Г.      Группа 2М Иностранный язык — КиберПедия 

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Г.      Группа 2М Иностранный язык

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Г.      Группа 2М Иностранный язык 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Г.      Группа 2М Иностранный язык


Практическое занятие №51

Тема: «Роль технического прогресса»

1. Answer the following questions to the text (Дайте письменные ответы на вопросы к тексту «The Role Of Technical Progress»)



The scientific and technical revolution has changed our life very much. The computers, the mobile phones and other digital devices have entered our everyday life.

The atomic, space and energy age was followed bу the age of computers. The tasks which had seemed eternal before have been solved one bу one bу computers. During the last decade many fundamental changes occurred because of electronic devices. It is even difficult to imagine the social and economic consequences of the microelectronic revolution.

The large use of computers has influenced our life in such а way that it was difficult to imagine 15 or 20 years ago. On the one hand, computers have simplified our life greatly. If you typed а text on the typewriter and made а mistake you had to type the whole page again. Making several copies of the same document used to bе а difficult job too. But now it's quite different. Correcting mistakes is easy. Computer also helps us to buy goods, find information, book tickets, make presentations and annual reports, and make difficult calculations. Time is saved for leisure.

Leisure time is also influenced bу computer and other periphery devices. You no longer go to the music shops - many things are available on the internet. You needn't write letters to your relatives or friends - you can send an e-mail. And your photo albums are on computer too.

Computer games are probably also а part of your free time. They became more and more realistic and complicated, and for many people it becomes impossible to tear themselves away. This means that electronic devices, such as computer and ТV set are used mostly for entertainment and consume most of the time that could bе spent on work, going for а walk and sleeping. Man becomes а slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger.

Is there а way out? In fact, there is, but many people don't know it and are still slaves. The best decision is not to give these equipments place in your heart. They should do their work. And when you have а rest, prefer real communication to virtual one and living an active life to watching films about crime. Then electronics will bе not our lord or enemy but our friend!


1. The technical revolution has changed our life very much, hasn‘t it?


2. What were the predecessors of computer age?


 3. Do computers make our life easier and simple? In what way?


 4. Computers influence our free time too, don`t they?


 5. Can you get music and video on the internet? What other information can you get there?


 6. What devices became compatible with computer during the last years?


 7. Can you communicate with your friends on the Internet?


8. Do you like such communication or you prefer real one?


9. In what way do computer 18 games influence the people?


10. Do electronic devices take all our free time? Is man a slave of the devices which were designed to make him stronger?


11. Does the author suggest a way out?


12.What is the way out in your opinion?

Study the active vocabulary. Insert the missing words.

1. ___________helps you to send letters quickly.

2. If there is an interesting program on TV, it's difficult for a person to _____.

3. During the last two _______ scientific progress and digitization took place.

4. For some people a computer is an equivalent of a_________: a device for printing and editing documents.

5. - Do you have many_______? - Yes, I have parents, grandparents, two sisters and three brothers.

6. I don't buy _________any more, all my photos are on my computer.

7. Computer is a multifunctional device. So the ________ is that it can be

used both for work and for leisure.

8. _________ age was followed by a microelectronic one.


С. 181, упр. 6

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Г. Группа 2М Иностранный язык

Теоретическое занятие

Тема: «Перевод научно-технической литературы»

/ «Принципы перевода»

Задание: прочитать лекцию, законспектировать в рабочей тетради основные моменты, уметь ответить на вопросы, касающиеся содержания текста.

V Полный (письменный) перевод

V Реферативный

V Аннотационный

Реферативный перевод –полный письменный перевод заранее отобранных частей текста, образующих вместе реферат оригинала. Как правило, реферативный перевод в разы короче исходного текста и содержит основные, ключевые моменты.

Аннотация —сжатая характеристика материала. Аннотация выполняет информационную, ознакомительную функцию. 

Полный письменный перевод –это основная форма технического перевода. Как правило, этот вид используется при переводе инструкций, схем, деклараций. Смысл текстов при этом не меняется. В современном переводоведении существует множество подходов и поэтапных инструкций для каждого из этих видов перевода научно-технических тестов.


Для того чтобы успешно переводить научно-технические тексты важно знать два языка и предмет, о котором идет речь в тексте. Кроме хорошего понимания особенностей научного перевода текстов, переводчик должен быть эрудированным и не лениться проверять и перепроверять каждый термин.

Главное требование к переводу научных работ – это адекватность. Переводить научные статьи, диссертации, монографии по наитию нельзя. Важно точно интерпретировать факты и передать общий смысл работы. Научно-технический перевод требует от переводчика соблюдения трех правил: логичность, сжатость, ясность. К тому же, знание особенностей перевода (грамматических, лексических и стилистических) никто не отменял.

Перевод научных и технических текстов – это кропотливая работа, в которой нужно совершенствоваться на протяжении всей переводческой карьеры. Это большая ответственность, требующая серьезного отношения и профессиональных знаний.


Домашнее задание: выполнить письменный перевод текста

The Race for Water

There was a town next to a river. The people there had a lot of water. But they wasted it. That made the Sky angry. It said, “If you waste water, I will take it away from you.” But the people didn’t listen. When the season changed from spring to summer, the clouds disappeared. The bright sun was hot and made the river dry. There was no water available.

People asked, “When will the rain fall?”

The Sky’s response was, “You don’t appreciate water. You waste it, and now I will never make rain again.”

A boy determined that this wasn’t fair. He thought of a solution. He asked the Sky to race him. He said, “If I get to the top of that hill before your rain can form puddles, you must fill our river.”

The Sky laughed. “Little boy, I am the Sky. I am above everything else. You cannot beat me.”

But the boy knew he would win. When the race began, the boy ran forward. The Sky started raining on the hill. But puddles did not form there. When it rained on the hill, the water went down. The Sky kept raining. The water flowed down into the river. When the boy reached the top of the hill, the river was full. The people began to celebrate. It was the highest level the river had ever been at before.

The Sky was angry. “A boy can’t beat me! I won’t fill your river,” it said.

Now the boy laughed. “It doesn’t matter whether you want to fill it or not,” he said. “You already did.” The Sky looked at the full river.

“You tricked me,” it said. It asked the people, “Do you appreciate water now?”

“Yes,” they said. “We won’t waste it.”

That is how a lone boy saved his town and won the race for water.

г.      Группа 2М Иностранный язык


Практическое занятие №51

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