Ex.1. Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты. — КиберПедия 

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Ex.1. Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

2019-08-26 3249
Ex.1. Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты. 5.00 из 5.00 4 оценки
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Текстов с упражнениями

по дисциплине “ Иностранный язык ” / английский /

для студентов медицинского колледжа

Специальности: “Сестринское дело” 1-3 курсы

                                                “Акушерское дело” 1-3 курсы    

                  “Лечебное дело” 1-4 курсы

                                         “Лабораторная диагностика” 1-3 курсы

Волгоград, 2014


Сборник текстов с упражнениями  по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» / английский / для студентов медицинского колледжа / Авт. Выскварко О.В., Егорова Л.Г., Кузнецова Ю.Б., Серебрякова Л.В., Фомиченко Ю.В. – ГБОУ СПО «Волгоградский медицинский колледж», 2014.



Рассмотрено на заседании                                                             Утверждено

УМО №2                                    на заседании научно – методического совета

Протокол № 10 от 11.06.2014 г.                                                                     ГБОУ СПО

Председатель: Медведева Ю.В.               “Волгоградский медицинский колледж”

                                                                           Протокол № 1 от 25 сентября 2014 г.

                                                                                  Председатель: Пироженко А.Е.



Жура В.В.,

заведующая кафедрой иностранных языков ВолГМУ, д.ф.н., доцент

Медведева Ю.В.,

преподаватель иностранных языков ГБОУ СПО “Волгоградский медицинский колледж”


    Учебно – методическое пособие предназначено для аудиторной и внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы студентов 1-4 курсов по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» /английский/. Оно поможет студентам расширить словарный запас и усовершенствовать навыки работы с текстовым материалом медицинской направленности по изучаемой теме.



Компьютерный набор: Выскварко О.В., Егорова Л.Г., Кузнецова Ю.Б., Серебрякова Л.В., Фомиченко Ю.В.

Техническое редактирование: Чудина Т.Н., научно – методический отдел


Пояснительная записка

Учебное - методическое пособие «Сборник текстов с упражнениями по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» /английский/» (далее по тексту - Пособие) подготовлено в соответствии с требованиями ФГОС СПО для специальностей Сестринское дело (1–3 курсы), Лечебное дело (1-4 курсы), Акушерское дело (1-3 курсы) и Лабораторная диагностика (1-3 курсы) по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский).

Цель Пособия – оказание помощи студентам при самостоятельной работе с текстовым материалом, необходимым для совершенствования навыков и умений чтения адаптированной и аутентичной медицинской литературы и ведения беседы по медицинской тематике.

Пособие построено в соответствии с программами специальностей и включает тексты, заимствованные из различных источников как отечественной, так и зарубежной литературы по медицине.  В пособии представлены тексты с тематическими заданиями. Предлагаются темы, отражающие профессиональную направленность каждой из специальностей.

Для работы с текстом предлагаются задания: на чтение, перевод, нахождение эквивалентов лексики в текстовом материале на английском и русском языках и формирование относительно самостоятельных высказываний, а также ответы на вопросы.  

Желаем  успехов в учебе!









BLOOD.. 18






























HIV.. 78








S.P. BOTKIN.. 91







BURNS. 104






DRUGS. 116








Hygiene of the body includes a lot of the methods by which we maintain (keep) good health. Hygiene involves a great many aspects of living. They are: ventilation, heating, lighting, possible contacts with industrial hazards, bacterial control of foods, the source of water supply, exposure to infectious diseases. All these aspects influence the people’s health.

The care of mouth, teeth and gums is part of the hygiene of the digestive tract. The teeth should be brushed once a day. Children should be taught to do it properly. It’s necessary to visit a dentist once a year to prevent the diseases of the oral cavity.

Care of skin is of great importance to personal hygiene. The skin is more then just a protective coat of body. It is wonderful in many ways. It can stretch and fold. It has coloring matter called pigment. Pigment helps to protect the skin from the sun. The skin has a thin layer of oil. Oil glands send oil to the skin surface to make it «waterproof». There are sweat glands in the skin. The sweat moves out of the skin through pores. The sweat evaporates and body cools.

One must take care of eyes and ears too.

There are five senses that help us to enjoy the world.

With eyes we can see pictures, read words. We can see flowers and birds, the sun and the moon and the stars. We can see our dearest and nearest. Vision is precious. One should avoid serious disturbances of vision.

With ears we can hear our own voice and the voices of the others. We can hear music that makes us feel happy or sad. Hearing is important. Exposure to long – continued, loud noise damages the hearing apparatus. Chronic infection should be treated as early as possible.



Practicing a good hygiene is extremely important to keep your baby happy and healthy all the time. Apart from the basic cleanliness, there are certain areas that require special attention to avoid any kind of infection. A good bath is necessary to keep the baby clean and tidy. But make sure you are not over-bathing your baby. Bathing the baby 2 or 3 times a week is sufficient in the first year. Excessive bathing can lead the skin to go dry and chip. It is advised to go for sponge bathing your baby till the time the navel area gets completely healed. Position the baby on a surface that is not hard, (spread a soft towel), in a warm room. Arrange for a warm water, a moist bath linen, and gentle baby soap. One of your hands should all the time be on the baby. Expose only that area of baby's body which is to be washed, keeping the rest of the body covered by a towel. Do not use soap on baby's face. And wash rest of the body using mildly soapy water

Baby's nails are an important part that requires proper hygiene. Always keep baby's nails well-trimmed so that he/she cannot scratch himself/herself. The ideal time to trim your baby's nails is when he/she is in sleep. Do not cut the nails too deep, it can hurt the baby. Baby-sized nail clippers or scissors can be used to clip the nails.

Mother's must pay special attention towards the baby's ears. Make sure you are washing only and strictly the outer ear and not the inside of the ear. Never use a cotton bud or swab to clean baby's ear as it can lead to damage of eardrum leading to permanent deafness.

Proper cleaning of baby's nose is also essential part of the overall cleanliness of the baby. Look out for dried mucus collected in the nose, this can sometimes create problem for the baby to breathe. Use a damp wash cloth to gently clean any dried mucus in the nostrils.(Stop if the baby is feeling irritated and upset.) Use a nasal syringe to remove excess mucus from a runny or engorged, to avoid any kind of breathing problem.

Cloth diapers are less expensive than disposable ones, but unless you use a diaper service, cloth diapers are more work for you. Most newborns use about 10 diapers a day. If you are going to wash diapers, start with about 4 dozen. You can always buy more if you find this isn't enough.


1. method – метод

2. good health – хорошее здоровье

3. industrial hazards – опасности, вызванные деятельностью промышленностью

4. water supply – водоснабжение

5. exposure – воздействие

6. infectious disease – инфекционная болезнь

7. digestive tract – пищеварительный тракт

8. oral cavity – ротовая полость

9. personal hygiene – личная гигиена

10. oil glands – сальные железы

11. surface- поверхность

12. sweat glands – потовые железы

13. to require – требовать

14. sufficient – достаточный

15. navel – пупок

16. to heal – заживать

17. to require – требовать

18. cotton bud – ватная палочка

19. deafness – глухота

20. diaper – подгузник



Our eating habits affect our health. If a person has no breakfast, or poor breakfast he feels tired or cross and hungry till lunch. Food is a form of fuel. It gives us energy, helps us to grow, resist disease and form strong teeth and bones. Different foods do different things for the body. If a person wants to be in good health he must be careful about his meals and diet.

Diet should contain everything sufficient to supply the needs of the body. People of physical work need more food than and form strong teeth and bones. It is important to know that a diet must consist of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, water and vitamins.

In the hospital the doctor usually prescribes the diet for every patient. A person with high temperature and poor appetite needs caloric diet. You can treat many diseases by diet.


1. habit - привычка

2. to feel tired or cross - чувствовать себя усталым и раздраженным

3. fuel - топливо

4. sufficient - достаточный

5. to supply - снабжать, поставлять



Vitamins play a very important role in human health. The story of vitamins began more than 100 years ago when a Polish chemist extracted from rice polishings a crystalline substance. This substance could cure beriberi. The chemist called it "vitamin". Vitamins are necessary for the growth and health, development and general health of the body. Overdosage of some vitamins may be harmful, so people must take normal doses of them. In planning a nutrition program for a person, we must know that certain foods are the best sources of each body requirement. We must eat carrots, fish, oil and eggs because they contain vitamin A which protects eyesight, increases resistance to infection. We may find vitamin В in liver, yeast and eggs. It strengthens nervous system. Fruit and vegetables contain vitamin С which helps to recover after illness. We find vitamins D and E in milk, eggs, fish liver oil, yeast and soya. They help the body in formation of bones and strong teeth, improve poor blood circulation.


1. rice polishing – рисовая шелуха;

2. resistance - сопротивляемость;

3. yeast - дрожжи;

4. to improve - улучшать;

5. nutrition - питание;

6. requirement - требование, запрос;

7. certain - определенный.



Minerals are an essential part of life on Earth as they work to promote the health of all living cells. They are necessary ingredients of life. There are over 20 minerals which are essential for mammalian life on Earth. Among these, there are some minerals that appear with the most prevalence in the human body.

Calcium plays an important role in forming bones and teeth; helps with blood clotting, and muscle and nerve function.

We can find calcium in salmon, sardines, milk, cheese, yogurt, calcium-set tofu, Chinese cabbage, kale, broccoli. Lack of calcium can lead to bone density issues, dental concerns, and muscular cramping. Overdosage of calcium can cause kidney stones; faulty kidney function; high blood levels of calcium; calcium deposits in soft tissue; decreased absorption of iron, zinc and magnesium

Iodine is a part of the thyroid hormones; it prevents goiter and a birth defect called infantile myxedema.

We can find this mineral in iodized salt, seafood, kelp.

Overdosage of iodine can lead to elevated level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

Iron is a part of hemoglobin; it helps blood carry oxygen to your body’s tissues and muscles; needed to make energy; supports immune system health; prevents one type of anemia We can find iron in meat, fish, poultry, lentils, beans, fortified breads and cereals.

Possible effects of taking too much are an upset stomach; constipation; diarrhea; dark stools; decreased absorption of zinc, calcium and copper.

Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function; it sustains regular heartbeat; keeps bones strong; helps your body produce energy.

Magnesium is contained in meats, seafood, milk, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables, bran cereal, nuts.

Possible effects of taking too much are diarrhea; nausea; appetite loss; muscle weakness; trouble breathing; low blood pressure; irregular heartbeat; mental changes; kidney failure.

Phosphorus is essential for healthy bones; helps your body produce energy.

It is contained in milk, yogurt, cheese, peas, meat, fish, eggs, some cereals and breads

Overdosage of phosphorus can cause decreased absorption of calcium. It also can join with calcium in the blood and form calcium deposits in soft tissue and also lead to porous bones.

Zinc supports your immune system; needed for wound healing and tissue repair; maintains your sense of taste and smell; helps digestion; supports normal reproduction, growth and development

We can find zinc in red meats, liver, oysters, certain seafood, milk products, eggs, beans, nuts, whole grains, and fortified cereals.

Possible effects of taking too much are decreased absorption of iron and copper; reduced immune function; reduced levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL)—also called the “good cholesterol”

Life is a game of balance. The dietary minerals or elements as they're known today, that are in every human are in a constant balancing act to regulate cellular health, which leads to total body health. Deviations in the balance of any of these elements can have adverse effects that could be life threatening. By promoting a balanced range of nutrition, you will be providing your body with the essential dietary elements which are necessary to develop and grow.

Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты необходимая часть; формирование костей и зубов; ткани и мышцы тела; камни в почках; злаки; потеря аппетита; нарушение в работе почек; заживление ран; сниженная всасываемость железа и меди; отложения кальция в мягких тканях.

Ex.2 Answer the questions. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. Why are minerals an essential part of life on Earth?

2. Does calcium play an important role in forming bones and teeth?

3. What mineral sustains regular heartbeat?

4. Overdosage of phosphorus can cause decreased absorption of calcium, can’t it?

5. Why is zinc needed?

6. What effects can the overdosage of iron have?




The body is wonderfully made, like a complex, perfect machine. Each part is specially constructed to carry out its own function, and to work as a whole with the other parts.

The body has a strong frame work of bones called the skeleton. The skeleton is covered by muscles and other soft tissues, and by skin on the outside.

The human body consists of three parts. They are the head, the trunk and the limbs.

The main part of the head is called the skull. The forehead, the temples, the cheeks, the cheekbones, the two jaws and the mouth compose the face. The teeth and the tongue are loading in the mouth. One chews food with the teeth and tastes food with the tongue. The lips are the two margins of the mouth. We see with the eyes, breathe and smell with the nose.

The trunk consists of the spine, the chest and the pelvic bones. The trunk is divided into two large cavities by diaphragm. The upper cavity of the trunk is called thorax and lower one is called the belly. The lungs and the heart are located above the diaphragms in the upper cavity. In the lower cavity we find interior organs such as stomach, liver, urinary bladder, gallbladder kidneys, spleen and intestines.

 The upper limb is divided into the shoulder, the upper arm, the forearm and the hand. The join between upper arm and forearm we call the elbow. The wrist is the joint between forearm and hand. Each hand has five fingers: index, middle finger, ring finger, little finger and a thumb.

The lower limb consists of the thigh-bone, the shin-bone and the fibula. We call the calf the back of the lower leg. The join between the femur and the lower leg is called the knee-joint. This joint is protected by the knee-cap. The joints between lower legs and feet are the ankles. The foot consists of heel, sole and toes.


1. construct - строить

2. to carry out - нести

3. to cover - покрывать

4. muscle - мышца

5. tissue - ткань

6. trunk - туловище

7. limb - конечность

8. skull - череп

9. temple  - висок

10. chew - жевать

11. to divide into – делиться на

12. belly – живот

13. shin-bone – большеберцовая кость

14. thighbone– бедренная кость

15. joint - сустав

16. knee-joint –коленный сустав

17. knee-cap – коленная чашечка

18. ankle-лодыжка

19. sole – подошва

20. frame– скелет, каркас

21. margin - поле, кромка

22. thorax  – грудная клетка

23. cavity – полость

24. diaphragm  – диафрагма

25. wrist – запястье

26. thumb – большой палец

27. fibula – малоберцовая кость

28. calf – икра

29. femur – бедро



All internal organs are situated in the chest and abdomen. The chest is separated from the abdomen by the diaphragm. The principal organs of the chest are the gullet, the heart and the lungs. The gullet connects the pharynx and the stomach. There are two lungs - one in each half of the chest. They differ in size. The right lung is larger than the left one. There is the heart between the lungs behind the breastbone. The heart pumps the blood to the whole body.

The lower part of the trunk is the abdominal cavity. The principal organs here are the stomach, the liver, two kidneys, the gallbladder, the pancreas, the spleen, the small and large intestines, the bladder and internal sex glands. There is the liver with the gallbladder in the right upper abdominal part. The liver is the largest and heaviest organ in the body. It works over all the products of digestion. The liver destroys poisons and bacteria which get into the blood. There is the stomach, the pancreas and the spleen in the left upper part of the abdominal cavity. Behind them there are the right and left kidneys at the back.

The small and large intestines occupy all the lower abdomen. Here is also the bladder and sex glands. Each internal organ of the body plays a specific role in the organism. The branch of medicine which studies internal organ diseases is called internal medicine.


1. chest - грудь   

2. abdomen – живот

3. diaphragm - диафрагма

4. gullet - пищевод

5. lung - легкое

6. trunk - туловище

7. pharynx - глотка

8. stomach - желудок

9. breastbone - грудина

10. abdominal cavity - брюшная полость

11. liver - печень

12. kidney - почка

13. gallbladder - желчный пузырь

14. pancreas - поджелудочная железа

15. spleen - селезенка

16. small and large intestines - тонкий и толстый кишечник

17. bladder  - мочевой пузырь

18. internal sex glands - внутренние половые железы



Blood contains a fluid called plasma plus microscopical cellular elements: erythrocytes, leucocytes, and thrombocytes.

Erythrocytes are red blood cells of which 4.5 – 5 million are found in each cubic millimeter. These cells are made in the bone marrow and are important in transporting oxygen from the lungs through the blood stream to the cells all over the body. The oxygen is then used up by body cells in the process of converting food to energy (catabolism). Hemoglobin, containing iron, is an important protein in erythrocytes, which helps in carrying the oxygen as it travels through the blood stream. Erythrocytes also carry away carbon dioxide (CO2), a waste product of catabolism of food in cells, from the body cells to the lungs. On arriving there it is expelled in the process of breathing.

Leucocytes are white blood cells from 4.000 to 10.000 per cubic millimeter exiting in several types: granulocytes and agranulocytes, which are also subdivided into different types.

Granulocytes are cells with granules in their cytoplasm formed in the bone marrow. There are three types of granulocytes: eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils.

Agranulocytes are produced in lymph nodes and spleen. There are two types of agranulocytes: lymphocytes and monocytes.

Thrombocytes or platelets are tiny cells formed in the bone marrow. They are necessary for blood clotting. Their number is 400.000 per cubic millimeter. The plasma is the fluid portion before clotting has occurred. The serum is the fluid portion of blood remaining after the coagulation process is completed.

The body contains about five liters of blood kept at a constant temperature of 37*C. Blood consists of three different types of cell floating in a liquid called plasma. The blood cells are known as red cells, white cells and platelets. Red cells and platelets are unique among body cells in having no nucleus. Blood cells are so small that one cubic millimeter of blood (the size of a pin head) contains about five million red cells, 7.000 white cells and 250.000 platelets.

The red blood cells contain a pigment called hemoglobin, which gives the blood its red color. The main function of red cells is to carry oxygen to the body cells.

For its journey from the lungs to the body cells, oxygen combines with hemoglobin of the red cells. It is then released from the hemoglobin when the body cells are reached. Some people do not have enough hemoglobin in their red cells and are consequently short of oxygen. This condition is called anemia and such people tire easily, become breathless on exertion and have a pale complexion. They need special care during general anesthesia.

The white blood cells defend the body against disease. They do this by attacking germs and repairing damage.

The function of platelets is to stop bleeding. They do this in two ways: by blocking the cut blood vessels; and by producing substances, which help the blood to clot.


1. contain - содержать

2. plasma - плазма

3. microscopical - микроскопический

4. element - элемент

5. erythrocyte - эритроцит

6. leucocyte - лейкоцит

7. thrombocyte - тромбоцит

8. bone marrow - костный мозг

9. transport - транспортировать, переносить

10. convert - преобразовывать, превращать

11. carry - переносить

12. arrive - прибывать

13. expel - вытеснять, выводить

14. catabolism - катаболизм

15. hemoglobin (haemoglobin) - гемоглобин

16. agranulocyte - агранулоцит

17. cytoplasm- цитоплазма

18. granulocyte - гранулоцит

19. eosinophil - иозофил

20. basophil - азофил

21. neutrophil - нейтрофил

22. node - узел

23. spleen - селезенка

24. lymphocyte - лимфоцит

25. monocyte - моноцит

26. platelet - тромбоцит

27. tiny - крошечный

28. blood clotting - свертываемость крови

29. occur - происходить, случаться

30. remain - оставаться

31. coagulation - коагуляция

32. complete - заканчивать



All animals need oxygen to live. Land animals get oxygen from the air. Without the oxygen in the air we cannot survive more than a few minutes. Breathing happens automatically, we do not have to even think about it.

We breathe in order to take oxygen into our bodies and get rid of carbon dioxide. The oxygen is carried in the blood to all the body's cells. The air we breath out has 100 times more carbon dioxide than the air we breath in.

Nose and Nasal Cavity. The respiratory system is made of body parts that are in charge of your breathing. It includes your nose and nasal cavity. You air though your nose. As you inhale, small specks of dirt are trapped by many tiny hairs in your nose. This cleans the air. The hairs stop the dirt from going further in your body. The moist inside surface in your nose traps even smaller pieces of dirt. The nasal cavity, the air passage behind the nose, plays an important role in breathing. The nasal cavity is divided into a right and left passageway. The tissue that covers the wall of your nasal cavity contains many blood vessels. Heat from the blood in the vessels helps warm the air as you breath. Moisture is added to the air you breath by special cells in the walls of the nasal cavity. The air is warmed and moistened before it reaches your lungs.

Windpipe and Bronchial Tree. The windpipe (trachea) joins the upper respiratory tract to the lungs. If you gently touch the front of your throat you can feel the trachea. The bottom of the trachea splits into two branches called bronchi. One enters the right lung and one goes to the left lung.

The bronchial tree's job is to spread the air from the trachea over a very wide area as quickly as possible. The air passing through the windpipe divides into two branches. These divide into twigs called bronchioles. These twigs open into little bags called alveoli.

We have about 300 million alveoli (air sacs) in each lung. The alveoli gives our lungs a huge surface for absorbing oxygen from the air.

Lungs. Lungs provide the breath of life. Our lungs are about the size of a pair of footballs. They fill our chest from the neck to the ribs. The lungs are protected by our ribs. The lungs are the pickup place for oxygen and the drop off place for carbon dioxide. The lungs are always working, breathing in oxygen and breathing out carbon dioxide.

Blood is pumped into the lungs from the heart through the pulmonary arteries. Blood with oxygen leaves the lungs through the pulmonary veins and travels to the heart. Oxygen is the fuel that makes all the body processes run.


1. land animals –сухопутные животные

2. to survive - выживать

3. to get rid - избавляться

4. carbon dioxide – углекислый газ

5. nasal cavity носовая полость

6. to inhale - вдыхать

7. speck - покрывать

8. moist - влажный

9. surface – поверхность

10. to trap – ловить

11. passageway - отверстие

12. moisture - влага

13. to add - добавлять

14. gently – мягко

15. bottom – низ

16. to split – расщеплять

17. twig – ветка

18. to provide – обеспечивать

19. pickup – перевозка

20. pulmonary arteries – легочные артерии

21. fuel –горючее

Ex.1 Answer the questions.Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What organs are made up respiratory system?

2.What do lungs provide?

3.What protect lungs?



The circulatory system is made up of the vessels and the muscles that help and control the flow of the blood around the body. This process is called circulation. The main parts of the system are the heart, arteries, capillaries and veins.

As blood begins to circulate, it leaves the heart from the left ventricle and goes into the aorta. The aorta is the largest artery in the body. The blood leaving the aorta is full of oxygen. This is important for the cells in the brain and the body to do their work. The oxygen rich blood travels throughout the body in its system of arteries into the smallest arterioles.

On its way back to the heart, the blood travels through a system of veins. As it reaches the lungs, the carbon dioxide (a waste product) is removed from the blood and replace with fresh oxygen that we have inhaled through the lungs.

Arteries. Arteries are tough, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart. As the arteries move away from the heart, they divide into smaller vessels. The largest arteries are about as thick as a thumb. The smallest arteries are thinner than hair. These thinner arteries are called arterioles. Arteries carry bright red blood! The color comes from the oxygen that it carries.

Veins. Veins carry the blood to the heart. The smallest veins, also called venules, are very thin. They join larger veins that open into the heart. The veins carry dark red blood that doesn't have much oxygen. Veins have thin walls. They don't need to be as strong as the arteries because as blood is returned to the heart, it is under less pressure.

Heart. Heart is the strongest muscle? Heart is divided into two sides. The right side pumps blood to your lungs where it picks up oxygen. The left side pumps oxygen-soaked blood out to your body. They do not work on their own, but together as a team. The body's blood is circulated through the heart more than 1,000 times per day. Between five and six thousand quarts of blood are pumped each day. Your heart is about the same size as a fist.


1. to make up - составлять

2. vessel - сосуд

3. flow - течь

4. circulation - кровообращение

5. ventricle - желудочек

6. to remove - перемещать

7. replace - менять

8. to inhale -вдыхать

9. tough - жесткий

10. tube - труба

11. join - соединять

12. wall-стенка

13. to pump - качать

14. pick up - собирать

15. oxygen-soaked - кислородосодержащий

16. quart – кварта (единица объема в Великобритании)

17. fist – кулак

Ex.1 Find English equivalents. Найдите английские эквиваленты.

Кровообращение, желудочек, свежий кислород, самая большая артерия, перекачивает кровь, работают в команде, красные кровяные тельца, белые кровяные тельца, тромбоциты, размером с кулак.



The heart is simply a pump, which circulates blood throughout the body. Tubes called blood vessels carry it from the heart to all parts of the body and back again. This round trip is known as the circulation. Vessels carrying blood away from the heart are known as arteries and those returning blood to the heart are known are known as veins.

The heart pumps blood round the body about 70 times a minute in adults. The heartbeats can be felt as the pulse where certain arteries lie just beneath the skin, and the most well – known place where this occurs is at the wrist.

The heart lies in the chest immediately behind the breast bone. It consists of two chambers, left and right, separated from each other by a wall. Each chamber is further divided into upper and lower compartments, which communicate with each by valves. Each upper compartment is called an atrium and each lower a ventricle. Note that there is no communication at all between the left and right sides of the heart.

Heart failure, or cardiac arrest, means that the heart has stopped beating. This of course, means that no blood is being pumped round the body and death occurs in a few minutes. But as the heart is just a simple pump, it can be made to beat artificially by rhythmically applying pressure to the chest. This squeezes the heart between the breast bone and forces blood out the heart into the circulation. When pressure on the chest has been relaxed, blood returns to the heart again.


1. can be felt as the pulse – можно определить по пульсу.

2. ately behind the breast bone – непосредственно за грудиной.

3. is further divided – далее подразделяется

4. communicate with each other – сообщаются друг с другом.

5. heart failure – паралич, остановка сердца; сердечная недостаточность.

6. as the heart is just a simple pump – поскольку сердце всего лишь простой насос.

7. pump - насос

8. circulate - циркулировать

9. tube - труба

10. carry - переносить

11. artery - артерия

12. vein - вена

13. adult - взрослый

14. pulse - пульс

15. skin - кожа

16. occur - происходить

17. wrist - запястье

18. chest - грудная клетка

19. breast - грудь

20. chamber - камера

21. valve - клапан

22. atrium - предсердие

23. ventricle - желудочек

24. death - смерть

25. apply - применять

26. pressure - давление

27. squeeze - сжимать

28. spine - позвоночник

29. relax - расслабиться



The nervous system is made up of the brain, the spinal cord, and nerves. One of the most important systems in your body, the nervous system is your body's control system. It sends, receives, and processes nerve impulses throughout the body. These nerve impulses tell your muscles and organs what to do and how to respond to the environment. There are three parts of your nervous system that work together: the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system, and the autonomic nervous system.

Brain. The brain keeps the body in order. It helps to control all of the body systems and organs, keeping them working like they should. The brain also allows us to think, feel, remember and imagine. In general, the brain is what makes us behave as human beings.

The brain communicates with the rest of the body through the spinal cord and the nerves. They tell the brain what is going on in the body at all times. This system also gives instructions to all parts of the body about what to do and when to do it.

Spinal Cord. Nerves divide many times as they leave the spinal cord so that they may reach all parts of the body. The thickest nerve is 1 inch thick and the thinnest is thinner than a human hair. Each nerve is a bundle of hundreds or thousands of neurons (nerve cells). The spinal cord runs down a tunnel of holes in your backbone or spine. The bones protect it from damage. The cord is a thick bundle of nerves, connecting your brain to the rest of your body.

Senses. There are five main senses - touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight. These are the external sensory system, because they tell you about the world outside your body. Your senses tell you what is happening in the outside world. Your body's sense organs constantly send signals about what is happening outside and inside it to your control center - the brain.

The cerebrum is part of the forebrain. The cerebral cortex is the outer layer of the cerebrum. Certain areas of the cerebral cortex are involved with certain functions.

Sensory areas such as touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight receive messages from the skin, nose, mouth, ears and eyes. We feel, taste, hear and see when these messages are received by the sensory parts of the brain.

The Peripheral Nervous System. The nervous system is made up of nerve cells or neurons that are "wired" together throughout the body, somewhat like communication system. Neurons carry messages in the form of an electrical impulses. The messages move from one neuron to another to keep the body functioning.


1. spinal cord – спинной мозг

2. to send - посылать

3. to receive - получать

4. to respond - отвечать

5. environment - окружение

1. to keep the body in order – поддерживать тело в порядке

2. to allow – позволять

3. rest – остаток

4. bundle – пучок

5. external – внешний

6. forebrain – передний мозг

7. cerebral cortex – кора

8. involve – вовлекать

9. to wire – связывать



The brain is the most wonderful organ in the human body. It consists of about 12 billion cells and weights about 1 kilogram. It is soft and spongy with 3 membranes and fluid in between the first and second membranes.

The brain is the center of a wide system of communication. It controls the body functions. It keeps all the body parts working together. Thousands of stimuli come into the brain through the spinal cord. The messages come to the brain from our eyes, ears and other sense organs for pain, temperature, smell and other feelings. All the stimuli are analyzed and then the brain sends orders through the spinal cord to different parts of the human body. Due to these orders we eat, move, hear, see and do many other things.

There are special areas in the brain which control vision, hearing, physical movements and even emotions.


1. to weight - весить

2. stimuli - мн.ч. побудители, стимулы, послания

3. spinal cord - спинной мозг

4. area - область



 The skeletal system is made up of bones, ligaments and tendons. It shapes the body and protects organs. The skeletal system works with the muscular system to help the body move. Marrow, which is soft, fatty tissue that produces red blood cells, many white blood cells, and other immune system cells, is found inside bones.

The Spine. The spine is the central support for the body. Another word for the spine is the backbone. The spine is made of separate irregular bones called vertebrae. The vertebrae are made up of spongy or cancellate bone surrounded by a layer of compact bone. In between each vertebrae is a layer of cartilage that keeps the bones from rubbing against each other.

There are twenty six vertebrae in the spine. Although each vertebrae can only move a little bit, the total spine is very flexible. The spine of a human being is curved. Most other mammals have a straight spine. The curves allow the spine to support and balance the body on only two legs.

The breastbone, or the sternum, is linked to the bones which make up the ribs. The sternum is a flat bone that is about 6 inches long. The ribs curve around from the spine to the front of the body. This makes a bony framework which is known as the thoracic case. This case helps protect your chest.

Most people have 12 pairs of ribs. The ribs are connected to the sternum by cartilage. This makes the ribs more flexible, which is necessary during breathing. The first seven pairs of ribs are attached directly to the breastbone. The eighth, ninth and tenth pairs are attached to the sternum by a cartrilage band. The last two pairs of ribs are not attached to the sternum or cartilage. The last five pairs of ribs are called false ribs.

Hands & Feet. The bones of the hands and feet are flexible. The foot has twenty-six bones, one less than in the hand. The bones in the toes are shorter and fatter than the bones in the fingers. This helps us to balance on two feet.

The seven bones in the ankle are called tarsal bones. The main part of the foot is made of metatarsal bones. Phalanges are the bones in the toes. The arch in the foot helps to support the body's weight.

Each hand has twenty-seven separate bones. These are connected with muscles and tendons. Hand bones are also called the metacarpus. Just like the foot, the bones in the fingers are called phalanges.

The fingers have three phalanges and the thumb has two. These joints allow the finger to flex. Because of this, the human hand can make more precise and finer movements than other creatures.

Hips & Legs. The hip bones help us stand upright and move. They support much of the body's weight. Each hip is made up of three bones. These bones are called the ilium, ischium, and pubis. When you are born, these three bones are separated. As you get older, they begin to join together.

The main bones of the legs are the femur, tibia and fibula. Another name for the femur is the thigh bone. The femur extends from the hip joint to the knee This is the longest bone in the body.

The tibia and fibula are the bones of the lower leg. As it helps to support the body's weight, the tibia is the strongest bone in the body. The thinner bone is the fibula and helps to control the movement of the ankle. Another name for the fibula is the shin bone.

The bone that is at the middle of the leg is the patella, or knee cap.


1. bone – кость

2. ligament - связка

3. tendon – сухожилие

4. muscular system - мышечная система

5. spine - позвоночник

6. vertebra - позвонок

7. cartilage - хрящ

8. curved - изогнутый

9. rib – ребро

10. breastbone  - грудина, грудная кость

11. sternum - грудная кость

12. flexible - гибкий

13. ankle - лодыжка

14. femur- бедро

15. tibia- большая берцовая кость

16. fibula –малая берцовая кость

17. coccyx- копчик

18. hip bone - тазовая кость

19. sacrum - крестец

20. ulna,- локтевая кость

21. radius – лучевая кость

22. humerus – плечевая кость

23. elbow- локоть

24. wrist – запястье



The word «muscle», according to one theory, comes from a word that means «little mouse»: that is when a man's muscles are contracting they look as if a little mouse runs about under his skin. According to another theory the word «muscle» comes from a Greek expression that means «to enclose», that is layers of muscles enclose the body. We know that the muscles constitute about 50 per cent of total body weight, slightly more in the average male than the female. Tendons, fasciae and the various organs themselves depend on the muscular system and the function of muscle cells.

There are three main types of muscular tissue that we identify classify on the basis of structure and functions:

1)   smooth or visceral muscle,

2)   striated or skeletal muscle,

3)   cardiac muscle.

Smooth muscles can contract slowly. They make up the walls of internal organs such as those of the blood vessels, and the digestive tract. Since we identify the internal organs as viscera, we sometimes call smooth muscles visceral muscles. The visceral muscles react relatively slowly to changes within the body and do so without the intervention of the will.

The walls of the blood vessels are contracting or expanding when they respond to certain chemicals in the blood or in response to the effect of temperature but we cannot deliberately cause them to lift our arm or open our mouth. For this reason, we may call them involuntary muscles. Smooth muscle tissue consists of long cells. Smooth muscle fibres are bound (связаны) into bundles by connective tissue which contain blood vessels and nerves.

Striated muscle tissue consists of large fibres in the form of bundles. Striated muscles are most necessary manipulation of the bones of the skeleton. Those are the muscles necessary for walking, running, turning the head and so on. That's why we sometimes call them skeletal muscles. This type of muscle tissue includes the large muscle masses of the body, the muscles of the arms, legs, back etc. It includes all those muscles which must react quickly to changes in the environment, i.e. those that become active through an effort of will. For this reason, we call striated muscles voluntary muscles.

Cardiac (heart) muscle is, in a sense, a cross between the previous two. A characteristic feature of cardiac muscle is that fibres have neither a beginning nor an end. In other words, the heart is simply a huge net of muscles in which all elements are continuous with each other. Cardiac muscles («heart» — Greek) have the strength and force of contraction of the skeletal muscle. Cardiac muscle is under complete involuntary control. In that, it resembles visceral muscle.





All establishments of higher medical education are financed and guided by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

Doctors of different specialties are trained at medical institutions of higher education, at medical universities and academies. There are also pharmaceutical academies, which train specialists in pharmacy.

Medical institutions of higher education offer various faculties and specialties which an entrant may choose according to his or her abilities and wishes. Nowadays a new examination system is being introduced. The so-called «The General State Exam» allows pupils to enter any institution of higher education according to its results.

Medical colleges train paramedical personnel: nurses, midwives, dental technicians and doctor’s assistants. The course of studies is 3-4 years.

The training at medical institutions of higher education takes 5 or 6 years. It consists of lectures, practical classes and medical practice. The attendance of lectures, practical classes and seminars4 is compulsory. Academic year begins on September the 1 stand is divided into two semesters of four months each. At the end of each semester the students have to pass examinations and tests. If a student passes the exams well he gets a grant paid monthly. paramedical personnel. For the first two years students study pre-clinical subjects such as: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Sciences, Latin and so on. They also study Human Anatomy, Physiology, Histology, and Microbiology. Clinical subjects are taught from the third to the fifth or sixth year.

The students have practical course at therapeutic, surgical and other departments in hospitals and clinics. They master practical skills in clinical conditions. They are taught how to take and record the patient’s case history, to carry on medical examination of the patient, to make diagnosis, to prescribe treatment and carry on different medical procedures. There are all facilities for talented students to carry on research work. They attend scientific societies at different departments where they are offered modern guidelines for research activity. Having passed state examinations graduates receive their diplomas and can apply for clinical internship.

The post graduate course and the Institute of Post-Diploma and Additional Education are for doctors, paramedical personnel. During three years the post-graduate students prepare a thesis, defend it and obtain the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.


1. medical education - медицинское образование

2. establishment - учреждение

3. to finance- финансировать

4. to guide - руководить

5. to train - обучать

6. institution of higher education - высшее учебное заведение (вуз)

7. pharmaceutical - фармацевтический

8. pharmacy - фармация

9. entrant - абитуриент

10. ability -способность

11. to introduce - вводить, представлять

12. General State Exam Единый – Государственный Экзамен (ЕГЭ)

13. to allow- позволять

14. paramedical personnel - средний медицинский персонал

15. nurse - медсестра

16. midwife - акушерка

17. dental technician - зубной техник

18.doctor’s assistant - фельдшер

19. attendance of lectures - посещение лекций

20. compulsory - обязательный

21. semester - семестр

22. grant - стипендия

23. curriculum - учебный план

24. pre-clinical subjects - доклинические, теоретические предметы

25. to teach (taught, taught) - учить, преподавать

26. social sciences - общественные науки

27. surgical - хирургический

28. to master - овладевать

29. practical skills - практические навыки

30. to record - записывать, заполнять

31.patient’s case history - история болезни пациента

32. to carry on medical examination - проводить медицинский осмотр

33. to make diagnosis - ставить диагноз

34. to treat - лечить

35. to prescribe - прописывать

36. medical procedure - медицинская процедура

37. facilities - возможности

38.research work - научно-исследовательская работа

39. scientific society - научное общество, кружок

40. department - отделение, кафедра

41. modern guidelines - современные направления

42. state examinations - государственные экзамены

43. graduate - выпускник

44. to apply- подать заявление

45. clinical internship- клиническая ординатура

46. post graduate course- аспирантура

47. post graduate student- аспирант

48. the Institute of Post-Diploma - институт последипломного

49. and Additional Education и дополнительного образования

50. to improve улучшать, совершенствовать

51. to prepare a thesis - готовить диссертацию

52. to defend a thesis- защитить диссертацию

53. to obtain a degree - получить степень





There are many polyclinics in our country. Doctors of different specialties: therapeutist, neurologists, surgeons, dentists, oculists, psychiatrists, urologists and nurses wore there. There are many different laboratories, x-ray and procedure rooms, consulting and waiting rooms in our polyclinics.

When a patient comes to the polyclinics he goes to the registry first. A registering clerk on duty asks his name, address, age, occupation and writes it down in the patient’s card.

Doctors examine their patients in their consulting rooms. During the medical examination doctors question their patients thoroughly, listen to their heart and lungs, feel their pulse and take their blood pressure, palpate, auscultate and percuss them, make the diagnosis, fill in their cards and prescribe them a special treatment.

During the physical examination doctors use such methods as palpation, percussion, auscultation, questioning a patient, feeling his pulse, taking electrocardiograms, etc.

At the end of the physical examination doctors make a diagnosis, prescribe the necessary medicine and treatment if it is necessary.

Our doctors treat patients not only with the help of different mixtures, powders, injections, but they always use a good bedside manner and deal with patients very carefully.

The duty of the doctor is to treat a patient not only with different remedies but with a kind word and hearty attitude.


1. specialty - специальность

2. laboratory - лаборатория

3. therapeutist - терапевт

4. x-ray room - рентгеновский кабинет

5. neurologist - невролог

6. procedure room - процедурный кабинет

7. surgeon - хирург

8. waiting room - комната ожидания

9. psychiatrist - психолог

10. registry - регистратура

11. urologist - уролог

12. to auscultate - выслушивать(мед)

13. nurse - м.сестра

14. to percuss-выстукивать(мед.)



When patients are admitted to the hospital, they are examined by a doctor on duty in the reception ward. He gives the instructions to what wards and departments a sick person should be admitted.

A nurse on duty fills-in a patient’s case report (case history) in which she writes down a name and initial diagnosis made by a doctor at the polyclinic (= made by a district doctor).

At the in-patient department nurses begin working early in the morning. They take patient’s to, give them intramuscular and intravenous injections, take stomach juice for analysis apply cups and mustard plasters, give all prescribed medicines (remedies).

The drugs are kept in a special drug cabinet’. All medicines have labels with names and doses indicated on them.

Doctors begin to make rounds at nine o’clock in the morning.

After medical check-up (examination) doctors administer different procedures to the patients. They order electrocardiograms to be taken of some patients. Other patients are to undergo lab. tests. Some patients are administered a bed regimen, some are recommended (allowed) to have a walk, some are to follow a special diet to relieve pain in the stomach or to prevent stomach troubles.

As a rule the doctors treat their patients carefully that helps sick people to get better.

As soon as the patient is admitted to the in-patient department the ward doctor fills-in the patient’s case report (case history, case record, in-patient'’ card, in-patient’s chart – история болезни). It must include the information about the patient’s parents – if they alive or dead.

The doctor must know what caused the death and at what age the parents died. It is necessary for a doctor to know if anybody in the family has ever been ill with tuberculosis or has had any mental or emotional impairments. This information composes the family history (семейный, наследственный анамнез).

The patient’s medical history (case report, case record, medical in-patient card, chart) must include the information about diseases the patient had both as a child and as an adult. The doctor must know if a patient had an operation or a

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