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Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов-заочников 1 курса неязыковых специальностей педагогических вузов, но может быть использовано и в других типах учебных заведений. Основная цель пособия – научить студентов извлекать информацию в разном объеме из различных типов текстов на английском языке. Пособие построено на аутентичных материалах, отобранных из большого числа источников (учебники и учебные пособия, изданные в Великобритании и США, а также статьи из англоязычной периодики). Задания и упражнения пособия могут быть использованы также для повторения и закрепления грамматического материала и развития навыков устной речи в минимальном объеме.
Порядок работы над материалом пособия может быть произвольным. В связи с уменьшением количества часов на иностранный язык материалы пособия могут быть использованы не в полном объеме: по усмотрению преподавателя могут быть отобраны наиболее подходящие для определенного факультета и конкретной группы тексты, а также задания и упражнения.
Материалы в пособии расположены по степени возрастания сложности предлагаемых для чтения текстов и соответственно заданий к ним. Поэтому первая часть пособия предназначается для студентов первого курса, а вторая (которая готовится к печати) – для студентов-второкурсников. Предполагается выпуск также третьей части, где будут помещены наиболее сложные тексты, с тем, чтобы она могла быть использована для индивидуальной работы с наиболее подготовленными студентами.
Поскольку в последнее время издается очень мало материалов для работы со студентами-заочниками, а количество часов, отводимых на иностранный язык, ничтожно мало, найти и использовать нужные учебные пособия чрезвычайно трудно. В связи с этим данное учебно-методическое пособие может оказаться очень полезным и значительно облегчить и одновременно интенсифицировать работу преподавателя английского языка со студентами-заочниками. У студентов же оно должно вызвать несомненный интерес, поскольку темы текстов и статей очень современны, актуальны и привлекательны для молодых людей.
Фонетический и грамматический материал
Переведите следующие слова, обращая внимание на то, что долгота гласного звука меняет значение слов.
Sit, seat, pot, port, cut, cart, hut, heart, bid, bead, hill, heal, cluck, clerk, hip, heap, dip, deep, lip, leap, ship, sheep, NB! См. фонетический курс Ship or sheep.
A man – men a mouse – mice
A woman – women an ox – oxen
A child – children a sheep –sheep
A tooth – teeth a deer – deer
A goose – geese a swine - swine
A foot – feet
12.Заполните пропуски указательными местоимениями this, that, these, those:
1. All … is very interesting.
2. Try one of … shoes.
3. … computer is of latest type.
4. … are my favourite flowers.
5. … woman near the window is my mother-in-law.
6. … room is my study.
7. … were very happy days.
8. … sofa is not so comfortable as … one.
9. where did they live in … years?
Grammar tasks
1. Найдите в тексте все местоимения и переведите их на русский язык. Find in the text all pronouns and translate them into Russian.
2. Найдите в тексте все имена собственные и объясните их. Find in the text all proper names and explain them.
3. Найдите в тексте все глаголы в простом прошедшем времени. Find in the text all verbs in Present Indefinite (Simple) Tense.
4. Объясните использование артиклей в тексте. Explain the use of articles in the text.
Read the text “Summer work”
1) Какие из следующих мест упоминаются в тексте. Отметьте их галочкой. How many of the following places are in the text? Tick (√) the boxes.
a farm □ a hotel □ a summer camp □
a fast food restaurant □ a swimming pool □
In Britain, the United States, Australia and Canada it is quite normal for students (16 years old, and older) to take jobs during their summer holidays.
Young people work part-time (four or five hours a day) or full-time (eight hours a day) in supermarkets, fast food restaurants, hotels, at local swimming pools, and so on. They help with the work in many of these places when adult workers want to take their family holidays with younger children. They can also earn some money for their own social life during the holidays.
2) Какие виды работ выполняют студенты в следующих местах? Соотнесите цифры с буквами. What jobs do students do in the following places? Match the descriptions with the places.
1 pick fruit a at a hotel
2 organize activities b at a swimming pool
3 carry shopping c on a farm
4 sell tickets d at a supermarket
5 clean bedrooms e at a summer camp
6 clean tables f in a fast food restaurant
This is Britain
Прочитайте 4 текста и затем ответьте: В какой части Британии живут эти люди? (Read 4 texts and then say: Which part of Britain do these people come from?)
a Susan Franks is a student at the oldest university in England.
b The road signs near Margaret Evans’ house are in two languages.
c Jim Macdonald wears a kilt on special occasions.
d Chris Taylor does most of her shopping in Oxford street.
Text 1: The UK
“Great Britain” has several different names. Some people say “Britain”, or “the United Kingdom”, or just “UK”. There are four different countries in the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Everyone from Britain is British, but only people from England are English. People from Scotland are Scottish, people from Wales are Welsh, and people from Northern Ireland are Irish. Don’t call a Scottish or Welsh person English. He won’t like it!
Altogether more than 56 million people live in Britain, many of them in big industrial cities like London, Liverpool and Manchester, but people are often surprised by how much of Britain is open country, with lonely hills and woods, quiet rivers, lakes and farmlands.
Everyone in Britain speaks English. But in some parts of Scotland and Wales people speak an older language as well. The Welsh are especially proud of their language, and you can see road signs in Welsh all over Wales.
Everyone speaks English, but they do not all speak it in the same way. A Scottish person has to listen carefully if he wants to understand a Londoner. And when a Welsh person speaks, everyone knows at once where he comes from!
Many people think that the weather is cold and wet in Britain all the year round. But it isn’t! True, it sometimes rains and even snows for days and days, but every year there are weeks of beautiful sunny weather when the British put on their bikinis and go out to sunbathe.
Text 2: Edinburgh
Edinburgh is Scotland’s capital and one of the most beautiful cities in Britain. The heart of Edinburgh is the thousand-year-old castle, where the kings of Scotland lived for centuries.
From Edinburgh castle you can see for miles, north over the beautiful old streets and squares to the “Firth”, an arm of the sea that pushes inland. Far away are the mountains of Central Scotland, often covered with snow.
Edinburgh has a busy cultural life. Every year, in September, the International Festival takes place. Musicians, actors and singers come from all over the world and thousands of visitors fill the city. In the evening, the opera house, the theatres and the concert halls are full. In cafes and pubs, small groups sing, act and read poetry.
The castle is at its best in Festival time. Every night there is a magnificent military “Tattoo”. Highland soldiers wearing “kilts” play the bagpipes, and march to the music.
Tartans, the patterns of the kilts, have an interesting history. Since the fifteenth century, each Scottish family (or “clan”) has worn its own tartan as a kind of badge. It was a useful way of recognizing people, especially in times of war. Many tartans date only from the nineteenth century, but some of the old patterns still exist. “Dress” tartans, worn on special occasions, have light, bright colours. “Hunting” tartans are usually green, blue or brown.
Text 3: Shopping in London
London has many large department stores, which sell everything: shoes and shirts, paper and perfume, fur coats and frying pans. The most expensive department store is Harrods in Knightsbridge. You can buy almost anything in Harrods, and you know you’re getting the best. Twice a year, in January and July, Harrods has a “sale”. Some things are almost half price, and there are thousands of bargains. But on the first days of the sale the shop is very crowded. Some people stand and wait all night so that they can be first in the shop when it opens.
The smartest and most expensive shops are in Knightsbridge, but more people come to Oxford Street, London’s most popular shopping centre. Most of the hundreds of shops sell clothes or shoes. The street is more than a mile long. There are several big department stores in Oxford Street. The best known are Selfridges, John Lewis and D.H. Evans.
Oxford Street has the most shops, but in some ways King’s Road in Chelsea is more fun. This is where fashionable young Londoners buy their clothes in the many small ‘boutiques”.
You can buy what you like in the big shops, but the small markets have a lot to offer too. There are several big street markets in London, and many small ones. Some markets open only one day a week. Go to the Portobello Road on Saturday, or to Petticoat Lane on Sunday. Covent Garden market is open every day.
Text 4: Oxford
What is so special about Oxford and Cambridge, the two oldest universities in England? Why do so many students want to study there?
Both of these university towns are very beautiful. They have some of the finest architecture in Britain. Some of their colleges, chapels and libraries are three, four and even five hundred years old, and are full of valuable books and precious paintings. Both towns have many lovely gardens, where the students can read and relax in the summer months.
Oxford is the older university of the two. The first of its colleges was founded in 1249. The university now has thirty-four colleges and about twelve thousand students, many of them from other countries. There were no women students at Oxford until 1878, when the first women’s college, Lady Margaret Hall, opened. Now, women study at most colleges.
Oxford is, of course, famous for its first class education as well as its beautiful buildings. Some of the most intelligent men and women in the country live and work here. Oxford gives them what they need: a quiet atmosphere, friendly colleagues, and the four-hundred-year-old Bodleian library, which has about five million books.
It is not easy to get a place at Oxford University to study for a degree. But outside the university there are many smaller private colleges which offer less difficult courses and where it is easy to enrol. Most students in these private schools take business, secretarial or English language courses.
1. Найдите в 4 текстах все формы глагола “to be” и скажите, в каком они времени. (Find in the four texts all forms of the verb “to be” and say in what tense they are).
2. Найдите в 4 текстах все числительные и переведите их на русский язык. (Find in the four texts all numerals and translate them into Russian).
3. Найдите в 4 текстах все прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степенях и переведите их на русский язык. (Find in the four texts all adjectives in comparative and superlative degrees and translate them into Russian).
4. Найдите в 4 текстах все имена собственные и объясните, что они означают. (Find in the four texts all proper names and explain what they mean).
Hallowe’en: 31October is Hallowe’en. This pagan festival celebrates the return of the souls of the dead who come back to visit places where they used to live. In the evening there are lots of Hallowe’en parties, or fancy dress parties. People dress up as witches, ghosts, devils, cats, bats or anything scary. Houses are decorated with pumpkins with candles put inside. Some children follow the American custom called Trick or Treat. They knock at your house and ask, “Trick or treat?” If you give them some money or some sweets (a treat), they go away. Otherwise, they play a trick on you, like squirting water in your face.
Creative people
J.K. Rowling
Read about J.K. Rowling’s life. Put these events in order. (Прочитайте текст. Расположите события из жизни писательницы в нужном порядке).
a) She finished her first Harry Potter book.
b) She got married and had a daughter.
c) She studied French at university.
d) She became very famous.
e) She moved to Scotland.
f) She started writing her first Harry Potter book.
g) She wrote her first story, Rabbit.
h) She worked in Portugal as an English teacher.
i) She was unemployed.
The Writer and the Wizard
J.K. Rowling was born in England in 1965. She loved reading, and wrote her first story, ‘Rabbit’, when she was only six years old. She studied French at university, then worked as a secretary in London. She had the idea for Harry Potter when she was on a train. ‘Harry just walked into my head’, she said later. She started writing the first Harry Potter book the next day.
In 1992 she went to live in Portugal for three years. She wrote Harry Potter in the morning, and worked as an English teacher in the afternoon and evening. She got married to a Portuguese TV journalist and had a daughter called Jessica.
Then she returned to Britain and lived in Edinburgh, in Scotland. She was unemployed at that time, and wrote in cafés because they were warmer than her small flat. After five years she finished the first book, ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’. The book sold millions of copies all over the world, and Joanne Kathleen Rowling became very famous. She is now very rich, but she still writes her books in cafés.
J. Cousteau
1. Read the text about Jacques Cousteau and match its five paragraphs with these headings. (Прочитайте текст и соотнесите его 5 абзацев с данными заголовками).
a his film-making and writing _____
b his different types of work and interests ______
c his great invention ___
d his death ___
e his environmental work ___
The old man of the sea
1 Underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau died yesterday in Paris at the age of 87. His environmental organization, The Cousteau Society, said: 'Jacques Cousteau returned yesterday to the world of silence'. The World of Silence is the title of his great film about life under the sea. □
2 The French film-maker was also famous for his television programmes, The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau — films about his adventures on his ship, the Calypso. □
He was also famous for exploring, filming and writing books about sea plants and animals.
3 Cousteau fought all through his life for the environment. In 1995, for example, he was strongly against France's nuclear tests in the Pacific Ocean. □
4 He was also an inventor. In 1943 he invented the aqualung with another Frenchman, Emile Gagnan. □
5 He had many interests. He was an explorer and adventurer, a writer and film-maker, an inventor and businessman. He spoke French, English and German fluently, understood Spanish and read Russian. □ He was a hero of modern France. He took us into worlds we never knew or thought about before.
2. Read the text again and find these facts about Cousteau. (Прочитайте текст ещё раз и ответьте на следующие вопросы).
1 How old was he when he died?
2 What was the name of his environmental organization?
3 What was the date of his famous invention?
4 What languages did he speak fluently?
5 What languages did he only understand or read?
3. Find the best place to add these new pieces of information to the text. Write the number of the sentence next to the right place in the text. (Найдите в тексте наиболее подходящее место, куда можно добавить следующие предложения с дополнительной информацией. Поставьте номер предложения в нужное место текста).
Example (in paragraph 2)
… films about his adventures on his ship, the Calypso. □ 1
1 The ship sank in an accident in 1996.
2 He won the top prize at the Cannes Film Festival for this film in 1956.
3 He was also a good piano-player, a poet and a painter in his free time.
4 This invention gave divers a way to stay under water and move around freely for long periods of time, with their own oxygen on their backs.
Natural science: animals in danger!
Redwood School is in a village near the ancient city of York. The school curriculum includes lessons about natural science. The lessons are on Friday mornings. The students have got some interesting books and videos about the environment.
The school has got a video about animals and wildlife. It is called Animals in danger. The video teaches the students about rare animals, for example, pandas, elephants, and tigers. A student in year eight has also got a video. Her video is a television programme about the world’s oceans. It shows that dolphins and whales and other animals in the sea are in danger.
The students do projects in their natural science lessons. They make posters about the environment and they write articles for the school magazine. The articles about animals and the environment are very popular.
1 Where is Redwood School?
2 When are the natural science lessons?
3 What is the name of the video about animals and wildlife?
4 Who has got a video about the world’s oceans?
5 What animals are in danger?
6 What do the students write in their natural science lessons?
(What type of question is presented here? How is question 4 different from all the others? Какой тип вопроса используется в задании? Как вопрос 4 отличается от остальных?)
3. Imagine posters with the following slogans (Изобразите макеты плакатов со следующими лозунгами):
Save the elephant! Protect the panda! Don’t forget the rainforests! Don’t destroy the oceans!
We come from many different countries in the world. We are studying English in Cambridge. Cambridge is in the east of England. It is a small city. The population is about a hundred thousand.
The city
Cambridge is an ancient city. It is famous because it has a very good university. The main industries in Cambridge are tourism and agriculture. There are also a lot of English language schools in the city.
The environment
The land near Cambridge is flat. There are no hills or mountains! The climate is warm in the summer and cold in the winter. It rains a lot. Sometimes, there is a lot of traffic. And there is usually some air pollution, especially in the centre of the city.
2 Complete the notes about the students’ project. (Заполните таблицу информацией из проекта).
Introduction | The city | The environment |
NameCambridge | Ancient or modern? ….. | The land …… |
Type of place ……. | Why famous? ….. | The climate ……. |
Size ……. | Industries ……. | The air ……. |
Location ……. | ||
Population ……. |
3 Find in the text and the task sentences in Present Continuous (Progressive). (Найдите в тексте и задании предложения в настоящем длительном времени).
Disappearing rainforests
1. Before you read ‘ Disappearing rainforests,’ guess which six of these words and phrases are in the text. Use your dictionary, if necessary. (Перед чтением текста догадайтесь, какие 6 из приведенных ниже слов и словосочетаний встретятся в нем).
become extinct cars fresh air living
medicines oxygen shade smallest
square kilometre (km2) thickest
People like trees for a lot of reasons. They give us shade in summer, fruit to eat, different colours to look at and a place for children to play. They also give birds and insects a place to live.
But trees are also one of the most valuable parts of the environment. Why? Because they give us oxygen – clean air. The world’s largest rainforests (in Brazil, Africa and South East Asia) supply about 80 per cent of the oxygen for the world’s fresh air.
Rainforests also give us thousands of valuable wild plants. One square kilometre of rainforest sometimes contains 250 different types of plants, including 125 different trees! These plants and trees are valuable because scientists use them to make a lot of medicines.
1 Rainforests produce about…
2 One square kilometre contains…
3 151,000 km2 is…
4 An area of rainforest as big as Belgium …
5 About 50 different sorts of plants or animals …
a. disappeared in a fire in 1998.
b. 80% of the oxygen in the air.
c. disappear from the world’s rainforests every day.
d. hundreds of valuable wild plants.
e. an area as large as England and Wales.
Where are the rainforests?
Rainforests cover six per cent of the Earth’s surface. There are rainforests in many parts of the world but the biggest forests are in South America, Africa and South East Asia. There aren’t any rainforests in Europe or North America.
What’s in the rainforests?
About 75% of all the types of animals that we know come from rainforests. Thousands and thousands of animals live in rainforests. There are many very beautiful birds, insects and reptiles. Many of them live in the trees, over 30 metres from the ground. There are also thousands of different plants – and lots of tall trees! It is always hot in a rainforest and the ground is always wet. It is also dark.
The arctic tern
Read the text below and match these question words to the correct paragraphs: (Прочитайте текст и определите, к какому абзацу относится каждое вопросительное слово):
How? ……………………………………
When? ……………………………………
Why? …………………………………….
What? …………………………………….
Where? …………………………………….
1 This is an arctic tern. It is not a very big bird. It’s only about 16 centimetres long. But every year this small bird makes an incredible journey. It flies from one end of the earth to the other – a journey of about 18,000 kilometres. Six months later it flies back again.
2 The tern spends the summer in the Arctic, but when autumn comes, it leaves the Arctic and flies south across the equator to the Antarctic. When spring comes again in the north, it will return to the Arctic.
3 The terns leave the Arctic because in the winter it is too cold and there is no food. If the turns stay in the Arctic they will die. But when it’s winter in the Arctic, it’s summer in the Antarctic, so the birds flu south to find food.
4 When the terns migrate, birds from Europe, Asia and North America meet over the North Atlantic. Then they fly along the west coast of Africa to the South Atlantic. Other birds meet and fly along the Pacific coasts of North and South America.
5 How do these small birds make their incredible journey? Perhaps they use the sun and the stars as a compass, but at the moment scientists don’t know the answer.
Данное учебно-методическое пособие предназначено для студентов-заочников 1 курса неязыковых специальностей педагогических вузов, но может быть использовано и в других типах учебных заведений. Основная цель пособия – научить студентов извлекать информацию в разном объеме из различных типов текстов на английском языке. Пособие построено на аутентичных материалах, отобранных из большого числа источников (учебники и учебные пособия, изданные в Великобритании и США, а также статьи из англоязычной периодики). Задания и упражнения пособия могут быть использованы также для повторения и закрепления грамматического материала и развития навыков устной речи в минимальном объеме.
Порядок работы над материалом пособия может быть произвольным. В связи с уменьшением количества часов на иностранный язык материалы пособия могут быть использованы не в полном объеме: по усмотрению преподавателя могут быть отобраны наиболее подходящие для определенного факультета и конкретной группы тексты, а также задания и упражнения.
Материалы в пособии расположены по степени возрастания сложности предлагаемых для чтения текстов и соответственно заданий к ним. Поэтому первая часть пособия предназначается для студентов первого курса, а вторая (которая готовится к печати) – для студентов-второкурсников. Предполагается выпуск также третьей части, где будут помещены наиболее сложные тексты, с тем, чтобы она могла быть использована для индивидуальной работы с наиболее подготовленными студентами.
Поскольку в последнее время издается очень мало материалов для работы со студентами-заочниками, а количество часов, отводимых на иностранный язык, ничтожно мало, найти и использовать нужные учебные пособия чрезвычайно трудно. В связи с этим данное учебно-методическое пособие может оказаться очень полезным и значительно облегчить и одновременно интенсифицировать работу преподавателя английского языка со студентами-заочниками. У студентов же оно должно вызвать несомненный интерес, поскольку темы текстов и статей очень современны, актуальны и привлекательны для молодых людей.
Фонетический и грамматический материал
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Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰)...
История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...
Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьшения длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...
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