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What should be included in a resume?

2021-02-01 114
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Heading: Your heading should include the essential personal information. Your formal name (not nickname) should appear at the top. You want them to remember who you are in less than 30 seconds. Also include your address (both permanent and temporary) and phone number. If you use email, include your email address.

Objective (also called “Career Objective”): Employers often say this is the most important part of a resume. It is generally a one sentence explanation of the type of job you are seeking. Your objective should be fairy specific. If you are applying for different types of jobs, change your objective to match each type of job. If you are uncertain about the specific positions available, note your areas of interest.

Education: As students, this should be your next section of information. If you are in college, you only need to include college because it is assumed that you have graduated from high school. For the same reason, high school students shouldn’t include information from junior high/middle school. You should specify the dates of entrance or graduation (or expected graduation). As a college student, include the degree you expect to receive. Some people include education-related honors of this section. If your education is particularly relevant to a job, you may want to include a section titled “Relevant Courses.” In this category, you can list classes that might contribute to your employability.

Experience (also called “Work Experience” or “Employment Experience”): In this section, you should include previous employers, their locations, your dates of employment, and your job title. You should include at least two one-line descriptions of what your job duties and responsibilities were. You can not assume that the job title explains what you did to all readers. Use action verbs to start each of these descriptions. Do not use “I” in descriptions.

Activities: Employers like to see people who have been involved in school or community activities. In this section, list special activities you participated in and organizations you joined (drama club, baseball team, etc.). Inclued the years in which you participated. Be aware, however, that some employers may eventually view this information as irrelevant. As high school students, this should not be a concern.

Summary of Skills: Some people use this section to include special skills or talents that are not included elsewhere on the resume, but would be relevant to the employer. Some possibilities are:

· Type 60 words per minute

· Fluent in English

References: Although it is common practice to put “References Available Upon Request” at the bottom of a resume, most career advisors say it is unnecessary. However, there is nothing wrong with taking a nicely printed list of personal references with you to an interview. You should have 2 – 3 people who have observed your work habits (employers, teachers, coaches, etc.) and 2 - 3 people who can speak about your character. Make sure you have asked their permission to include them as references. Only ask people who will speak well of you. Create a separate list of references including their names, addresses, employers, job titles, and phone numbers. It is best to list work numbers since some people don’t appreciate request a list of references.

1) Прочитайте резюме:

Jessica Brown

42 Washington Avenue

Auburn, Maine 04240

(207) 555-5555



Career Objective: Computer support technician in central Maine
Education:     High School Diploma, June 2010 Cambridge University G.P.A. 8.2 Class Rank: 45 out of 411 Honors and Awards: Honor Roll for last three semesters Perfect Attendance Award for the last two academic years Relevant Courses: Introduction to a computer Repair I Database & Spreadsheets Introduction to BASIC Word Processing I
Computer Experience: Neighborhood “Computer Expert”. 2001 – present. Performed troubleshooting for several friends and relatives who were having difficulty with their hardware and software. Resolved the issue 95% of the time.   Network Assistant(volunteer) – Cambridge University September 2009 – June 2010. Assembled 20 computers for new computer laboratory, loaded software on each one and networked them.
Other Experience: Waitperson, Rolandeau's, Auburn, Maine. Summer 2001. Provided efficient, friendly, quality service in busy fine dining atmosphere. Child care provider – Freeport, Maine. Summer 2000. Provided safe, warm environment for two children aged 4 and 7. Supervised their self-directed play, prepared meals and snacks, settled disputes, determined appropriate discipline and followed bedtime routines.
Activities: Soccer Team - 1998-2002 - Co-captain 2000-2002 Civil Rights Team - 2002 Soup Kitchen Volunteer - 1999-2001

Подвести итоги:


Должен знать: лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарем) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.


Должен уметь: общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы; переводить (со словарем) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности; самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.

Вывод по практической работе:

I can speak about...________________________________________________

I learned that...___________________________________________________

I`d like to learn more about...________________________________________

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