The Present Perfect Continuous in Use — КиберПедия 

Историки об Елизавете Петровне: Елизавета попала между двумя встречными культурными течениями, воспитывалась среди новых европейских веяний и преданий...

Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...

The Present Perfect Continuous in Use

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Present Perfect Continuous I (= Present Perfect II)



An action which began

 before the moment of speaking

 and continues up to it or into it

(with dynamic verbs)

(in Russian translation – present)

+ for +(period of time) I’ ve been waiting for you for ages here (жду)! + since 1) as an adverb, 2) as a preposition, 3) as a conjunction      1) He’ s been living here ever since (живу).                      2) He’ s been living here since childhood. 3) He ’s been living here since he was a child.

Present Perfect Continuous II



An action which was in progress quite recently and

Affects somehow the present situation

(in Russian translation – past)

    1) - Your shoes are wet.             - I’ ve been walking in the rain (гулял).   2) - What have you been doing (делал)? Your clothes are dirty.  - I’ ve been repairing (чинил) the car.


                                                                                                                                                                                                         Table 10

Sentence patterns with Present Perfect Continuous I (since)




Principle clause Subordinate clause
1. the action of the principle clause began at the same time as the action of the subordinate clause and continues into the moment of speaking the action of the subordinate clause is a single past action and serves to express the starting point of the action in the principal clause   1) He has been reading since he came.                    2) Он читает (present) с тех пор, как пришел (past).
2. an action of the principle clause began in the past and continues into the moment of speaking   an action of the subordinate clause is parallel to that of the principal clause    1) He has been reading since he has been working in the library.    2) Он читает (present) с тех пор, как работает (present)                                            в библиотеке.



                                                                                                                                                                   Table 11

The Present Perfect and the Present Continuous versus the Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect II

Present Perfect Continuous I

Rule Example Rule Example with stative verbs (see scheme 2, p.4)   1) I’ ve known the Smiths all my life. 2) I’ ve known the Smiths since we moved there 5 years ago.   with dynamic verbs   1) I ’ve been learning this paragraph for almost an hour! It’s so complicated. 2) I ’ve been learning this paragraph since I came home. with dynamic verbs when the action is not viewed in its process as well as in negative sentences 1) He’ s lived in this luxurious mansion for twenty years. 2) He’ s lived in this luxurious mansion since childhood.  3) Shall we rest for a while? We haven’t had any rest for ages.   with dynamic verbs when the action is viewed  in its process   1) I’ ve been waiting here for ages! 2) I ’ve been waiting here since 3 p.m.

Present Perfect I

Present Perfect Continuous I

1) the emphasis is on the result of the action 2) completed action 3) how much/many, how many times How many pages of the book have you read? 1) the emphasis is on the duration of action 2) action in process 3) how long How long have you been reading the book?

Present Perfect I

Present Perfect Continuous II

  the emphasis is on the result of the action   The ceiling was white. Now it is blue. Ann has painted it (покрасила).   the emphasis is on the duration of the action, the activity itself   Ann’s clothes are covered in paint. She has been painting the ceiling (красила).

Present Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous (both I and II)

  an action going on at the present moment (no connection with the past)     Don’t disturb me now. I ’m working. an action 1) which began before the present moment  (in the past) and continues up to it or into it (I); 2) which was in process quite recently and affects the present situation (II)    1) I’ ve been working hard for a month already (I). 2) I’ ve been working hard, so now I’m  going to have a rest (II).


                                                                                                                                                                         Table 12

Summary table on the Use of the Present Tense Aspect Forms

№п/п the Present Indefinite   the Present Continuous the Present Perfect the Present Perfect Continuous


Present Action Present Action Past-Present Action Past-Present Action


Recurrent action in the present

(with terminative verbs)

+ often, seldom, sometimes, always, never, ever, every year, etc.

e.g. She usually rings up early in the morning.

An action going on

At the present moment

( occasion. + now, at present )

e.g. I think he is talking to his mother now.

Present Perfect I Present Perfect Continuous I
an accomplished action viewed from the moment of speaking as a part of the present situation e.g. He is very sensitive.  I have just discovered that. an action which began before the moment of speaking and continues up to it or  into it (with dynamic verbs, + since, for)   e.g. He’ s been living here since childhood (for 10 years).


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