To trade – to buy and sell goods and services — КиберПедия 

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To trade – to buy and sell goods and services

2022-11-14 32
To trade – to buy and sell goods and services 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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to commerce = to sell = to market = to merchandise = to trade in = to deal in - торговать


merchandise [΄mә:ʧәndaiz] - товары (в отличие от goods, это слово используется для обозначения не сырьевых и промежуточных товаров (полуфабрикатов) и не полезных предметов (оборудования и расходных материалов), а предметов торговли; в торговле этот термин часто используют для обозначения всего, что продается в магазине)


goods (осязаемые движимые продукты производства, предназначенные для продажи)- товар, товары продукция; изделия; материалы


commodity [kә΄mͻditi] - предмет широкого потребления; продукт или изделие массового спроса (товар, продукт, предмет, с которым могут совершаться операции купли-продажи; как правило, имеются в виду однородные товары, продаваемые и покупаемые крупными партиями, особенно сырьевые товары и сельскохозяйственная продукция)


goods = merchandise = commodities = commodity items - товары


product - продукт, продукция, изделия


service – услуга; сервис

to render services = to provide services = to supply services – оказывать услуги


quality [΄kwͻliti] - качество

to be of best quality – быть высшего сорта, высшего качества

to be of high quality – быть высокого качества

to be of good quality - быть хорошего качества

to be of low quality – быть низкого качества

to be of bad quality - быть плохого качества

to be of poor quality - быть очень плохого качества


2 to sell = to merchandise – продавать

a seller – продавец

a merchant [΄mә:ʧәnt] - торговец

The Seller – поставщик (= The Supplier)


to buy [bai] = to purchase[΄pә:ʧәs] - покупать

a buyer = a purchaser

The Buyer - заказчик

a customer [΄kʌstәmә] – покупатель

a consumer [kәn΄sju:mә] – потребитель


a retailer [΄ri:teilә] - розничный торговец (индивидуальный предприниматель или компания, продающая потребителям товары и услуги, предназначенные для личного пользования, последнее звено в каналах распределения, связывающих производителей и покупателей, основные функции розничного торговца: обеспечение ассортимента, дробление поступающих партий товаров, хранение запасов, обеспечение сервиса)

to retail [ri΄teil] = to sell retail (by retail) = to be a retailer - торговать в розницу

retailing - розничная торговля


wholesale – оптовая торговля (предпринимательская деятельность по продаже товаров или услуг тем, кто приобретает их с целью перепродажи организациям розничной торговли или другим оптовым организациям); оптовый

a wholesaler [΄hәul͵seilә] - оптовик, оптовый торговец (крупное коммерческо-посредническое предприятие, реализующее товары другим перепродавцам, розничным торговцам или крупным промышленным и коммерческим учреждениям, а не конечным потребителям)

to be a dealer = to be a wholesaler = to sell wholesale (by wholesale) - торговать оптом

3 an outlet[΄autlәt]  = a shop (BrE) = a store (AmE) = a kiosk [΄ki:ͻsk] = a stall [stͻ:l] – торговая точка

a retail outlet – точка розничной торговли


Read and translate.

a. A merchant is someone who buys and sells goods in large quantities.

b. Retailing is the business of selling goods to the public in shops.

c. A retailer is someone who sells things in a shop.

d. Wholesale is the business of selling goods in large quantities, usually at low prices.

e. A wholesaler is someone who sells goods wholesale.

f. An outlet is a shop, company, or organization through which products are sold

g. A shop is a building or part of a building where things are sold to the public.

h. A store is a large place that sells many different kinds of goods.

i. A kiosk is a small building in the street where newspapers, sweets etc are sold.

j. A stall is a table or a small shop with an open front (фасад, передняя часть), especially outdoors, where goods are sold.


4 to go shopping = to go to the shops

to do the shopping = to buy things in shops, usually food

to make a shopping list – составлять список покупок

Window-shopping = looking in shops and shop windows

a shop assistant = a sales person = a saleswoman – продавец

a changing room – примерочная

to try on – примерять


Read and translate.

a.  I'm going shopping. Do you want anything?

b. Let's meet at 12.00. I need to do the shopping first.

c. People make a shopping list not to forget things they need to buy.

d. Have you put milk on the shopping list?

e. Window-shoppingmeans looking in shops and shop windows but not necessarily buying anything. You do it for fun.

f. I love window-shopping. I can't afford most things but I like looking at them.

g. People who work in shops are called shop assistants. Let's ask the shop assistant how much it is.

h. In a clothes shop, you may want to try on clothes before you buy them. You do this in a changing room.

i. A salesman is a man whose job is to persuade people to buy his company’s products.


5 to pay – платить

paying – платеж

a till = a cash desk = a checkout – касса (кассовый аппарат)


Read and translate.

a. A till is a machine used in shops, restaurants etc for calculating the amount of you have to pay, and storing the money.

b. A cash desk is the desk in a shop where you pay.

c. A checkout is place in a supermarket where you pay for the goods you have collected.

cash – наличные

to pay in (with) cash – платить наличными

to pay by cheque [ʧek] – платить, используя чековую книжку

to pay by credit card – платить, используя кредитную карточку

change - сдача

sell-by date = use-by date – срок годности

faulty [΄fͻlti] – поврежденный, с изъяном

refund [΄ri: fʌnd] – возмещение убытков

to refund [ri΄fʌnd] –возвращать, вернуть (деньги)

bargain [΄ba:gin] – выгодная покупка

a special offer – специальное предложение

to be on special offer – продаваться со скидкой

to discount [dis΄kaunt] – дисконтировать (снижать цену)

discount [΄diskaunt] - скидка

a sale - распродажа


Read and translate.

You pay for things at a till, cash desk or checkout. You pay by cheque or by credit card but usually in or with cash.You get change if you give more money than necessary. Food often has a sell-by dateprinted on it.

If something doesn't work or isn't right, it's faulty and you can returnor exchange it. You exchange something if you want to change it for something else. You ask for a refund if you want your money back. A shop gives you a refund.

If you want to buy something, you say that you'll take it. If you don't want to buy it, you say that you'll leave it.

If you're just looking,it means that you don't want help. If you're being served, a shop assistant is already helping you.

If something is a bargain,it's very good value for money or cheaper than you expect. When something is a special offeror is on special offer,the shop has lowered the price, usually for a short period of time. A discountis money off the original price.

Many shops have sales one or more times a year. A saleis when the shop reduces the price of most of its items. Again, this is usually for a limited period of time.


Task II


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