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I enjoyed economics at high school and for this reason I decided to major in it at Victoria University, beginning my studies in 2002. I took a range of papers as I went through the process of working out what I really wanted to do, and I found economics to be a strong complementary subject.
Studying economics gave me an insight into one way of understanding human behaviour, solving problems, and making decisions. I liked the analytical nature of the discipline and the emphasis on problem solving. I especially enjoyed the courses in public economics, which combined the theory of economics with public sector decision-making in a real-world way. Because of this I chose to take my study further, and completed my Honours in Public Policy. My economics background gave me a good foundation to work from, and I valued being able to combine this with papers from other disciplines too.
At the end of my Honours’ year I joined Statistics New Zealand on the Graduate Leadership Development Programme. During my time here so far I have been able to apply my economics background to all my job rotations. Working in National Accounts gave me an insight into the compilation and analysis of GDP and provided me with an opportunity to see economic theory directly in action. My rotation in Environment Statistics was a great way to see how economic and accounting frameworks have been applied in an increasingly important context. I currently work in Population Statistics and although it might seem a far cry from economics, I have used the skills I learnt in economics and other disciplines, to analyze numerical information, solve problems and present results in a meaningful way.
While at university I appreciated the flexibility of being able to change majors easily. This allowed me to try out different subjects and provided balance. I also took advantage of the numerous career-related services available at university, including employer seminars, Victoria Career Hub, and the annual careers fair. Postgraduate study was invaluable, not only for the focused, in-depth nature of the courses but for employment prospects too. In an increasingly competitive job market, postgraduate study could be what sets you apart.
Analyze career paths of Sarah Voon,think of your professional career and draw up an imaginary profile of your future professional development
Language Focus: Future Tenses, Expressing Probability
Review the gramma r rules: http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/english-grammar/verbs/talking-about-future
Способы выражения действий в будущем
Form | Meaning | Example |
Future Simple | 1. обещание, предложение 2. предсказание 3. мгновенное решение | I’ll give you a lift to work tomorrow. I think it will rain tomorrow I’ll call him right now. |
Future Continuous | 1. процесс в будущем 2. запланированное действие | We’ll be having dinner from 5 to 7. I’ll be going to the football match tomorrow. |
Future Perfect | завершенное действие в будущем | We’ll have done it by 6. |
Future Perfect Continuous | продолженное действие, которое завершится к какому-то моменту в будущем | I will have been studying English for 2 years by this time next year. |
Present Simple | 1. действие согласно расписанию 2. в придаточных условия и времени | The train arrives at 7. If it rains we’ll stay home. When he comes I’ll tell him |
Present Continuous | договоренность, запланированное действие | We are leaving for Moscow tonight. |
to be going to | 1. намерения 2. предсказания | I am going to become an economist He is very weak, he isn’t going to win |
to be to | нечто неизбежное | He is to marry her. |
Expressing Possibility and Probability
Form | Meaning | Example |
to be likely to | скорее всего | He is likely to pass his exam |
to be about to | вот-вот | The film is about to begin. |
may/might | вероятно | We may be able to help you |
is possible | возможно | “Do you think he will resign?" "Yes, that's possible” |
sure to | точно | He is sure to win the championship |
bound to | наверняка | They are bound to succeed |
Language Practice
1. Do the following tests on-line: http://www.examenglish.com/grammar/b1_may_might.htm, http://www.study.ru/test/testlist.php?id=137, http://www.study.ru/test/testlist.php?id=141, http://www.study.ru/test/testlist.php?id=144
2. Use expressions from the supplementary reading text and your ideas to complete the following sentences. Show the degree of probability for your future professional developments: I have many dreams concerning …. When I graduate from the University, I will …;I am planning to …; it is highly unlikely, that I will …; I will possibly …; I am willing to …;I definitely won’t …; I will probably …; perhaps I will …; I am sure, I will …;I am likely to be involved into …; I hope, I will get …;I want to improve …;I am going to continue …; I expect, I …;I might …;if I get a MBA degree, I will …; I am likely to …;I am unlikely to ….
3. Watch related video
4. Read additional articles: http://www.bls.gov/ooh/Life-Physical-and-Social-Science/Economists.htm#tab-4
5. Make a presentation about your future professional career.
Answer Keys
Unit 1. Talking about Key Concepts of Microeconomics
Key Vocabulary
1.структуры потребителей | 11.влияние на ценообразование |
2. покупательские привычки | 12. установить цены |
3. производственные решения | 13. определить воздействие |
4. спрос и предложение | 14. неэффективность рынка |
5. показатели рынка | 15. дисбаланс рынка |
6. домашние хозяйства | 16. приоритетное использование ресурсов |
7. реагировать на рынок | 17. решение о покупке |
8. разобраться | 18.конкуренция на рынке |
9. значение конкретного продукта | 19.определить спрос |
10. юридическое лицо, организация, субъект | 20. оценка |
Vocabulary Expansion
1. spending habit, ultimate effect, single consumer, particular product, economic approach, consumer demand
2. imbalance, disconnect, dislike, inefficiency, unavailable, uninteresting
3. to affect – to have an effect on; conditions – terms; consumer – customer;
evaluation –assessment, to react – to respond to; to establish – to set up
Language Focus Test 1:
1. b, 2. B, 3. A, 4.c, 5. C,
Unit 2. Basic Terms of Macroeconomics
Key Vocabulary
1-c,процентная ставка; 2–a,равновесие платежного баланса, 3-b, совокупное предложение товаров и услуг; 4-e, домашнее хозяйство потребителя; 5-h, характер потребительских расходов; 6–g, эксперт, осуществляющий финансовый прогноз; 7-d, покупательская привычка потребителя;8–f, финансовый аналитик
Vocabulary Expansion
1.1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – e, 4 – g, 5 – a, 6 – b,7 – f
2.a) to determine an equilibrium, b) to evaluate an aggregate supply, c) to consider
consumer buying habits, d) to impact supply and demand, e) to view interest rates
f) to analyze trends
3. It is vital to analyze how equilibrium is determined for the economy to understand the
difference between microeconomics and macroeconomics
It is important to evaluate an aggregate supply.
It is necessary to consider consumer buying habits.
It is compulsory to analyze trends.
It is significant to view interest rates.
It is easy to impact supply and demand.
4. a) for, b) in, c) with, d) for, e) with, f) between
Language Focus Test 2: 1.a, 2.c, 3.b, 4.a, 5.b, 6.b, 7.c, 8.b, 9. B
Unit 3. First Insights into Economic Theories
Key Vocabulary
1.экономическое понятие | 9.вмешательство правительства |
2. научная поддержка | 10.личная собственность |
3.утвержденная гипотеза | 11.командная экономика |
4.расходы правительства | 12.перераспределение богатства |
5.издавать законы | 13.целевые государственные расходы |
6.налоговые сборы | 14..создание рабочих мест |
7.устанавливать политику | 15.вести денежную политику |
8.действовать в пользу свободно-рыночной системы | 16.обеспечить равный статус |
Vocabulary Expansion 1.
Verb | Adjective | Noun 1 | Noun 2 |
politicize | political | politician | policy |
collect | collected | collector | collection |
employ | employing | employer | employment |
explain | explanatory | explainer | explanation |
theorize | theoretical | theoretician | theory |
intervene | intervening | interventionist | intervention |
prove | proving | prover | proving |
2. efficient, inability, disprove, unemployment, uneconomical, uninteresting
3. a) of, b) in, c) on, d) through, e) to, f) under, g)with, h)behind, i) about, j) to
Language Focus Test 3: 1- c, 2- a, 3-c, 4- a, 5-a,6- a,7- a, 8- c, 9-b, 10- c
Language Practice: 1.develop, 2.understand, 3. get, 4. make, 5. learn, 6.study
Unit 4. Talking about Careers in Economics
Key Vocabulary
1.отслеживать тенденции | 11. распределять ресурсы |
2. разрабатывать прогнозы | 12. проводить исследование |
3.получать данные | 13. собирать данные |
4. представлять концепции | 14. выполнять экономический анализ |
5. специализироваться в опред. области | 15. изучать рынок |
6. справляться с конкуренцией | 16. исследовать область |
7. прогнозировать тенденции | 17. применять методы |
8. объяснять причины | 18. формулировать модели |
9. оценивать условия | 19. проводить оценку риска |
10. проводить опрос | 20. работать под давлением сроков |
Vocabulary Expansion
1.1- e, 2 – c, 3 – d, 4 – g, 5 – b, 6- h, 7 – f, 8 – a
2. 1 – on, 2 – for, 3 – in, 4 – in, 5 – to, 6 – on, 7 – on, 8 – by
3. 1 – b, 2 – a, 3 – d, 4 – c, 5 – f, 6 – e, 7 – h, 8 – g
Verb | Adjective | Noun 1 | Noun 2 |
produce | productive | producer | productivity |
organize | organizing | organizer | organization |
analyze | analytical | analyst | analysis |
invest | investing | investor | investment |
perform | performing | performer | performance |
determine | determined | determiner | determination |
investigate | investigating | investigator | investigation |
advise | advisory | adviser | advice |
Language Practice:
I have many dreams concerning my future professional career. I am planning to take a range of economics, business, accountancy and political science courses. I expect, I will get much knowledge in Economics. When I graduate from the University, I will take a postgraduate course abroad. I hope, I will complete my PhD. If I get an MBA degree, I will manage to get a promotion at work. I am likely to get a competitive job. I am unlikely to leave Russia. I am willing to open a book shop. I am sure, I will apply my economics background to all my job rotations. I am likely to be involved into solving problems, and making decisions. I want to improve analytical and quantitative skills. I might work as a tutor and lecturer at Tyumen State University. I definitely won’t miss my opportunities.
1. Агабекян И.П., Коваленко П.И Английский язык для экономистов: – Изд. 10-е, доп. и перераб. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2008. – 413 с
2. Дюканова Н. М. Английский язык для экономистов: Учеб. пособие. М.: ИНФРА – М, 2009. – 320 с.
3. Раицкая Л., Кокрейн С. Guide to Economics: Учеб. пособие. MacMillan Publishers, 2007 - 134 с.
4. Халилова Л.А. English for Students of Economics / Английский для студентов-экономистов: Учеб. пособие. – М.: Форум, 2012. – 382 с.
Useful Resources
Economic Terminology
1. http://www.markets.com/education/fundamental-analysis/main-economic-indicators.html
2. http://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/story.php?title=macroeconomics-vocabulary-ch-14
Well-known Economists
1. http://www.economywatch.com/economist
2. http://www.sporcle.com/games/DeaconEcon/famous_economists
Reading Materials
1.Unit 1 http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-role-of-microeconomics.htm
2. http://www.investinganswers.com/financial-dictionary/economics/game-theory-2160
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