Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

Состав сооружений: решетки и песколовки: Решетки – это первое устройство в схеме очистных сооружений. Они представляют...

Any. Some. No. Something. Anything.

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Г.А. Жданова

к.п.н., доцент кафедры английской филологии № 1

Кемеровского государственного университета

Л.А. Коняева;


Жиронкина О.В.

Ж73 Грамматические упражнения по английскому языку [Текст]: учебно-методическое пособие. / О.В. Жиронкина, Ж.В. Нечаева. – Кемерово: КемИ (филиал) ГОУ ВПО «РГТЭУ», 2007. – 71 с.



Текст дан в авторской редакции



Учебно-методическое пособие составлено на основе рабочей программы по английскому языку для студентов 1 курса всех специальностей очной и заочной форм обучения.

Упражнения, представленные в нем, помогут начинающим и продолжающим изучение английского языка студентам закрепить теоретические знания и сформировать навыки практического использования грамматических конструкций.



© Кемеровский институт (филиал)


© Жиронкина О.В., Нечаева Ж.В., 2007

Пояснительная записка


Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса всех факультетов дневного и заочного отделений отделения. Оно представляет собой сборник грамматических упражнений для слушателей начинающих и продолжающих изучение английского языка. Пособие рассчитано на 34 аудиторных часа и разработано на основе грамматических тем, включенных в учебную программу по английскому языку. Данное учебно-методическое пособие может быть использовано для самостоятельной работы студентов после изучения теоретического материала.

Целью пособия является закрепление грамматического материала, изученного на занятиях и формирование навыка свободного употребления грамматических конструкций.

Учебно-методическое пособие состоит из 11 разделов (units), каждый из которых содержит несколько упражнений. В пределах каждого раздела упражнения расположены по мере возрастания трудностей, что дает возможность преподавателю подбирать их в соответствии с языковым уровнем студентов. Структура каждого раздела вариативна и включает в себя следующее:

§ Выбор альтернативного варианта из двух предложенных.

§ Заполнение пропуска в предложении грамматической формой.

§ Подбор парных грамматических форм или фрагментов предложений.

§ Перевод предложений с русского на английский язык и т. д.

В конце учебно-методического пособия представлены упражнения для перевода на английский язык после изучения всех грамматических разделов пособия.

Для выполнения упражнений помеченных значком & рекомендуется воспользоваться словарем.

Последовательность работы с разделами произвольна и может быть установлена преподавателем.




Unit 1. Articles…………………………………………………..  
Unit 2. Pronouns…………………………………………………  
Unit 3. Adjectives………………………………………………..  
Unit 4. Prepositions……………………………………………...  
Unit 5. Verb (active voice)  
To be/to have……………………………………………..  
There is/are……………………………………………….  
To make/to do……………………………………………  
Present simple/ present continuous………………………  
Present perfect/ past simple……………………………...  
Past continuous/ past simple……………………………..  
Past simple/ past perfect…………………………………  
Future tenses …………………………………………….  
Unit 6. Verb (passive voice)  
Present simple/ present continuous.…………………….  
Present perfect/ past simple …………………………….  
Past continuous/ past simple …………………………….  
Future tenses……………………………………………..  
Unit 7. Modal verbs……………………………………………..  
Unit 8. Sequence of tenses………………………………………  
Unit 9. Reported speech…………………………………………  
Unit 10. Conditional sentences  
Conditional 1 and 2……………………………………  
Conditional 2 and 3……………………………………  
Unit 11. Questions  
Special questions……………………………………….  
Expressing agreement with so and neither …………….  
Revision exercises  
irregular verbs  



Unit 1



1. underline the correct variant


1. There was a/the man talking to a/the woman in the/ - corner of our office. The/a man was our manager and a/the woman was our financial director. 2. She got a lawyer degree from the/ - Oxford University. 3. Our last advertisement was shown on the/- television yesterday. 4. Jones was found guilty and sentenced to five years in -/the prison. 5. Can we meet outside the/outside of hospital at about six o’clock? 6. I have to meet our new business partner from the/- Middle East today. 7. I advise you to go by the/- train and leave it at the/- Charring Cross Station. 8. Have you heard the/- latest news on the/- radio? The/a President spoke about economic situation in the/a country. 9. Our guests live in the/- Hilton hotel, don’t they? 10. The/- Japanese are going to sign the/a contract tomorrow.

2. Complete the following sentences with a, an, the, or no article

1. I wrote … long business letter to my potential customer this morning. 2. Did I show you … price list from Barrett and Sons this morning? 3. there were only … two clerks in … office when I went in: … man in black suit and … fair-haired woman. 4. When he had finished his report … audience clapped and cheered. 5. People say … British are not very friendly but I disagree. 6. Take these letters to … post office, will you? 7. Where do you work during … summer holidays? 8. … Government should tax … rich more and … poor less. 9. … power doesn’t interest him but … money does. 10. I work in … office in … city center and I always have … problems finding … parking place.


& 3. Articles have been removed from the following passage. Write it again including 18 missing articles

London Bridge is falling down.


Romans invaded Britain in AD43 and, chasing ancient Britons along Thames, they came to first place where it was easy to cross. They built garrison there - and London was born. They also erected bridge over river. Garrison became major trading post. Later, bridge suffered neglect and whole area was raided by Vikings. In AD886 Alfred Great drove out raiders, bridge was repaired and city prospered again. Hundred years later, Vikings returned but King Ethelred sailed up Thames, attached ropes to London Bridge, headed downriver and pulled it down.


4. Translate from Russian into English

1. Адвокаты обычно зарабатывают больше, чем полицейские. 2. Я работаю менеджером в крупной компании. 3. После переговоров (talks) мы пригласили наших партнеров на обед в ресторан. 4. После работы он едет домой на машине. 5. Сколько людей учится в университетах в нашей стране? 6. Секретарь нашей фирмы начинает работу в 8 часов утра. 7. Преступления являются значительной проблемой в большинстве крупных городов нашей страны. 8. Правительство стремится сократить количество безработных из года в год. 9. Джон был единственным человеком, с которым я разговаривал на вечеринке. 10. Выключи, пожалуйста, телевизор. Я пишу отчет о моей командировке на Запад. Потом я пойду спать.





1. Choose the right form of the pronoun to complete these sentences

1. He was tired out but he forced … to go on. 2. She had cut … so badly she had to be rushed to hospital. 3. I could hear someone walking along behind …. 4. She realized that the car in front of … had stopped suddenly. 5. They built … a garage behind the house. 6. He boiled … a couple of eggs for breakfast. 7. If you’ve got a sleeping bag bring it with …. 8. They had promised … a summer holiday abroad. 9. Put it down in front of …. 10. On Sunday mornings the children were let to take care of ….


2. Complete these sentences using myself/yourself/etc. with these verbs

Kick, teach, cut, look after, hurt, burn, blame, talk to, lock, stretch.


1. Be careful! That pan is very hot. Don’t …. 2. Tom … while he was shaving this morning. 3. They couldn’t get back into the house. They had … out. 4. It isn’t her fault. She really shouldn’t …. 5. What a stupid fool I am! I could …. 6. The boy was lucky when he fell down the stairs. He didn’t …. 7. I’m trying to … Spanish, but I’m not making much progress. 8. He spends most of his time alone, so it’s not surprising that he …. 9. Don’t worry about us. We can …. 10. Being weary, she … on the sofa.


3. Translate from Russian into English

1. Прочитайте эту статью сами. 2. Может быть она объяснит все сама. 3. Я сам узнаю, как он себя чувствует. 4. Ребенок уже успокоился. 5. К своему удивлению он очутился в незнакомом месте. 6. Он представился как топ-менеджер крупной компании. 7. Посмотри на себя в зеркало. Ты выглядишь ужасно. 8. Мы не сможем решить эту проблему без вас. 9. Ты должен уделять себе больше времени. 10. Вот деньги, иди и купи себе мороженое.


4. Replace the underlined absolute form of possesive pronouns for simple possessive ones


1. A friend of mine told me about the accident. 2. Here is my credit-card. Where’s yours? 3. We went on holiday with some friends of ours. 4. They had an agreement with a neighbor of his. 5. Is this baggage theirs? 6. She is in love with a colleague of hers. 7. He invited some relatives of his. 8. It was a good suggestion of yours to take out a loan. 9. I do my work and the others do theirs. 10. She borrowed some money of ours, didn’t she?


5. Complete the following text with a suitable pronoun


The other day when I was shopping a woman stopped me and asked … the way to the post-office. … gave her directions and … thanked … politely, then … ran off quickly in the opposite direction. … put my hand in my pocket and found that … wallet was missing. … must have taken it while … were talking. … shouted and ran after … but … was no good. … had disappeared in the crowd.


All. Both. The whole. Neither. Either. No. none.


1. underline the correct variant

1. After the accident either/both cars stopped. 2. It wasn’t a very good contract. Neither/either party was going to sign it. 3. Both/the whole manager and director are agreed on that. 4. When I came into the office they both/either looked a bit strange. 5. Tell me all/the whole about it. 6. On the whole/both, you are probably right. 7. –What models do you prefer? –I like neither /no type. 8. –Is today the 18th or the 19th of March? – neither/both. It’s the 20th. 9. It’s none/no of your business. 10. None/both of the people I work with speaks English.

& 2. Complete the following text with: all, whole, none, no, both, neither

Life has slowly changed for the (1)… of our family. We were (2)… very close once, my wife and I and our two daughters. Aged twelve and eleven, they were (3)… angels, keen, enthusiastic, communicative, (4)… of them, nearly (5)… the time. When we meet up nowadays (6)… of us feels that comfortable. Oh yes, there are a few moments when we (7)… hug and ask each other for an update. Then when we (8)… sit down to either lunch or dinner - (9)… of my daughters seems very keen to eat at the same time as us anyway - (10)… of us seems to have that much to say. (11)… my daughters resent questions about their activities and I can't ask (12)… of them about their current boyfriends without (13)… of them ganging up on me and telling me to be quiet. On the (14)…, I find eating while watching a soap with them the best way out. (15)… of the girls seems at all interested in what (16)… my wife or I are doing. (17)… I can say is that life was much easier and more comfortable when (18)… of them could utter anything more than 'goo-goo' and 'da-da' and (19)… my wife and I could settle down for a meal without feeling strangers in our own home. I suppose that time and tide wait for (20)… man.


3. Translate from Russian into English

1. Наши покупатели ни звонили, ни писали нам в прошлом месяце. 2. Оба продавца работают в нашей компании очень давно. 3. Я хочу рассказать о положении нашей компании на рынке в целом. 4. Он англичанин или американец? - Ни тот, ни другой. Он австралиец. 5. Никто из наших сотрудников не курит на работе. 6. Она объездила (to travel around) всю Америку. 7. Все мои друзья учатся в институте. 8. Она не могла решить какой выбрать цвет. Ей нравились оба. 9. Мы работали целый день, но ни один из нас ни устал по-настоящему. 10. К сожалению, ни вы, ни я не можем ответить на этот вопрос. 11. Вы прочитали весь отчет?


Nothing. Etc.


1. underline the correct variant

1. Why doesn’t she do anything/something else? 2. Would you like any/some more coffee? 3. Someone/anyone wants to see you. 4. Do you live anywhere/somewhere near the office? 5. Can you give me any/some information about your last price? 6. He left the office without saying something/anything to anybody/somebody. 7. The conference room was empty. There was somebody/nobody in it. 8. The meeting was cancelled because nobody/anybody came. 9. Aren’t there any/some other jobs she could do better? 10. I’d like to be a manager some/any day.


2. Complete the following sentences with one suitable word


1. Our manager wanted to produce a new product but we couldn’t because our firm had … money. 2. I haven’t read … of these contracts but my secretary has read … of them. 3. Does … mind if I smoke? 4. If … calls, tell them I’ll be back by two. 5 If I had … time I’d come. 6. …. of the information in your last report was incorrect. 7. His research paper amounted to … 100 pages. 8. She didn’t say …. Not a word. 9. I couldn’t make my report yesterday because I had … figures and data. 10. We took a few photographs but … of them was good.


3. translate from Russian into English


1. Ни один из этих товаров не продается на рынке. 2. Кто-нибудь хочет чаю? 3. Я ничего не могу сказать по этому вопросу. 4. Он дал мне совет, который никто не мог дать мне раньше. 5. У вас есть какая-нибудь информация об этой компании? 6. Секретарь сейчас найдет где-нибудь последний каталог с ценами. Подождите, пожалуйста, несколько минут. 7. Вы можете обратиться (ask) ко мне и я перешлю вам все (любые) письма, которые придут для вас. 8. Она отказалась что-либо объяснять. 9. Вы думаете, что кто-нибудь посещает эти места зимой? 10. Вчера моя подруга купила несколько новых книг на английском языке.





1. Underline the correct variant


1. They ask for higher/the highest quality control than it is. 2. Easier/the easiest said than done. 3. One of the oldest/older engineering industries in Denmark is shipbuilding. 4. You came later/late than had promised. 5. The workers themselves suffered the most/many. 6. The more/much competition, the lower/lower the price. 7. July is the hottest/hotter month of the year. 8. Bosses today are younger/the youngest and closer/the closest in age to the workers they supervise. 9. Perhaps we could afford it if I could get a better/the best job. 10. You certainly look much happier/the happiest than you did yesterday.


2. Complete the following sentences. Use the comparative degree of the adjective given in brackets plus than where necessary


1. Sorry, I am late. It took me (long) to get here … I expected. 2. Her illness was (serious) … we thought at first. 3. My toothache is (painful) … it was yesterday. 4. The problem is not so complicated. It’s (simple) … you think. 5. Health and happiness are (important) … money. 6. I like the countryside. It’s (healthy, peaceful) … and … living in a town. 7. She looks about 20, but in fact she’s (old) … she looks. 8. My brother works (hard) … most of his friends. 9. The exam was (easy) … we expected. 10. He seems to be (modest) … his famous father. 11. You speak English (good) … I do. 12. I like motorcycle (much) … bicycle.


3. Complete the following sentences using few, a few, little, a little

1. He is very successful even though he has … education. 2. … people really understood what the lecture was about. 3. He made so … mistakes that he came top in the exam. 4. He’s an expert on languages, but he knows … about mathematics. 5. I was tired and hungry, but fortunately I had … money left. 6. My colleague is very helpful. He is sure to have … good ideas. 7. I can’t do much I’m afraid. I have so … time. 8. By the end of the year … employees had been fired. 9. … unskilled jobs are well-paid, but not very many. 10. My partner tried hard, but he helped me ….

4. translate from Russian into English


1. Здесь слишком шумно. Можем мы пойти в более тихое место? 2. Эта книга оказалась самой дешевой среди всех. 3. Сегодня вы выглядите намного хуже. Что случилось? 4. Самый близкий магазин от моего дома находится через дорогу. 5. Вам следует быть более терпеливым к пациентам. 6. Англичане намного более формальны и сдержаны, чем немцы. 7. Ожидая интервью, я нервничал все больше и больше. 8. Чем дороже отель, тем лучше сервис. 9. Моя зарплата не такая высокая, как твоя. 10. Самым трудным для меня было найти работу в чужой стране. 11. На этом канале самая дорогая реклама. 12. Данные этого опроса более надежные. 13. Я понимаю, что у вас мало времени, но можно задать несколько вопросов? 14. Я был в Испании несколько раз и познакомился с некоторыми интересными для нас людьми (to get acquainted with). 15. Они знали очень мало об истории своего региона. 16. Президент компании был немного огорчен результатами переговоров.





1. Underline the correct variant


1. If you leave the hotel, please, leave your key at/in reception. 2. Who is that man standing in/at the bus-stop? 3. There’s no one on/in the room. 4. What have you got at/in your hand? 5. Have you read this article on/in the newspaper? 6. Our office is between/at two shops. 7. When we flew over/at Paris we couldn’t see much because we were above/between the clouds. 8. The USA is a country on/in America. 9. The window in/on our office is behind/at the curtain. 10. Write your name at/in the top of the page.


2 Complete the following sentences with a suitable preposition

1. Put the books … the table. 2. The butter is … the fridge. 3. We saw them … the bus-stop. 4. I met her … a party. 5. She works … Barcelona. 6. I left my books … the institute. 7. There was still a lot of snow … the ground when I arrived. 8. He lives … a very nice area. 9. Yesterday we went … the museum and then had lunch … the cafeteria. 10. Look! You have mud … your shoes. Wipe them … the mat before you come … the house. 11. I’ve got to go … town this morning, but we can meet later … John’s house. 12. I saw Jessica … Oxford Street and she told me she’s still … university.


3. Add the appropriate preposition of place to these phrases


…. the corner of the road …. street
… the back … work all day
…. the crossroad …. the open air the
…. the television ….home
….. a journey …. the park
….. the bus-stop …. a chair
…. hospital …. the door
… Europe …. a queue
….. Earth … the bottom
…. the north … top


4. translate from Russian into English


1. Она встала и подошла к окну. На улице она увидела женщину, сидящую на скамейке. 2. Я раньше никогда не был в Соединенных Штатах. 3. Я не могу найти Тома на этой фотографии. 4. Наша компания находится в конце той улицы. 5. – Скажите, пожалуйста, как пройти к площади? – Вам нужно пройти между этим домом и магазином. Затем поверните направо и вы увидите площадь. 6. Пожалуйста, найдите отчет на моем столе. В конце списка напишите свою фамилию и адрес. 7. Мы долго гуляли по улице и, наконец, подошли к дому, который искали. На двери висела табличка с именем жильца. 8. Наш офис расположен на пятом этаже. 9. Над столом в кабинете отца висит фотография всей нашей семьи В левом нижнем углу указан год когда она была сделана. 10. Посмотри! По той стороне улицы идет моя подруга. Давай пойдем за ней и догоним ее.


Time (at, on, in)


1. underline the correct variant

1. The train will be leaving in/on a few minutes. 2. The first man landed on the moon on/at 21 July 1969. 3. In Britain children have to start school at/in the age of five. 4. You can see the stars at/in nights. 5. Mr. Benn is busy in/at the moment. 6. Will you be here at/on the week-end? 7. I usually go out on/at Monday evenings. 8. Our meeting will start at/in 7 o’clock. 9. In/at the end, we found a taxi and arrived at the theatre on/at time. 10. Hurry up and we’ll be there in/at time for lunch.



2. Complete the following sentences with a suitable preposition


1. The course begins … 7 January and ends … 10 March. 2. … the end of the book they get married. 3. She thought about it for some time and, … the end, she decided to go to America. 4. … the morning he went to see his friend. 5. … Tuesday morning I’m going to town. 6. I like walking round the town … night. 7. Are you doing anything special… the week-end? 8. I’m just going out to do some shopping. I’ll be back … half an hour. 9. My friend is out of work …the moment. 10. The telephone and the door bell rang … the same time.


3. Add the appropriate preposition of time to these phrases


… present … the beginning
… arrival … a moment
… 6.30 pm … last
… the afternoon … the year 2000
… Wednesday afternoon … her birthday
… an hour … midnight
… weekends … March 25
… weekdays … a winter’s night
… a cold day … times
… a week … the summer


4. Read the text and add the preposition which best fits each space


Going to the zoo


(1)… Saturday morning, we took the children (2)… the zoo because (3)… school they are doing a project (4)… the moment on zoos - and we thought they should go (5)… one and do some research (6)… the spot. Later on, when we got home, they looked up some information (7)… the encyclopedia and we found out that the first public zoo (8)… the world was opened (9)… Paris (10)… 1793; this was the famous Jardin des Plantes. (11)… it were animals, of course, but there was also a museum and a botanical garden. The next big zoo to be opened was (12)… 1829 in Regent's Park (13)… London. (14)… Britain, there are now many more zoos. (14) … Whipsnade Zoo, in Bedfordshire, animals from all parts of the world are free to roam (15)… the surrounding countryside.


4 Translate from Russian into English


1. Заседание начнется через несколько минут. 2. На Пасху люди обычно посещают церковь. 3. Менеджер и секретарь пришли в офис в одно и то же время. 4. Мы путешествовали всю ночь и прибыли в Лондон в 5 часов утра. 5. Я закончу институт в 22 года. 6. В понедельник утром у нас важная встреча. 7. Она получит водительские права через 2 месяца. 8. В полночь я слышал странный шум в коридоре. 9. Мы начнем продавать эту продукцию в апреле. 10. Увидимся на следующей неделе. 11. Мы познакомились в прошлом году на Рождество.



(For, since, during, while, ago, already, before, still, yet, from…to/until/till)

1. Underline the correct variant

1. We met a lot of interesting people while / during our holidays. 2. Since/while you were out, there was a phone call for you. 3. We’ve worked in this market for/during six years. 4. I’ll phone you some time for/during this afternoon. 5. He waited from/since ten before/till two. 6. I came to London exactly six months before/ago. 7. I haven’t finished my report still/yet. 8. She has already/yet answered the phone call. 9. The customer has been waiting for an hour, but she yet/still isn’t here. 10. My friend went to the airport last Monday to meet Sue. He hadn’t been to this airport yet/before.


2. Complete the following sentences with a suitable preposition


1. It must be a month … we last saw each other. 2. We haven’t worked together … about a month. 3. … her work here she made a lot of good friends. 4. … she was typing her report, she made some mistakes. 5. … that year he rose from deputy manager to managing director. 6. I went to the USA about a year …. 7. My partner has never been abroad …. 8. I haven’t had lunch …. 9. Is the manager … here? 10. aren’t you ready …?


& 3. Fill in the gaps, using the words given

ago, since, already, before, still, until, while, for, yet, during, in, from



A couple of months ago Charles was in Athens on his way back to the States from a business trip. It had been ages (1)… he had felt so angry. He had been at the airport (2)… seven o'clock in the morning (3)… now, waiting for a flight to New York. An announcement had (4)… been made to say that the plane was delayed due to 'technical problems'. Half an hour (5)… that, another announcement had said there was to be a delay caused by air traffic congestion. Now the plane had been sitting on the runway (6)… at least an hour but it was (7)… not ready to board. (8)… this delay, Charles tried to complete his report, which he hadn't finished (9)…, though his boss was expecting it on his return. There was a lot of noise going on around him (10)… he was trying to put the finishing touches to his final paragraph so (11)… the end he gave up. It had been years (12)… Charles had traveled by plane. He avoided flying if he could, ever (13)… a particularly unpleasant flight years (14)… when he was (15)… convinced flying was the worst way to get around.


4. Translate from Russian into English

1. цены на эту продукцию упали десять дней назад. 2. Наша встреча продолжалась в течение двух часов. 3. Во время перерыва мы ходим в кафе. 4. Я работаю в этой компании с середины прошлого года. 5. Последний пункт контракта партнеры обсуждали с десяти утра до семи вечера. 6. Пока отец смотрел телевизор, кто-то позвонил в дверь. 7. –Могу я видеть бухгалтера? – Нет, он еще не пришел. 8. Я несколько раз был в Австралии, но мне все еще нравится ездить туда. 9. Мой друг взял пять уроков вождения машины, но он все еще водит ее плохо. 10. Спасибо, я не буду тестировать это оборудование. Я работал на нем раньше.

Like/as constructions


1. Underline the correct variant


1. A few years ago I worked like/as a bus driver. 2. Do you think my sister looks like/as me? 3. The news of her disease came like/as a great shock. 4. He’s 35 but sometimes he behaves like/as a child. 5. We don’t need all the bedrooms in the house, so we use one of them like/as a study. 6. I’ll phone you tomorrow evening like/as usual, OK? 7. He never listens. Talking to him is like/as talking to a wall. 8. Suddenly there was a terrible noise. It was like/as a bomb exploding. 9. She is a good swimmer. She swims like/as a fish. 10. Where do you work? – I work in a bank, like/as most of my friends.


2. Complete the following sentences with like or as

1. Everyone is ill at home. Our house is … a hospital. 2. She has just found a job … a secretary. 3. During the war this hotel was used … a hospital. 4. He really gets on my nerves. I can’t stand people … him. 5. I think I prefer this room … it was, before we decorated it. 6. You needn’t take my advice if you don’t want to. You can do … you like. 7. … I said yesterday, I’m thinking of taking up teaching. 8. It’s raining again. I hate weather … this. 9. He wastes too much time doing things … sitting in cafes all day. 10. My feet are really cold. They’re … blocks of ice.


4. Translate from Russian into English


1. Они пригласили меня в эту поездку в качестве адвоката. 2. Наш босс очень серьезный человек. Он не любит подобные шутки. 3. Мы назначили встречу на следующей неделе, в 9.30 как обычно. 4. На время ремонта наша компания использует это помещение в качестве склада. 5. Как сказал наш менеджер на последнем собрании, наша зарплата увеличится в следующем месяце. 6. Он вел себя как ребенок и не реагировал на замечания. 7. Я учусь в институте и одновременно работаю учителем в школе. 8. Девочка играла, словно настоящая актриса. 9. На улице было тепло, словно летом.



Active voice


To be, to have


1. Underline the correct variant


1. Those prices are/is high enough to buy the product. 2. Are/is the books expensive in your country? 3. - Is/are this seat free? – Yes, it is/are. 4. I was/were on business trip last month. 5. I am/is/are hot. Can you open the window? 6. Yesterday my children was/were at school. 7. This car has/have got four doors. 8. In the morning I felt that I have/had got a cold, that’s why I couldn’t go to work. 9. He works much and has/have enough money to pay for his flat. 10. I has/have something important to tell you. 11. Last Sunday we have/had a wonderful party. 12. Next week I will be/am in Moscow.


2 Complete the following sentences with the proper form of the verbs to be or to have

1. The weather (to be) nice today. 2. This castle (to be) one thousand years old. 3. The shops (to be) not open on Sundays. 4. Our last examination (to be) not difficult. 5. The next meeting (to be) very important. 6. I (to be) not a manager. I (to be) a student. 7. Your money (to be) in your handbag when you (to be) at shop yesterday. 8. Hurry up! We (not to have got) much time. 9. Alice is going to the dentist. She (to have) a toothache. 10. Julia wants to go on holiday but she (not to have got) any money. 11.- What’s wrong? – I (to have) something in my eye. 12. Everybody likes Tom. He (to have) a lot of friends. 13. You (to be) in the office tomorrow morning?


3. Fill in the gaps using the proper form of the verbs to be or to have

1. The secretary … in the office. She … a lot of work to do. 2. London … the capital of Great Britain. 3. What … the weather like today? 4. … Tom and Bob good salesmen? 5. … you hungry? 6. – You look upset. – I got a letter yesterday. - … the news bad? 7. Last week we … a meeting with our customers. 8. – Do you know anything about weather forecast? – No, my friend … the information. 9. Our goods were lost, so we … much trouble with our partners. 10. –What did you do at your working place? – Oh, I … a lot of duties. 11. Tomorrow at 5 o’clock I … at home. 12. You … our top manager next year.


4. Translate from Russian into English

1. Мой друг сейчас в университете. 2. Мой отчеты были на столе. Где они сейчас? 3. Джон не был в командировке прошлой зимой. Он был в отпуске. 4. У моих друзей новая квартира. Они будут рады видеть нас там. У меня уже есть для них подарок. 5. Последние новости были очень приятными. Цены на нашу продукцию выросли вдвое. 6. – Где шеф? – Его нет. У него важная встреча. 7. В прошлом году он был простым продавцом. Сейчас он менеджер отдела и у него новые обязанности. 8. Я представитель торговой компании. У меня есть то, что может вас заинтересовать. 9. Это очень хороший и интересный город. У него есть много исторических мест. 10. Мы будем первыми, кто начнет продавать эту продукцию в этом регионе.


There is, there are

1. Underline the correct variant


1. There is/are a large table in my office. 2. There is/are three windows in it. 2. There is/are a report and two catalogues on my boss’s table. 3. There is/are a nice park in our city. 4. There was/were three mistakes in my dictation. 5. There is/are some English books on the shelf of his room. 6. There wasn’t/weren’t an institute here in 1950. 7. There was/were very many workers in the meeting yesterday. 8. There is/are a new cinema near my house. 9. How many institutes is/are there in your town now? 10. Was/were there a lot of important information in your report?



2 Complete the following sentences with there is/are or there was/were constructions

1. … a lot of inquires for our goods every month. 2. … any problems with shipment last week? 3. … only a sales representative in the office, but … no employees. 4. … no supply of products to the island because of the storm. 5. What … in your safe? 6. … a shop-assistant and two buyers in the shoe department, when I came in. 7. How much information … about our rival company? 8. … any news about our former neighbours since they moved into a new flat. 9. Who … in the hall, when you were leaving the office? 10. … a church, two theatres and a cinema in our town.

2. Use the to-infinitive clause below to complete the following sentences


  To ask, to drink, to do, to eat, to help, to read, to see, to sleep, to spare, to watch.


1. I was thirsty, but there was nothing … 2. The tourists were tired out, but there was nowhere … 3. There were no books or newspapers, nothing … 4. I switched on the TV, but there wasn’t really anything … 5. We had a walk round the town, but there wasn’t anything interesting … 6. The children were bored. They said there was nothing … 7. We were late setting off, so there was no time … 8. I couldn’t do it alone and there was no one … 9. A stranger couldn’t find his way and there was no one … 10. They all were hungry, but there wasn’t very much …


3. Translate from Russian into English


1. В прошлом году в нашей компании работало пятьдесят человек, а сейчас в ней работает уже двести. 2. На том столе много журналов? – Нет, только два. 3. В его последнем отчете было три ошибки. 4. Недалеко от нашего офиса есть хорошая столовая. 5. В этом тексте есть несколько новых слов. 6. Пять лет тому назад завода здесь не было. 7. Сколько компьютеров в вашем офисе? – Недавно их было шесть, но один сломался. На следующей неделе будет еще два новых компьютера. 8. В новом журнале есть много интересных статей. Я советую вам его прочитать. 9. Что находится в этой коробке? – Там лежат образцы нашей новой продукции. 10. Через год здесь будет новый магазин. 11. К сожалению, не было свидетелей этого преступления. 12. Из-за непогоды в аэропорту было много людей. 13. Сколько минут в одном часе? 14. На столе лежали документы, когда вы пришли в офис? 15. Были другие предложения по поводу этого проекта?


To make, to do


1. Match the verbs phrases (1-10) with the meanings (a-j)

1) make notes a) check that smth. is certain
2) do badly b) injure
3) make an attempt c) work and become rich
4) make a journey d) try as hard as possible
5) do harm e) write down information
6) do some exercise f) try
7) make sense g) not be successful
8) make a fortune h) travel
9) make sure i) practice a set of movement
10) do your best j) understand because it is clear
11) make inquires k) manage to pay your bills
12) make both ends meet l) explore, analyze


2. Underline the correct variant


1. I did/make my best – what else could I make/do? 2. Smoking does/makes harm to your health. 3. I’ll surely do/make my homework. 4. The student made/did an excuse after being late for the class. 5. Who did/made that noise? 6. Do/make some work and then we’ll go for a walk. 7. I’ll make/do you an offer you can’t refuse. 8. She made/did a lot of money as a model. 9. He is just making/doing some coffee if you want some. 10. Scientists will have to make/do more research into the problem. 11. Have you made/did much progress with your English? 12. You’ll have to do/make more of an effort if you want to succeed. 13. She can’t make/do sense of what you are saying. Speak more slowly, please.


3. Complete the following sentences with a proper form of the verb to do or to make


1. Her job has something to … with marketing. 2. Girls … up half of the students in the school. 3. You’ll have to … without your dinner if you don’t get back in time. 4. She’s been sitting in front of the mirror for ages … herself up. 5. The government has decided to … away with the old tax law. 6. Speak louder – I can’t … out what you’re saying. 7. If you … your best to explain the problem, I’m sure she’ll understand. 8. It’s about time you … some exercise – you’re getting a bit overweight. 9. I don’t believe him – he’s … it up! 10. How many times a week do you … the shopping?

4. Put the following with the verb make or do to make verb phrase. Use them in the sentences of your own


1) an appointment 16) a bad impression 31) fun
2) badly 17) the bed 32) a mess
3) a cup of coffee 18) a decision 33) friends with
4) a difference 19) the dishes 34) a speech
5) a dress 20) French 35) shopping
6) good 21) a good impression 36) up one’s mind
7) your hair 22) harm 37) a will
8) your homework 23) a job 38) nothing
9) a living 24) a loss 39) business
10) marks on the wall 25) Maths 40) a notice
11) a mistake 26) money 41) someone a favor
12) a phone call 27) Physics 42) a progress
13) a profit 28) sth. for a living 43) the housework
14) a suggestion 29) the washing up  
15) well 30) some work  


5. Complete the question with do or make and give the answer of your own


1. What would you like to … for a living? 2. Is … a lot of money important to you? 3. What would you wear to … a good impression at a job interview? 4. Would you accept a well-paid job if it … harm to your health? 5. Does it … a difference to you if your boss is a man or woman? 6. Would you … a job which involved responsibility for people's lives? 7. Do you always … your homework? 8. Which subject … you do well in at school? 9. How do you feel when you … a mistake in your English? 10. What do you do if you badly … in an exam? 11. What kind of exercises do you like … in class? 12. Do you … notes while you're listening to the cassette in English?


& 6. Fill each gap in the following text with one suitable word



'OK, you can (1)… your shirt up now,' said Doctor Hymes. He had just given me a thorough check-up and was (2)… detailed notes on a big sheet of paper. 'What do you (3)… of it all, doctor?' I asked anxiously. 'Well, the first thing is that you could (4)… with a good rest. You've been overdoing it a bit, haven't you?' I admitted I had been (5)… a lot of overtime recently. I had taken a lot on and had (6)… a bit of a mess of it all and was suffering from stress. He agreed that this probably had a lot to (7)… with it. I had also (8)… the mistake of starting to smoke again; in fact my diet was now largely made (9)… of coffee and cigarettes. The doctor then reminded me that coffee did a lot of (10)… to our nervous system and of course cigarettes (11)… a lot of damage to the whole system. He said I should try and (12)… without coffee for a few days and make a serious (13)… to cut out smoking altogether. And make (14)… you have a proper meal every day,' he warned. His last piece of advice was that I should find time to (15)… some jogging every day. I promised him I'd do my best.


7. Translate from Russian into English


1. Тебе не нужно делать домашнее задание на завтра. Завтра выходной. 2. Он сколотил целое состояние, импортируя дорогие машины. 3. Моя подруга хорошо занимается в институте. 4. Я обязательно должна сделать кое-какую работу до вечера. 5. Вчера мама испекла пирог, потому что у младшего брата был день рождения. 6. Если я делаю ошибку, то сам стараюсь исправить ее. 7. Работая менеджером, он заработал много денег. 8. Тебе не следует так подшучивать над людьми. Им это не очень приятно. 9. Я заметил, что у тебя большой прогресс в изучении иностранного языка. 10. Наши зарубежные партнеры сделали нам очень выгодное предложение.


Future tenses


1. Underline the correct variant


1. According to the weather forecast it will rain/is raining tomorrow. 2. Don’t worry about the dog. It won’t hurt/isn’t hurting. 3. Tomorrow at 8.30 Tom will watch/will be watching the match on TV. 4. We are going to clean the flat on Sunday. It will take from 9 until 11 o’clock. So at 10 o’clock on Sunday morning we will be cleaning/will have cleaned our flat. 5. Jim always leaves his office at 7 o’clock. Tom is going to visit him at 7.30 this evening. When Tom arrives, Jim will have gone/will be going home. 6. Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too quickly. Before the end of his holiday he will spend/will have spent all his money. 7. Our secretary promises that she will finish/will have finished her report by 12 o’clock tomorrow. 8. - Will you be using/will you use your computer this evening? – No, you can use it. 9. Next year is Ted and Ann’s 25th wedding anniversary. They will have been/will be married for 25 years. 10. That bag looks heavy. I’ll help/will be helping you with it.


2. Match the first sentence (1-15) with the second (a-o) to make shot exchanges

1. Look at all those dark clouds a. Shall I have a word with her?
2. Mum, I’ve dropped my glass of milk. b. I’ll be with you in just a minute.
3. The meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3 pm. c. That’s easy. I’m going to get a job that earns me lots of money.
4. What time did she say she’s going to get here? d. Thanks. That will be helpful.
5. I told her to tidy her room but she won’t. e. Actually she’s going to have a baby.
6. How much longer are you going to be? f. Never mind. Accidents will happen.
7. I feel awful. I think I’m going to faint. g. I’m not sure I’ll be able to come.
8. I’ll come and help you clear the attic in a moment. h. She’ll probably be here by 9.30.
9. Tessa seems to have gained a lot of weight. i. I’ll call the doctor right away.
10. Will you please shut the door? j. Let’s just have fish and chips.
11. Shall we go now? I’ve had enough. k. Perhaps I’ll see you tomorrow.
12. What shall we get for dinner? l. No, I won’t. Do it yourself!
13. When am I going to see you again? m. Are you? I’ll come with you.  
14. What do you think you’ll do when you finish?   n. OK. I’ll just get your coat.  
15. I’m just going to the post office. o. Yes, there’s going to be a storm.

«Will» or «going to»


1. Match these sentences, which supply present evidence, with the predictions below


1. They are playing really well. a. He’s going to blow his whistle.
2. I feel awful. b. It’s going to be wet and windy tomorrow.
3. They’ve invited a lot of people. c. I think they are going to win.
4. We have a lot to do. d. They’re going to fall asleep.
5. I listened to the weather forecast tonight. e. They are going to win again.
6. I can’t hang on. f. I’m going to fall.
7. The kids are tired out. g. It’s going to be a hard day.
8. The referee is looking at his watch. h. I think I am going to faint.
9. Liverpools are three goals ahead. i. It’s going to be very crowded.


2. Complete the following sentences using the future simple or «going to»

1. Have you already finished your essay? – No, but I am sure I (to finish) it on time. 2. I have decided what to wear for the party. – Really? What you (to wear), then? 3. I’ve left my jacket at home. – I (to go back) and get it for you. 4. Did you post these letters? – No, I forgot. I (to post) them this afternoon. 5. Watch out! You (to bang) your head on the doorframe. – Oh, I didn’t realize it was so low. 6. Your house is very small. – I know. I (to move) to a bigger one next year. 7. I’ve got a new job. – Wonderful! I (to call) mum and tell her the good news. 8. I’m really thirsty after all that hard work. – I (to make) some tea. 9. Are you going to the town today? – Yes, I (to give) you a lift if you like. 10. Why do you need hot soap water? – Because I (to wash) the car.

4. Translate from Russian into English


1. Увидимся сегодня в 9 часов вечера. Хорошо? 2. Я думаю, это будут трудные переговоры (talks). 3. Если хочешь, я подвезу тебя (to give a lift). 4. Мы будем ждать тебя в офисе завтра в 10 утра. 5. Что я отвечу, если она позвонит? 6. В следующий понедельник будет ровно три года, как я живу в этой стране. 7. Не нужно его ждать. Встреча закончится поздно вечером. 8. Не могли бы вы купить мне сок, когда будете проходить мимо супермаркета. 9. Мы не встретимся завтра с Томом. Завтра в 5.30 он будет играть в футбол. 10. Мы опаздываем. Я думаю, что фильм уже начнется к тому времени, когда мы доберемся до кинотеатра.




Passive voice

Future tenses


1. Underline the correct variant using future simple or future perfect tense


1. Coffee will be made/will have been made available by 7 p.m. 2. He will be paid/will have been paid a lot of money at the end of the year. 3. They will be pronounced/will have been pronounced husband and wife on 29th of April. 4. All the help will be given/will have been given to the new members of staff. 5. The secret documents will be destroyed/will have been destroyed by the time when I come back. 6. Both players will be penalized/will have been penalized by referee. 7. She will be hospitalized/will have been hospitalized by next week. 8. The office will be staffed/will have been staffed by trained personnel in two months. 9. By next year domestic industrial market will be flooded/will have been flooded with Chinese goods. 10. A reminder will be sent/will have been sent by post as soon as possible.


2. Put the following sentences into passive voice


1. They will look after the children well. 2. People will laugh at you if you say it. 3. I wonder whether they will listen to him. 4. They will ask you a lot of questions at the interview. 5. When they get there the operators will have already tested the new equipment. 6. They will postpone the conference because of the director’s illness till next Monday. 7. We will require some capital to restart our business. 8. Customers will have got a 10% discount by the end of the year. 9. He will invite you to the conference next month. 10. You will do this work tomorrow.


3. Translate from Russian into English.


1. Об этом фильме будут много говорить. 2. Стадион будет построен к осени. 3. Собрание будет проведено, когда я вернусь из командировки. 4. Производство будет значительно сокращено в следующем году. 5. Все данные будут собраны к пятнице. 6. Зарплата будет выплачена вовремя. 7. Вторая копия контракта будет уже отправлена к тому времени. 8. Деньги будут переведены на ваш счет в ближайшее время. 9. Его работа будет оплачена дополнительно. 10. Ей не дадут никакого шанса выиграть соревнования.




1. Fill in the gaps with modal verb may or can

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