания.

Методические указания обсуждены и одобрены на заседании кафедры «Охрана и безопасность на море» и рекомендованы для публикации в открытой печати.

Протокол заседания кафедры ОБМ ОНМУ № 5 от 27.01.2009 года.


кандидат технических наук, профессор ОНМУ Груздев В.В.

cтp. 27, таблиц - 4, библ. - 1 назв.



Выполнение домашнего задания является обязательным для студентов. Без выполненного домашнего задания студент не аттестуется по дисциплине «Охрана судов и портовых средств».

Цели домашнего задания:

- изучить структуру и требования Международного Кодекса по охране судов и портовых средств (Кодекс ОСПС);

- изучить положения Кодекса ОСПС, касающиеся Оценки охраны и Плана охраны судов и портовых средств;

- получить практические навыки в работе с Кодексом ОСПС;

- получить знания терминологии по охране судов и портовых средств на английском языке;

- получить практические навыки по оформлению документов.

Исходные данные для выполнения домашнего задания.

Домашнее задание выдается индивидуально каждому студенту. По варианту задания (см. раздел 2 Методических указаний) студент выбирает 10 вопросов (см. раздел 3 Методических указаний), на которые он должен дать ответ.

На кафедре «Охраны и безопасности на море» студент, также, получает в электронном виде[1] (на личную флешку или диск) текст Кодекса ОСПС.

Порядок выполнения домашнего задания:

- Студент делает самостоятельный перевод с английского на русский язык всех вопросов своего задания.

- На указанных для каждого вопроса страницах Кодекса ОСПС (см. раздел 3 Методических указаний) студент ищет ответы на поставленные вопросы.

- Найдя ответы, студент выписывает[2] их, указывая номер соответствующего параграфа Кодекса ОСПС для каждого ответа.

Оформление выполненного домашнего задания.

Самостоятельно изучив Кодекс ОСПС, переведя вопросы задания с английского на русский язык, студент предъявляет преподавателю выполненное домашнее задание в следующем виде:

- титульный лист;

- перечень вопросов домашнего задания на английском языке и их перевод на русский или украинский язык с указанием номеров вопросов согласно Методическим указаниям (оформление см. Табл. 1 Приложения);

- ответы на вопросы домашнего задания с указанием номера соответствующего параграфа Кодекса ОСПС для каждого ответа (оформление см. Табл. 2 Приложения).

    Образец оформления выполненного домашнего задания приведен в приложении к данным Методическим указаниям.

Выполненное домашнее задание оформляется либо на компьютере, либо от руки на стандартных листах формата А4 с одной стороны и подписывается на титульной странице выполнившим его студентом.

Срок выполнения домашнего задания: - одна неделя с момента выдачи задания.

Оценка выполненного домашнего задания.

Оценка домашнего задания учитывается в итоговой оценке по дисциплине «Охрана судов и портовых средств». Максимальная оценка за домашнее задание[3] – 2 балла:

- 10 правильных ответов    - 2 балла;

- 8 правильных ответов      -1,5 балла;

- 6 правильных ответов      - 1 балл;

- менее 6 правильных ответов - 0 баллов.


    Студент, как правило, выбирает номер варианта домашнего задания из приведенной ниже таблицы 2.1 в соответствии с порядковым номером студента в журнале «Учета посещаемости учебных занятий студентами их успеваемости и учета нагрузки преподавателя» или номер варианта студенту задает преподаватель.

Таблица 2.1

Вариант 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Табл. 3.1

№ п / п Вопросы Страницы Кодекса ОСПС[4]
1. Shall Contracting Governments determine when a Declaration of Security is required by assessing the risk the ship/port interface or ship to ship activity poses to persons, property or the environment? 10 – 12
2. Should the need for a DoS be set out in the ship security plan? 69 – 71
3. When can a ship request completion of a Declaration of Security? 12 – 14
4. Shall the Declaration of Security address the security requirements that could be shared between a port facility and a ship (or between ships)? 12 – 14
5. Shall Administrations specify the minimum period for which Declarations of Security shall be kept by ships entitled to fly their flag? 11 – 13
6. In which language should the DoS be completed? 70 – 72
7. The Company ensured that the ship security plan contains а clear statement emphasizing the master’s authority, isn’t it? 13 – 15
8. Shall the Company ensure that the company security officer, the master and the ship security officer are given the necessary support to fulfil their duties and responsibilities in accordance with theISPS Code? 12 – 14
9. Shall the Company designate a company security officer? 19 – 21


Продолжение Табл. 3.1

№ п/п Вопросы Страницы Кодекса ОСПС
10. The Company shall establish in the ship security plan that the master has the overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to the safety andsecurity of the ship and to request the assistance of the Company or of any Contracting Government as may be necessary, isn’t it? 11 – 13
11. Which activities shall be carried out, through appropriate measures, on all ships, in order to identify and take preventive measures against security incidents at security level 1? 14 – 16
12. Shall the additional protective measures, specified in the ship security plan, be implemented for each activity detailed in section 7.2 at security level 2? 13 – 15
13. Shall further specific protective measures, specified in the ship security plan, be implemented for each activity detailed in section 7.2 at security level 3? 12 – 14
14. Which main duties and responsibilities must the company security officer have? 21 – 23 A.11.2
15. Shall a ship security officer be designated on each ship? 22 – 24
16. Which duties and responsibilities must the ship security officer have? 21 – 23
17. Which knowledge of should the CSO and appropriate shore based Company personnel, and the SSO have? 95 – 97
18. Which adequate knowledge of should the SSO have in addition? 97 – 99
19. Which knowledge should shipboard personnel having specific security duties have? 97 – 100
20. Should drills be conducted at least once every three months to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the ship security plan? 97 – 99
21. Shall a port facility security officer be designated for each port facility? 29 – 31
22. Which duties and responsibilities must the port facility security officer have? 28 – 31
23. Shall the text of International Ship Security Certificate include a translation into English, French or Spanish, if the language used is not one of these languages? 32 –34
24. Which knowledge of should the PFSO have? 127 – 129
25. Which knowledge should Port facility personnel having specific security duties have? 130 – 132
26. Which verifications shall each ship be subject to? 29 –32
27. Should drills be conducted at least every three months unless the specific circumstances dictate otherwise to ensure the effective implementation of the provisions of the port facility security plan? 130 – 132
28. Shall International Ship Security Certificate be issued after the initial or renewal verification? 32 –34
29. Shall an International Ship Security Certificate be issued for a period specified by the Administration which shall not exceed five years? 31 –33
30. Which cases shall A certificate cease to be valid in? 35 –37
31. Is the Ship Security Assessment an essential and integral part of the process of developing and updating the ship security plan? 15 – 17
32. Who shall ensure that the ship security assessment is carried out by persons with appropriateskills to evaluate the security of a ship? 14 – 16
33. Which elements shall the ship security assessment include under an on-scene security survey? 16 – 19
34. Shall the ship security assessment be documented, reviewed, acceptedand retained by the Company? 15 – 18
35. Who is responsible for ensuring that a SSA is carried out for each of the ships in the Company’s fleet? 71 – 73
36. Prior to commencing the SSA, the CSO should ensure that advantage is taken of information available on the assessment of threat for the ports at which the ship will call or at which passengers embark or disembark and about the port facilities and their protective measures, isn’t he? 73 – 75
37. Which elements on board or within the ship should a SSA address? 73 – 75
38. The SSA should examine each identified point of access, including open weather decks, and evaluate its potential for use by individuals who might seek to breach security, isn’t it? 74 – 76
39. Which information required conducting an assessment should the CSO obtain and record? 73 – 75
40. Which existing security measures and guidance, procedures and operations, under both routine and emergency conditions should the SSA consider and determine? 74 – 76
41. Which persons, activities, services and operations that it is important to protect should the SSA consider? 76 – 78
42. Which possible threats and types of security incidents should the SSA consider? 75 – 77
43. Which possible vulnerabilities should the SSA take into account? 78 – 80
44. Should particular consideration be given to the convenience, comfort and personal privacy of the ship’s personnel and their ability to maintain their effectiveness over long periods, when developing security measures? 78 – 80
45. Upon completion of the SSA, a report shall be prepared, consisting of a summary of how the assessment was conducted, a description of vulnerability found during the assessment and a description of counter measures that could be used to address vulnerability, isn’t it? 77 – 79
46. Should the report of the SSA be reviewed and accepted by the CSO, if the SSA has not been carried out by the Company? 76 – 78
47. Which existing shipboard protective measures, procedures and operations should the on-scene security survey examine and evaluate? 78 – 80
48. Shall each ship carry on board a ship security plan approved by the Administration? 14 – 16
49. Shall the submission of aship security plan or ofamendmentsto a previously approved plan, for approval be accompanied by the security assessment on the basis of which the plan, orthe amendments, has been developed? 17 – 19
50. In which language or languages shall the SSP be written? 16 – 18
51. Shall the plan address frequency for testing or calibration ofany security equipment provided on board? 16 – 20
52. Shall the plan address duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities and of other shipboard personnel on security aspects? 16 – 19
53. Shall personnel conducting internal audits of the security activities specified in the plan or evaluating its implementation be independent of the activities being audited unless this is impracticable due to the size and the nature of the Company or of the ship? 19 – 21
54. Shall the plan address procedures to ensure the inspection, testing, calibration, and maintenance of any security equipment provided on board? 17 – 19
55. Shall the plan address identification of the locations where the ship security alert system activation points are provided? 16 – 20
56. Shall the SSP address procedures for training, drillsand exercises associated with the plan? 17 – 19
57. Shall the plan address procedures, instructions and guidance on the use of the ship security alert system, including the testing, activation, deactivation and resetting and to limit false alerts? 16 – 18
58. Has the CSO the responsibility of ensuring that a SSP is prepared and submitted for approval? 79 – 81
59. Should SSPs detail the organizational structure of security for the ship? 79 – 81
60. Should SSPs detail the ship’s relationships with the Company, port facilities, other ships and relevant authorities with security responsibility? 79 – 81
61. Should SSPs detail the communication systems to allow effective continuous communication within the ship and between the ship and others, including port facilities? 78 – 80
62. Preparation of an effective SSP should rest on a thorough assessment of all issues that relate to the security of the ship, including, in particular, a thorough appreciation of the physical and operational characteristics, including the voyage pattern, of the individual ship, isn’t it? 78 – 80
63. Should the SSP establish the procedures or safeguards necessary to allow continuous communications to be maintained at all times? 81 – 83
64. Should the SSP establish the security measures covering all means of access to the ship identified in the SSA? 82 – 84
65. Should the SSP establish the procedures and practices to protect security sensitive information held in paper or electronic format which relate to all security levels? 80 – 82
66. Which security measures to control access to the ship should the SSP establish at security level 1? 81 – 83
67. Should the SSP establish the procedures needed to assess the continuing effectiveness of security procedures and any security and surveillance equipment and systems, including procedures for identifying and responding to equipment or systems failure or malfunction? 79 – 81
68. Should the SSP identify the appropriate locations where access restrictions or prohibitions should be applied for each of the security levels? 81 – 83
69. Should the SSP establish for each security level the means of identification required to allow access to the ship and for individuals to remain on the ship without challenge? 80 – 82
70. Should those unwilling or unable to establish their identity and/or to confirm the purpose of their visit when requested to do so be denied access to the ship and should their attempt to obtain access be reported to the SSOs, the CSOs, the PFSO and to the national or local authorities with security responsibilities? 83 – 85
71. Should the SSP establish the frequency of application of any access controls particularly if they are to be applied on a random, or occasional, basis? 82 – 84
72. Should all those seeking to board a ship be liable to search and should the frequency of such searches, including random searches, be specified in the approved SSP? 84 – 85
73. Which security measures to be applied to protect against a heightened risk of a security incident to ensure higher vigilance and tighter control should the SSP establish at security level 2? 83 – 86
74. Should the SSP identify the restricted areas to be established on the ship, specify their extent, times of application, the security measures to be taken to control access to them and those to be taken to control activities within them? 83 – 86
75. What are the purposes of restricted areas? 86 – 88
76. Should the SSP ensure that there areclearly established policies and practices to control access to all restricted areas? 85 – 87
77. Should the frequency and intensity of the monitoring of, and control of access to restricted areas be increased to ensure that only authorized persons have access at security level 2? 85 – 87
78. What may restricted areas include? 86 – 88
79. Should the SSP provide that all restricted areas should be clearly marked indicating that access to the area is restricted and that unauthorized presence within the area constitutes a breach of security? 83 – 86
80. There should always be some way of confirming that stores presented for delivery are accompanied by evidence that they have been ordered by the ship, isn’t it? 89 – 91
81. Which security measures to be applied to restricted areas should the SSP establish at security level 1? 86 – 88
82. Which security measures to be applied during cargo handling should the SSP establish at security level 1? 87 – 89
83. What should security measures relating to the delivery of ship’s stores prevent? 89 – 91
84. Which security measures to be applied during delivery of ship’s stores should the SSP establish at security level 1? 89 – 91
85. Should the SSP establish the additional security measures to be applied during delivery of ship’s stores by exercising checks prior to receiving stores on board and intensifying inspections at security level 2? 89 – 91
86. Should the SSP establish the security measures to be applied to ensure that unaccompanied baggage (i.e. any baggage, including personal effects, which is not with the passenger or member ofship’s personnel at the point of inspection or search) is identified and subjected to appropriate screening, including searching, before it is accepted on board the ship? 90 – 94
87. Should the SSP establish the security measures to be applied when handling unaccompanied baggage to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is screened or searched up to and including 100 percent, which may include use of x-ray screening at security level 1? 92 – 94
88. Should the SSP establish the additional security measures to be applied when handling unaccompanied baggagewhich should include 100 percent x-ray screening of all unaccompanied baggage at security level 2? 91 – 93
89. Should the ship have the capability to monitor the ship, the restricted areas on board and areas surrounding the ship? 91 – 93
90. Should the SSP establish the procedures and equipment needed at each security level and the means of ensuring that monitoring equipment will be able to perform continually, including consideration of the possible effects of weather conditions or of power disruptions? 93 – 96
91. Which circumstances should the SSP consider when establishing the appropriate level and location of lighting at security level 1? 92 – 94
92. May additional lighting be necessary to protect against a heightened risk of a security incidents? 93 – 95
93. Should the SSP establish the security measures to be applied which may be a combination of lighting, watch keepers, security guards or use of security and surveillance equipment to allow ship’s security personnel to observe the ship in general, and barriers and restricted areas in particular at security level 1? 92 – 94
94. Which additional security measures to be applied to enhance the monitoring and surveillance capabilities should the SSP establish at security level 2? 94 – 96
95. Should the SSP establish details of the procedures and security measures the ship could adopt if the ship is at a higher security level than that applying to a port facility? 93 – 95
96. Should the SSP establish details of the procedures and security measures the ship should apply when it is at a port of a State which isnot a Contracting Government, or it is interfacing with a ship to which ISPS Code does not apply, it is interfacing with fixed or floating platforms or a mobile drilling unit on location, or it is interfacing with a port or port facility which is not required to comply with chapter XI-2 and part A of ISPS Code? 94 – 97
97. Should the SSP detail how requests for DoS from a port facility will be handled and the circumstances under which the ship itself should request a DoS? 96 – 98
98. Should the SSP establish how the CSO and the SSO intend to audit the continued effectiveness of the SSP and the procedure to be followed to review, update or amend the SSP? 95 – 97
99. Shall persons carrying out the assessment have appropriate skills to evaluate the security of the port facility? 24 – 26
100. Is the port facility security assessment an essential and integral part of the process of developing and updating the port facility security plan? 24 – 26
101. Which elements shall the port facility security assessment include? 25 – 27
102. Shall the port facility security assessments periodically be reviewed and updated, taking account of changing threats and/or minor changes in the port facility? 26 – 28
103. Is the identification and evaluation of important assets and infrastructure a process through which the relative importance of structures and installations to the functioning of the port facility can be established? 101 – 103
104. Shall a report be prepared, consisting of a summary of how the assessment was conducted, a description of vulnerability found during the assessment and a description of counter measures that could be used to address vulnerability upon completion of the port facility security assessment? 24 – 26
105. Which elements should a PFSA address within a port facility? 101 – 103
106. Should identification and evaluation of assets and infrastructure be used to prioritise their relative importance for protection? 100 – 102
107. Which assets and infrastructure should be consideredimportant to protect? 102 – 104
108. Should the PFSA include an assessment undertaken in consultation with the relevant national security organizations? 102 – 105
109. Which types of security incidents and threats should the PFSA consider? 102 – 104
110. Which factors should security measures be selected on and which information should be evaluated? 105 – 107
111. Might an analysis reveal vulnerabilities in a port facility’s security systems or unprotected infrastructure such as water supplies, bridges etc that could be resolved through physical measures, e.g. permanent barriers, alarms, surveillance equipment etc? 104 – 106
112. Consideration of which elements should identification of vulnerabilities include? 104 – 106
113. Shall a port facility security plan be developed and maintained, on the basis of a port facility security assessment, for each port facility, adequate for the ship/port interface? 27 – 29
114. Shall the PFSP be approved by the Contracting Government in whose territory the port facility is located? 26 – 28
115. Shall the PFSP be in the working language of the port facility? 25 – 27
116. Which measures, procedures and duties shall the PFSP address? 27 – 29
117. May the PFSP be kept in an electronic format? 27 – 29
118. Shall the PFSP be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure? 27 – 29
119. Is preparation of the PFSP the responsibility of the PFSO? 106 – 108
120. What should the PFSP detail and provide? 106 – 109
121. Should the security measures of the PFSP be in place within a reasonable period of the PFSP’s approval and should the PFSP establish when each measure will be in place? 108 – 110
122. Should the PFSP make provision for the retention of records of security incidents and threats, reviews, audits, training, drills and exercises as evidence of compliance with requirements of ISPS Code? 106 – 108
123. What should the PFSP establish which relate to all security levels? 108 – 111
124. Should the PFSP establish the security measures covering all means of access to the port facility identified in the PFSA? 108 – 110
125. Should the PFSP specify the type of restriction or prohibition to be applied and the means of enforcing them for each security level? 110 – 112
126. Should the PFSP establish for each security level the means of identification required to allow access to the port facility and for individuals to remain within the port facility without challenge? 110 – 112
127. Who should be denied access to the port facility and should their attempt to obtain access be reported to the PFSO and to the national or local authorities with security responsibilities? 109 – 111
128. Should the PFSP identify the locations where persons, personal effects, and vehicle searches are to be undertaken? 111 – 113
129. Should the PFSP establish separate locations for checked and unchecked persons and their effects? 110 – 112
130. Which security measures should the PFSP establish at the control points at security level 1? 112 – 114
131. Should the PFSP establish the frequency of application of any access controls particularly if they are to be applied on a random, or occasional, basis? 109 – 111
132. Should those seeking access to the port facility be liable to search at security level 1? 111 – 113
133. Which additional security measures should the PFSP establish at the control points at security level 2? 111 – 113
134. Should the PFSP identify the restricted areas to be established within the port facility, specify their extent, times of application, the security measures to be taken to control access to them and those to be taken to control activities within them? 114 – 116
135. What is the purpose of restricted areas? 113 – 115
136. Which additional security measures to be applied during cargo handling should the PFSP establish at security level 2 to enhance control? 118 – 120
137. Which actions should the PFSP have clearly established to control at all restricted areas? 113 – 115
138. Should the PFSP provide that all restricted areas should be clearly marked indicating that access to the area is restricted and that unauthorized presence within the area constitutes a breach of security? 115 – 117
139. Which elements of the port facility may restricted areas include? 114 – 116
140. Which security measures to be applied to restricted areas should the PFSP establish at security level 1? 114 – 116
141. Which additional security measures to be applied to restricted areas should the PFSP establish at security level 2? 116 – 118
142. Should security measures include inventory control procedures at access points to the port facility? 117 – 119
143. Which security measures to be applied during cargo handling should the PFSP establish at security level 1? 116 – 118
144. Which means may cargo checking be accomplished by? 118 – 120
145. Which means may detailed cargo checking be accomplished by? 117 – 119
146. What should security measures relating to the delivery of ship’s stores ensure and prevent? 120 – 123
147. Which security measures to be applied to control the delivery of ship’s stores should the PFSP establish at security level 1? 120 – 123
148. Which means may ship’s stores checking be accomplished by? 119 – 121
149. Which additional security measures to be applied to enhance the control the delivery of ship’s stores should the PFSP establish at security level 2? 121 – 123
150. Which means may detailed checking of ship’s stores be accomplished by? 120 – 123
151. Who should rest the responsibility for screening of unaccompanied baggage (i.e. any baggage, including personal effects, which is not with the passenger or member ofship’s personnel at the point of inspection or search), if such baggage will be subjected to screening by both the port facility and the ship, and in cases where both are suitably equipped? 120 – 122
152. Should the PFSP establish the security measures to be applied when handling unaccompanied baggage to ensure that unaccompanied baggage is screened or searched up to and including 100 percent, which may include use of x-ray screening at security level 1? 122 – 124
153. Should the PFSP establish the additional security measures to be applied when handling unaccompanied baggage which should include 100 percent x-ray screening of all unaccompanied baggage at security level 2? 122 – 124
154. Should the port facility security organization have the capability to monitor the port facility and its nearby approaches, on land and water, at all times, including the night hours and periods of limited visibility, the restricted areas within the port facility, the ships at the port facility and areas surrounding ships? 121 – 123
155. Should the PFSP establish the procedures and equipment needed at each security level and the means of ensuring that monitoring equipment will be able to perform continually, including consideration of the possible effects of weather or of power disruptions? 124 – 126
156. Should the PFSP establish the security measures to be applied which may be a combination of lighting, security guards or use of security and surveillance equipment to allow port facility security personnel monitor the port facility at security level 1? 123 – 125
157. Which additional security measures to be applied to enhance the monitoring and surveillance capability should the PFSP establish at security level 2? 122 – 124
158. Should the PFSP establish details of the procedures and security measures the port facility could adopt if the port facility is at a lower security level than that applying to a ship? 125 – 127
159. When should the PFSP establish details of the procedures and security measures the port facility should apply if it activities not covered by the ISPS Code? 124 – 126
160. Should the PFSP establish how the PFSO intends to audit the continued effectiveness of the PFSP and the procedure to be followed to review, update or amend the PFSP? 124 – 126
161. When should the PFSP be reviewed? 126 – 128
162. Translation in which languages may the Statement of Compliance of aPort Facility include, should if the Contracting Government considers it appropriate, if the language used is not Spanish, French or English? 127 – 129


Образец выполнения домашнего задания


Кафедра «Охрана и безопасность на море»




Дата выдачи задания     - “___” __________ 20___ г.

Дата сдачи задания - “___” __________ 20___ г.

Выполнил: студент ______________________________

(факультет, курс, группа)


(подпись, ФИО студента)

Принял: преподаватель кафедры ОБМ


(подпись, ФИО преподавателя)

Одесса – 20___

Вопросы домашнего задания и соответствующие параграфы Кодекса ОСПС

Табл. 1

№ вопроса Вопрос домашнего задания Перевод вопроса Параграф Кодекса ОСПС
200. Does ISPS Code apply to warships, naval auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated by a Contracting Government and used only on Government non-commercial service? Применяется ли Кодекс ОСПС к военным ко­раблям, военно-вспомогательным судам или другим судам, принадлежащим Договариваю­щемуся правительству или эксплуатируемым им и используемым только для правительствен­ной некоммерческой службы. А.3.3
211. Are the provisions of chapter XI-2 and part A of ISPS Code intended to apply to port facilities designed and used primarily for military purposes? Предполагается ли применение положений гла­вы Х1-2 и части А настоящего Кодекса к порто­вым средствам, предназначенным и использую­щимся главным образом в военных целях? B.3.4
222. When should DoS be completed? Когда следует оформлять Декларацию об охране? B.5.1
233. Shall requests for the completion of a Declaration of Security be acknowledged by the applicable port facility or ship? Должно ли соответствующее портовое средство или судно подтверждать получение запроса об оформлении Декларации об охране, направлен­ного им? А.5.3
244. Which factors should be considered in setting the appropriate security level? Какие факторы должны быть рассмотрены при установлении надлежащего уровня охраны? А.4.1
255. Shall the ship acknowledge receipt of the instructions on change of the security level, whenever security level 2 or 3 is set by the Administration? Должно ли судно подтвердить получение ука­заний относительно изменения уровня охраны при установлении Администрацией уровней охраны 2 или 3? А.7.5

Продолжение Табл. 1

№ вопроса Вопрос домашнего задания Перевод вопроса Параграф Кодекса ОСПС
266. May a recognized security organization carry out the ship security assessment of a specific ship Может ли признанная в области охраны орга­низация выполнять оценку охраны конкрет­ного судна? А.8.3
277. Which practical security related information may be required as a condition of entry into port in order to assist with ensuring the safety and security of persons, port facilities, ships and other property? Какие практические, относящиеся к охране сведения, предоставление которых, в целях обеспечения безопасности и охраны людей, портовых средств, судов и другого имущества, могут потребоваться как условие захода в порт? B.4.39
288. Should SSP be approved by, or on behalf of, the Administration, Должен ли план охраны судна одобряться Администрацией или от ее имени? B.9.4
299. May the Contracting Government within whose territory a port facility is located issue an appropriate Statementof Compliance of a Port Facility? Может ли Договаривающееся правительство, на территории которого находится портовое сред­ство, издать соответствующий Акт о соответ­ствии портового средства. B.16.62

Развернутые ответы на вопросы домашнего задания

Табл. 2

№ вопроса № параграфа Кодекса ОСПС Содержание параграфа Кодекса ОСПС
200. А.3.3 Настоящий Кодекс не применяется к военным кораб­лям, военно-вспомогательным судам или другим судам, принадлежащим Договаривающемуся правительству или эксплуатируемым им и используемым только для правительственной некоммерческой службы.
211. B.3.4 Не предполагается применение положений главы Х1-2 и части А настоящего Кодекса к портовым средствам, предназначенным и использующимся главным образом в военных целях.
222. B.5.1 Декларацию об охране следует оформлять в случае, когда Договаривающееся правительство, на территории которого находится портовое средство, или судно считают это необходимым.
233. А.5.3 Соответствующие портовое средство или судно должны подтверждать получение запроса об оформлении Деклара­ции об охране, направленного им на основании настоя­щего раздела
244. А.4.1 Более высокие уровни охраны указывают на большую веро­ятность возникновения происшествия, связанного с ох­раной. При установлении надлежащего уровня охраны рассматриваются следующие факторы: .1 степень того, что информация об угрозе заслужи­вает доверия; .2 степень того, что информация об угрозе является подтвержденной; .3 степень того, что угроза, указанная в информации, является конкретной или неминуемой; и .4 возможные последствия такого происшествия, свя­занного с охраной.
255. А.7.5 При установлении Администрацией уровней охраны 2 или 3 судно должно подтвердить получение указаний относительно изменения уровня охраны.
266. А.8.3 С соблюдением положений раздела 9.2.1 признанная в области охраны организация может выполнять оценку охраны конкретного судна.

Продолжение Табл. 2

№ вопроса № параграфа Кодекса ОСПС Содержание параграфа Кодекса ОСПС
277. B.4.39 Примерами других практических, относящихся к охране сведений, предоставление которых, в целях обеспечения безопасности и охраны людей, портовых средств, судов и другого имущества, может требоваться как условие захода в порт, являются: .1 сведения, содержащиеся в журнале непрерывной регистрации истории судна; .2 местоположение судна во время передачи сообщения; .4 судовая роль; .5 общее описание груза на борту судна; .6 список пассажиров.
288. B.9.4 Все планы охраны судна должны одобряться Админи­страцией или от ее имени. Если Администрация ис­пользует признанную в области охраны организацию для пересмотра или одобрения плана, то эта признанная в области охраны организация не должна быть связана с какой-либо другой признанной в области охраны органи­зацией, подготовившей план или оказавшей помощь в его подготовке.
299. B.16.62 Договаривающееся правительство, на территории кото­рого находится портовое средство, может издать соот­ветствующий Акт о соответствии портового средства, указывающий: .1 портовое средство; .2 тот факт, что портовое средство соответствует поло­жениям главы XI-2 и части А Кодекса; .3 срок действия Акта о соответствии портового сред­ства, который должен устанавливаться Договариваю­щимся правительством и не превышать пяти лет; и .4 последующие меры по проверке, установленные Договаривающимся правительством, и подтверждение срока их выполнения.


1. Международный кодекс по охране судов и портовых средств и Поправки 2002 года к Конвенции СОЛАС. Международная морская организация. Лондон, 2003. С. 180


1. МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ....................................................................   3

Цели домашнего задания................................................................................   3

Исходные данные для выполнения домашнего задания...............................   3

Порядок выполнения домашнего задания.....................................................   3

Оформление выполненного домашнего задания...........................................   3

Срок выполнения домашнего задания...........................................................   4

Оценка выполненного домашнего задания....................................................   4

2. ВАРИАНТЫ домашних ЗАДАНИЙ....................................................   5

3. вопросы ДОМАШНЕГО ЗАДАНИЯ.....................................................   8

ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ. Образец выполнения домашнего задания......................... 20

Литература................................................................................................  25



Підписано до друку з оригінал-макету ______


Формат 60х84 1/16. Папір офсетний. Ум. друк. арк. ____

Замовлення № ___ Тираж ___


Адреса редакційної колегії та Видавництва ОНМУ:

65029, Одеса, вул.. Мечникова, 34,

Тел. 728-14-31.

[1] Студенты, которые не имеют дома компьютерной техники, могут выполнять домашнее задание в компьютерном классе кафедры.

[2] Студент должен, использую текс найденного параграфа Кодекса ОСПС, дать развернутый ответ на поставленный вопрос. Если в параграфе содержится более 5 подпунктов, следует привести 5 наиболее важных, по мнению студента, подпунктов.

[3] За нарушение требований Методических указаний по выполнению или небрежное выполнение домашнего задания оценка студента за домашнее задание может быть уменьшена на 0,5 балла.

[4] Страницы Кодекса ОСПС, которые студент должен прочитать и найти ответ на поставленный вопрос.



Кафедра «Охрана и безопасность на море»

Охрана судов

и портовых средств




Методические указания

по выполнению домашнего задания по дисциплине

«Охрана судов и портовых средств»



Направления подготовки:

6.030401 «Право»;

6.050503 «Машиностроение»;

6.051201 «Судостроение и океанотехника»;

6.060101 «Строительство»;

6.070101 «Транспортные технологии (морской транспорт»;

6.070104 «Морской и речной транспорт»


Одесса 2009

УДК 656. 052. 323. 28 (07)

Методические указания по выполнению домашнего задания по дисциплине «Охрана судов и портовых средств» разработаны сотрудниками кафедры «Охрана и безопасность на море» Одесского национального морского университета: кандидатом технических наук, доцентом Семьяниновым Владимиром Николаевичем, полковником Золотько Игорем Михайловичем и кандидатом технических наук, профессором Волошиным Андреем Александровичем в соответствии с рабочей учебной программой дисциплины «Охрана судов и портовых средств».

В методических указаниях приведены 90 вариантов домашних заданий на английском языке по основным теоретическим вопросам Кодекса ОСПС, а также методические указания по выполнению домашнего задания и образец выполнения домашнего задания.

Методические указания обсуждены и одобрены на заседании кафедры «Охрана и безопасность на море» и рекомендованы для публикации в открытой печати.

Протокол заседания кафедры ОБМ ОНМУ № 5 от 27.01.2009 года.


кандидат технических наук, профессор ОНМУ Груздев В.В.

cтp. 27, таблиц - 4, библ. - 1 назв.



Выполнение домашнего задания является обязательным для студентов. Без выполненного домашнего задания студент не аттестуется по дисциплине «Охрана судов и портовых средств».

Цели домашнего задания:

- изучить структуру и требования Международного Кодекса по охране судов и портовых средств (Кодекс ОСПС);

- изучить положения Кодекса ОСПС, касающиеся Оценки охраны и Плана охраны судов и портовых средств;

- получить практические навыки в работе с Кодексом ОСПС;

- получить знания терминологии по охране судов и портовых средств на английском языке;

- получить практические нав

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