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Отсутствие артикля ( zer o article)

2019-11-28 171
Отсутствие артикля ( zer o article) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1 Вместо неопределенного артикля с существительными во множественном числе My father and my uncle are doctors. Мой отец и мой дядя врачи. 2 При обобщении (используется мн. число или неисчисляемое существительное без артикля) Carrots are my favorite vegetables. Морковьмой любимый овощ. 3 C собственными существительными в притяжательном падеже John’s coat пальто Джона 4 Перед существительным в роли определения guitar lessons – уроки игры на гитаре 5 Перед названиями континентов, стран, штатов, городов, улиц, озер I’ve been neither to South Africa nor to North America. Я не был ни в Южной Африке, ни в Северной Америке. 6 Перед неисчисляемыми существительными I need advice. – Мне нужен совет. 7 В сочетаниях «существительное + предлог», в значении наречия. You can get there in time if you go by train. Вы доберётесь туда вовремя, если поедете поездом. 8 Перед именами и фамилиями людей My name is Bond, James Bond. Меня зовут Бонд, Джеймс Бонд.



Case #1

Fill in is/are and solve the case

There … four corners in the kitchen,

There … a mother-cat in the corner.

Next to the corner there … a transformer.

In front of the mother-cat there … three children-kittens.

There … two mice in each kitten’s teeth.

So the question is: How many animals are there in the room?

Spoiler: the truth is out there, look out in the questionnaire!

Case #2

Fill in a/an/the/- and solve the case

Case #3

Solve the case


There are two skeletons of Romeo and Juliet in a room, in a rich house in Venice, Italy. They are in the middle of the room, on the floor. Next to them there is a lot of broken glass. In the room you can also see. It’s very hot but the window is closed. The floor is full of blood! Just kidding! The floor is wet and full of cold water.

On the window sill, there is a big fat black cat Tom with his face funny but scared.

The problem is: who were the lovers, how did they die and who is to blame?

Case #4

Solve the case

Sherlock Holmes has suddenly gone missing. While inspecting his last-known location, Dr. Watson and Inspector Leistered found a note with the strange code: 710 57735 34 5508 51 7718 – he is the organizer of the crime! Currently there are 3 suspects: Bill, John, and Todd.

Can you break the detective’s code and find the criminal’s name?

Case #5

Solve the case


There is a man found dead in a circular mansion. The detective interviews the cook, maid, and babysitter. The cook said he couldn't have done it because he was preparing the meal. The maid said she couldn't have done it because she was dusting the corners. The babysitter said she couldn't because she was playing with the children.

The problem is: who doesn’t tell the truth?

Case #6

Solve the case

A man is found dead one Saturday morning. He was killed while his wife was sleeping. The wife tells the police all that she knows. She tells them that the cook was cooking breakfast, the maid was cleaning and the butler was getting the mail. The police immediately arrested the killer.


The problem is: who is to blame and why?

Case #9

Solve the case

A crime has been committed at Freemont Street. The main suspect is a man named Sean Baker. It was said that a man had been walking along the pathway when he was suddenly shot in the stomach. The suspect had brown hair, blue eyes and wore a baggy Armani suit just like Sean Baker's. Sean was asked to tell the story right from the beginning. "Well," said Sean, "I was just hanging around the park when I saw this man walking along the pathway. Suddenly, a guy came up from behind him and shot him! I ran home as fast as I could." The policemen asked him to give a description of the murderer. "He had a red moustache, red hair and a baggy Armani suit on." "I think this man is telling a lie," said one of the policemen. How did he know?


Case #7

Solve the case

Jack tells Jill, "I left you 100$ between pages 15 and 16 of Harry Potter." Jill retorts, "You're lying, there is no money in this book!"

The problem is: How does Jill know it without looking up the book?

Spoiler: the answer is in your desk!

Case #8

Solve the case

A man and a woman live peacefully in a house together. But one day the woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him under water for over five minutes. Finally, she hangs him, but ten minutes later they go out and enjoy a wonderful dinner. How can this be?






Name of your gang/police department:___________________________________

Where do you work (city)? ______________________________________________________

Your boss’ name is _______________ s/he is ______ years old

Members of the gang/police department

1. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old

2. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old

3. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old

4. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old

5. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old

6. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old

7. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old

8. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old

9. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old

10. ________________________________________, ________________________________________ years old



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