When to Contact a Medical Professional — КиберПедия 

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When to Contact a Medical Professional

2019-08-26 969
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Call 911 of your local emergency number if someone with a sting has the following symptoms:

· Trouble breathing, wheezing, shortness of breath

· Swelling anywhere on the face or in the mouth

· Throat tightness or difficulty swallowing

· Feeling weak

· Turning blue

If you had a severe, body-wide reactions to a bee sting, your doctor should send you to an allergist for skin testing and therapy. You should receive an emergency kit to carry with you wherever you go.


· Avoid rapid, jerky movements around insect hives or nests.

· Avoid perfumes and floral-patterned or dark clothing.

· Use appropriate insect repellants and protective clothing.

· Use caution when eating outdoors, especially with sweetened beverages or in areas around garbage cans, which often attract bees.

· If have severe allergies to insect bites or stings, you should have an emergency kit and EpiPen. Make sure your friends and family know how to use it if you have a reaction.


1. fire ant-муравей

2. wasp-оса

3. hornet- шершень

4. mite-клещ

5. numbness-онемение

6. tingling-покалывание

7. stinger-жало

8. venom sac-мешочек с ядом

9. hive- улей

10. emergency kit-аптечка

11. floral-patterned-узор на ткани в виде цветов

Ex.1. Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

укусы насекомых и жалящих; блохи и клещи; пауки; можно вылечить в домашних условиях; безвредный; предоставить для опознания; скоропостижная кончина; близлежащие кольца; тщательно вымыть водой с мылом; признаки инфекции; повязка; резкие движения; сладкие напитки; шприц с дозой антидота; убедиться, что друзья и семья знают.

Ex.2. Find Russian equivalents. Найдите русские эквиваленты.

immediate skin reaction; to have extreme reactions; redness, swelling, itching, burning, numbness, tingling; if not treated quickly; airways and breathing; person's EpiPen; tweezers; scraping the back of a credit card; to apply creams that reduce itching; throat tightness; turning blue; to use appropriate insect repellants.

Ex.3. Answer the questions: - ответьте на вопросы:

1. What can insect bites and stings cause?

2. What bite is usually painful, cause itching?

3. Certain spider bites, such as the black widow or brown recluse, can be serious and life-threatening, can’t they?

4. Can a bite cause anaphylactic shock?

5. What are the symptoms of anaphylactic shock?

6. Do you know the first aid at severe reactions?

7. Why is it prohibited to apply a tourniquet or give a person stimulants?

8. What are the special signs in patient’s condition for contacting a medical professional?

9. How can a person prevent insect bites and stings?




Your bones are tough stuff — but even tough stuff can break. Like a wooden pencil, bones will bend under strain. But if the pressure is too much, or too sudden, bones can snap. You can break a bone by falling off a skateboard or crashing down from the monkey bars. When a bone breaks it is called a fracture. The word “fracture” means a break in a bone.

There are two kinds of fractures: closed and open. In a closed fracture there is no wound on the skin. In an open fracture there is a wound. Open fractures are more serious than closed ones.

Doctors describe fractures in the following ways:

A complete fracture is when the bone has broken into two pieces.

A greenstick fracture is when the bone cracks on one side only, not all the way through.

A single fracture is when the bone is broken in one place.

A comminuted fracture is when the bone is broken into more than two pieces or crushed.

A bowing fracture, which only happens in kids, is when the bone bends but doesn't break.

If a person breaks his arm or leg he complains of pain in the place of the break. The pain becomes more severe if he presses the place or tries to move. If you think you or someone else has broken a bone, the most important things to do are to:

· stay calm

· make sure the person who is hurt is as comfortable as possible

· do not let the person move

· use a splint for the broken limb

· bind the splints to the limb but not at the place of the fracture

· call the emergency number in your area

One super-important tip: If you're not sure what bone is broken or you think the neck or back is broken, do not try to move the injured person. Wait until a trained medical professional has arrived.

Doctors use X-rays to see the break and put plaster casts on the broken limbs. the special bandage that will keep the bone in place for the 1 to 2 months it will take for the break to mend.  


1. fracture – перелом

2. to break – ломать, перелом

3. bone – кость

4. closed – закрытый

5. open – открытый

6. to complain of – жаловаться на

7. to move – двигаться

8. comminuted fracture – оскольчатый перелом

9. single fracture – единичный перелом

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