Other conscious Universe signs (gathered items) — КиберПедия 

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Other conscious Universe signs (gathered items)

2022-09-01 29
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My childish drawings

Posted on December 31, 2018by bullfrogr

Everything from 1993-1994, when I was 8-9 years old. Some definite scenes from history… Could be explained by me watching something on TV, but I didn’t watch TV much at that time – only some animated cartoons. So I’m not sure whether it is something I accidentally heard on TV or something else. But seems more likely to be reincarnational memories than my drawings at 12-13 years old.




Smth weird (suspicious)

Posted on April 18, 2019by bullfrogr

These drawings were made when I was 11-13 years old. First, a pic of some game of deleting girls, then some bloody woman with some symbolism (the symbolism is that has more meaning, as it hints to a curse I couldn’t consciously know about) – actually I’ve searched 1995-1998 archives of the newspaper that I had read in childhood (I got most of them, 1995-1997 – all issue numbers except 5, 1998 – only two issue numbers, but I didn’t need later articles). I needed to study something that I had read at the age of 10-13. So I’ve searched and found one article about criminals bathing in blood and a little note about Bathory. So the drawings are most likely to be not past lives memories, but me interested in Bathory since childhood (that wasn’t conscious). Another thing is a game I invented which had something to do with coinciding letters in surname, name and patronymic – that looks suspicious knowing about my recent investigation, so can be a clue too. Then a picture of a blizzard with a title “they don’t see each other”, that looks suspicious too (it resembles one of Varg’s photos). I searched the newspapers I had read in childhood considering the topic of this picture, but found nothing (but I didn’t manage to find 5 issue numbers from 1995-1997, also 10 issue numbers from 1998 were missing). So I can’t definitely say that I didn’t know anything. Well, in childhood I used to listen to classic and folk music, never heard of metal. So those newspapers were the only way I could learn anything. All in all, there’s something weird in me drawing pics seemingly about Bathory, also the symbolism in two of these pics – something really weird. It makes me think there’s something behind it.




For study by those who are interested. My EVP record from some online radio (WebSDR) (the questions I asked I won’t sound here). Voices speak Russian and English. Sure, the results coincided with my theory. EVPs work by telepathy (see my other posts about EVPs), so it is not a materialistic proof.

Deciphered records:






sample1: "Конечно"


sample2: "Леночка"


sample3: "Ты узнала игру"


sample4: "Подпись: ******"


sample5: "Против дураков"


sample6: "Знаешь шутки"


sample8: "Узнавай. ****** в огне"


sample15: "Да, слышу"


sample16: "Я псих"


My birthmarks

Posted on May 2, 2019by bullfrogr

Here it is. Two signs. Some birthmarks almost disappeared and some new appeared (the new ones are not visible on photos). I had to guess to take photos in 2011, when they were more distinct. But the letter “J” is clear, as well as the other letter (if you take time to discern the two disappearing birthmarks below).



Someone is watching over me…

Posted on October 3, 2018by bullfrogr

I’ve tried ITCScope today and can’t help posting the first results here. What’s more, I tried just “to make photos of a dark cup with water”, but it seems I can’t find a dark enough cup at home. Also I’ve read that mentally people are better not to try ITC, as it may mentally damage them or they just won’t get results. But I seem to succeed well.



ITCScope, new pics

Posted on May 24, 2019by bullfrogr

I’ve tried ITCScope today. Have to say, that people should consider a more scientific approach: in this program they generate pictures by a random code, but it is always predestined. No any “spiritual aid from above”. Just images that are already ingrained in the system (though numerous). The only spiritual luck is influencing a random number generator in this program. To check this, you have to see if you can draw the same picture (if you get meaningful images), using the same code again. So actually it is not even an ITC method, but a method of exploring conscious Universe.






Some more ITC

Posted on July 1, 2019by bullfrogr

Recently I’ve tried ITCScope with some good results. I’ve noticed that focusing on particular topics makes meaningful images to appear. ITCScope requires more focused psi-energy, as images can be of worse quality than water. I also drew some letters and faces in the sky: “JB” (James Bond – just joking). And a face with a horned helmet – vikings’ association. It leaves a lot to the imagination – if I can change sky and water so easily, then it can be applied to any object in the world! Telepathic programming is mentally rewarding – some pics are art. What’s more, different telepathic psi-actions can benefit humanity.




ITCScope, new pics

Posted on May 24, 2019by bullfrogr

I’ve tried ITCScope today again. Have to say, that people should consider a more scientific approach: in this program they generate pictures by a random code, but it is always predestined. No any “spiritual aid from above”. Just images that are already ingrained in the system (though numerous). The only spiritual luck is influencing a random number generator in this program. To check this, you have to see if you can draw the same picture (if you get meaningful images), using the same code again. So actually it is not even an ITC method, but a method of exploring conscious Universe.




My delusional tweets

Posted on January 3, 2019by bullfrogr

(I’ve been displacin all important data into my blog – just i


Proofs that EVPs are real

Posted on February 28, 2019by bullfrogr

During the last year of research I received some numbers through EVPs. In particular:



What I received in winter 2018:


“324. Тебя любят.” (You’re loved)


Number 324: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=324 324 means “everything and nothing” or “can we f*ck”



What I received in winter 2019:


I chatted with the ghost: “@Bullfrogr earlier plans? why do u think I have to deal with it? just look, I did all I could for u in a vague way.”


And I received an answer: “4 10 12”. I googled it and this is what I’ve found: (the first link in search)


Mark 4:10-12 New International Version (NIV)

10 When he was alone, the Twelve and the others around him asked him about the parables. 11 He told them, “The secret of the kingdom of God has been given to you. But to those on the outside everything is said in parables 12 so that,


“‘they may be ever seeing but never perceiving,

and ever hearing but never understanding;

otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’[a]”


I had read Bible three times, but I didn’t remember anything from it. Well, you may say that it’s my subconsciousness recalling things, but in the previous example I most certainly didn’t know what 324 means!

Also a waterpic I’ve received lately: I at once saw “18u”, I googled it and – what a surprise – the first 6 links in Google are about closets! (from the location where I search from) (you know, it’s a proof that water pics are not just our thoughts projected into water, as clearly I knew nothing about cabinets’ measurements earlier and you know, it had to be about closets – because of the recent Varg’s video where he talked he had no skeletons in the closet).

12.03.19: “X51 10” It is a reply to what I posted in my VK account: “ Jerry Fletcher sees conspiracies everywhere. One has turned out to be true.” So it’s most likely X51 – “a fictional organization in the video game Deus Ex”. Deux Ex – “a video game, takes place in an unspecified near future in an alternate history where real world conspiracy theories are true.”

A picture I received 31.12.18: “V4” (a hint to Hungary – Visegrad group), a picture of a praying person and a sign of percent/a music key.

So naturally I made a conclusion that EVPs and waterpics are not just “our own brain talking to ourselves”, but signals from the other side.

Dreaming a hundred dreams

Posted on June 30, 2018by bullfrogr

I guess I spent all my childhood in some kind of a dreaming slumber. From 5 to 12. Not too conscious. I was mostly sick, rarely left my room and used to play games and draw cartoons, write poems and draw some maps to play dice with, make up crosswords and tests, do some childish researches about aquarium fishes. At school it was mostly bullying or isolation, so I rarely talked to people at all.


I used to play some situations that I had never met in my childish life. I thought that when I grow up, I might write good novels based on it, but I couldn’t write too fast, so I tried to draw pics or try to memorize it. But when I grew up, I forgot everything that I used to store in my head. At the age of 12 I already stopped playing with toys and drawing cartoons.


Often I felt like in a haze – strange situations were played right before my eyes. I didn’t even close my eyes but just pictured it in the air. It was not like I imagined the things and people – it came to me as vivid dreams in reality. Different circumstances that I never understood. Recollections of some people I never knew about. I tried to draw pictures about it. But later I never guessed what I wanted to say – it was impossible to decipher most drawings. Most evil of them I burned long ago. I had no one to talk to about it and everything was forgotten.


But what I remember most vivid were some horrid scenes. It was dreadful what I saw in my daydreams. I don’t have to describe it here. I really imagined that did awful things, but it had been like I was watching some movie where I played the main role – not conscious. I saw me doing something wicked, and it was like I was living inside that dream, not just ruminating about it. The visions were distressing and as soon as I got older, at 13, I tried to forget it.


I knew from childhood, that I have to strive hard to become a better person, and I tried my best. Choosing goodness was always a conscious effort to me. As I knew I could enjoy evil as well. That is my theory – heaven and hell can be together in one person. In everyone. We can choose whatever we want to do. But karma is everywhere. It’s not about punishment for sins, just some experience that makes us wiser. We change during the many lives that we live.


I think I understood something important when I was a kid. That we can’t repay with eternal evil to the whole world. Later in psychosis I experienced the same I felt when I was a kid. Enjoying doing evil (mentally, not physically). I’m glad that my psychosis will never come back. I put it aside. But I can’t really forget all my childhood memories. I don’t have any bad genes or too bad environment (as far as I know). But I see I have to be very cautious not to apply my unconscious memories to life. I have to be cautious not to behave like I dreamt I did or would. It is better to live knowing your “abilities”. Maybe, not normal, but understanding yourself. I choose to live consciously now. Not dreaming a hundred evil dreams, but consciously being kind.

About my third incarnation

Posted on January 16, 2020by bullfrogr

(not that it is really a third one, maybe there were a thousand of them, just the ones I remember)


Original Jesus name was Yeshua. So birthmarks “J” on my arm mean not Jesus, but John. Plus Elena (Lennon), Viktorovna (viktory – win – Winston), passport delivered on 08.12 (Lennon’s death), four childish drawings about his life, born at 18.30 – as him (but not sure if he was born at 6.30 or 18.30)


I always felt I had to hide. Since 16 when I discovered my incarnation. I never knew anything about the Beatles before it, and I started to recall songs’ lyrics. I was psychotic from fear later years. Kept silent ever since I suspected it at 16. (at that time without any facts)

The drawings. I made them at the age of 8, in 1993-1994. I had lots of memories at that time, later I forgot everything.

1. Some characters from my past life

2. Before the murder – John Lennon signs an autograph for Mark Chapman (two people in the car, the third person comes and talks, a corpse – smth happened)

3. The murder (a man and a woman near the house, 4 bullets, an escaping soul)

4. Cremation



I’ve decided that “coming out” is needed for a research. Some details in the chapters “about the meanings” and “gathered items” hinted at it anyway. So now I don’t have to hide. I try to explore the paranormal and my own facts are valuable too for this purpose.

About 370 people in Russia to fit this puzzle. (not counting “J” and drawings)

How I countered signs of Lennon’s egregor (a supplement)


Иван Виктор Елена

Иван Викторович 30 242

Иван Викторов 792

Виктор Иванович 96 068

Виктор Иванов 36 052

Елена Ивановна 303 875

Елена Викторовна 42 441

Елена Иванова 131 554

Елена Викторова 2 194

Виктория Иванова 54 552

Виктория Ивановна 171 756

Алена Викторовна 15 030

Алена Викторова 748

Алена Иванова 46 276

Алена Ивановна 107 613

The sum: 1 039 163

Елена - 62 from 10 000 - 1 from 161
Виктор - 56 from 10 000 - 1 from 179
Иван - 400 from 10 000 - 1 from 25

1 039 163: 365 * 4 = 11 388 (birthday/deathday in birthday/passport delivery date)

11 388: 48 = 237 (time of birth, by hours)

So: 237 people fit egregor’s puzzle, not counting borthmarks J, childish drawings and villages around (during the research it was 370)

Also additional evidence is that I started playing improvisations on a synthesizer at the age of 34, although I had not learned to play the piano before and could not remember any chords due to poor memory. I only had a precomputer with 13 soft buttons for music as a child, I also knew a little solfeggio and unsuccessfully tried to learn how to play the guitar. The melodies were meaningful in the first half hour of the game, and I managed to record them all. A year later, the ability to play improvisations disappeared.

Two quotes that make sense

Posted on February 12, 2019by bullfrogr

The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will never again leave it. Upon him I will write the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God (the new Jerusalem that comes down out of heaven from My God), and My new name.

(Revelation 3:12)


33. Второе рождение сего мира состоит в жизни, ибо это есть звездное рождение, из которого рождается третье и святое рождение и в котором борются между собою любовь и гнев. Ибо второе рождение состоит из семи неточных духов сего мира и оно таково во всех концах и во всех тварях, а равно и в человеке, но Дух Святой господствует также и во втором рождении и помогает рождать третье, святое, рождение.

66. Придет к нему простой человек, не могущий хорошенько оградить себя, он тотчас разделается с ним как с собакою; имеет ли кто-то дело до него, прав остается тот, кто покажется ему знатнее. Угадай же, друг, каков ты, ангельский князь? В следующей главе, где описано падение диавола, ты найдешь свое зеркало, поглядись тогда в него.

(Якоб Беме, Аврора, или Утренняя заря в восхождении)

My spiritual experience

Posted on June 19, 2018by bullfrogr


“I guess I’ll write a post about some of my spiritual experience. Not making a point of fighting for any religion, but analysing some facts&its possible explanations. I’m doubtful about everythin. But I want to prove that living life as if we’re in the Matrix is a valid worldview!:)”


I indeed think it would be proper if I explain why I got more inclined to a mystic explanation of the world.


Once in 1993 or 1994 I almost died. They had to cut out some swellings in my throat. It was the first time I met New Year in the hospital. Then I dimly recall me flying above the operating table watching surgeons. It was scary. There might be another world… but my memories are vague. It might be as well that I had been dreaming during the anesthesia.


Actually I recall little of my childhood. Only constant illnesses. I recall a Jewish surgeon who saved my life… he was a chess player too, god bless his soul as he died in 2010… I still keep a blue-haired doll I was given in the hospital. I had never been close to other kids.. often too sick to attend school. So I used to sit in my room and read books that were at home. I learned to read at five. I had been admitted to an adult library at about thirteen, as I had been their best reader since childhood. In my room I liked to make tiny books with pics of favourite actors, interesting poems… also I used to be interested in past lives since I had been eight years old (guess it happened after that surgery in December 1993 or around that time). I collected stories about reincarnation and glued it to my notes. Then I got troubled about my passion for violence and maniacs since childhood. I supposed I died in some violent death in previous life or that I had been a murderer myself, or both. Some pictures drawn by me at the age of eight made me think so. I always felt guilty, not sure why.


Later in life I seemed to meet not many miracles. But I had prophetic dreams two times in my life. The first time when I was a kid, I saw in a dream – my grandmother’s fence burning at her dacha. The next morning we learned that the fence actually burned and some neighbour’s chickens too. Another time it was much later, in my youth. I saw in my dream that my father died. In several days he got sick with cancer and eventually died in a year. But such dreams could be explained by coincidences.


Another strange thing happened when I was sixteen. At that time I started having some deja vu. I used to listen to some songs and guess the lyrics without knowing it before. It happened several times, as I didn’t count such occasions for any purpose and soon forgot about it. Not sure if the lyrics were too simple to guess. Once at school I was very afraid of number 6,8. Two year later my grandmother died at 68.


Other weird things started to happen lately. Two times I’ve noticed that I look at some objects and then they fall. Usually it happened in department stores. It might have been that they were unsteady on their shelves. Another time it was a lid jumping in the kitchen as I looked at it. But I was near it and could make the table shaky by my hand’s movement.


Also I value the fact that I solved lots of my mental issues by studying spirituality. But I don’t insist on my views. I see that my experience as well might be explained by coincidences and other reasons. So it might be just a lunatic’s ruminations.


Then I think, it doesn’t matter actually. If the spiritual world exists – well, good. If it doesn’t exist – what do we lose? This meaningless life that has no purpose and that can be ended every second? We indeed are living in an artificial world we’ve been creating by our brains. Everyone in one’s own world. It doesn’t matter if I’m right or not, as in a hundred of years it wouldn’t matter anyway – humanity might perish and the people living nowadays will most likely die from old age. Even the absence of physical death wouldn’t have made this world more meaningful. But a psychotic world with its aims and ideas seems preferable to me.



Paranormal events that occurred during my research

Posted on March 3, 2020by bullfrogr

1) little facts telling about someone’s presence around: my chair rug was displaced thrice, one EVP audiofile was sent to my mobile just by itself, the feeling of someone’s presence by different senses;

2) facts about telepathy: like me talking to a mentally ill girl in the hospital, I was talking in my head and she was talking aloud; also she was disappearing in one place of the ward and appearing in another; many coincidences between my thoughts and Internet search engines news feed; coincidences between my thoughts and the thoughts of people I took special interest in.

Meaningful URLs, part 3

Posted on May 6, 2019by bullfrogr



I’ve asked three programmers and they agreed that it is not possible for URLs to be meaningful in Base64. So my explanation is: Base64 encoding depends on initial data (image or a video which link it creates), so it works similar to ITCScope. It actually means some predestined features – something cunningly organized by the collective unconscious. For instance, this pic: it is a random code, but it is already in the system (as we’ll get the same image if we put the same code into that program). Just the same with “randomly” generated URLs.

We know that Universe is not accidental. For instance, mutations can’t possibly be arranged so cunningly without consciousness – but it is the overall subconsciousness. If scientists show us some reactions, “how” it all happened that evolution occurred, it surely proves some kind of evolution, but it doesn’t explain WHY it all happened exactly this way. I suppose it is conscious evolution.


So meaningful URLs in Youtube, VK and similar sites can be explained by the features that are already installed in the system: some typical notions, like “love”, “power”, “freedom”, typical characters that represent conscious Universe best of all (they’re already predestined in the system), as such characters evolve with the system and they reflect the meaning of it all – the collective unconscious. It can be definite history figures, so that is why signs and numbers in URLs are so definite. But it is derived from global spiritual evolution – exactly such characters.

So, the rest pics I’ve gathered for my research:

“t5nfQvxliNk” – link (a pic says “this awkward moment between birth and death”)

“AKWwj-ubLiU” ак ввьюблю – как влюблю – how to make fall in love


“7rq3Wcr25Ug” v krug – в круг – into a circle (a pic says: the illusion of the simplicity of a choice)

“OdYU-nnDS-k” – rather an interesting joke about sublimation when you are in love with someone. and the image is called “Odin” (“one” – “один” in Russian, or some god) dsk – desk

“iX36iuhiZAI” – uhi zai – ухи зай (заяц) – ears, hon

“qjXZykXRUHI” – эксзык хрюхи – язык хрюхи (хрюшка) – the language of a piggie (it’s a pic criticising bureaucracy in polyclinics.


“3qRRULJTCaQ” – rrulit kak – рулить как – how to manage? (the image says smth about that “we won’t get any progress if you will be tweeting every insight”)

“Z-M_mo0OBpY” – mob pi (a pic says that you’re taken into a nutbin, if you’re crazy, but if you are already a university professor, everything will be fine)


“O3pIYe__v78” – ply’ev – плюев – someone who spits. And 78 – Lennon would be 78 in 2018

jLaFaj1eyho – lafa jeiho – лафа, йейхо – luck, yippee! (the pic says “that is all, rice is leaving pilaf”)



“dJikAkM8yrk” джи как myrk – dji is like dark https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/myrk


“kU1ZhIdmonA” – hld mona – хлд мона – холод можно – it is possible to be cold (the pic is about how wrong it is to be appearing mentally alive)


“9mNWOqNEi6U” w oqne u – v okne u – in the window you (the pic says “how art therapy works”)

And I had to delete one pic from the research and from online, as it was too personal. But it’s the overall information field, so I wonder if more awkward signs can be found everywhere.

About the gameplay

Posted on May 10, 2019by bullfrogr

I was in a car on the road, when I took time to decipher car numbers, as usual. They all coincided with my thoughts. The most distinct example I’ve had today was a car with “vk4199”. I immediately thought that it must be a VK ID. But the Internet didn’t work at that place, so I had to wait till we pass it. In the meanwhile I suddenly thought of virgins. Several minutes later I’ve wrote that ID and got a VK address: https://vk.com/id4199 that is an empty page, it is deleted – Павел Шишкин – backwards – ник шиш+плева (a little rebus, to make another word of letters “п, а, в, е, л”) So it is translated as “a nickname is diddly squat (nothing) + hymen”.

How can it possibly be explained? The first explanation that comes to my mind is remote viewing – that my subconsciousness looked at that VK ID  without me knowing about it. But I’m not good at remote viewing, I never had much of such skills. So another explanation can be that such signs were organized by conscious Universe, like all other cars numbers I’ve met today. So it coincided with my thoughts, but in this case a car appeared too early, so actually I only had a thought about virgins several minutes later. Matrix doesn’t always work smoothly.

For finding the sense of it, you should perceive any data as signs. As nothing is accidental here. It is a consciously programmed world, even if it is a bit lower consciousness than humans. But it is vast and all-around. Signs help in passing the game and learning more about the plot. But mostly you just have to read a lot and absorb the most typical plots, as there must be one main line here. It doesn’t mean that I’m the only representative of that “main line of the Universal plot” – we all are to different extent. So we all can catch signs, if we’re attentive. There’re different variations of the plot, so actually the choice is immense, even though the basic ideas are simple.


Some magic!

Posted on August 15, 2019by bullfrogr

(can’t help sharing it)

Today I’ve been watching cars, as usual. I crossed the street and saw a car number: “ace”. Then I started to walk along the pavement and another car passed: “bth” (means bath!) Then a car with “txt” (text!). The next car was “hex”! So “Ace. Bath. Text hex.”

I guess you can guess why it all made me happy today.,-) Universe gave me signs!

A black-swannish soul

Posted on August 20, 2019by bullfrogr

You know I talked about a professor who was programmed to mock me for wrong pronunciation near the window. What about other arranged names? Let is see… I’d rather not mention the names of my friends and acquaintances here. So I will just retell you their backward meaning.

For instance, my shrink was supposed to meet a capricious female patient playing chess, who had no cancer (I indeed checked some birthmarks for cancer). A horny man who stalked me in a chess club, was supposed to get me “lower”&to be sly, there was also a godly title for me in his names. My classmate who disliked me but looked at me at school, had a name supposing that he would deny it and will choose not me. An acquaintance of his was supposed to be “like a swan” (swan – Лебедева – is my granny’s surname) and very boasting, having some despise. (He was also meant to be haughty by the deciphered lyrics in Filosofem)

A surgeon who saved me in 1993 or 1994, was supposed to meet a patient named Lena, but… to decide not to operate or not to save me during the surgery! (here we come to a question of free will – it is possible to choose and go against the telepathic system!) The surgeon wasn’t programmed to save me! The telepatic system wanted to delete me, but someone went against the flow!

It is something like a black swan by Taleb – some typical situations in the system, that accidentally meet at one place. The situation was developing for centuries before there happened to be a right time for this one incarnation – for the best environment.

But will it necessarily be “Jesuses”, who have some special language arrangement (backward names) around them? In a way, they are “gods”, as such language arrangement shows some psi-energy centred around them. It is the realm of archetypal situations. It is a system property to create such situations. Another thing, what case would you consider “perfect”? Five or thirty fitting names around me? Or maybe a hundred? Surely the more the better. So if I feel “now is the case”, it must be more than a hundred “incidents” with programmed names – most likely the most quantity that I could get here. But it is possible that there’re other people who fit the description like me.

You can guess that not all names and surnames are connected to the main archetypes. So it is indeed luck, that there was a high concentration of them in one place! A new black swan in the global telepathic system, that was arranged partly by free will and partly by the system itself.




Backward sentences, part 2

Posted on May 16, 2019by bullfrogr

Continuing to decipher Filosofem, and indeed, I find lots of weird facts concerning my life. Subconscious programming by telepathy. I’ve started to suspect that it is possible to decipher any written text backwards and get the hidden meaning. I will continue tomorrow with the rest songs.



Beholding The Daughters Of The Firmament (Erblicket die Töchter des Firmaments)

I wonder how winter will be
with a spring that I shall never see
I wonder how night will be
with a day that I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a light I shall never see
I wonder how life will be
with a pain that lasts eternally

In every night there’s a different black
in every night I wish that I was back
to the time when I rode
through the forests of old

In every winter there’s a different cold
in every winter I feel so old
so very old as the night
so very old as the dreadful cold

I wonder how life will be
with a death that I shall never see
I wonder why life must be
a life that lasts eternally
I wonder how life will be
with a death that I shall never see
I wonder why life must be
a life that lasts eternally

yllan rete stsal taht efil a eb tsum efil yhw rednow I ees reven llahs I taht htaed a htiw eb lliw efil woh rednow I yllanrete stsal taht efil a eb tsum efil yhw rednow I ees reven llahs I taht htaed a htiw eb lliw efil woh rednow I dloc lufdaerd eht sa dlo yrev os thgin eht sa dlo yrev os dlo os leef I retniw yreve ni dloc tnereffid a s’ereht retniw yreve nI dlo fo stserof eht hguorht edor I nehw emit eht ot kcab saw I taht hsiw I thgin yreve ni kcalb tnereffid a s’ereht thgin yreve nI yllanrete stsal taht niap a htiw eb lliw efil woh rednow I ees reven llahs I thgil a htiw eb lliw efil woh rednow I ees reven llahs I taht yad a htiw eb lliw thgin woh rednow I ees reven llahs I taht gnirps a htiw eb lliw retniw woh rednow I
улан re-test salt ahte fil a ebt sum e fil yhw red now I ees reven (to kill) elahs I taught hated ah ti web lliwe fil who red now I улан re-test salt ah te fil a ebt sum e fil yhw red now I ees reven elahs I taught hated ah ti web lliwe fil who red now I dloc luf daerd eht sadlo y revos thgin eht sadlo y revos dloos leef I ret niw u reveni dloc t ne reffida s’ereht ret niw u reven I dlo fost serof eht guor tedor I neh wemit eht ot cab saw I taught hsiw I thgin u reven i kcalb t ne reffid a s’ereht thgin u reven I ulan re-test salt aht niapah tiw eb lliw e fil who red now I ees reven elahs I thgil ahti eb lliwe fil who red now I ees reven elahs I taught yad ahti eb lliw thgin who red now I ees reven elahs I taught gnirps ahti eb lliw retniw who red now I


lancer (Lancelot of the Lake) re-test salt. ах ты. fil a ебт (*б ты) sum. и feel Yahweh red now. I yes kill Elahs, I taught. hated ах ти (ты). web live. feel who red now. I lancer, re-test salt. ах ты. fill a ебт sum. и feel Yahweh red now. I yes kill Elahs, I taought. Hated ах ты. web live. feel who red now. I lock luf (love, Middle English) dard (pain, Persian) ехт. седло. you ревешь. сгинь. ехт седло you ревешь loose leaf I ret NIV you ревени (ревень) (rhubarb) (stupid, weird and annoying) lock т (ты) не реффида (триффид) сьерехт (сигарета) ret NIV you rhubarb I дло (для) (for) fost (former, Romanian) сероф (серов – grey) ехт гуор (гор) Teodor (god’s gift) I нех womit ехт (ехать) от cab saw I taught ксив (ксива – an illlegal letter from prison) I сгинь you rhubarb и ксалб (колба – bulb) ты не триффид а сигарета сгинь you rhubarb I lancer re-test salt ах ты ниапах (не опасный) tiw (Tir, a Norse god) еб live feel who red now I yes kill Elahs I taught яд (poison) ах ты еб live сгинь who red now I yes rhubard Elahs I taught Gnarp (coordinates 17 17 – 1917, 0.78 sq mi – 78) ах ты еб live ret NIW who red now I


a lancer re-tests salt. oh, you. to fill a f*cking sum. and I feel Yahweh is red now. yes, I kill Elahs, I taught. hated, oh, you. web is live. feel who is red now. I lancer, re-test salt. oh, you. fill a fu*cking sum. and I feel Yahweh is red now. yes, I kill Elahs, I taught. hated, oh, you. web is live. feel who is red now. I lock love. pain. a saddle. you’re crying. scram! to drive. a saddle. you’re crying. I’m a loose leaf. a ret NIV. you’re a rhubarb. lock. you’re not a triffid – a cigarette. a ret NIV. you’re a rhubarb. I for a fost grey – god’s gift. no f*cking vomit in a cab, saw. I taught ксива. I. scram! you’re a rhubarb and a bulb. you’re not a triffid but a cigarette. scram! you rhubarb. I’m a lancer. re-test salt. ах ты. not a dangerous Tir. f*cking live. feel who is red now. yes, I kill Elahs, I taught. poison. oh, you. f*cking live. scram! who is red now? I. yes, rhubarb. to Elahs I taught Gnarp. oh, you. f*cking live. a ret NIV. who is red now? I.



Ich frage mich, wie wird der Winter sein
wenn ich den Frühling niemals sehen werde
Ich frage mich, wie wird die Nach sein
wenn ich den Tag niemals sehen werde
Ich frage mich, wie wird das Leben sein
wenn ich das Licht niemals sehen werde
Ich frage mich, wie wird das Leben sein
wenn der Schmerz endlos währt

In jeder Nacht ist das Schwarz anders
in jeder Nacht wünsche ich mir die Zeit zurück,
in der ich durch die alten Wälder ritt

In jedem Winter ist die Kälte anders
in jedem Winter fühle icj mich so alt
so alt wie die Nacht
so alt wie die furchtbare Kälte

Ich frage mich, wie wird das Leben sein
wenn ich den Tod niemals sehen werde
Ich frage mich, wieso muss das Leben
ein Leiben sein, das ewig währt
Ich frage mich, wie wird das Leben sein
wenn ich den Tod niemals sehen werde
Ich frage mich, wieso muss das Leben
ein Leiben sein, das ewig währt



trhaw giwe sad nies nebiel nie nebel sad ssum oseiw hcim egarf hci edrew nehes slamein dot ned hci nnew nies nebel sad driw eiw hcim egarf hci trhaw giwe sad nies nebiel nie nebel sad ssum oseiw hcim egarf hci edrew nehes slamein dot ned hci nnew nies nebel sad driw eiw hcim egarf hci etlak erabthcruf eid eiw tla os thcan eid eiw tla os tla os hcim jci elhuf retniw medej ni sredna etlak eid tsi retniw medej ni ttir redlaw netla eid hcrud hci red ni kcuruz tiez eid rim hci ehcsnuw thcan redej ni sredna zrawhcs sad tsi thcan redej ni trhaw soldne zremhcs red nnew nies nebel sad driw eiw hcim egarf hci edrew nehes slamein thcil sad hci nnew nies nebel sad driw eiw hcim egarf hci edrew nehes slamein gat ned hci nnew nies hcan eid driw eiw hcim egarf hci edrew nehes slamein gnilhurf ned hci nnew nies retniw red driw eiw hcim egarf hci


tr (truth revealed) haw (a form of retarded laughing – Urban Dictionary) give sad nice ne biel (не бил) nie nebel (fog, German) sad sum o seiv хсим (всем) egar (егерь) fhci (вси – все) e drew nehe (history, Maori) ss lame in dot нед (нет) хси (все) new nies (newly industrializing economies) nebel sad driw (truth – Welsh) eiw (eww) всем egar fhci tr haw give sad nies ne biel nie nebel sad sum o save всем egar fhci (vsi – все) e (и) drew nehe ss lame in dot ned (net – нет) все new nies nebel sad truth eww всем egar все et lak era bath (Bathory) cruf (when you die in a video game by fallin off the edge of a cliff) aid eww tla (тля) OS scan aid eww tla OS tla OS всем I siel huf (hoof) ret NIV Medea (a priestess of the goddess Hecate – Hequet – frog) ni (не) sredna et lak aid tsi (ти – ты) ret NIV Medea nit tir (a shooting range, French) red law ne tla aid crud hci (хси – все) red ni kuruz (кукуруза) tiez (also, too, Slovak) aid rim все ehks (X) nuw (god, Welsh) scan redei ni sredna zravks (зравкs – зрачки) sad тси (ты) scan redej ni (не) tr haw sold nezrem (незрем – незримый) hucs (hooks, Hindi) red new nies nebel sad truth eww всем egar вхси (все) и drew nehe slam ein (any, German) skill sad все new nies nebel sad driw eww всем egar все и drew nehe slam ein gat (a revolver) net (нет) все new nies skan aid driw eww всем egar все и drew nehe slam ein gnil hurf (to vomit) нет все new nies ret NIV red driw eww всем egar все


truth revealed. give a haw. sad. nice. didn’t beat. not fog. a sad sum. oh, save. to all: a huntsman is everyone. and drew history. SS is lame. not in dot everyone. new NIES. fog. the sad truth. eww. to all: a huntsman is everyone. truth revealed. give a haw. sad NIES. didn’t beat. not fog. a sad sum. oh, save. to all: a huntsman is everyone. and drew history. SS is lame. not in dot everyone. new NIES. fog. the sad truth. eww. to all: a huntsman is everyone. it is luck. the era of bath. cruff aid. eww. aphid. OS scan aid. eww. aphid. OS aphid. OS. to all: I ate a hoof. a ret NIV. Medea is not average. it is luck aid. you. a ret NIV. Medea is not a shooting range. a red law. not an aphid. aid. crud is everyone. red is not corn too. the aid of rim. everyone is X god. scan. thin out! not average pupils (about eyes). you’re sad. scan. thin out! the truth is not revealed. sold – invisible hooks. red new NIES. fog. the sad truth. eww. to all: a huntsman is everyone. and drew history. slam any. no gat. all new NIES. scan aid. truth. eww. to all: a huntsman is everyone. and drew history. slam any. not to vomit rot. all new NIES. a ret NIV. red truth. eww. to all: a huntsman is everyone.

Backward sentences, part 3

Posted on May 18, 2019by bullfrogr

I mostly centered the interpretation around Russian and English languages, as it is given to me by fate. I suppose it is how this cipher has to be deciphered. But I take lots of other languages too. Maybe some other variants of interpretations are possible, but it looks like the main variant. I am now perfectly sure that it is possible to decipher this way any written meaningful text.


The dangers of ITC

Posted on December 6, 2019by bullfrogr

1) EVPs are not recommended for mentally unstable/mentally ill people, as they may start hearing voices that they can’t cope with. Mediums normally manage voices well, but it’s their job. Another thing is that encountering “the afterworld” can be psychologically disturbing and even traumatic, especially for those who believed in nothing earlier.


2) ITC can be addictive. It takes time to withdraw from ITC. For instance, last year I used to EVP for two hours a day, when I talked to the ghost. Now I EVP once a week/once in two weeks. So I guess doing waterpics once a month is fine. I want some more earthly tasks. Some people talk to their dead relatives every day, but it’s addictive too. It interferes into a daily life too much and makes people think about “that world” too often. There comes a state of surrealness, when it is hard to live “for two worlds simultaneously”.


3) EVPs can cause poltergeist. I experienced it myself, when spirits wanted to show me that “that world exists” – objects were misplaced in my room, an EVP file appeared on my mobile by itself. But those were good spirits. Sometimes poltergeist comes from aggressive spirits or spirits willing to play jokes, that is not comfortable for living humans.


4) ITC can be very tiresome, especially when EVPs are done for hours and waterpics are being edited for hours! Another thing is that ITC takes psi-energy that may be needed for more earthly tasks (though it gives you psi-energy too!)


So that’s all I know from my own experience/others’ advice. That is why I gonna limit my water splashes photography too – mostly because of addiction issues, as water is a relatively safe method.


Conscious evolution

Posted on October 10, 2019by bullfrogr

So, what do we have? The facts are:

1) Names (and their backward meanings), birthdates and all other personal data (address, passport, phone numbers, etc.) correspond to incarnations quite often (or reflect parts of a karmic plan) incarnations) ( my name, patronymic, passport delivery date, birthtime, childish drawings and birthmarks correspond to Lennon’s egregor) My nearest villages’ names correspond to Lennon’s egregor too.

My childish drawings

Posted on December 31, 2018by bullfrogr

Everything from 1993-1994, when I was 8-9 years old. Some definite scenes from history… Could be explained by me watching something on TV, but I didn’t watch TV much at that time – only some animated cartoons. So I’m not sure whether it is something I accidentally heard on TV or something else. But seems more likely to be reincarnational memories than my drawings at 12-13 years old.




Smth weird (suspicious)

Posted on April 18, 2019by bullfrogr

These drawings were made when I was 11-13 years old. First, a pic of some game of deleting girls, then some bloody woman with some symbolism (the symbolism is that has more meaning, as it hints to a curse I couldn’t consciously know about) – actually I’ve searched 1995-1998 archives of the newspaper that I had read in childhood (I got most of them, 1995-1997 – all issue numbers except 5, 1998 – only two issue numbers, but I didn’t need later articles). I needed to study something that I had read at the age of 10-13. So I’ve searched and found one article about criminals bathing in blood and a little note about Bathory. So the drawings are most likely to be not past lives memories, but me interested in Bathory since childhood (that wasn’t conscious). Another thing is a game I invented which had something to do with coinciding letters in surname, name and patronymic – that looks suspicious knowing about my recent investigation, so can be a clue too. Then a picture of a blizzard with a title “they don’t see each other”, that looks suspicious too (it resembles one of Varg’s photos). I searched the newspapers I had read in childhood considering the topic of this picture, but found nothing (but I didn’t manage to find 5 issue numbers from 1995-1997, also 10 issue numbers from 1998 were missing). So I can’t definitely say that I didn’t know anything. Well, in childhood I used to listen to classic and folk music, never heard of metal. So those newspapers were the only way I could learn anything. All in all, there’s something weird in me drawing pics seemingly about Bathory, also the symbolism in two of these pics – something really weird. It makes me think there’s something behind it.




For study by those who are interested. My EVP record from some online radio (WebSDR) (the questions I asked I won’t sound here). Voices speak Russian and English. Sure, the results coincided with my theory. EVPs work by telepathy (see my other posts about EVPs), so it is not a materialistic proof.

Deciphered records:






sample1: "Конечно"


sample2: "Леночка"


sample3: "Ты узнала игру"


sample4: "Подпись: ******"


sample5: "Против дураков"


sample6: "Знаешь шутки"


sample8: "Узнавай. ****** в огне"


sample15: "Да, слышу"


sample16: "Я псих"


My birthmarks

Posted on May 2, 2019by bullfrogr

Here it is. Two signs. Some birthmarks almost disappeared and some new appeared (the new ones are not visible on photos). I had to guess to take photos in 2011, when they were more distinct. But the letter “J” is clear, as well as the other letter (if you take time to discern the two disappearing birthmarks below).



Someone is watching over me…

Posted on October 3, 2018by bullfrogr

I’ve tried ITCScope today and can’t help posting the first results here. What’s more, I tried just “to make photos of a dark cup with water”, but it seems I can’t find a dark enough cup at home. Also I’ve read that mentally people are better not to try ITC, as it may mentally damage them or they just won’t get results. But I seem to succeed well.



ITCScope, new pics

Posted on May 24, 2019by bullfrogr

I’ve tried ITCScope today. Have to say, that people should consider a more scientific approach: in this program they generate pictures by a random code, but it is always predestined. No any “spiritual aid from above”. Just images that are already ingrained in the system (though numerous). The only spiritual luck is influencing a random number generator in this program. To check this, you have to see if you can draw the same picture (if you get meaningful images), using the same code again. So actually it is not even an ITC method, but a method of exploring conscious Universe.






Some more ITC

Posted on July 1, 2019by bullfrogr

Recently I’ve tried ITCScope with some good results. I’ve noticed that focusing on particular topics makes meaningful images to appear. ITCScope requires more focused psi-energy, as images can be of worse quality than water. I also drew some letters and faces in the sky: “JB” (James Bond – just joking). And a face with a horned helmet – vikings’ association. It leaves a lot to the imagination – if I can change sky and water so easily, then it can be applied to any object in the world! Telepathic programming is mentally rewarding – some pics are art. What’s more, different telepathic psi-actions can benefit humanity.




ITCScope, new pics

Posted on May 24, 2019by bullfrogr

I’ve tried ITCScope today again. Have to say, that people should c

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