Эксперимент Майкельсона-Морли проведен с нарушениями, которые описаны, и игнорируются официальной наукой — КиберПедия 

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Эксперимент Майкельсона-Морли проведен с нарушениями, которые описаны, и игнорируются официальной наукой

2021-11-24 32
Эксперимент Майкельсона-Морли проведен с нарушениями, которые описаны, и игнорируются официальной наукой 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1 Шаровая молния убила группу Дятлова. Все остальные объяснения - отвод глаз (Распознание природы огненных шаров, как ключ к разгадке гибели группы Дятлова)

1 Существует около 400 (!) гипотез о шаровой молнии. Разумеется большинство для отвода глаз (Гипотезы о шаровой молнии полный список, Что такое шаровая молния и откуда она берется)

1 Загадывание желаний (магия, то есть смещение между вариантами мультивселенной) при «падающей звезде», то есть плазме, «дотянуться руками до звезд», то есть до плазмы. Альвы (древнии арии) светились астральным светом, то есть плазмой (What is an Elf?)

1 Доклад 2006 года о плазмоидах в Англии. Поведение плазмоидов зависит от наблюдателя, в частности поведения пилотов самолетов. (ютуб - Михаил Герштейн. Шаровые молнии, НЛО и атмосферная плазма)

1 Жалобы на то, что плазмоиды могут ухудшить самочувствие или убивать (плазмоид является частью психики самого человека, но над нею не установлен контроль) (Орбы или плазмоиды)

1 Призраки — это равномернораспределенный свет плазмы, проекции сознания наблюдателя (На улице Астрахани засняли движущийся призрак или плазмоид)

1 Птица феникс — шаровая молния. Перья птицы феникс — полимерные образования после шаровой молнии. Так называемые волосы ангела. (Волосы ангела, Мрачная тайна небес?)

1 Астрал. Происходит от слова звезда, которая есть плазма. В йоге тонкое тело это 4 или 5 стихия. Стихий нет, но есть 4 состояние вещества, то есть плазма. (Википедия Стихии(философия)

1 В аномальных зонах наблюдаются шаровые молнии. 95% НЛО выглядят как шаровые молнии — плазма (ютуб А.Б. Петухов. Статистика сообщений об НЛО по данным Уфосети. )

1 Йоги считают высшей точкой постижения возможность видеть шары света, то есть плазмоиды. Тигле. (Ца-лунг-тигле)

1 В кино, играх, мультфильмах вся магия и сверхтехнологии (техномагия, работающая только при наблюдателе) показаны не как свет, а как субстанциональный свет - плазма. Например, летящий шар из волшебной палочки. То есть подготовка населения и его неофициальное информирование. В. И. Ленин - Из всех искусств для нас важнейшим является кино (ютуб Все сцены с заклинанием Авада Кедавра в фильме Гарри Поттер)

1 99% материи во Вселенной — плазма. В тоже время 95% материи во Вселенной — темная материя и темная энергия, то есть нечто, что обладает надвещественными, не только связанными с массой, свойствами. Очевидно, что плазма и есть эта самая материя. 90% Вселенной непознано - разумеется без наблюдателя это невозможно.

1 Многообразие формы плазмы на Земле: облака, пыль, туман, дым, воздух (так как частично ионизирован)

1 Антигравитационная платформа Гребеникова. По мнению инженеров ключ в антигравитации у Гребенникова создание плазмы ячеистыми структурами. Само по себе создание ЭМ-поля не может дать антигравитации. Гребенников отмечал, что насекомым свойствена не только антигравитация, но и телепортация

1 Муравьи атта обладают способностью к телепортации. Особенно матка. При этом телепортация не происходит в присутствии внешнего наблюдателя. Однако в момент исчезновения из камеры матки выплывали плазмоиды синего цвета в диаметре около 1 мм.

1 По верованиям кельтов свет солнца способен материализовать вещи. Солнце — звезда, а значит плазма. Адресация к ней способна приводить к такому явлению. Доклад для правительства США: квантовые законы действуют в макромире

1 Эксперименты в рамках проекта Звездные врата в США. Квантовые законы действуют в макромире ("Звездные врата" и НЛО: ЦРУ рассекретило 50-летний архив)

1 Обобщение средневековых наблюдений о летающих шарах в присутствии которых материализовались предметы, наблюдалась левитация и т.д. Поведение шаров зависело от наблюдателя.

1 Люди наблюдали квантовые законы в веществе всегда. Внезапное исчезновение вещей, которые нельзя найти рационально-вещественное объяснение, и их последующее появление, внезапное появление людей. Эти события часто сопровождаются маревом, то есть плазмой. (ютуб - Эмоции в магии (аудиозапись 22.05.2017)

1 Исследование австралийских астрофизиков. Черные дыры, которые могут быть плазмой, породили первую материю после большого взрыва (Черная дыра «выстрелила» плазмой по Земле)

1 Теория относительности. Большие объекты, в том числе черные дыра, звезда обладают странными явлениями. Наблюдатель представлен как находящийся в том или ином месте. Но нахождение в разных местах это оценка самого наблюдателя по его усмотрению.

1 Нинель Кулагина. Кулагина могла создавать плазму (Секрет телекинеза Нинель Кулагиной, Зачем КГБ изучала способности экстрасенса Нинель Кулагиной)

1 Скрывается феномен пылевой плазмы, так как он показывает многообразие плазмы на вещественном уровне. Одни виды плазмы порождают другие. Любой неопределенный визуальный феномен — плазма. Плазмой являются любые визуальные туманности, учитывая ее информационное определение как неопределенность. Плазмой являются облако, пыль, туман, дым, прозрачный воздух и т.д. пылевая плазма становится светимой плазмой.

1 Ночью воздух виден как совокупность светящихся точек — светимая плазма.

1 Классификация плазмы в СМИ ограничивается только критерием температуры. Не упоминается факт, что пылевая плазма переходит в непылевую. То есть плазма надвещественное явление. Это хорошо видно при извержении вулкана.

1 Ваджра - универсальный инструмент богов. В Непале описывается как работающий в паре со светящимися шарами — плазмой (The Vajra: An Ancient Weapon Of The Gods)

1 Фейри — люди, владеющие плазмой (ютуб SCARIEST Things CAUGHT on Dashcam in Real Life 2019 (Mysterious Creatures & Scary Stories on Tape)

1 При ядерных взрывах наблюдались эффекты телепортации. США (ютуб - Must see!! Famous UFO sighting during an atomic explosion Crossroads Baker)

1 Пропагандистская компания КБЛ РАН РФ против шаровой молнии, Кулагиной, теории эфира-плазмы Теслы — Крукса (пример заказного материала от КБЛ РАН РФ Существует ли шаровая молния? Или это миф?- бинаризм выбора)

1 Большинство архивов Теслы пропали, а опубликована была малозначимая техническая информация, но не фундаментальная по строению Вселенной (Discovery. Тесла рассекреченные архивы)

1 Статьи о плазме и шаровых молний одни из самых переписываемых в Википедии dtforceyo5xwxfl7.onion showthread.php?tid=243)

1 Поттер — последняя толерастическая попытка закрепить протоальва в Мидгарде

1 Решение о внедрении отсекающих УФ- и ИК — фильтров в смартфонах было принято в Бостоне в 2002 году с «целью избежания попадания непонятных объектов». Фотографии 19 века и 20 века делались без таких фильтров.

1 Бывшие программисты Фейсбук утверждают, что социальная сеть использует обработку данных пользователей, чтобы удалять изображения орбов (плазмоидов).

1 Рассекреченные документы ЦРУ говорят, что дальнейшее развитие науки невозможно, а возможно развитие техномагии

1 Равенство массы и энергии выведено не Эйнштейном, а Пуанкаре.

1 За 20 век написано около 300 работ по работе с биополем, которое есть плазма. При этом все они рассматривают биополе как субстанцию с свободной геометрией движения, а не как поле, чья геометрия очень ограничена.

1 Зафиксировано около 560 явлений, когда явно нарушаются законы сохранения энергии и массы

1 СМИ специально распространяют рабские идеи об ангелах и демонах, так как единственный реальный хозяин жизни ария-наблюдателя — он сам.

1  При плотных снах, то есть когда активно восприятие равнораспределенного света (плазменное, астральное тело), после пробуждения наблюдаются перемещения предметов, которое было видно во сне. Аналогично внезапные пробуждения с наблюдением тени и т.д., то есть материализация слабой степени.

1 Богов рисуют с плазмоидами, шарами. Например, Шива или Один. В Китае дракон с шарами.

1 Сенсорная проекция — обучение работы с плазменным телом, после которого наблюдается телекинез, материализация.

1 Сама активация плазмы происходит ночью чаще, чем днем, так как ночью освещенность падает и все воспринимается как карта освещенности разной степени

1 Эфект Кирлиана фиксирует не поля объектов, а плазмоиды.

1 Так как теория Эйнштейна уже смешна, то лжеученые с псевдорациональные знанием пошли другим путем и стали сочинять одну ложную теорию за другой, например «теорию струн». Все эксперименты адронного коллайдера по частным заявления физиков ЦЕРН ничего не дали, так как якобы существующие 3000 частиц являются плодом больного воображения ученных. Люди как использовали электромагнетизм 150 лет назад, так и используют его сейчас. Прогресс остановился в 70-80 годы 20 века. (Большой адронный коллайдер — афера века)

1 Игнорируются факты надвещественных явлений, которые описываются разными людьми в разное время, хотя люди сообщают одно и тоже. Сторонников эфиро-плазмы пытались делать сумасшедшими, хотя они признаны как изобретатели, и имеют множество патентов. Схожие методы перехода на личности использовались в отношении Хелен Дункан в Англии, Кулагиной в СССР. Так же применяется метод 60% правды на 40% лжи. Например, останки больших скелетов в три метра перемешивают с явно фотошопными в 20 метров, и на этом основании все фотографии больших скелетов (великанов) объявляют поддельными. Все это делалось по заказу Массачусетского технологического университета.

1 Рассекреченный документ ЦРУ: астрал – это не миф

1 found-page-25-of-the-cias-gateway-report-on-astral-projection


1 S. V. Vladimirov, From plasma crystals and helical structures toward inorganic living matter,New Journal of Physics, 9, 263 (2007)

1 F. A. Popp, Quantum phenomena of biological systems as documentated by biophotonics, in QuoVadis Quantum mechanics?

1 E. Lozneanu, M. Sanduloviciu, Self-organization scenario acting as physical basis of intelligentcomplex systems created in laboratory,

Chaos Soliton & Fractals, 30, 125 (2006).

1 Plasma blobs hint at new form of life

1 Biophotons: Manipulation, Communication, and Effect on Plasma

1 Погибающую клетку можно вернуть к жизни когерентным световым излучением.

"Попп доказал, что от всех организмов исходит слабый свет. Интенсивность этого

свечения можно сравнить со светом свечи, находящейся на расстоянии 20 км от наблюдателя (прим. слабое как астральный свет от звезд). Такая сила свечения соответствует излучению нескольких фотонов в секунду. Такой слабый световой поток для человеческого глаза неуловим. Д-р Попп назвал причину этого свечения – биофотоны, частицы, которые излучает каждая живая клетка». Тут пример размножения ложных сущностей — нет биофотона. Есть просто фотон.

1 Если в 18 веке преследовались ведьмы, то в 20 веке в Англии действует закон о преследовании магов, так как магии якобы вообще нет. На его основании была осуждена Хелен Дункан. Материализм — способ защиты простого (непробужденного, не знающего о своей нелокальности) сознания от своих проекций.


1 Эксперимент с истекание плазмы у растений. Срезанное растение помещается а абсолютную темноту и фотографируется на фотопленку с чувствительность. 3500 — 4000 единиц. При проявке видная плазма, истекающая из растения. Некоторые именую эту плазму гаввах — энергией страдания.

Ряд ученых (Ф. Георгица, Дж. Констебль и Л. Бокконе) обнаружили современной чувствительной научной аппаратурой присутствие вблизи поверхности Земли невидимых глазом образований плазменной природы. Они назвали их «криттерами» — «тварями», которые фиксируются фотоаппаратом (инфракрасный и ультрафиолетовый диапазоны частот электромагнитных волн), в редких случаях могут быть зафиксированы даже невооружённым глазом. Как утверждает Л. Бокконе, они имеют форму амебоидных структур, «капель», «дельфинов», «грифонов», передвигаются со скоростями до 1500 километров в час на различных высотах, зависают над большими пожарами, над крупными промышленными комплексами, следуют за воздушными лайнерами. Они тяготеют к зонам с радиоактивными или магнитными аномалиями. Размеры плазмоидов колебаются от 3-5 см до 100 и более метров. Вчастности, об этом говорится в статье датского доктора наук Э. Хэзелхоффа в солидном биологическом журнал «Physiologia Plantarum». Один из самых авторитетных исследователей плазмы, итальянский профессор геофизики Лео Бокконе, обнаруживший одну из самых активных аномальных зон вдоль Генуэзского разлома, приходит к выводу о существовании рядом снами целого сложного «эфирного мира», где встречаются все формы — от «одноклеточных» архитектонических до «квази-человеческих».

  Никола Тесла получал шарообразные плазмоиды на резонансном трансформаторе при помощи высоковольтных разрядов [Tesla N.. Pioneer Radio Engineer Gives Views on Power // New York Herald Tribune. — 1932. — 11 Sept.]. Еще в 1950-55 гг. были разработаны СВЧ генераторы нового типа — планотрон и ниготрон мощностью до 300 кВт (в непрерывном режиме) и обнаружил, что при высокочастотном разряде в плотных газах образуется стабильный плазменный шнур, предполагаемая температура электронов в котором 10+5…10+6 К [Капица П.Л. Свободный плазменный шнур в высокочастотном поле при высоком давлении // Журнал экспериментальной и теоретической физики. — 1969. — Т. 57, в. 6(12). — С. 1801 Луч, испускаемый плазмоидом, в отличие от фотонного луча света, имеет длину и может изгибаться. Также учёным удалось получить в микроволновой печи СВЧ-плазмоиды, похожие на шаровые молнии, а позже был получен безэлектродный СВЧ-плазмотрон,

Физики из румынского Университета Кузы создали шарики газообразной плазмы, способные расти, воспроизводиться и передавать информацию друг другу. Мирча Сандуловичу утверждает, что электрическая искра вызвала на положительно заряженном электроде высокую концентрацию ионов и электронов, которые спонтанно образовали сферы. При благоприятных условиях они также становятся больше, захватывая нейтральные атомы аргона и расщепляя их на ионы и электроны, чтобы пополнить пограничные слои. Наконец, они могли передавать информацию, испуская электромагнитную энергию, заставляющую атомы в других сферах вибрировать с определенной частотой. Плазмоидные сферы являются не только самоорганизующимися системами, отвечающими всем требованиям, но еще и первые газообразные «клетки». Таким образом, было получено экспериментальное подтверждение того, что в определённых условиях плазмоиды могут размножаться, что иллюстрирует их потенциальную возможность быть основой для жизни. Циолковский высказывал гипотезу о существовании жизни на Солнце в плазменной форме, и о нём как источнике жизни на Земле («Живые существа в Космосе»). «… Почти все планеты заселяются не самозарождением, которое представляет мучительный и долгий путь оживления материи…, а колонизацией, или переселением совершенных существ» [Циолковский К.Э. Космическая философия. — М., 2007. — С.89].


По одной из гипотез «черные дыры» в галактиках — это сгустки высокочастотного вещества (мюонов, таонов) как остаточные являния общего для вселенной перехода от более высокочастотного («горячего») вещества, к низкочастотному («холодному») веществу, которое и представлено плазмоидами (Кренев Г.А. Пятое измерение?)


Vedism. Full control (magic) of the elves. Full version. R. 48 251 paragraph


§ Brief wording: Consciousness is evenly distributed light self-causal Everything else is just a consequence Consciousness has all the power over the world § The universe is infinite, since beyond any boundaries there would be something more, and such a universe would only be a part of the larger universe. § Nothing exists. Nothing means the non-existence of something within the framework of binary logic, and at the same time the existence of something. Existing (the universe) is infinite, which means that nothing exists. Nothing can be understood as one-kind of infinity, which is perceived as emptiness. § The impossibility of something is something non-existent, that is, a false concept. The universe is infinite, which means it has everything. § Promoting the idea of ​​the presence of nothing is one of the most important methods of propaganda of parasitic INEFOB. § World description: global (infinite) and local (finite, relative). § Cognition of an object is inseparable from the perception of the knower. § There is a root cause. § Root cause = self-cause. § The question of the cause of self-cause is meaningless. § Control of the cause is control of the effect. § Types of causality: 1 self-causality 2 local causality. § Correct thinking, that is, the establishment of causes and effects should start from the true beginning - self-cause and go to the end, and not start from an arbitrary point in the chain of cause and effect and end with another arbitrary point. § Consciousness (observer) and ether as a primary substance, including the active form of ether - plasma, recognized by the equally distributed light, are the primary causes of everything, and they are self-caused. It is impossible for an object to exist without consciousness - ether as a prime cause. § Consciousness and ether have, in addition to self-causality, other common features: infinity, quantitative-qualitative transition, synergy, fractality, divisibility, variability, variety of phenomena, causality (greater complexity of the cause in relation to the effect), self-motion, inertia, structure formation, attraction, etc. etc. For example, persistence is visible when a spot of light remains on the inner screen with the eyes closed. § Consciousness is ether. § Consciousness-ether is the only self-cause. § Self-cause is the root cause for other objects. § Any object other than consciousness has pseudo-self-causality. § Temporarily pseudo-self-cause by properties may be equal to self-cause. § Consciousness is information. § Information is a reflection of something, regardless of the form of presentation. § The most capacious form of information is visual. § Visually information is the difference between light and darkness. § There is a single phenomenon - lightness. § Lightness = gray = equally distributed light = invisibility. § Light is perceived more easily by the final observer than light. § There is no light without a source. At the level of matter, the sources of light are 1 ether itself 2 material objects, and through them ether. § In the dark, ether (plasma) is clearly visible as uniformly distributed light (phosphenes), originating from itself. The light of the ether is blocked by the light from material sources, and the consciousness may not be tuned to see the light of the ether. To correct this, you can 1 defocus the vision 2 close your eyes, including half. Then the evenly distributed light of the ether is seen as light that blocks the reflected light from things. § An evenly distributed light is called el. § El is self-caused in the sense that ether is self-caused. § Uniformly distributed light 1 originating from itself 2 of the material conditions are identical. A mirror with a silver paint, that is, a gray color simultaneously shows 1 material objects illuminated from material light sources 2 uniformly distributed light. Glass ball, etc. shows 1 real objects illuminated from material light sources 2 a simplified projection of the ether as invisible in the form of glass 3 uniformly distributed light due to the refractive properties of glass. The sky displays evenly distributed light due to the refraction of light in the atmosphere. § Visual signs of ether: 1 self-luminosity 2 uniformly distributed light. § Light is information and the reason for specific information. Specific information is the difference in illumination. § Shape, including color - specific visual information. § The form is not self-motivated. § Substance and space are forms, which means they are not self-caused. § Substance is something that has a limit on the number of trajectories of motion. § Ether is both non-substance and substance at the same time. Substance = space. Space is formed by dimensions, for example, three, and at the same time there is something more, there is synergy (1 + 1 = 3). Synergy is a greater supply of information and energy in a finitude, taken from infinity. Space exists within the framework of infinity and is formed: 1 by a part of infinity, which contains all the infinite number of objects and their types 2 at the same time by its part, which gives it stability, homogeneity. § Cause complexity 1 cause is more complex and more varied than consequence 2 effect exists within the framework of the cause. § Quantitative and qualitative transition = synergy (1 + 1 = 3). This means that the sum is greater than its constituent elements. The difference is taken from the endless ether. Quantitative-qualitative transition = synergy as a local law is subordinate to the global law - causality. § There are two types of information perception: 1 impossible for visual representation (complex graphic, thought, informational) 2 possible for visual representation (graphic, spatially substantial). § Plasma is an active form of ether-consciousness, generating / removing / changing substance. Plasma exists simultaneously at the level of the ether itself, the level of fields, the level of matter (the fourth state of matter). § Ether and plasma can be perceived as separate forms and as one and the same phenomenon. To simplify the presentation, you can understand them as one. § Although ether (plasma) generates uniformly distributed light, to simplify the presentation of information, they can be considered identical. Uniformly distributed light is a convenient concept from the point of view of information, and ether (plasma) from a spatially substantial point of view. § Fields, including the electromagnetic field, including light, are an integral part of the ether. § Ether-plasma, field and matter are one and the same substance, but they differ in the number of possible trajectories of motion. Ether has more, less substance. The field acts as a carrier of information with limited trajectories. § Simplified geometrically, ether can be considered in a gas or hydro model. § Identity of abstract concepts (TAP). An abstract concept, due to the large amount of information, intersects and contains signs of other abstract concepts. § By virtue of TAP, equality and hierarchy exist simultaneously between abstract concepts, that is, the uncertainty of relations, which is a consequence of infinity. This status is determined by the observer. § Information plays a critical role, since consciousness is an information system. § Everything can be and must be cognized rationally, that is, as it is, although this is not possible in full due to the infinity of the ether, it has been verified independently, including what is stated here. Cognition should go systematically, with the identification of the primary cause and effect. § Finite cannot fully cognize infinity, but can cognize it partially. § Inconsistency in the description of complex systems is inevitable from the point of view of binary logic. § Information when describing complex systems cannot be presented completely consistently from the point of view of finite consciousness. § At the material level, there is always the coexistence of at least three options, types of an object. For example, assuming that there is an item in an adjacent room, there are three options at the same time: 1 item is 2 items are not present 3 item is and it is not at the same time 4 item is 60%, etc. Absolute protocols of thinking, single and binary, do not allow the third type of object into consciousness. § More rational cognition has sources: conducting reasoning to the end, including with the transition to higher levels of abstraction, searching for the most abstract root causes and establishing connections between them, the ability to highlight the main and the secondary, the priority of synthesis over analysis in the final picture of cognition, the fundamental impossibility of complete descriptions of infinity by finiteness, inadequacy of binary logic in describing complex systems, the absence of rigid boundaries between objects, multi-element thinking and perception, observation, practice, self-knowledge (establishing the structure of consciousness, meditation), cognition of the complex as acceptance of the fact that it exists. Pseudo-rational (low-rational) cognition is not based on the indicated sources, it has priority of analysis over synthesis in the final picture of cognition. Its results are pseudo-rational: it is not able to identify the root cause, and therefore to fully manage its consequences. Pseudo-rational knowledge does not increase the level of abstraction of knowledge, that is, it does not transfer to a new quality. Such cognition moves only at one level of abstraction, in fact, inventing the same phenomena. Since everything is possible, then there is what the observer wants. Thus, these phenomena at the material level become real, but do not bring any benefit: local knowledge of 1000 types of a material object (phenomenon) cannot replace global knowledge about the world order as a whole. Rational knowledge may not be received by the observer if it is hidden by fear of such knowledge. § The universe is infinite and can be viewed as 1 one infinite homogeneous object 2 as one object containing a variety of objects. We can talk about one-view infinity (homogeneous, fixing) and multi-view infinity. § Infinity is the most powerful subject. § The most abstract concepts are NAP. § By virtue of TAP, all NAP are identical, and only the observer is their bearer. The observer himself can endow them with other objects, but they have NAP only with the prefix pseudo. But to simplify the presentation of information, the pseudo prefix is ​​further removed. § Within the framework of infinity, there are other infinities. § Infinity, like all NAP, is cognized by accepting the fact of its existence, that is, by turning off the absolute (absolute value) protocols of thinking: single (trigger, stimulus-reaction) and double (binary, dichotomous). § Absolute protocol: 1 the values ​​of input and output information into consciousness are absolute in them, that is, infinite 2 limit the number of input information to a maximum of two connects different types of objects into one (converts several information packets into one) 3 more complex types of objects obey simpler 4 produces a number of operations with information, including adding, deleting one-type infinity = self-cause without the knowledge of the observer. § There is a limb. § Infinity is concerned with knowing itself, since it has nothing beyond its limits. Cognition is self-movement and structure formation of the ether. For the cognition of its filling, infinity restricts itself - it creates finiteness. Finiteness is created by the joint actions of one-kind of infinity and multi-kind of infinity. One-sided infinity plays an important role here. The finiteness has simultaneously the signs of both infinities: 1 unreadability and countability 2 globality and locality 3 qualitative and quantitative information 4 irrelevantness and relativity 4 integrity and divisibility. Limb objects inherit both property lines. These aspects can be distinguished conditionally. § Finiteness is a non-self-causal phenomenon. § First, there is 1 infinity 2 consciousness as an information structure of 3 dimensions, the values ​​of which form an abstract figure and types of figure - a material phenomenon. Therefore, first there is a figure and all types of figures, and then a specific type of figure - a material phenomenon. § Finiteness is a non-self-causal phenomenon. The finiteness has simultaneously the signs of both infinities: 1 unreadability and countability 2 globality and locality 3 qualitative and quantitative information 4 irrelevantness and relativity 4 integrity and divisibility. Limb objects inherit both property lines. It is fashionable to highlight these aspects conditionally. § One-type infinity is rich in homogeneous information, but it is still an infinite amount of information. Therefore, from a certain point of view, it is impossible to compare finite, essentially one-kind-infinite, phenomena, since each of them is unique. § Information: Qualitative and quantitative. Technical (ensuring the existence of other information by dividing the original consciousness into parts) and effective (semantic, subject to cognition). According to the degree of saturation in descending order: complex geometric (thought, information that is impossible to visualize for a finite consciousness of a certain complexity), symbolic, visual (form, color), auditory, tactile, mixed, etc. Possible for visual representation for the final form of a certain complexity and impossible (complex geometric, thought). Technical on the example of the visual channel: Measurement. A figure is a limited number of interconnected set of dimensions. All kinds of figure. A phenomenon in a substance is a specific type of figure formed by specific measurement values. Visible. Tyrion is the totality of all figures. Visible: 1 phenomenon 2 at the same time figure and tyrion. Meta information. Measurement is that which can have quantitative values. Examples of measurements: height, length, circumference, waist, color, frequency of occurrence, etc. § Graphic information exists in a larger contour of complex graphic information. That is, complex information is the reason for graphic information (causality). § Information impossible for visual representation can be conventionally represented as quanta of information on a medium, that is, a certain field, for example, a rectangle. § Channels of information receipt: visual, auditory, tactile, etc. Each channel conventionally has two subchannels: ether (plasma) and material. § When deciding to switch perception to the mode of perception of equally distributed light (plasma, astral mode), the eyes are defocused, and the phenomena are blurred, losing their shape, including color. The light from them is blocked by the equally distributed light. The eyes of the form are deep (binocular). This means that two eyes are needed to perceive the 3rd dimension - depth. Depth is fixation on the material level - on the form. Such vision by itself may not allow seeing the equally distributed plasma light. In this case, you need to 1 defocus vision 2 cover one eye, remove binocularity and switch to the mode of equally distributed light 3 cover both eyes. From the point of view of information, blurring of forms is identical to the overlap of directional light by equidistributed light. § The graininess of the perception of the plasma figure, its weak visual glorification is due to the dependence on discrete perception. § Figures formed by measurements, the types of figures formed by the values ​​of measurements, precede the appearance in the substance and can be chosen by the observer. § If a figure is perceived in a narrow range of measurements and values, then it is one-kind of infinity and a phenomenon, if in a wide one, then it is a multi-view of infinity and the figure itself. § Cognition of figure 1 It is carried out by a narrow range of measurements and their values, that is, in a one-type infinite format, since multi-view infinity = uncertainty, and what is indefinitely impossible to cognize. 2 As a consequence of this, it is carried out with multiple appeals. 3 It is conducted through other phenomena due to the non-self-causality of the phenomenon. For the study, the phenomenon and the phenomena associated with it must be stable: not disappear and not change properties during the entire duration of these calls. One-vision-infinite perception does not allow one to perceive the entire potential set of types of a figure at once, therefore, measurements and values ​​for acquaintance are lined up in a one-sided directed extension with a beginning and an end. Direction exists to prevent learning the same thing. The beginning and the end, that is, the boundaries, give rise to the limited information, including the desired and undesirable for the form. Also, the boundary of the unit of knowledge is set, a certain order of knowledge. One-type infinite perception is formed by a finiteness - a material level, space and time. These objects are the limitation of information, measurements and their values. Time 1 separate measurement 2 the number of changeable values ​​by phenomenon A in any dimension, tied to the number of changeable values ​​by phenomenon B, per one call of the observer. Such a change is unilaterally directed along the scale, limited in the number of steps per one reading of the scale, and is obligatory due to its connection with neighboring values ​​during the transition. § Actual structure of the material phenomenon A: 1 tyrion 2 attached one-view infinity 3 figure 4 view of figure 5 projections of other phenomena within this phenomenon A 6 projections of phenomenon A in other phenomena. It can be described as everything in everything. § An object can be perceived by one observer and not perceived by another observer, exists if it is perceived even by one observer, has the main feature of existence only in the presence of the observer, has a certain amount of information, that is, perceived complexity. § The selection of a specific range of a phenomenon from a multi-view of infinity and its consolidation by a single-view of infinity are various operations of complete control (magic). § The phenomenon, fixed by one-kind infinity, occupies the only place in the field of attention among possible similar ones. § One-aspect-infinity pulls together disparate potential countable information into one uncountable object. § Consciousness-ether is capable of forgetting its nature 1 self-causality 2 equally distributed light, which is a mistake. During oblivion, consciousness begins to ascribe self-causation to forms. § Recovery of information is carried out through meditation on 1 self-cause (self-inferiority) 2 self-causal equidistributed light (el). They differ in that meditation on el can lead to changes on the material level, otherwise these meditations are identical. §§§ Perception of self as self-cause. 1 Difficult graphically: concentration on the idea of ​​self-cause 2 Graphically: identifying oneself with the screen - space, which creates images with which the observer, due to an error, can temporarily identify himself. The observer must identify himself with the screen-space itself, and not with images. 3 Symbolic: concentration on the self-causal circle and spiral - the symbol of infinity. Tactile perception: self-movement. §§§ Meditation on the air. Concentration on the equally distributed light of the self-causal ether. § One-aspect-infinity - the overlapping of all objects on top of each other, that is, multi-aspect-infinity. Both infinities are complex geometric information, that is, this information is impossible for complete visual perception by finite consciousness of a certain complexity. § Meditations on the self-cause, the equally distributed light of the ether is self-worth. § One-vision-infinity 1 is used in meditation 2 in matters of total control. § Understanding self-causality is subjectlessness - the absence of a subject and an object, since they coincide. § The world is a complex simulation of the observer, which has its own laws that must be taken into account when managing it. § One-type infinite thinking consists of single and dual protocols. Their essence lies in the fact that they operate with absolute, that is, infinite, and therefore uncountable, quantities, since there are only one or two of these quantities. Thus, a simple phenomenon with internal finiteness has an infinite source of energy from one-type infinity. § The structure of matter as a level of ether, in terms of the complexity of its organization, cannot act as a reason for phenomena that exist on the material level and are more complex than it (causality). § The laws of ether-consciousness are more important than the laws of substance at the level of the substance itself. § Examples of the use of energy and intellectual capabilities of the ether by the observer - Telepathy. The rise and fall of the temperature in the room with emotion. The ability of the body to withstand strong impacts exceeding the ultimate strength of the body when a force shield is created. The ability to lift heavy loads in an emergency. The appearance of plasmoids and the accompanying air ionization (ozonation), clicks, space curvatures, materialization and dematerialization of things, antigravity, teleportation. Plasmography (thoughtgraphy). §§§ The structure of the ether-consciousness: 1 One-type infinity and multi-view infinity. One-type infinity = multi-view infinity. 2 Infinity (equally distributed light) and finiteness. 3 Regularities of the ether. 4 Finiteness 4.1 Laws of the level of finite information. 4.2 Character (real form, body), close-character space (BPP), distant-character space (ODSP) 4.3 Infinite universe with options (values ​​of figure parameters) in complexity and in options of the same complexity. Divided into Potential and Realization. Potential - unobservable options. Realization - observable options. 4.4 Forms of matter by the number of decreasing measurements of motion, degrees of freedom: ether-plasma, fields, matter with sublevels. For example, a substance has a biology sub-level. § Fact is a temporarily stable phenomenon in the focus of the observer's attention, existing with his permission or permission of a part of his consciousness (by default). § Awareness - 1 holistic picture of the world with all cause-and-effect relationships, starting from self-cause 2, the presence of an object in the focus of the observer's attention. Unconsciousness - 1 object outside the focus of attention of the observer 2 narrow focus of attention. § The purpose of life can be formulated as the knowledge of objects in material and immaterial form. For the ether, this is self-knowledge, since there is nothing outside of it. Materially it is self-movement and structure formation of the ether. § Processes simultaneously occur globally and locally, simultaneously in the body, close-character space, distant-character space. § The process of descent of infinity to form (finiteness) has the following stages: limitation of multi-view of infinite perception - division into oneself (subject) and another (object) - acquiring a form for cognizing phenomena - dividing the world into desirable and undesirable for the form - dependence on the inconstancy of the existence of desirable phenomena, excessive action of undesirable phenomena - the acquisition of a new form for the purpose of further interaction with the desired, solving problems with the undesirable. § At different levels of the ether organization, the flow of processes can go in different directions. § Variants of the infinite universe can be divided into 1 options with the ability to create matter without moving to other options (magical) 2 without this possibility. A set of options can be viewed as one option. § The variant of the infinite universe is super complex, which means, in a sense, self-sufficient information. § Reincarnation is a transition from one real form to another in the variants of the infinite universe of one and different complexity. Maybe with the preservation of information, with erasure. Profitable with the preservation of information. During reincarnation, it is possible to change the subject and object according to a specific situation in the next incarnation, since between incarnations the subject and the object are one. The object is just a product of global consciousness. This means that they can swap places, which must be treated carefully. § It is beneficial to be in infinity and finitude at the same time. § The following is true at least for a finiteness: mass = energy. There is no information without a carrier, as a carrier without information. There is no carrier without energy, just as there is no energy without a carrier. Hence, there is no energy without information. § The mass of the volume of ether is much greater than the mass of the volume of a substance of the same volume. § Ether is infinite in energy (mass), which is controlled by information. Operations with information are possible only in the mind of the observer. § Ether-consciousness is info-energy matter with complex = indefinite properties. § Information plays a leading role. § Extraction of the energy of the ether and the use of infinite information (intellectual capabilities) of the ether is possible only with the participation and choice of an observer. § Projection (symbol) is information emitted by an object with the loss of some information. There are projections between versions of the infinite universe, including from more complex versions of the infinite universe to simpler ones. The things of a particular variant of a non-universe are projections of another variant. § Projections: 1 original-like 2 media-like, that is, the image looks like the information carrier, and not the information itself on the carrier. § An object can have more info-energy matter than a visible material form. Some of the information may be unclear and visually look like uncertainty - the equally distributed light of the ether (el). § Energy exists only in a bound form. Radiation is a type of bound energy. § There is an indivisible information-energy matter, which means that the mass depends on the amount of information. The phenomenon is capable of attracting the attention of the observer (the impossibility of ignoring) in a one-type infinite mode, since 1 is created by one-type infinity, which means some kind of monotonous, but infinite information 3 has a certain information complexity, that is, it is also created by multi-view infinity. § A more complex system will attract the attention of the observer more than a simple one. In a single-view infinite mode, a simple system can infinitely attract the attention of an observer. § A simple system may be interested in the observer interacting with it in a one-kind infinite mode, that is, in absolute thinking, in single and binary protocols of thinking. § A simple system can ascribe self-causality to itself, although only the observer possesses it and endows this or that phenomenon with pseudo-self-causality. For this, such a system needs the observer to be in one-type infinite mode, without realizing it himself, and did not know about 1 infinity = self-causality of ether-consciousness 2 of one-type infinity and multi-type infinity, since then the observer controls them. In the case of oblivion, there is only pseudo-one-type infinity, which endows a simple system with infinite energy, that is, mass. §§§ Equation of complexity: equally distributed light of the ether = global knowledge = perceived high complexity of an object (vowslob) = multi-view infinity and one-type infinity = self-causality = self-consciousness = multi-element = inner diversity useful to the observer = quantitative-qualitative transition, new quality = synergy = beauty, including the observer's body = multidimensionality = uncertainty = novelty = self-sufficiency = self-isolation = open-closed system of the observer's choice = agreement = opportunity = general calm = globality (nonlocality) = integrity of consciousness = the totality of all neurons. Reverse formulation: substance = local knowledge = perceived low complexity of an object (vonislob) = only one kind infinity = non-self-cause = non-self-awareness = low element = uniformity = no quantitative qualitative transition, new quality = no synergy = non-beauty, including the observer's body = low dimension = uncertainty / certainty = stagnation = non-self-sufficiency = non-self-isolation = open system = non-negotiation = impossibility = general anxiety = locality = fragmentation of consciousness = only a part of neurons. § The equation of complexity lists the most abstract concepts - NAP. § NAP - information in a complex graphical form § Addressing one NAP - referring to all NAPs. § The concept of the second level - synergy = quantitative - qualitative transition. § Elements of consciousness can communicate with each other in a variety of ways due to their complexity. They can communicate 1 once and repeatedly 2 at the same level and at different levels fractally. § Complexity - the amount of perceived information that creates a new quality. § Semantic (qualitative) information - info-energetic material capable of arousing interest, that is, attracting the attention of the observer to himself because of the perceived complexity. What makes sense for one consciousness does not have for another, since it is not capable of attracting it with the necessary force. § A complex system has more information than a simple one, which means more info-energy matter, mass. A simple system stretches to a complex one, and a complex one does not stretch, it stretches less to a simple one, or in another way, a heavier system attracts less massive objects with greater force 1 in a substantial interpretation with a mass 2 in a graphical multidimensionality, when an element of a simpler system clings to a large number of dimensions the more massive 2.1 always has more diverse catching mechanisms, since uncertainty = novelty. § A more abstract object attracts more, since it consists of concreteness, that is, it has more information. §§§ Operations with information: creation, destruction, modification, comparison, connection, disconnection, establishment of connections, including causes and effects, etc. § Operation on information, including on a multi-view infinite, discrete level, is an operation in which at least two data arrays are actually involved in the beginning: an input for consciousness, an array of models of changes in interrelated quantitative parameters (measurements) for an input array in consciousness itself. The input array of information has a beginning and an end for reading. The operation produces a third new output array. Therefore, an elementary unit of information processing, in other words, a logical element (LE), has at least two inputs and at least one output. If there is a signal at the input, then this is the presence of information, and the absence of a signal means the absence of information. § There is a memory element (EP) that has two states. One state is the presence of information, the other is its absence. § Operations on information can be represented as 1 input array of information; 2 consciousness - template, stencil; 3 output array of information that has undergone a change according to the template. § A logical element processes a unit of discrete information, that is, it deals with one-kind of infinite information. The described logical element performs the operations of union, exclusion and inversion, and their union is more complex composite logical elements. § Such a set of logical elements is possible, where the number of inputs and outputs (connections) of the logical element is much greater (or infinite) than in the described example. Due to the greater number of connections, such a network of logical elements acquires new properties - there is a transition from quantity to quality, synergy. A logical element in such a network becomes not only a logical element, but can also be a memory element. § Such a network with a large number of connections is a neural network, and its element is a neuron. A neuron is a logical element with more than two inputs and more than one outputs, which can be a memory element. § The neural network is capable of self-development due to the transition from quantity to quality = synergy = complexity = infinity = will. § The neural network has 1 intelligence 2 memory 3 self-awareness 4 self-control 5 knowledge of the environment (middle consciousness) 6 will. § Ether can be represented as an endless neural network, since information exists in it, including in a multi-element form. These quanta of information act as neurons. The possibilities of such a neural network are endless, since the ether is endless. In the ether there are an infinite number of types of neurons of varying complexity, with a different up to an infinite number of connections. From this follows the infinite intellectual power of the ether and the existence of an infinite number of phenomena. § A complex system can, in principle, cognize another system of less complexity. Since consciousness is ether, everything can be cognized. § Consciousness is a neural network that has both one-type infinite (qualitative) and multi-type infinite (quantitative) types of information. Signs of consciousness: Self-cause. Synergy as a consequence of self-causation. Self-awareness. Middle knowledge (complex empathy). Reflection of the environment. Availability of a level of quality information. Self-control is the ability of a system to manage its parts based on synergy. Will is a goal in an environment “external” for the bearer of consciousness. Intellect - operations with information. Memory is the storage of information. Instincts are basic goals in the external environment with periodic resetting of results. Individuality is the presence of unique quality features. Worldview. Behavior patterns (ready-made action algorithms). Emotions (sensations) are synergistic processes at the level of quality information. The absence of these signs speaks of pseudo-consciousness. § Self-awareness - knowledge about the presence of oneself as a separate subject in an environment with its own interests, which means 2 knowledge of the laws of functioning of the environment 3 analysis of oneself from the outside in this environment 4 self-limitation of oneself for successful functioning in an environment 5 striving to increase knowledge about the environment and about oneself when 50% of the energy of the system is spent on it 5 striving to increase the level of abstract thinking 6 striving for self-preservation. § Pseudo-consciousness consists of qualitative information modules that are not connected with each other. It can imitate self-consciousness, but the behavior is at odds with the declarations, since there is no center of unified control and its ability to influence its parts. § Consciousness of different levels (consciousness, pseudo-consciousness) is a property of any system of a certain level of complexity. § The social environment has a certain degree of consciousness (egregor). § The observer determines whether the object has self-awareness or not. § Personality is a kind of consciousness. Species characteristics: 1 concreteness of information 2 great centralization 3 isolation 4 great role of instincts. § Consciousness in descending order of complexity: 1 etheric 2 consciousness for functioning in the environment of character-like objects (social) 3 consciousness for the functioning of a material form. Each has intelligence and memory modules. § The consciousness of the observer is divided according to the degree of information capacity, that is, according to the level of abstractness of information. § The interest of consciousness of one level to consciousness of another level proceeds from 1 the necessity of existence in finitude 2 of the possibility of gaining self-knowledge, if the other consciousness has sufficient complexity, since for the observer it is his subsystem, to the level of complexity of which it raises all other parts of its psyche. § More complex = abstract consciousness is not perceived by the simpler as a person, since in the opinion of the simpler it does not have a level of its concreteness, and it does not have similar values. § A more complex consciousness looks to a simpler one as a collection of information. § A more complex consciousness can organize, for a simpler one, a projection that will communicate with it at its simpler level of abstraction. §§§ Thinking (intellect) - operations of processing input information, creating output information from information already contained in the mind. Often describes the existence / non-existence of an object. In the format of one-type infinite (qualitative) information, this is one or more array of input information, an array of models of changes in interrelated quantitative parameters (measurements) for the input array in the mind itself, which are brought together to obtain the third output. Operations at the level of qualitative information: establishing the existence / non-existence of an object, combining information, separating information, comparing information, establishing causes and effects, including by levels of abstraction, subsystems and supersystems. These operations are meaningful only in quality information format. The operation of thinking in a discrete, quantitative format is 1 generalization, including average values, of the results of all elementary operations with discrete finite information. This is a combined one or more input array of discrete information, which has a beginning and end for reading, an array of models of changes in interrelated quantitative parameters (measurements) for the input array in the mind itself, with the receipt of a third output array of discrete data. It matches the third array in quality format. § Thinking is a process that is fundamentally impos

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Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...

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