Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...
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Все письма — дружеские, официально-бытовые и деловые — содержат:
1) Адрес отправителя (повторяющий адрес на конверте).
2) Дату написания письма.
3) Имя и адрес получателя (внутренний адрес). Этот адрес содержится в деловой корреспонденции.
4) Приветствие или обращения.
5) Текст письма, разделенный на абзацы.
6) Заключительную формулу вежливости.
7) Подпись.
8) Адрес на конверте.
Адрес отправителя или заголовок бланка. Дата
Адрес отправителя письма располагается в правом верхнем углу страницы на расстоянии 1 -1,5 см от верхнего ее края. Адрес включает (в указанном порядке): номер дома отправителя письма, название улицы и города, штата (если письмо отправлено в США) и страны.
Сокращения в адресе не используются, за исключением названий штатов (в США).
Дату пишут под адресом, строкой ниже. Не следует сокращать названия месяцев и использовать наращивание (st, -rd или -th) с числительными. Между числом и годом всегда ставится запятая.
Неправильно: March 1st, July 3rd, August 11th
Правильно: February 1, 2001, March 3, 2002, June 10,2002
Приветствие или обращение
Приветствие или обращение пишут на левой стороне листа, отступив 1 - 1,5 см от адреса в правом верхнем углу:
186 Laring Avenue | |
Buffalo, New York | |
July 16, 20_ | |
Dear Kate, |
Приветствие в значительной степени зависит от отношений, сложившихся между вами и тем лицом, которому вы пишете. Если фамилия адресата неизвестна вам, можно написать Dear Sirs или Dear Sir/ Madam.
После приветствия или обращения обычно ставится запятая (не восклицательный знак, как в русских письмах!), а в переписке с адресатом из США — двоеточие или двоеточие и тире (Gentlemen: —).
Ниже в таблице приведены обращения, используемые англичанами и американцами в личной переписке (personal letters):
Personal letters | Formal | English | American |
Dear Mr Brown, Dear Miss Smith, Dear Mrs Stockwell, | My dear Mr Brown, My dear Miss Smith, My dear Mrs Stockwell, | ||
Informal | Dear John, Dear Mary, | ||
To close friends | My dear Jane, My dear Max, My dear Miss Brook, | Dear Jane, Dear Max, Dear Miss Brook, |
He следует использовать в письмах обращения типа Dear friend или Friend George.
Помните, что обращение My dear Bob считается более формальным и менее искренним, чем Dear Bob.
Текст письма
В тексте письма начинайте каждую новую мысль с абзаца.
Не принято употреблять в письмах сокращенные формы типа
I'm вместо I am,
can't вместо cannot,
haven't вместо have not,
I'll вместо I will и т.д.
Заключительная формула вежливости
Заключительная формула вежливости представляет собой вежливое прощание. Она располагается на отдельной строке перед подписью. Как и обращение в начале письма, заключительная формула зависит от общего тона письма и ваших отношений с тем, кому адресовано ваше письмо. Первое слово пишут всегда с заглавной буквы, а в конце фразы должна обязательно стоять запятая.
Ниже приводятся образцы английских и американских формул вежливости. При переводе английских писем на русский язык принята заключительная формула «Искренне ваш (-а, -и)».
Дружеская переписка | Переписка с родственниками и близкими друзьями |
Sincerely yours | Yours affectionately |
Yours very sincerely | Affectionately |
Sincerely | Lovingly yours |
Yours cordially | Always yours |
Most cordially yours | Love |
Always sincerely yours | As ever |
Yours |
Если вы используете ступенчатую форму письма, поставьте свою подпись на один интервал ниже и немного вправо от начала заключительной формулы вежливости. При безабзацной форме письма распишитесь ниже первой буквы формулы вежливости. После подписи не ставьте никаких знаков препинания. Посылая письмо родственникам или друзьям, подпишитесь своим именем. Во всех остальных случаях рекомендуется расписаться полностью. Соблюдайте следующие правила:
• Всегда расписывайтесь ручкой (не карандашом!).
• Подпись должна быть достаточно разборчива, чтобы получатель знал, кто его автор.
Always yours,
James Corbold
Sincerely yours,
Robert Anderson
(Miss) Agnes Jones
He следует указывать рядом с подписью ваше звание и титул.
186 Laring Avenue
Buffalo, New York
July 16, 2001
Dear Kate,
We were glad when the postman left us your letter today. Although you have been away only three days, it seems like thirty.
My parents and I are pleased that you are having a good time and a complete rest.
Bob was over for supper last night. He has had a course in camp cooking and grilled a steak for us.
Bob says that he will write you a letter tomorrow. Have a good time.
Lovingly yours,
Адрес на конверте
Фамилия и адрес того, кому направляется письмо, пишут в нижней половине лицевой стороны конверта. Ниже приведены образцы оформления адресов на конверте.
СТ. Long Madison Indiana | STAMP | |
Mr. James Monroe 635 Beacon Street Boston 2 Massachusetts |
A.B. Aims 216 Summit Avenue Cleveland 6, Ohio | STAMP | |
Dr and Mrs CalvinnJones 1144 Morningside Drive New York 49 New York |
Русский вариант обратного адреса выглядит так:
Flat 25 5, Lomonosov St. Moscow Russia |
Текст 1
(after A. Philips)
Ainsley, a post-office sorter, turned the envelope over and over in his hands. The letter was addressed to his wife and had an Australian stamp.
Ainsley knew that the sender was Dicky Soames, his wife's cousin. It was the second letter Ainsley received after Dicky's departure. The first letter had come six months before, he did not read it and threw it into the fire. No man ever had less reason for jealousy than Ainsley. His wife was frank as the day, a splendid housekeeper, a very good mother to their two children. He knew that Dicky Soames had been fond of Adela and the fact that Dicky Soames had years back gone away to join his and Adela's uncle made no difference to him. He was afraid that some day Dicky would return and take Adela from him.
Ainsley did not take the letter when he was at work as his fellow workers could see him do it. So when the working hours were over he went out of the post-office together with his fellow workers, then he returned to take the letter addressed to his wife. As the door of the post-office was locked, he had to get in through a window. When he was getting out of the window the postmaster saw him. He got angry and dismissed Ainsley. So another man was hired and Ainsley became unemployed. Their life became hard» they had to borrow money from their friends.
Several months had passed. One afternoon when Ainsley came home he saw the familiar face of Dicky Soames. "So he had turned up," Ainsley thought to himself.
Dicky Soames said he was delighted to see Ainsley. "I have missed all of you so much," he added with a friendly smile.
Ainsley looked at his wife. "Uncle Tom has died," she explained, "and Dicky has come into his money." "Congratulation," said Ainsley, "you are lucky.”
Adela turned to Dicky. "Tell Arthur the rest," she said quietly.. "Well, you see," said Dicky. "Uncle Tom had something over sixty thousand and he wished Adela to have half. But he got angry with you because Adela never answered the two letters I wrote to her for him. Then he changed his will and left her money to hospitals. I asked him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen to me!" Ainsley turned pale. "So those two letters were worth reading after all," he thought to himself. For some time everybody kept silence. Then Dicky Soames broke the silence, "It's strange about those two letters. I've often wondered why you didn't answer them?" Adela got up, came up to her husband and said, taking him by the hand, "The letters were evidently lost." At that moment Ainsley realized that she knew everything.
1. to be frank as the day — быть вне подозрений
2. to be hired — быть нанятым (на работу)
Answer the questions:
1. What was Ainsley's job?
2. Who was Dicky Soames?
3. What was the main reason for Ainsley's hiding Dicky's letters from Adela?
4. How did Ainsley behave when the second letter arrived?
5. What happened as a result of his behaviour?
6. Was Adela's uncle a rich person? Prove it.
This is the night mail crossing the border,
Bringing the cheque and the postal order,
Letters for the rich, letters for the poor,
The shop at the corner, and the girl next door.
Written on paper of every hue,
The pink, the violet, the white and the blue,
The chatty, the catty, the boring, adoring.
The cold and official and the hearts outpouring,
Clever, stupid, short and long,
The typed and the printed and the spelt all wrong.
Wystan Hugh Auden
Текст 2
Email Etiquette
Email etiquette is often a commonly overlooked part of the business and professional world despite being an important part of conveying a professional image. Emails written to friends and family will be less formal and will not need to follow any particular guidelines or rules, but when writing to someone at a professional level the following guidelines and rules should be taken into account.
Текст 3
"I Can't Believe I Sent That!"
Imagine how heinous it would be if your most wicked e-mail landed in the wrong in-box. It happens...read on.
These days, many of us use e-mail as our personal diaries to vent to, confide in, or bitch to our friends. And why the heck not? It's so easy — and satisfying — to get something off your chest with a quick click and send. But what would happen if your finger slipped and those eye-popping secrets, naughty plans, and catty comments were accidentally sent to the last person (or group of people) you'd want to read them? Listen in as women share their very real, very mortifying "You got nailed" e-mail confessions that'll make you thank God you weren't sitting at their keyboards.
Subject: FW: Kim's bridal shower
Andrea frustrates the hell out of me. She says the opposite of everything I say. She doesn't even know Kim at all. I don't think she really cares about Kim having a good time anyway — it's more like she wants to make sure she has a good time. So annoying...
Sender: Donna, a bridesmaid
Intended readers: All the other bridesmaids except one, Andrea
Actual reader: Andrea
Subject: Re: UPDATE
So, I've got a new guy — pretty exciting! I'm not sure if he's The One, but the sex is good enough for now. But I must confess, I still can't stop thinking about the ex — especially the ex sex, which was HOT! At least he was good at one thing!
Sender: Erin
Intended reader: Robyn, Erin's best friend who's living abroad
Actual readers: Robyn's entire e-mail list, including her parents, teachers, and Erin's ex
Subject: Re: Re: My stupid boss
Dear Becky:
...I have no idea how my boss lost that much weight. He used to be a real tub of lard! But the last four months, he's been on some crazy diet and started getting up at 4:30 a.m. for spin class. Anyway, the other theory is that he is just plain going mentally insane. (Which would explain why he has that AWFUL tic where his head moves all around!!!) Talk to you soon!
:) Camille
Sender: Camille
Intended reader: Camille's friend Becky
Actual reader: Camille's boss's assistant
Subject: Re: Check this out!
OH MY GOODNESS! Read this e-mail I just got. This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about with her! She has got to be the most dramatic and pathetic person I know! See what I mean?!? You know, I'm getting so fed up, I can't even deal — the drama, the stinginess, the lies, the way she tries to make money off her friends, the way she snoops into my room and pilfers things and snoops into anything and everything that is personal — PSYCHO!!
All I have to say is DISGUSTING!
Sender: Keisha
Intended reader: Keisha's best friend
Actual reader: Keisha's roommate,the subject of the e-mail
Subject: Re: That nasty little dog
I hope that nasty little dog finally dies so we don't have to hear about it anymore!
Sender: Jane
Intended reader: Jane's coworker Selina
Actual reader: Another coworker, who is the dog's owner
Subject: Re: Party
Party was a hit! We should have more at our "loft" (aka the office)! Ciao,
PS: Attached are cool party photos!
Sender: Lara
Intended reader: Lara's coworker
Actual reader: Lara's boss, Alan
Текст 4
I was heading into a sales meeting with John, a director of a large telecoms company. Unfortunately, a colleague of mine sent me an e-mail saying that John's wife had left him for another woman which I didn't get. I got on fairly well with John and as the meeting progressed, asked him how his wife was. He replied that she'd left him for another woman and he didn't want to talk about it. I knew he was a joker and proceeded to wind him up. Needless to say, I didn't get the business, and nearly got a black eye! Chris Woolhouse, Kettering
Other quirkies
In mid July on a Sunny Friday afternoon, I decided to meet up with friends for a lazy lunch and a moan about the fact that I hadn't had a holiday all year. The lunch went on longer than expected and lunchtime melted into evening, needless to say the next time I went to work was on the Monday. That was when I saw the email from a girlfriend offering me a weeks diving in Sham El Sheikh for £50 but I had to let her know by 3pm on Friday as flights were on Saturday Morning. So rather than an Egyptian tan all I got was a hangover. Gary Thompson, London
Just before the total eclipse of the sun in 2000 viewable only from the South West I entered a short notice competition to win an all expenses paid trip to Devon for 5 days staying in a top hotel. I won and was notified by email but was working in France and therefore missed the email and the prize. I was gutted to say the least as I would have loved to have experienced the eclipse in its entirety. Andy Pratt, Kent
A man at my old work disappeared from the office for a few weeks. The Friday before he returned to work an e-mail was sent to everyone explaining that he was now a she. Unfortunately I was off on the Friday and when I returned to work on the Monday I asked if she was a new start to the horror of the department. Richard Walker, Edinburgh
I spent last Friday lunchtime in on my own in the pub with a round of six drinks I bought for my colleagues. I headed there straight from a meeting whilst the email of change of location went round. Jason Ellery, London
My colleague's brother works for a travel company, and every so often is given free holidays. One came up for 5 days in the Caribbean which neither of them were able to take, so an email went around offering it to the first reply! Unfortunately I was busy typing a letter, and by the time I checked my emails, someone in accounts had snapped it up! How annoying??!!! Laura Buckley, London
My boyfriend sent me an e-mail asking me to marry him!! I had left work early, as it was Friday looking forward to a big night out. When I arrived home I found out I had missed a candlelit dinner and a diamond ring!! My boyfriend, was silent and stony faced until I got him top believe I hadn't read the e-mail and stayed out all night to avoid him! Siobhan Harrison, London
I was going to Miami and had emailed the manager of a big league American DJ who was playing out there. I was hoping to blag my way in for a 4*VIP night. Unfortunately I hadn't heard by the time I set off if it was happening or not. Having gone along to the night I decided not to risk it and try the blag. so I spent $50 dollars on getting in and $200 behind the bar. Only to discover on my return to work the email I had been waiting for had arrived the day I set off. Gutted! Fergal Kilroy, London
My e-mail I missed was a friend sending me a tip for the Grand National. Imagine my annoyance when I found he had tipped the winner. Keith Wilson, Bicester
Last year I missed an email that let me know I'd won two all-weekend tickets to V2003. The package arrived Friday but I only picked it up Monday & for 30 seconds I was dead chuffed - until someone pointed out that they were for the weekend just gone. D'OH!! Dominic Thornton, London
Knowing how to write a letter is a fundamental skill you'll use in school, personal relationships, and business,
Текст 5
Advantages of E-mail
One of E-mail's chief virtues is that it is asynchronous—information can be exchanged without the participants having to interact at the same time. A second advantage of E-mail is its speed. In seconds you can send messages, indeed entire documents, across time zones. You can respond to messages in seconds as well. The speed of E-mail allows people to work at great distances from each other and still communicate effectively.
Another benefit of communicating by computer is its variability. Being able to contact large numbers of people with a single act represents an increase in efficiency. You no longer have to print and photocopy a document and then see that it is hand-delivered to the individuals on a mailing list. Using E-mail, you can distribute a document to any number of people with the click of a mouse.
Many people think that E-mail is a more democratic way of holding a discussion than the face-to-face meeting. it allows people at various levels in an organization to participate as equals in a discussion.
Well, then, if E-mail is so wonderful, and people feel so connected, why do they get so angry with one another?
Disadvantages of E-mail
Unfortunately, many of E-mail's virtues can also be drawbacks. A variety of forms means a variety of audiences, some of which may include normative speakers of English, who may not understand American idioms or allusions to American culture.
E-mail discussions may be more democratic than face-to-face meetings, but equality of communication can increase the number of suggested solutions to a problem, making it more difficult for people to reach a consensus.
It is hard to remember what sort of audience you are addressing when all you can see is text on a screen. There is no one sitting around a table. You cannot see people's clothes. You miss their facial expressions and cannot tell what tone of voice they are using.
Because it is so hard to size up the social situation, it is easy to say things that can have unwanted consequences.
Because certain forms of E-mail resembles conversation, they tend to be more informal in tone than conventional print writing. E-mailers commonly use contractions and abbreviated expressions. They often omit pronoun subjects, as in don't know for I don't know, depends for it depends, and glad you asked for I am glad that you asked. Another common practice is the use of gonna for going to, gotta for have got to, and thru for through. Many people use acronyms to stand for commonly used expressions or to indicate attitudes and emotional responses.
Acronym | Expression |
BBL | Be Back Later |
BFN | Bye For Now |
BTW | By The Way |
HSIK | How Should I Know |
IAE | In Any Event |
IMO | In My Opinion |
IOW | In Other Words |
JFYI | Just For Your Information |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud |
NBD | No Big Deal |
NOYB | None Of Your Business |
OIC | Oh, I See |
OTL | Out To Lunch |
OTOH | On The Other Hand |
PMFJI | Pardon Me For Jumping In |
ROTFL | Rolling On The Floor Laughing |
TIC | Tongue In Cheek |
TTYL | Talk To You Later |
WRT | With Respect To |
Perhaps the most famous of all visual conventions are the "emoticons" or "smileys" that people use to summarize emotions.
Emoticon | Emotion |
:-) | Happy |
>( | Sad |
:-< | Very Sad or Upset |
:-0 | Shocked or Amazed |
:-D | Laughing |
;-) | Winking |
>l | Bored or Uninterested |
8-| | What next! |
8-0 | Extremely Shocked |
>] | Smirk, happy sarcasm |
:-[ | Grimace, sad sarcasm |
>} | Grinning |
:-\ | Undecided |
:-# | Sealed Lips |
:-& | Tongue-tied |
:-I | Hmmm |
Dear Sir
Andy Rooney
Do you sometimes wish you could give a boss a piece of your mind without losing your job? Well, the columnist and humorist Andy Rooney does, and he's found a way to do so without suffering the consequences. In this selection, he tells off his boss and others who are sources of everyday frustration.
For every letter I actually write and mail, I compose a hundred in my head. Here are some samples of the kinds of letters I think of writing.
To the boss:
Dear Boss:
You can be a real jerk sometimes. If I didn't need the money, I'd have walked out of here about ten times in the last nineteen years.
You know how to make money, I'll admit that, but you don't know how to treat people. Once you hand out that little Christmas bonus, with the sappy memo saying what loyal employees we all are, you think you're Mr. Nice Guy. Big deal. Could you really afford the bonus after the profit the company made last year?
If things weren't so bad and if I were younger and if I didn't have three kids in college, I'd be out of here.
I'd come here early in the morning to clean out my desk. I'd park in your place by the front door marked "Reserved for President." When you dragged your butt in here about ten o'clock, there wouldn't be any place to park.
Maybe I'll see you in the company cafeteria at lunch and give you a piece of my mind. Ha! That'll be the day when you eat the garbage they serve us.
Andrew R.
P.S. By the way, what did your snooty secretary do with all those ideas I put in the suggestion box? I suggested your company car ought to be a Ford instead of a Cadillac, for instance.
To the owner of the gas station garage:
Dear Ed:
I just got your bill for the job you did on my car. Isn't $237.50 a little stiff... considering parts and labor were extra?
What's this third item here? It says "CRDLLCK MAC'ET INST FRD OPP. (BOTH 11 SIDES) $81.65.''
You have a sign posted over your cash register that says: "LABOR $45 AN HOUR." If your mechanic works ten hours a day five days a week and four hours on Saturday, he could be making $126,360 a year. Or don't you give him all of it? You're always complaining about how bad business is. If business is so bad, how come I have to book three weeks in advance to get the air changed in my tires?
I've often written unmailed letters to the president of the bank:
Ralph Forsythe
First National American United Home Federal Bank
Dear Mr. Forsythe:
if there was a SECOND National American United Home Federal Bank, I'd take my money out of your bank and go to it.
What's all this gobbledygook you send me every month? I can't read it. Just tell me how much money I have left and how much I spent. That's all I want to know. I don't need a lot of your numbers.
How come the number on my checking account is bigger than the total number of people in the United States? And how come you send me my statement on the sixteenth— instead of on the first day of the month? It's real convenient... for you but not for me.
Those cash machines you put in must be saving you a lot of money because you don't have to hire so many cashiers—whom you paid $3.50 an hour to handle $500,000 a day.
Customers no longer have to stand in line waiting for the cashier to cash their checks. Now we stand in line waiting for one of the machines.
(You wouldn't know my name even though I've been banking there for 23 years.)
Look at it this way, I've just saved myself 75 cents not mailing these.
According to Rooney,
a. he will leave his bank.
b. his bank statement is difficult to read.
c. customers no longer have to stand in line at his bank.
d. his bank statement comes at a different time each month.
Текст 7
The Sample Text:
Текст 8
Which is the funniest?
Dear All,
I tried phoning but you were out and I haven't had the opportunity since.
Here is the long awaited photo of Paul. Jon's just brought it back from Paris. He's just done another of his trips with Bobby.
I'm not sure I'll be able to come, a lot of things have to be sorted out.
Paul's cold was over the next day. Tough boy.
I hope you all got home in one piece.
Naturally our phone is still not working, a man did come but it was to take my complaint in!
Will write longer soon, Paul is waking up.
It was lovely to see you and we'll see you more probably in Toulouse?
Big kiss,
Nanny, and ikk ikk from PAUL, a hello hello from JON.
Dear Alan,
Thank you very much for writing me such a nice letter.
I'll be going to Sydney around April 10th, and spending 4 weeks there. It's likely that Clive James will make a contribution to my 'falling towards Australia'.
I hope everything goes well with you.
My best wishes to Viva and Josh.
3 Reports Of My Death...
My attention has been drawn to a report in your magazine of my death outside Turnmills night club in 1991 ('This Gun's for Hire', 30 January).
I am pleased to say that, as with Mark Twain on an earlier occasion, the report of my death was an exaggeration.
I am alive and well and living in London.
London N1
Our reference to Mr Fraser's demise was due to an editorial misunderstanding. We apologise for any embarrassment he may have suffered.
The Independent,
20 February 1993
More of the Same
From Mr Ron Beattie
Sir: Terry McCarthy's article on faux pas in Japan (4 January) recalled a similar incident in a restaurant during a business trip there. I knew no Japanese and was dining alone in Tokyo. I chose by pointing to a variety of dishes from the menu. In due course my meal arrived, and it was delicious. So good in fact, that I returned the next night and ordered the same. This time the dishes seemed altogether different.
I will never know what I had that first night, or more probably, whose order I had been given by mistake.
Yours sincerely,
4 January
The Independent, 8 January 1993
Текст 9
Dear Sir,
I was surprised to read your recent editorial on the question of student's part-time jobs. You appear to be making a los of generalisations on the basis of just one unfortunate incident (I assure you that not all young people who deliver newspapers are as foolish and dishonest as the two youths mentioned in your article).
The first point I would like to make is that there are many jobs teenagers can do which gave them useful experience of the working world. They are brought into contact with a variety of people, often older, and are given experience of expressing themselves clearly and coherently. I am thinking here of jobs such as travel guides and shop assistants.
Another argument for schoolchildren and college students having holiday or weekend jobs is that many parents need the financial assistance. If we take, for example, a family in which the father is unemployed or perhaps a single-parent family on a low income, it seems logical and fair that a son or daughter should try to bring money into the household.
One further thing I want to say is that a lot of jobs fot the young can be fun for the people who do them and also useful to the community. Youngsters who help in schools, hospitals and with the elderly often derive a great deal of pleasure and satisfaction as well as contributing something valuable to local society.
In conclusion, I would add that when I was a girl, my father said my teens were a time for books, hobbies and academic studies. Thinking back, I feel I would have learnt much more -about myself, other people and life in general- if he had allowed me to do a limited amount of real work. Certainly, when she is old enough, I shall encourage my own daughter to do so, rather than waste her time with soap operas, computer games and discotheques, like so many people today.
Yours faithfully,
Margaret Williams (Mrs)
Answer according to the text:
a) Give two advantages of working while still at school.
b) Give two cases in which financial assistance would be helpful.
Все письма — дружеские, официально-бытовые и деловые — содержат:
1) Адрес отправителя (повторяющий адрес на конверте).
2) Дату написания письма.
3) Имя и адрес получателя (внутренний адрес). Этот адрес содержится в деловой корреспонденции.
4) Приветствие или обращения.
5) Текст письма, разделенный на абзацы.
6) Заключительную формулу вежливости.
7) Подпись.
8) Адрес на конверте.
Адрес отправителя или заголовок бланка. Дата
Адрес отправителя письма располагается в правом верхнем углу страницы на расстоянии 1 -1,5 см от верхнего ее края. Адрес включает (в указанном порядке): номер дома отправителя письма, название улицы и города, штата (если письмо отправлено в США) и страны.
Сокращения в адресе не используются, за исключением названий штатов (в США).
Дату пишут под адресом, строкой ниже. Не следует сокращать названия месяцев и использовать наращивание (st, -rd или -th) с числительными. Между числом и годом всегда ставится запятая.
Неправильно: March 1st, July 3rd, August 11th
Правильно: February 1, 2001, March 3, 2002, June 10,2002
Приветствие или обращение
Приветствие или обращение пишут на левой стороне листа, отступив 1 - 1,5 см от адреса в правом верхнем углу:
186 Laring Avenue | |
Buffalo, New York | |
July 16, 20_ | |
Dear Kate, |
Приветствие в значительной степени зависит от отношений, сложившихся между вами и тем лицом, которому вы пишете. Если фамилия адресата неизвестна вам, можно написать Dear Sirs или Dear Sir/ Madam.
После приветствия или обращения обычно ставится запятая (не восклицательный знак, как в русских письмах!), а в переписке с адресатом из США — двоеточие или двоеточие и тире (Gentlemen: —).
Ниже в таблице приведены обращения, используемые англичанами и американцами в личной переписке (personal letters):
Personal letters | Formal | English | American |
Dear Mr Brown, Dear Miss Smith, Dear Mrs Stockwell, | My dear Mr Brown, My dear Miss Smith, My dear Mrs Stockwell, | ||
Informal | Dear John, Dear Mary, | ||
To close friends | My dear Jane, My dear Max, My dear Miss Brook, | Dear Jane, Dear Max, Dear Miss Brook, |
He следует использовать в письмах обращения типа Dear friend или Friend George.
Помните, что обращение My dear Bob считается более формальным и менее искренним, чем Dear Bob.
Текст письма
В тексте письма начинайте каждую новую мысль с абзаца.
Не принято употреблять в письмах сокращенные формы типа
I'm вместо I am,
can't вместо cannot,
haven't вместо have not,
I'll вместо I will и т.д.
Заключительная формула вежливости
Заключительная формула вежливости представляет собой вежливое прощание. Она располагается на отдельной строке перед подписью. Как и обращение в начале письма, заключительная формула зависит от общего тона письма и ваших отношений с тем, кому адресовано ваше письмо. Первое слово пишут всегда с заглавной буквы, а в конце фразы должна обязательно стоять запятая.
Ниже приводятся образцы английских и американских формул вежливости. При переводе английских писем на русский язык принята заключительная формула «Искренне ваш (-а, -и)».
Дружеская переписка | Переписка с родственниками и близкими друзьями |
Sincerely yours | Yours affectionately |
Yours very sincerely | Affectionately |
Sincerely | Lovingly yours |
Yours cordially | Always yours |
Most cordially yours | Love |
Always sincerely yours | As ever |
Yours |
Если вы используете ступенчатую форму письма, поставьте свою подпись на один интервал ниже и немного вправо от начала заключительной формулы вежливости. При безабзацной форме письма распишитесь ниже первой буквы формулы вежливости. После подписи не ставьте никаких знаков препинания. Посылая письмо родственникам или друзьям, подпишитесь своим именем. Во всех остальных случаях рекомендуется расписаться полностью. Соблюдайте следующие правила:
• Всегда расписывайтесь ручкой (не карандашом!).
• Подпись должна быть достаточно разборчива, чтобы получатель знал, кто его автор.
Always yours,
James Corbold
Sincerely yours,
Robert Anderson
(Miss) Agnes Jones
He следует указывать рядом с подписью ваше звание и титул.
186 Laring Avenue
Buffalo, New York
July 16, 2001
Dear Kate,
We were glad when the postman left us your letter today. Although you have been away only three days, it seems like thirty.
My parents and I are pleased that you are having a good time and a complete rest.
Bob was over for supper last night. He has had a course in camp cooking and grilled a steak for us.
Bob says that he will write you a letter tomorrow. Have a good time.
Lovingly yours,
Адрес на конверте
Фамилия и адрес того, кому направляется письмо, пишут в нижней половине лицевой стороны конверта. Ниже приведены образцы оформления адресов на конверте.
СТ. Long Madison Indiana | STAMP | |
Mr. James Monroe 635 Beacon Street Boston 2 Massachusetts |
A.B. Aims 216 Summit Avenue Cleveland 6, Ohio | STAMP | |
Dr and Mrs CalvinnJones 1144 Morningside Drive New York 49 New York |
Русский вариант обратного адреса выглядит так:
Flat 25 5, Lomonosov St. Moscow Russia |
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