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1. He asked m: «Do you want to go with us?»
2. «Do not move!» the officer said.
3. «Take this book and read it», said the librarian to the boy.
4. Nellie said: «I read «Jane Eyre» last year».
5. Our teacher said: «Thackeray's novels are very interesting».
6. My uncle said to us: «I buy several newspapers every day».
7. The teacher said to the pupils: «Next year we shall have six hours of Literature a week».
8. Jack’s father asked him: «Who are you writing a letter to?»
9. She said: «Have you heard any noise?»
II. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Нервные импульсы посылаются по нервным волокнам нервной системы в мозг.
2. Мы узнаем об окружающем нас мире, о звуках, запахах, температуре и многих других вещах посредством органов чувств.
3. Благодаря восприятию мы осознаем предмет в целом, а не только его отдельные свойства как это имеет место в случае ощущений.
4. Знания по анатомии и физиологии, приобретенные в университет, совершенно необходимы будущему психологу.
5. Психолог Теплов предпринял попытку выяснить влияние типа нервной деятельности на структуру способностей человека.
6. У тебя искаженное восприятие формы.
7. Связь между развитием и научением – важная психологическая проблема.
8. Человек сам влияет на окружающий мир.
9. Наследственность – важный фактор, который должен учитываться психологами.
10. Он многое унаследовал от своих родителей.
III. Translate the text into Russian.
In order to establish laws about how people sense the external world, psychologists first try to determine how much of a stimulus is necessary for a person to sense it at all. How much energy is required for someone to hear a sound or to see a light? How much of a scent must be in the room before one can smell it? How much pressure must be applied to the skin before a person feels it?
To answer such questions, a psychologist might set up the following experiment.
First, a person (the subject) is placed in a dark room and is instructed to look at the wall. He is asked to say «I see it» when he is able to detect a light. The psychologist then uses an extremely precise machine that can project a low-intensity beam of light against the wall. The experimenter turns on the machine to its lowest light projection. The subject says nothing. The experimenter increases the light until finally the subject responds, «I see it». Then the experimenter begins another test in the opposite direction. He starts with a clearly visible light and decreases its intensity until the light seems to disappear. Many trials are completed and averaged. The absolute threshold – the smallest amount of energy that will produce a sensation – is defined as the amount of energy that a subject can see about half the time.
Interestingly enough, thresholds determined in this way are not as absolute as psychologists first believed. The point at which the person says «I see it» may vary with the instructions he is given («Say you see it only if you are absolutely certain» versus «If there is any doubt, say you see it») or even the order in which the stimuli are presented.
3 вариант
I. Grammar Exercises.
Supply the correct article where necessary.
1. As I was walking along the street, I saw … 10$ note on … pavement.
2. I went into the shop and asked to speak to … manager.
3. Have you got … car? No, 1 have never had … car in my life.
4. There is no need to buy any milk … Milkman bring it every morning.
5. I wrote my name at … top of the page.
6. … moon goes round … earth every 27 days.
7. The Soviet Union was … first country to send a man into … space.
8. Did you see the film on … television or at … cinema?
9. After … lunch, we went for a walk by … sea.
10. … President of the United States is elected every four years.
Supply the correct prepositions where necessary.
1. When you leave home, you have to live … whatever you earn.
2. That man is responsible … what his dog did.
3. I'll do my shopping … the morning … Saturday.
4. Grandma will sleep in the guest bedroom … her visit.
5. The workers weren't satisfied … what they were paid.
6. Please pay attention … how well he will do on the exam.
7. We are concerned … how well he will do on the exam.
8. The service here is bad; you have to ask … what you want.
9. Be careful in this store; you have to pay … whatever you break.
10. I hope you listened … what the teacher said.
Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...
Опора деревянной одностоечной и способы укрепление угловых опор: Опоры ВЛ - конструкции, предназначенные для поддерживания проводов на необходимой высоте над землей, водой...
Семя – орган полового размножения и расселения растений: наружи у семян имеется плотный покров – кожура...
История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...
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