Тематический раздел «Инновационная экономика, управление предприятиями АПК — КиберПедия 

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Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Тематический раздел «Инновационная экономика, управление предприятиями АПК

2019-08-03 124
Тематический раздел «Инновационная экономика, управление предприятиями АПК 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

и социальное развитие села»:

Наседкина Татьяна Ивановна, д. э. н., профессор – ответственный редактор,

Груздова Людмила Николаевна, к. э. н., доцент – ответственный секретарь,

e-mail: [email protected]

тел. +7 919 229-09-96.


Тематический раздел «Инновационные технологии в агрономии»:

Лицуков Сергей Дмитриевич, д. с.-х. н., профессор – ответственный редактор,

Демидова Анна Геннадьевна, к. с.-х. н., доцент – ответственный секретарь,

e-mail: [email protected]

тел. +7 952 427-17-83/


Тематический раздел «Агроинженерия и энергоэффективность»:

Пастухов Александр Геннадиевич, д. т. н., профессор – ответственный редактор,

Колесников Александр Станиславович, к. т. н., доцент – ответственный секретарь,

e-mail: [email protected]

тел. +7 908 783-88-92.

Пример оформления статьи

УДК 633.11(470.325)

В.В. Смирнова, Н.А. Сидельникова, И.В. Кулишова


Аннотация. Текст аннотации Текст аннотации Текст аннотации Текст аннотации Текст аннотации Текст аннотации Текст аннотации Текст аннотации Текст аннотации (не менее 250 слов, 2000 знаков).

Ключевые слова: ключевые слова, ключевые слова, ключевые слова, ключевые слова, ключевые слова, ключевые слова (не менее 5)




Abstract. Text annotation Text annotation Text annotation Text annotation Text annotation Text annotation Text annotation Text annotation Text annotation.

Keywords: keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords, keywords.

Далее излагается текст научной статьи………………………………………………………





Таблица 1 - Урожайность зерна сортов озимой пшеницы, т/га (2016-2017 г.г.)




Приводится список использованных литературных и других источников на русском



и на английском языках.


Сведения об авторах

Смирнова Виктория Викторовна, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент кафедры технологии производства и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции, ФГБОУ ВО Белгородский ГАУ, ул.Вавилова, д.1, п.Майский, Белгородский район, Белгородская область, Россия, 308503, тел.+74722 39-14-26, e-mail: [email protected]

Сидельникова Наталья Анатольевна, кандидат сельскохозяйственных наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой технологии производства и переработки сельскохозяйственной продукции, ФГБОУ ВО Белгородский ГАУ, ул.Вавилова, д.1, п.Майский, Белгородский район, Белгородская область, Россия, 308503, тел.+74722 39-14-26

Кулишова Ирина Владимировна, аспирант второго года обучения кафедры земледелия, агрохимии и экологии, ФГБОУ ВО Белгородский ГАУ, ул. Вавилова, д.1, п. Майский, Белгородский район, Белгородская область, Россия, 308503.

Information about authors

Smirnova Victoria Viktorovna, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor of the production technology and processing of agricultural production, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V.Gorin», ul.Vavilova, 1, 308503, Maiskiy, Belgorod region, Russia,, tel. +74722 39-14-26, e-mail: [email protected]

Sidelnikova Natalya Anatolyevna, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, head of the department of the production technology and processing of agricultural production, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V.Gorin», ul.Vavilova, 1, 308503, Maiskiy, Belgorod region, Russia,, tel. +74722 39-14-26

Kulishova Irina Vladimirovna, graduate student of the second year of training of department of agriculture, agrochemistry and ecology, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Belgorod State Agricultural University named after V.Gorin», ul.Vavilova, 1, 308503, Maiskiy, Belgorod region, Russia.

Our reviewers

Results of open scientific researches in the field of agricultural science and equipment, materials about results of innovative development and projects of the enterprises and firms of various forms of ownership, inventions, materials of conferences, exhibitions and competitions are published in the Journal.

The contents of articles are reviewed (according to Journal`s content) for topic relevance, clearness and statement logicality, the scientific and practical importance of the considered problem and novelty of the proposed author's solutions.

The total amount of the publication is decided by the amount of typographical units with interspaces. The recommended range of values makes from 12 thousand to 40 thousand typographical units with interspaces (0,3 – 1,0 printed pages). Materials which volume exceeds 40 thousand typographical units may be also accepted to the publication after preliminary agreement with editorial body. In case of impossibility of such materials replacement within one article, they may be published (with the author consent) in parts, in each subsequent (next) issue of the Journal.

Articles must be issued on sheets A4, printed type must be Times New Roman, size must be12 pt; for registration of tables titles, drawings, charts, block diagrams and other illustrations - Times New Roman, usual, size is10 pt; for notes and footnotes - Times New Roman, usual, size 10 pt. For registration of the bibliography, data on authors, summaries and keywords the size is 10 pt, a line spacing is 1,0. Edges above and below, right and left are 2 cm, the paragraph is 1,00 cm (without interspaces), a format is a book. If article was or will be sent to another edition it is necessary to report to our editions.

During materials preparation you may not to use an automation equipment of documents (headlines, automatically filled forms and fields, dates) which can influence change of formats of data and reference values.


Article registration


In the left top corner from the paragraph article UDC is printed (check a correctness of the chosen UDC on the site of the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information or in cooperation with the bibliographer of the founder of Journal by tel. +7 4722 39-27-05).

Below, after interspaces, at the left from the paragraph are full name of the author(s), semi boldface italics. Further, after interspaces, in the center of a line is article title (the name of article has to reflect the main idea of the executed research and should be as short as possible) and it prints with capital letters.

Then with a new paragraph one places a summary (issued according to requirements imposed to papers and summaries of GOST 7.9-95, GOST 7.5-98, GOST P 7.0.4-2006 of 200 – 250 words (no more than 2000 signs), from the new paragraph one provides keywords.

Further it is necessary to place in English: article title, summary (Abstract), keywords.

Next after interspaces is the text of article, the bibliography (the bibliographic description is provided according to GOST P 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference”) and its option in English (References). By drawing up descriptions in English it is recommended to use the international Harvard standard taking into account that authors full name of Russian-speaking sources, article titles are transliterated (according to rules of System of Library of the Congress of the USA – LC), after that in square brackets is translation of publication title, further is given its output data (in English or transliteration, without reductions and abbreviations).

Further there are data about authors, which include a surname, a name and a middle name; academic degree, academic status (now); post or profession; a place of work (study) – full name of organization, including structural division (chair, faculty, department, management, department, etc.), and their full postal address, contact information – telephone and (or) the e-mail address, and also other data on the author's discretion which will be used for article`s replacement in the Journal and on the informational website of publishing house. In collective works (articles, reviews, researches) of data of authors are brought in the sequence accepted by them. Further information about authors in English.

The main text of the published material (article) is provided in Russian or English. The text of the published work has to contain: introduction, main part and conclusion. The volume of each of parts is defined by the author. Then it is necessary to detail a problem, carry out the analysis, prove the chosen decision, and give the sufficient bases and proofs confirming ones reliability. Inconclusion the author formulates the generalized conclusions, the main recommendations or offers; forecasts and(or) prospects, opportunities and their application area.

For highlighting of the most important concepts, conclusions is used the bold-face type and italics. It is not allowed to apply underlining of the main text, references and notes, and also its allocation (coloring, illumination) a color marker.

The author's text can be accompanied by monochrome drawings, tables, schemes, photos, schedules, charts and other graphic objects. In this case the corresponding references to illustrations are given in the text. Drawings titles and headings of tables are obligatory.

Illustrations in the form of schemes, charts, schedules, photos and others (except tables) images are considered as drawings. Drawing title is under it in the middle of a line. For example: “Fig. 1. Obtaining hybrid cells”.

During tables preparation you can use only book orientation of the table. Table title is over it, in the center. For example: “Table 3. The breed standard in live weight of breeding heifers”.

The illustrations used in the text in addition are provided in edition in the form of separate files of high

quality, the TIFF format (with the resolution of 300 dpi) or EPS, all fonts have to be transferred to curves. The ex-ception is made by the schedules, schemes and charts executed directly in the Word program in which the text file or Excel is provided. It is not required to provide them in the form of different files.

Mathematical formulas should be written in the formular Microsoft Equation or Microsoft MathType editor. The formulas, which are written in other editors and in the form of drawings, are not accepted. All designations of sizes in formulas and tables must be explained in the text.

In case of citing or using any provisions from other works one should give references to the author and a source from which material in the form of the sending concluded in square brackets [1]. All references must be listed by the author in the general list (bibliography) issued in the form of endnotebibliographic references in the end of article where the full list of the used sources is provided. Do not use intra text and interlinearbibliographic references in articles.

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