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для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей
УДК Ш143.21-92
Р е ц е н з е н т ы:
доктор филологических наук, профессор В.И. Карасик
кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Т.Г. Йованович
Печатается по решению редакционно-издательского совета
Волгоградского государственного технического университета
Топоркова, О.В.
General English for technical students: Учебное пособие. / О.В Топоркова, Е.В. Новоженина, Н.А. Пром; ВолгГТУ. - Волгоград, 2018. - 96 с.
Цель пособия – развитие коммуникативной компетенции, позволяющей осуществлять различные виды речевой деятельности на английском языке в социокультурной и деловой сферах общения.
Рационально подобранный языковой и речевой материал, система продуктивных упражнений позволяют обучить живому английскому языку и подготовить студентов для овладения языком профессионального общения в области технических специальностей.
Пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса всех технических специальностей, изучающих английский язык. Может быть использовано на курсах интенсивного обучения, а также для самостоятельного изучения английского языка.
Библиография: 22 назв.
@ Волгоградский государственный
технический университет, 2018
@ О.В Топоркова, Е.В. Новоженина,
Н.А. Пром, 2018
Данное учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса технических специальностей. Основной целью пособия является развитие коммуникативной компетенции, позволяющей осуществлять различные виды речевой деятельности на английском языке в социокультурной сфере общения и подготовить студентов к овладению языком профессионального общения в области технических специальностей в соответствии с программой.
Учебное пособие рассчитано на 64 аудиторных часа занятий. Оно построено по тематическому принципу и состоит из 12 уроков (Units): Family, Friends, Home, University, Student life, Education, Places to visit, Holidays, Travel, Jobs, Work, Technology.Каждый урок содержит три раздела: Section I ‘Speaking’, Section II ‘Grammar in Practice’, Section III ‘Reading’ с целью обучения всем видам иноязычной речевой деятельности.
Цель первого раздела ‘Speaking’ – научить общаться на английском языке в рамках повседневной (бытовой и обще-познавательной) и социальной тематики. Для этого подобраны оригинальные тексты, которые представляют непосредственную информацию о какой-то стороне иностранной жизни: короткие диалоги, объявления, журнальные статьи, письма, электронные сообщения, интервью. Разработанные задания нацелены на освоение навыков реального разговора на английском языке, понимание речи собеседника, отработки умения отвечать на заданные вопросы и правильно задавать вопросы. Продуктивные упражнения дают возможность поиска общих точек соприкосновения и различий двух или нескольких культур, что является отражением межкультурного подхода к преподаванию. Разнообразные формы работы (в парах, в малых группах), игровые формы стимулируют творческую активность и поддерживают интерес к общению на английском языке.
Второй раздел ‘Grammar in Practice’ содержит грамматические упражнения, ориентированные на развитие устной речи, и упражнения, нацеленные на формирование автоматизированного навыка узнавания и понимания определенной грамматической структуры. В каждый урок включены переводные упражнения с русского языка на английский. Все упражнения составлены на основе лексики данного урока, а сам грамматический материал подобран с учетом программы обучения английскому языку на первом курсе и позволяет повторить основные грамматические правила.
Цель третьего раздела ‘Reading’ – развитие умений чтения оригинальных текстов общенаучной и общетехнической направленности. Современная тематика текстов с насыщенной разнообразной лексикой способствуют обогащению словарного запаса студентов. Вопросы и задания к текстам нацелены на развитие навыков разных видов чтения: просмотрового, поискового, изучающего. Упражнения подразделяются на задания с целью понимания текстового материала и лексические упражнения.
Характер учебного материала, его методическая организация делают возможным взаимосвязанное обучение всем видам иноязычной речевой деятельности и обеспечивают постепенный переход к работе с текстами по специальности.
Данное пособие полностью соответствует Государственному образовательному стандарту программы по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)».
Section I Speaking
Complete the questions.
1) … your parents at work now? 2)... you a chocaholic? 3)... your life interesting? 4) … you at the University yesterday? 5) Where … you … at 5 tomorrow? 6) … your family big? 7) How many people … there in your family? 8) … Volgograd your home town? 9) … it beautiful?
Translate into English.
1) Привет! Как дела? Все нормально? Я рад видеть тебя. 2) Сегодня понедельник. Это трудный день. Я очень занят. 3) Мне жаль, но я спешу. Увидимся завтра. 4) Я из Москвы. А вы откуда? – Мы из Волгограда. 5) Мой сын трудоголик. 6) Вы оптимист или пессимист? 7) Моя семья не очень большая. 8) Его сестра студентка. 9) Где вы были вчера? – Я был на даче. 10) Ее семья будет в Москве этим летом.
Translate into English.
1) В городе много красивых парков. 2) В этом журнале есть много интересных статей. 3) У меня нет времени слушать вас. Я очень занят. 4) У них большой дом и сад. 5) Около вашего дома много цветов? - Да, много. 6) У тебя есть машина? – Да, есть. 7) У него есть чувство юмора? – Уверен, что да! 8) В нашем городе мало музеев и театров. 9) У моего брата много друзей. 10) У вас есть вопросы? – У нас нет вопросов. Все ясно. 11) Как часто вы отдыхаете? – Два раза в году. 12) У вас много родственников? – Нет, у меня не много родственников. 13) Где вы обычно обедаете? – Дома. 14) В аудитории были первокурсники и второкурсники. 15) Мне повезло. У меня прекрасные одногруппники и преподаватели.
Section III Reading
Which of the families:
1) eats together every morning?
2) almost never eats together?
3) eats a lot of frozen food?
4) has special meals at the weekend?
5) has very good table manners?
3. Translate into Russian:
modern-food technology, freezer, microwave, irregular hours, eat out, stuffy, boil, napkins, white linen, nasty chemicals, at 8.00 a.m. prompt, sort of ritual, at least
Section I Speaking
1. Complete the sentences. Use these verbs in Present Simple:
like go study visit speak do live like rain
1) I … to the gym with my friends on Sundays. 2) My uncle … in Minsk. 3) Tim … Physics at the university. 4) Jo and Peter … their grandparents every week. 5) Sally … Spanish. 6) Mike … his homework every day. 7) Julia and I are good friends. I … her and she … me. 8) It … a lot in autumn.
Translate into English.
A. 1) Мой друг всегда дает мне хорошие советы. 2) Мы иногда спорим, но никогда не ссоримся. 3) Я часто езжу с друзьями за город. 4) Твой брат много работает? – Да, у него большая семья. 5) Мой оптимизм помогает мне в жизни.
B. 1) Я рад, что встретился вчера с моими бывшими одноклассниками. 2) Моя сестра училась в школе 11 лет, потом пять лет в университете. Сейчас она работает технологом пищевых производств. 3) Сколько времени тебе потребовалось, чтобы найти эту важную информацию? – Мне понадобилось несколько часов. 4) Простите, что вы сказали? Я не расслышал. 5) В прошлом году я познакомилась с ним по Интернету.
C. 1) Когда мы вновь вас увидим? – Мы дадим вам знать. 2) Не говори им ничего. Это будет сюрприз. 3) Ну и что ты скажешь? – Ничего. Я промолчу. 4) Где ты будешь встречать Новый год? – Как обычно, я буду дома со своей семьей. 5) Никто не знает, что случится в будущем.
Section III Reading
Do you think computer addiction is a real problem? Collect some facts from your personal experience, mass media or the Internet to prove that this problem exists (does not exist) in Russia? Do you know anybody who has similar problems? What do you think can be done to help people with such condition?
Section I Speaking
1. Work in groups of three or four and discuss your answers to the following questions:
1) Where is your home?
2) Do you live in a house or flat?
3) If you live in a flat what floor is it on?
4) If you live in a house do you have a garden?
5) Do you have your own garage or personal parking space?
6) What sort of furniture do you have?
7) What is the most important item for you?
8) Would you describe your house/flat as comfortable, dark or light (noisy or quiet)?
9) Which of these features would you expect to see in a typical home?
attic balcony bathroom bedroom cellar courtyard
dining room garage garden kitchen living room
2. Read the first paragraph of the text. What does home mean to the writer? Do you agree?
What does the word “home” mean to you? How do you say the word in your language? Although people usually know what the word means, it often has no exact translation. It’s not surprising really, because the idea of home varies from country to country, and from person to person. A home is more than a roof and four walls. It’s the cooking, eating, talking, playing and family living that go on inside which are important as well. And at home you usually feel safe and relaxed.
1. Imagine that a big family is preparing for the friends’ party. Say what each of them is doing. Choose from the verbs below:
to fix a sink, to cook dinner, to water flowers, to vacuum the carpet, to help Mum, to wash the car, to look for the jar with jam, to dust the furniture, to clean the windows
1) Mr Robinson is in the bathroom. He is …
2) Mrs Robinson is in the garden.
3) Their elder son Peter is in the garden too.
4) Their younger son Nick is in the bedroom.
5) Their daughter Mary and her cousin are in the living room.
6) Mary’s Granny is in the kitchen.
7) Mary’s Grandpa is in the garage.
8) Mary’s aunt Ann is in the balcony.
9) Her husband is in the cellar.
Translate into English.
1)Мой сын очень занят. Он готовится к выпускным экзаменам. 2) Бабушка вяжет мне теплый свитер. Она вяжет очень хорошо и получает от этого удовольствие. 3) Моя сестра смотрит новый сериал, а я не люблю сериалы, я читаю очень интересный детектив. 4) Уже поздно. Пора идти спать, а ты все еще сидишь за компьютером! 5) Опять ты ешь чипсы! Ты их так любишь? – Да, очень. 6) Я вижу, вы понимаете меня. – Да, я вам верю. 7) Мама на кухне. Она готовит ужин. 8) Кто-то стучит в дверь. Откройте, пожалуйста. 9) Вы собираетесь переехать на новую квартиру? – Да, в следующем году. 10) Что вы собираетесь делать днем? Вы будете очень заняты?
Translate into English.
1) Когда зазвонил телефон, они обсуждали этот вопрос. 2) С кем вы разговаривали по телефону, когда я вошел? – Я разговаривал с другом. 3) Вы были очень заняты, когда я видел вас 2 дня тому назад. Что вы делали? 4) Они пришли в то время, когда я работал в саду. 5) Вчера в 6 часов вечера я ждал вас в парке. 6) Мы как раз говорили о нем, когда он вдруг вошел. 7) Ты смотрел телевизор или слушал музыку, когда я позвонил тебе? Я слушал музыку.
Answer the questions.
1) What will you be doing at exactly this time tomorrow?
2) Will you be studying this Saturday?
3) Will your mother be watching her favourite serial from seven till eight o’clock?
4) Will you be meeting your friends in the evening?
5) Will your mother be shopping on Saturday morning?
6) Will you be cleaning your flat on Saturday evening?
7) What will you be wearing for the party?
8) Will you be still studying at 5 o’clock?
9) What will you be discussing at tomorrow’s seminar?
Section III Reading
Home Safety
Most accidents occur at home and many of them are preventable, so it is important that your home is as safe as possible. Here are some helpful tips from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on making your home a safer place for everyone.
Purchase a smoke detector if you do not have one. They provide an early warning which is critical because the longer the delay, the deadlier the consequences. At a minimum, detectors should be located near bedrooms and one on every floor. Never disconnect a detector.
Arrange furniture so that outlets are available for lamps and appliances without the use of extension cords. If you must use an extension cord, place it on the floor against a wall where people cannot trip over it. Remove cords from under furniture or carpeting. Replace damaged or frayed cords.
Telephone numbers for the Police, Fire Department, and local Poison Control Center, along with a neighbor's number, should be readily available. Write the numbers in large print and tape them to the phone, or place them near the phone where they can be seen easily.
Unusually warm or hot outlets or switches may indicate that an unsafe wiring condition exists. Unplug cords from outlets and do not use the switches. Have an electrician check the wiring as soon as possible.
Lead-based paint is a major source of lead poisoning for children and can also affect adults. In children, lead poisoning can cause irreversible brain damage and can impair mental functioning. In adults, it can cause irritability, poor muscle coordination, and nerve damage to the sense organs and nerves controlling the body. If you have lead-based paint, you should take steps to reduce your exposure to lead.
Operate portable electric heaters away from combustible materials. Do not place heaters where towels or the like could fall on the appliance and trigger a fire. Avoid using extension cords unless absolutely necessary. If you must use an extension cord with your electric heater, make sure it is marked with a power rating at least as high as that of the heater itself. Do not permit the cord to become buried under carpeting or rugs. Do not place anything on top of the cord. Never place heaters on cabinets, tables, furniture or the like.
Section I Speaking
Translate into English.
1) Я только что сдал последний экзамен. – Поздравляю! 2) Вот мой тест. Я исправил все ошибки. 3) Ты видела Бориса? Он так изменился! 4) Я никогда не изучала биохимию. 5) Он получил все зачеты? – Да. 6) Я еще не просмотрела свои записи. 7) Я уже ответил на ваш вопрос. 8. Почему ты выбрал этот университет? 9) Я еще не видел декана.
Translate into English.
1) Она сдала все экзамены успешно. 2) Когда ты решил поступать в этот университет? 3) На этой неделе я не встречался со своими друзьями. 4) Когда он был в Москве, он познакомился со многими интересными людьми. 5) Ты когда-нибудь жил в общежитии? – Нет, но я хотел бы. 6) Почему ты не был в университете в прошлую пятницу? 7) Куда ты ходил? – Я был в спортзале. 8) Он всегда хотел иметь хорошую библиотеку дома. 9) Она никогда не переводила такие трудные статьи. 10) На этой неделе я звонил ему несколько раз. 11) Ты показал друзьям свою работу? – Нет, она еще не готова. 12) За последнее время я выучил много английских слов.
Section I Speaking
Answer the questions.
1) How long have you been living in this city? 2. Have you been studying English for a long time?3. How long have you been working on the computer? 4. How long have you been living in a dormitory? 5. How long have you been answering these questions? 6. How long have you been doing Information Technology? 7. How long have you known your best friend? 8. How long haveyou been a student of this Faculty and how long have you been studying inthis group?
Translate into English.
1) Я жду здесь с 10 часов. Сюда никто не заходил. 2) Мы читаем эту книгу с сентября и прочли уже больше половины. 3) Она преподает английский язык с прошлого года. 4) Я стараюсь найти эту статью с тех пор, как вы мне о ней рассказали. 5) Куда ты так торопишься? – Мама ждет меня у метро уже 5 минут. 6) Что вы там так долго обсуждаете? 7) Они работают над этой проблемой с прошлого года. 8) Снег идет уже несколько часов. 9) Я помогаю ему с начала учебного года, и он уже многому научился.
6. Make sentences according to the model:
– I heard that Ann failed her exam last week. Is it true?
– Yes, it is and it’s really a shame. She had been practicing for a long time.
1) Frank lost his job at the plant. (work there)
2) Alex did poorly in his Science exam. (study for it)
3) Bob and Ann cancelled their wedding (plan to get married)
4) Mr and Mrs Cash moved (live in this neighborhood)
5) Tim got ill and couldn’t run in the marathon. (train for it)
Section III Reading
What you will study
Core Units:
Working Practices in Engineering
Using and Interpreting Engineering Information
Applied Electrical and Mechanical Science for Technicians
Mathematics for Engineering Technicians
You will also be expected to work towards Key Skills Qualifications in IT, Application of Number and Communications.
How you will learn
The course is full-time for one year.
Classroom-based theory lessons, practical sessions in the laboratory or workshop and directed assignment work. Students will need to spend a certain amount of their own time completing assignment work.
How you will be assessed
Most of the units are assessed through assignments that are set and marked by your lecturers. There are external exams for key skills.
Entry Requirements
Normally we expect students who are under 19 years of age to have at least four GCSEs including Maths, English and Science or to have successfully completed a foundation course. We also pay special attention to your Head teacher’s report and other relevant evidence such as that contained in a Progress File. You will be expected to show interest in or aptitude for engineering which will be assessed by interview and skills test.
1) Who is the information for?
A new students B teachers and parents C teaching staff
2) Where is the text from?
A textbook B a leaflet C an article
3) What is the text about?
A one course B lots of courses C the university curriculum
Section I Speaking
Text A
Gillian Forbes is only 17 and she … (just/ get) her pilot’s license. She is the country’s youngest girl pilot. ‘How … (you/ feel), Gillian?’ I asked her after her test. ‘Wonderful!’ Gillian cried. ‘I … (enjoy) flying more than anything in the world. I can’t imagine letting a week pass without spending some of my time in the air.’ ‘When … (you /start) flying?’ I asked.
‘I … (start) learning to fly when I was very young.’ ‘Would you consider flying as a career?’ ‘I might, but I’ve got to pass my school exams now. There … (be) some things you can’t avoid doing!’ ‘Excuse my asking,’ I said, but does everyone in your family approve of your flying?’ ‘Of course!,’ Gillian exclaimed. ‘I can’t imagine anyone disapproving. Can you?’ ‘Of course not!’ I said. ‘What …(be) your greatest ambition now?’ ‘I … (want) to learn to drive a car!’ Gillian said with a big smile.
Text B
The Stanford University survey asked respondents to answer a number of questions about their Internet use. It asked how much time they … (spend) on the Internet and whether Internet use … (affect) onthe amount of time they spent with family and friends. It also enquired whether their Internet use (increase) the time respondents spent working, either at home or in the office. The answers … (be) interesting, but not unexpected. Two-thirds of the people surveyed responded that they still … (spend) fewer than five hours a week on the Internet. The survey concludes that the behaviour of these people … (change) little. But a quarter of those people who use the Internet for more than five hours a week claimed that they spent less time with their family and friends.
Text C
Dear Mr. Stoneheart,
Due to my letter of 16.03.17, I’d like to give you more information concerning my qualifications and experience. Apart from holding a Diploma in Catering, I also ____ (have) an Advanced Certificate in Hotel Management. The course ____ (cover) the hotel areas: finance, front services, publicity, space allocation, etc. I also wish to point out that in addition to holding these qualifications I ____ (now/work) in the usual trade for five years. Moreover, my experience prior to that ____ (be) also connected with tourism and hospitality.
I hope you ____ (give) my application further consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Nora Hope
Section III Reading
Section I Speaking
Email 1
Hello to you all - and thanks for your Christmas email.
We were on holiday in Lanzarote before Christmas, arriving home at night on Christmas Eve. It was a good time to go away because there was much snow and ice in England but in Lanzarote the temperature reached 25 degrees! We stayed in a hotel there and had a lovely holiday and have also enjoyed a nice Christmas at home.
Although it is still a holiday over here I have called in at work to check that everything is ok.
We hope you have a lovely New Year and that 2018 is a good year for you all.
Best wishes from Andrew, Margaret and Olivia.
Email 2
I'm so glad the email reached you safely.
Thanks for your birthday greetings.
I had a very special birthday this year. Margaret and Olivia took me away to a secret location. It turned out to be a town called Darlington - just along the coast from Scarborough and Robin Hood's Bay - where I went to college many years ago. I showed them the house I lived in, the pubs I used to visit and also the college. We stayed in a hotel there for two nights and also visited a beautiful city called Durham.
How is Volgograd? Has it been a cold winter? On TV this week was a major documentary about the Battle of Stalingrad and it also showed lots of images of Volgograd today.
Well, must go as I have to meet someone in Chesterfield.
Andrew xxx (and Margaret, Olivia).
Email 3
How are you?
Olivia is growing up very quickly. We received her first school report yesterday and the teacher had lots of excellent things to say about her and how she is learning.
We spent a few days in Germany at the end of June for a street festival in a town called Sindelfingen. The town is 'twinned' with Dronfield and we were invited by the town's Mayor to visit it. The street festival itself was amazing with hundreds of stalls lining the streets of Sindelfingen selling food, beer, jewellery, sweets and many more things.
At the end of August we’ll be travelling by car to France. A friend of ours has a house at place called Descartes in the Loire Valley. We’ll cross the Channel by ferry and we’ll take Olivia to Disneyland Paris for three days before driving down to the house.
Do you have any travel plans this year or are you going to spend lots of time at your beautiful summer house? And how was the birthday party?
Well, I must get some more work done. Please pass on our fondest regards to everyone over there.
Lots of love
Margaret xxx
Work in pairs.
a) Compare different means of travel – car, train, plane, boat. Here is a list of adjectives you can use:
comfortable, exciting, dull, enjoyable, relaxing, fast, slow, expensive, cheap, popular, tiring.
Example: Going by train is more relaxing than going by plane. It’s also much cheaper. You can see the country so much better. You can sleep on the train and get to your destination fresh and relaxed. The food on the train is usually worse than the food on the plane. But you can take some food along. You can read a lot on the train and discuss different subjects with your fellow-travellers. I believe the train is the most popular means of travel.
b) Compare the life of a student living at a student’s dormitory and at home. Use “much more”, “much less” and some of the following phrases:
comfortable life, regular meals, spend time with friends,
see many films, have many parties, study hard, etc.
c) Compare the life in the country with that in the city. Speak about such things as: size, weather, number of people, cultural activities, sports facilities, transport facilities, industry
Translate into English.
1) Этот старинный город мне больше всего понравился. 2) Наш стадион немного меньше вашего, но он находится в более удобном месте, поэтому сюда обычно приходит больше народу. 3) В этом туристическом справочнике больше информации по тем местам, которые меня привлекают. 4) Улицы в нашем городе красивее сейчас, чем они были несколько лет назад. 5) Сегодня теплее, чем вчера. Мы можем провести весь день на пляже. 6) После того, как в нашем городе появились более современные гостиницы, туристы приезжают чаще. 7) Ватикан – самое маленькое государство в Европе. 8) Метро – самый удобный транспорт в больших городах. 9) Австралия – самый маленький континент, но это самый большой остров в мире. 10) Волга длиннее Днепра, это самая длинная река Европы.
Section III Reading
1. Science museums and centers bring science to life, creating a space for learning and allowing people to interact with science in a way that is both fun and engaging. There are over 80 science centres, museums and discovery centres in the UK. Where else can you find life-changing objects from Stephenson's Rocket to the Apollo 10 command module, catch an immersive 3D movie, enjoy the thrills of a special effects simulator, introduce children to science with fun, hands-on interactives and encounter the past, present and future of technology in seven floors of galleries? At the Science Museum you can find all this and more! Read five reviews of the Science Museum in London and say what it houses and why people like it.
A brilliant museum. I went to Parc de la Villette last year to the French museum of Science and Industry and I have to say it failed to live up to that! Lovely atmosphere. I especially loved the upper floors on the history of medicine...a budding dentist, I horrified a group of American tourists by spending a good deal of time observing Victorian dental equipment. Also the shop is awesome. My partner and me are real nerds and the thought of a mug with the periodic table on sets us off... Allow time for the shop!!!
Hotelholidays148, Somerset
The Science museum is vast and free to visit. We went in early June primarily to see the Pixar exhibit which was fee paying. We then spent a few hours getting a taste of the rest of the museum. We've been to science museums all over the U.S. and Europe and I'd say this is one of the best. The museum is massive, with sections dedicated to aeronautics, medicine, space, computers, etc. We visited some of the exhibits regarding the development of flight and some models of the early trains. You can see the Stephenson's Rocket, the world's first train. This is an opportunity for visitors to see science come alive.
Lou, Lancaster
Science Museum A fun museum packed with things to see... and touch. This is a good museum to bring teens. There are several interactive exhibits. The museum is large and you can spend several hours on each of the...A fun museum packed with things to see... and touch. The museum is large and you can spend several hours on each of the floors. It chronicles the development of science and industry in Great Britain over the centuries, with an extensive collection from biochemistry and photography to meteorology and astronomy. There are several interactive exhibits. It is also right next door to the Natural History Museum. If you combine the two you can have a very full day!
Martind1, Massachusetts
The Science Museum is a firm school holiday favourite with our family. In this day and age it's pretty tough to find a cheap day out that keeps kids engaged all day. The Science Museum never fails. There are so many hands on activities and free, entertaining yet informative shows. OK, so it might not meet expectations for the real science buffs out there but as a family day out it is great – and you might just learn something too! I would suggest getting there by public transport as it's so easily accessible from South Kensington tube and you won't have to spend ages finding somewhere to park.. Enjoy!
Preston Traveler
We visited the Science museum this weekend again and I love it! The computer games exhibition is fantastic, not to mention the fact that I got to play on the eagerly anticipated Nintendo Wii for free! But what you MUST not miss is the amazing IMAX cinema. Worth every single penny of the fee it simply amazes me every time.
Tallula-18, Johannesburg
2. Translate the adjectives. Say what they describe in the reviews:
lovely, awesome, extensive, interactive, full, cheap, informative, fantastic, amazing
Give at least 8 adjectives the visitors use to describe the museum. Make your own sentences about the places you visited, using these adjectives and those in 2 and compare two different museums or exhibitions.
Use comparatives, eg.: The Science Museum in London is more informative than the French Museum of Science.
Section I Speaking
A day out in Blackpool
Alan Tennanty, his wife Susan and their six-month-old baby James chose one of the hottest weekends of the year to visit Blackpool. And it seemed as though the rest of the South Yorkshire had hit upon the same idea! This time last year the couple were touring China but the arrival of James put paid to exotic foreign trips for the time being. They plumped for a day out in Blackpool.
But what has a day out in one of Britain’s top tourist spots got to offer? Blackpool scored Brownie points straight away – parking was thankfully easy. Alan, Susan and James enjoyed a leisurely stroll along the Golden Mile browsing in souvenir shops, stopped off for a fish and chip lunch, played on the beach, went for a paddle, tucked into a cooling ice-cream, visited the Pleasure Beach and enjoyed the panoramic view from the South Pier.
Susan, aged 37, a teacher in a secondary school, said, “It was never a place I would have thought about spending a holiday but since having a baby it seemed an ideal spot. It’s not too far away and not too expensive. It’s value for money. There are lots of places to eat and stay and I was really impressed by the way the resort accommodates young children. I had heard some worrying things about Blackpool beach and its cleanliness which were off-putting, but the sand itself seemed clean although I wouldn’t want to try the water.
Husband Alan, 39, a NHS manager, was more cynical about visiting the resort – but was won over by the end of the day. “I came fearing there would be donkeys, slots machines, fun pubs and hotdogs. There were but it was still enjoyable,’ he said. But would they come back? The answer is an unhesitating yes.
The family plans to return later for an overnight stay.
Blackpool has 16, 8 million visitors a year.
Blackpool Pleasure Beach is the most popular free entrance tourist attraction in Britain.
The equivalent of 47, 5 miles of hot-dog sausages are eaten each year at the Pleasure Beach.
Blackpool Tower, 110 years old, is 518ft 8 ins tall.
Friday is donkey day off.
Role play. One of you plays Alan (or Susan), the other his/her colleague who is asking him/her questions about the weekend. Discuss the way to the resort, the sights, the activities, good and bad points.
1. Make up sentences from the words using Present or Past Simple Passive:
B. Example:
Maslenitsa in Russia
Maslenitsa is one of the Orthodox Church favorite and merry festivals. Maslenitsa is a preparation for Lent week. Meat ____ traditionally _____ (forbid) but fish, diary and butter _______ (allow). In heathen beliefs the sun ________ (symbolize) by hot yellow pancakes. Blini _____ (make) every day especially much from Thursday up to Sunday during The Wide Maslenitsa. At Maslenitsa pancakes _____ (cook) in very large quantities and ______ (give) to friends and family all through the week. Pancakes _____ (serve) with caviar, mushrooms, jam, sour cream, and of course, lots of butter.
During this holiday people ______ (involve) into many activities. It _____ (require) to visit and receive guests when Maslenitsa. The Winter’s dummy _____ (install) on that day in many parks and ______ (burn) in grand manner.
8. Think about an important ritual or festival in Russia or other countries. Make notes on:
· what it’s called
· what preparations are made
· what is drunk
· what is celebrated
· what food is cooked
· what gifts are given
Translate into English.
1) Для туристов подготовили красивые подарки. 2) В день рождения ей подарили цветы, испекли пирог и украсили дом. 3) Эти музеи всегда посещают туристы на каникулах. 4) Автобусы были переполнены, поэтому мы опоздали на праздник. 5) На вечеринку пригласили известную рок-группу. 6) Цветы упаковали и привезли вовремя. 7) Предложения о том, куда поехать в отпуск, обсуждали неделю. 8) Когда выбор был сделан, купили путевки и оформили визы. 9) Эта проблема будет решена в ближайшем будущем. 10) Все было организовано своевременно. 11) Все сувениры были куплены еще вчера. 12) История этого острова полна легенд, которые были собраны и записаны известным писателем прошлого века. 13) Статуя ‘Родина-Мать зовет’ на Мамаевом кургане в Волгограде была спроектирована выдающимся архитектором Евгением Вучетичем. 14) Все эти церкви были построены русскими умельцами.
Section III Reading
“A Cold Place for a Holiday”
Section I Speaking
Summer Travel
Rachel, Brian, Charlotte and David are back from their holidays. They all went to different places – America, Ireland, France and Greece – and for different lengths of time – 7, 10, 14 and 21 days. When they meet up, they exchange souvenirs. From the information given, can you tell who went where, for how long, and who brought back the boots, jewellery, pottery and wine?
Rachel had less than two weeks away, but found some beautiful rings; David brought back champagne; the pottery came from Greece; Charlotte had a perfect break, it was sunny all week; Brian was away longest – he showed off his tan and cowboy boots he’d bought.
Names | Places | Souvenirs | Length of stay |
1. Write sentences with can and can’t according to the example:
Example: I / English / not Spanish. (speak)
I can speak English but I can’t speak Spanish.
a) I / a bicycle / not a motorbike. (ride)
b) I / a car / not a bus. (drive)
c) I / the guitar / not the drums. (play)
d) I / music / not Japanese. (read)
e) I / chess / not poker. (play)
When in Rome
a) In parts of Africa you must ask if you want to take a photograph of someone.
b) In Japan you must take off your shoes when you go into someone’s house.
c) In Saudi Arabia women must cover their heads in public.
d) In Britain you mustn’t point at people.
e) In Japan you mustn’t look people in the eye.
f) In China you mustn’t kiss in public.
g) In Taiwan you must give a gift with both hands.
h) In France you must shake hands when you meet someone.
4. Complete these sentences with needn’t and can so that they are true for Russia.
1) You ____ ask if you want to take a photograph of someone.
2) You ____ take your shoes off when you go into someone’s house.
3) You ____ kiss in public in Russia.
4) You ____ shake hands with everyone when you meet them in Russia. You ____ shake hands when you meet someone for the first time.
5. Complete these sentences with must or mustn’t.
1) Children ____ play near the road.
2) You _____ be quiet in a library.
3) You _____ keep your wallet in a safe place.
4) Men _____ take off their hats in a church.
5) You _____ give a gift with one hand in Taiwan.
6) You _____ wear shoes in a Japanese home.
6. Read the precautions. Rewrite the rules using should or shouldn’t.
Translate into English.
1) Она умеет водить машину и во время отдыха всегда берет ее в аренду. 2) Мы не можем остановиться в гостинице. Это очень дорого. 3) Нельзя купить здоровье и счастье. 4) Вы просто должны совершить путешествие по Золотому Кольцу! Это так увлекательно. 5) Она выглядит усталой. Ей следует отдохнуть. 6) Тебе не следует загорать так много! Это опасно для здоровья. 7) В этом году мы можем провести отпуск в Крыму. 8) Если хотите, можете поехать на поезде. 9) Не следует игнорировать его советы. 10) Вам не нужно переживать по поводу билетов, они уже куплены.
Section III Reading
Section I Speaking
Job hunting hints
People often say that it’s easier to get a job when you're in employment – so bear this in mind if you're thinking of quitting a job and then looking for a new one.
Remember also that references are often the make or break of any job application. If you must leave a job, leave on friendly terms. Contact people before putting their name down for a reference and have a word with personnel at your company before applying for jobs – they would rather hear it from you that you want to change jobs, and might always be able to offer you a new job within the company.
Here are some more important job hunting hints:
1) Keep your CV up-to-date.
2) Take copies of your CV with you when looking for a job. You never know when you might need to leave one with someone.
3) Make sure your phone number is up-to-date.
4) Wear a smart outfit when you're job hunting, impromptu interviews might spring up.
5) Keep your hair tidy too!
Comment on the ‘Job hunting hints’. Which of them do you agree or disagree with? Add at least two hints of your own.
I want to
1) enjoy my job.
2) like the people I work with.
3) have enough money to afford the things I enjoy.
4) receive training.
5) have long vacations.
6) have a good social life.
7) work for a respected company.
8) have flexible working hours.
9) have a job that will take me abroad.
B. You won’t? Why not?
Translate into English.
1)Несмотря на трудности, он смог получить эту работу. 2. Он сможет свободно говорить по-французски, если проведет несколько лет в Париже. 3) Мы должны были встретиться (договорились встретиться) у входа в метро. 4. Я должен был (по договоренности) дать ответ до двух часов дня. 5) Несмотря на то, что у нас было мало времени, мы смогли подготовить этот доклад. 6) Нам пришлось подождать, так как менеджер опаздывал. 7) Почему вам пришлось принять такое решение? 8) Боюсь, что он не сможет вернуться вовремя. 9) Надеюсь, мне разрешат работать по гибкому графику.
Section III Reading
Jobs for lazy people
If you look through the job pages of any newspaper, you find the same adjectives appearing in advert after advert: motivated, ambitious, hard-working, energetic, dynamic … These are the qualities that you need for all jobs, aren’t they? Well, perhaps not quite all. A few jobs exist which exist which might be suitable for somebody who is less hard-working – even lazy!
Some furniture companies employ people whose job is to test their new sofas and armchairs. For example, the La-z-Boy Company, which makes reclining chairs, has several full-time furniture testers. All they have to do is sit in the chairs for long periods of time and then say how comfortable they are. It’s one of the few workplaces where it is OK to fall asleep on the job!
If you are looking for peace and quiet, as well as a job which involves doing nothing for long periods, then perhaps you should consider becoming a house sitter. These people are paid just to occupy somebody’s home while they are away on holiday or on business. Of course, you have to deal with any problems that arise, but if you are lucky, there won’t be any.
Section I Speaking
Translate into English.
1) Новому сотруднику сказали подойти к начальнику. 2) Нам сообщили, что завтрашний день объявлен нерабочим. 3) На собеседовании меня спросили, какой вуз я закончил. 4) Докладчик рассказал о том, что было исследовано во время работы над диссертацией. 5) Участники конференции поинтересовались, были ли результаты лабораторных испытаний стабильными. 6) Все согласились, что работа компании в прошлом году была эффективной. 7) Исполнительный директор напомнил, что мы должны выполнить заказ на следующей неделе. 8) Руководитель сказал, что конференцию отменили. 9) Системный администратор рекомендовал переустановить компьютер. 10) По радио сообщили, что все сотрудники должны собраться в актовом зале.
Section III Reading
Answer the questions.
1) What is Marina’s qualification? 2) Why would she like to continue her training in Holland? 3) Where is she working now? 4) What does her job involve? 5) Has she been promoted recently?
3. Study “How to write a Cover Letter” on your own, then work in pairs and agree on the strong and weak points of the application above.
‘How to write a Cover Letter’
1. A cover letter must be directed to somebody in particular (avoid using phrases like “Dear Sir/Madam”).
2. Don’t write more than a page.
3. Give brief explanation of what you offer and want.
4. Bring only aspects relevant to the position (abilities, capacities, achievements).
5. Use the cover letter to persuade the reader that you are the most appropriate candidate for the position, that you can perform the functions.
6. Show enthusiasm and interest in the company. Write something about the company or industry that shows you know about them.
7. Check your spelling, grammar and expressions before approving the letter.
8. Use action verbs, short concise phrases, avoid very formal expressions and facts.
9. Write a cover letter in a creative way, oriented towards the company, be flexible and always willing to work in a team and learn.
10. Don’t forget to make your letter stand out and mention something which makes you special. If you did a language course or have a great qualification, mention it and let yourself shine!
Section I Speaking
1. Complete the text with the Passive form of the verbs in brackets. Add by where necessary.
Today, 17 December 1903 ______ (to remember) as the day when the first powered flight ______ (to make) two brothers, Wilbur and Orville Wright. The plane ______ (to make) of wood and ______ (to power) a small petrol engine. It ______ (to control) the pilot who pulled strings that changed the angle of the wings. By the time the aircraft took to the air, the engine and propeller ______ (to test) thoroughly in their workshop. The flights ______ (to witness) five people and a photograph _______ (to take) of the flight. The events ______ (to report) on the press on the next day and the brothers became celebrities overnight. Since that day, flying ______ (to become) an everyday form of transport, but it all began with the ingenuity of the Wright brothers.
2. Complete these sentences with either said or told.
1) He _____ that the grass needed cutting.
2) We’ve finally _____ Don’s parents that we’ve getting married.
3) My brother _____ to me that she thought I was looking unwell.
4) Ann _____ me you’re moving to Canada.
5) When David came back, he _____ us all about his holiday.
6) On the news, they _____ that there had been a big earthquake in Indonesia.
7) They _____ to us that they were going to be a little late.
The nation’s health
In Britain, when you’re ill, you _____ (can/must) go to a doctor near your home. Doctors are men and women, and you _____ (should/can) say who you prefer. You usually only spend about ten minutes with the doctor who gives you a prescription for some medicine if necessary. You ____ (may/might) get it at the chemist’s shop.
People with colds and coughs don’t go to their doctor but to the chemist, to buy medicine. Doctors ____ (must/have to) come to your home when you’re very ill. In an emergency you _____ (mustn’t/can) call an ambulance on 999. The ambulance takes you to hospital for treatment. Friends and relatives _____ (should/may) visit you in hospital at certain hours of the day, but they don’t stay there.
You _____ (mustn’t/needn’t) pay for a visit to the doctor or to the hospital in Britain, but when you work you _____ (must/can) pay a government tax for your medical care. You also ____ (need/are to) pay for prescriptions if you’re over 18.
A Philosopher
Once a philosopher travelled down a river in a small boat. While he (cross) the river he (ask) the boatman: "You ever (hear) about Philosophy?" "Nо," (say) the boatman. "I never (hear) about it. What is it?" "I (be) sorry for you, indeed," replied the learned man," you (lose) a quarter of your life as it's а vеrу interesting science!" Several minutes later the Philosopher asked the boatman another question: "You (hear) about Astronomy, when you (be) at school?" "No, I (leave) school many years ago and I have forgotten all about it" was the answer. To this the philosopher answered that he (be) really sorry for the man, and he (think) that the boatman (lose) a second quarter of his life.
Some minutes passed and the passenger again (wonder) if the man ever (hear) about Algebra. And the man (have to) admit that he had never known about it. "In that case you certainly (lose) a third quarter of your life!" said the scientist.
At that very moment the boat struck on a big stone. The boatman jumped and cried: "You ever (learn) to swim?" "No," was the answer. The boatman explained sadly to the philosopher that he (be) sure that he would lose his whole life as the boat (sink).
Section III Reading
1. Бонк, Н.А. Английский шаг за шагом / Н.А. Бонк, И.А. Бонк. М: ООО «Издательство «РОСМЭН-ПРЕСС», 2004.
2. Митина А. М. Master English: учебное пособие/ А. М. Митина, Е.В. Новоженина, Я.А. Волкова, А.В. Карасик. Волгоград: ИУНЛ ВолгГТУ, 2012.
3. Activate 8, Issue 27, 2005.
4. American University, Washington, DC. 2007
5. Amos Paran. First Certificate Gold Practice Exams. Longman, 1996.
6. Coolest gadgets [электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.coolest-gadgets.com/
Falla Tim, Paul A Davis Solutions. Intermediate Student’s book. Oxford, 2013.
7. Friederike Klippel. Keep Talking. CUP, 1984.
8. Greenall, S. Reward Pre-intermediate student’s book. 2011.
9. Greenall, S. People like us. Macmillan, 2007.
10. Greenall, S. Reward Pre-Intermediate. Student’s Book. Macmillan, 1998.
11. Icehotel [электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.icehotel.com/
12. Jolene Gear. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test. CUP, 1995.
13. Jones, L., Alexander, R. International Business English. CUP, 1990.
14. Massachusetts Institute of Technology [электронный ресурс]. URL: http://web.mit.edu/aboutmit/
15. Michael McCarthy, Felicity O’Dell. English Vocabulary in Use. CUP, 1994.
16. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use / R. Murphy. Cambridge University Press, 1995-99.
17. Robins, S. First Insights into Business / S. Robins. Longman, 2000.
18. Swan, M. How English works / M. Swan, C. Walter. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.
19. So you want to be a scientist? [электронный ресурс].
20. The Royal Society Science Exhibition [электронный ресурс].
21. White, L. Engineering. OUP, 2003.
22. Wikipedia. The Free Encyclopedia [электронный ресурс]. URL: http://www.wikipedia.org/
Предисловие 3
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