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You were to attend the meeting last Monday. You were not to attend the meeting last Monday. |
1. You are to attend this lecture. 2. They are to help me. 3. I was to leave for London last Sunday. 4. We were to revise these rules yesterday
4.4.26. Письменно составьте общие вопросы, используя эквивалент модального глагола must – to be to.
I am to attend the meeting. Are you to attend the meeting? Yes, I am. |
1. We are to help him. 2. He is to come to our place. 3. I was to attend the lecture yesterday. 4. They were to be at the University last Saturday.
4.4.27. Письменно составьте специальные вопросы (кроме вопросов к подлежащему).
You were to attend the meeting last Monday. What were you to attend? |
1. We are to help him. 2. He is to come to our place. 3. I was to attend the lecture yesterday. 4. They were to be at the University last Saturday.
4.4.28. Письменно составьте вопросы к подлежащему.
He was to attend the meeting last Monday. Who was to attend the meeting last Monday? -He was. |
1. We are to help him. 2. He is to come to our place. 3. I was to attend the lecture yesterday. 4. They were to be at the University last Saturday.
4.4.29. Дайте совет в письменной форме. Используйте словосочетание needn ’ t. (Используйте таблицу «The Modal Verbs» на странице 104.)
-I want to leave. -You needn’t hurry. It is not too late. |
1. Your friend wants to translate the text. It is easy to understand. 2. Answer all the questions. It is not necessary. 3. Use the dictionary while translating the text. The text is not very difficult. 4. Bring you the textbook. It is not necessary. 5. Post the documents. It is not necessary. 6. Go shopping. It is not necessary, you have bought everything. 7. Take a taxi to go to the station. It is not necessary, we have got a lot of time. 8. Take an umbrella with him. It is not necessary. It is not raining outside.
4.4.30. Дайте совет в письменной форме. Используйте модальный глагол should. (Используйте таблицу «The Modal Verbs» на странице 104.)
Your sister is unwell. Advise her to go to the doctor. -You should go to the doctor. |
1. Your friend is late for the classes. Advise him to go to the classes in time. 2. Your friend has some problems at the college. Advise him to speak of the problem. 3. Your friend has made some mistakes in his control work. Advise him to revise the material.4. Your friend wants to go camping. Advise him to tell about his plans to his classmates. 5. Your friend is going to be late for her classes. Advise him to phone his mother to let her know about that.6. Your friend often misses lessons. Advise him to stop doing that.7. Your friend does not like attending gym. Advise him to do exercises at home. 8. Your friend is not preparing for the exams. Advise him to start doing that.9.Your friend tells lies. Advise him to tell the truth. 10. Your friend does not like reading books. Advise him to start reading books.
Письменно составьте предложения из данных слов.
Should /talk/ not/ her/ so/ you/ to. – You should not talk to her so. |
1. Should/ you/ are/ not/ hurry/ you/ not/ late. 2. You/ not/ her/ should/ at/ cry. 3. Miss/ lessons/ not/ you/ should/ the. 4. Drive/ he/ not/ fast / so/ should. 5. Be/ upset/ not/ you/ should/ everything/ OK/ is. 6. He/ her/ should/ remind/ of/ that event/ not. 7. She/ not/ decisions/ make/ should/ such. 8. Your/ parents/ you/ cheat/ should/ not. 9. He/ there/ should/ go/ not/ so/ late. 10. Ride/ the bike/ without/ lights/ not/ you/ should /at night. 11. You / should/ be/ not/ late/ for/ classes. 12. You/ without/ saying/ should/ leave/ goodbye/ not.
Заполните данную таблицу, пользуясь словарем.
Noun | Verb | Adjective | |
note | note | notable | notably |
signify | |||
tasty | |||
history | |||
captive |
Блок V
Грамматика: Participle I, Participle II.
Тема: British and American Cuisine.
Раздел 5.1.
Отработайте произношение слов, уточнив транскрипцию по словарю.
cuisine n comics n tire v cope v coat v inferiority n deprecate v province n consciousness n holy grail confirm v chef n claim n dodge n creep (crept, crept) v | кухня, кулинарное искусство комиксы утомлять справляться покрывать более низкое качество протестовать, возражать провинция сознание (миф.) Чаша Грааля подтверждать шеф-повар претензия обман, уловка ползать, передвигаться |
Прочитайте текст и определите, какие национальные черты характера несёт английская кухня.
История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...
Кормораздатчик мобильный электрифицированный: схема и процесс работы устройства...
Своеобразие русской архитектуры: Основной материал – дерево – быстрота постройки, но недолговечность и необходимость деления...
Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...
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