Strength of Ten (Умение) (3 if Ussuran) — КиберПедия 

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Strength of Ten (Умение) (3 if Ussuran)

2019-05-26 132
Strength of Ten (Умение) (3 if Ussuran) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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When you Исполнение a feat of raw strength (lifting a castle portcullis, holding a door closed against a battering ram on the other side, etc.), Потратьте Hero Point to increase all of your individual dice for that Risk by your Brawn or your Решимость, whichever is greater. For example, if you are trying to keep a crumbling wall from collapsing so that your friends can escape, Потратьте Hero Point to increase the number on each of your individual dice by your Brawn score.

The Devil’s Own Luck (Умение) (3 if Glamour Islander)

Потратьте Hero Point after you take a Risk to Re-Roll any number of dice you wish. You must keep the new roll, unless you have a different effect that allows you to Re-Roll dice. You can only use this Advantage once per Scene.

Together We Are Strong (Умение) (3 if Sarmatian)

Потратьте Hero Point to give any number of your Raises to another Hero in the same scene, as long as they can see or hear you.

Мы не такие уж и разные... (Умение) (3 если Водачче)

Потратьте Hero Point чтобы убедить Злодейца, что вы на его стороне. Злодей считает вас доверенным союзником. Как только Злодей увидит, что вы совершили Героическое действие, или если вы отказываетесь совершить злодейское действие, иллюзия окончена. Вы можете использовать это Преимущество на каждого Злодея только один раз. "Обмани меня однажды..."
Шаг 6: Arcana


Тайна для Героев2e

Тайна Слабость Добродетель
0 Дурак Любопытный→совать нос Богоугодный→чудесное спасение
1 Маг Амбициозный→борьба за власть Волевой→нет дайсам неудач
2 Жрица Гедонист→потеря бдительности Интуит→подсказка Ведущего (- Опыт)
3 Императрица Сладострастник→+ соблазн Расслабляющий→- уровень Страха (всем)
4 Император Горячая голова→- самообладание Командир→1 уровень Страха
5 Иерофант Доверчивый→нет сомнениям Творческий→идея от Ведущего
6 Любовники Влюбчивый→стрела Купидона Верный→х2 для спасения друга
7 Колесница Самоуверенный→нет сомнениям Победоносный→авто Драм.рана
8 Сила Трусливый→сохранить шкурку Отважный→отразить Страх
9 Отшельник Страстный→защищать мнение Собранный→перенести 1 точку Атрибута
10 Удача Неудачливый→переброс (упеха) Удачливый→переброс (провала)
11 Правосудие Предвзятый→особое мнение Пример→ранг Навыка другому, 1 бросок
12 Повешенный Нерешительный →-1 Рейз Альтруист→переброс для помощи
13 Смерть Безрассудный→слабоумие и отвага Адаптивный→- внезапная атака
14 Трезвость Завистливый→заполучить что-то Владеющий собой→провал влияния
15 Легион* Лояльный→вернуться к другу Предвидящий→предсказать Действие
16 Башня Высокомерный→презрение Провидец→знание о сюрпризе
17 Звезда Упрямый→не менять решений Вдохновляющий→+ 1 дайс другому
18 Луна Невнимательный→- 2 дайса Наблюдательный→успех Внимания
19 Солнце Гордый→отказ от помощи Дружелюбный→+ Связь
20 Правосудие Аморальный→нет сомненим Проницательный→узнать Тайну
21 Земля Жадный→урвать побольше Практичный→1 ранг нетрен.Навыка

*Карта Легион уникальна тем, что Слабость базируется на правильном положении, а Добродетель на перевернутом.

Шаг 7: Stories

While Heroes work together to tell a larger story, every Hero has her own story to tell. Your Hero is no different. Stories are more than the things you tell everyone you’ll accomplish one day. Stories are also the road you’ll walk to get there.

Choosing a Story

When you decide to start a new Story, think about what kinds of themes you want to explore with your character. Do you want her to be a brave warrior, fighting for the people she loves? Or would you rather see her have to solve difficult problems without resorting to “easy” solutions like violence?

 You can change Stories later, but try to pick something you’ll find fun and interesting. Talk to your GM as well; he might have some ideas for a Story that would be a perfect fit.

Starting a Story

Each Hero can have only one Hero Story at a time, beginning with the Story you create when making your Hero. Upon resolution or abandonment of a Story, Heroes are free to move on to their next tale. Players may feel free to keep notes about future Stories they may want to tackle, but their Heroes should each remain focused on the Story at hand.

 To start writing a Story the player should create a short name that acts as a conceptual reminder of what your Hero wishes to accomplish. This is the mantra the Hero repeats to keep her mind on track. For example, “Absolution: My negligence led to the destruction of my home; I’ll never let that happen again.” Once you’ve written the concept down you can move on to writing the ending, or Goal.

Reaching a Goal

There are two aspects to the Goal of a Story. First is the ending, a specific action that your Hero must take to finish the Story. You should know, without a doubt, when your Story has been completed.

 Endings do not contain suspense for the players and while they should telegraph the player’s desired outcome, the Hero might not know them. As such, it’s often best to write the ending in third person. For example, “Hector lies dead at Leannán’s feet.”


 Write an actionable sentence about what your Hero needs to do. You don’t need to determine every tiny detail right now, just a broad scope of what your Hero wants to accomplish.

 Endings should be flexible, capable of changing enough to ensure they never become unattainable. If a Hero discovers her ending is unattainable, she should be able to change it. A player should work with the Game Master to determine a related ending.

 The second part of Goals is the reward. Hero Stories award new Преимущества, increase a Trait or Skill, or change a Веха. When you write your Goal, be sure to include what you want for your Hero from the Story and then make sure to work towards that Goal during the Story. A Story’s reward can be a bonus point in a Skill, a Trait or a new Advantage. Much like writing an ending, the reward should be explicit. For example, “This is a three Шаг Story that will earn Elias a chance to drop his Farmkid Веха.”

Taking the Next Шаг

Knowing the Goal helps you know the ending, but sometimes the road to getting there isn’t as clear. That’s where the Steps come in. This is the action that puts you on the road to your Goal. Like the Goal, every Шаг should be an achievable item. However, unlike Goals, they can be as detailed as you like.

 During Hero Creation, and whenever you create a new Story, you only need to know the next immediate Шаг. This is the action that puts you on the road to your Goal. Don’t worry about outlining the entire progression of your Story, as you’ll often find what you need to do next is determined by what you just accomplished. Instead, just focus on what’s directly ahead of your Hero.

 When writing a Шаг, write a short sentence that declares what the next thing your Hero needs to accomplish in order to progress his Story. For example, “Treat my first patient in the Áki Klinikka.”

 Once that Шаг is completed, the player may write her next Шаг at any time. She could do it immediately following the completion of a Шаг or she can wait a bit. Until she writes her next Шаг, she cannot advance towards her Goal. If her next Шаг becomes unattainable for some reason, then she can strike it from her list and write a new Шаг replacing the lost one.


 If during the course of a Story a Hero realizes she must accomplish something before securing her next Шаг, that action cannot become a Шаг. A Hero needs to remain focused on her Story and avoid the temptation to meander.

Rewarding the Journey

Your Story gives you rewards when you reach your ending and accomplish your Goal. The number of Steps in a Story determines the kind of Advancement your Hero earns.

Навыки require a number of Steps equal to the new Skill Rank. A new Rank 1 Skill only requires a single Шаг while improving a Rank 4 Skill requires a four Шаг story.

Преимущества require a number of Steps equal to their cost. A 1 point Advantage only requires a single Шаг while a 5 point Advantage requires a five Шаг story.

Quirks require three Steps to change, allowing a Hero to change any existing Веха to a different, or wholly new, Веха.

 You cannot have the same Веха twice.

Arcana, both Hubris and Virtue, require four Steps in order to change. Heroes may only have one Hubris and one Virtue each at any time.

Атрибуты require four Steps to shift a single Rank from one Trait to another Trait — so one Trait rises, and the other falls.

Атрибуты require five Steps to increase by 1 Rank, but this can only be done twice.

Corruption requires five Steps to remove. Redemption is never easy or quick. (See the Corruption rules in Playing the Game, page 21.)

Story Starters

Here’s a list of sample Stories for your convenience. Each Story includes a few possible endings and suggested first steps. These can, and should, be tailored to your individual Hero but can work as starting points:

• Obligation — Обязательство

• Romance — Романтика



Вы что-то должны кому-то. Возможно, он спас вам жизнь или помог вам в прошлом. Теперь вы должны воздать одолжение. Или, может быть, в момент пьяной слабости вы выпалили свою преданность своему делу. Вы верите в то, что держите свое слово, и вы дали кому-то (возможно, даже самому себе) обещание, что вы не сломаетесь... даже если это будет стоить вам вашей жизни.


• Мой герой освобождается от своих обязанностей.

• Мой Герой выполняет свое обещание.

• Мой Герой отказывается от своего обета.

Первые шаги

• Поговорите серьезно, чтобы определить, что Вы должены.

• Отправьтесь в далекое путешествие далеко, прочь от семьи и дома, чтобы выполнить свое обещание.

• Убедите кого-то другого заняться этим делом с вами.



После долгих месяцев флирта, поэзии и лунных прогулок по парку вы наконец завоевали привязанность красивой девушки или красивого молодого человека. Или так вы думаете. Требуется много усилий, чтобы сохранить огонь страсти. Если вы пренебрегаете очагом хоть на короткое время, огонь может умереть. И пренебрежение вашим любовником может стоить вам...


• Мой Герой счастливо женился и оставляет жизнь приключений.

• Возлюбленный моего Героя жестоко убит прямо на его глазах.

• Жизнь моего Героя, в конце концов, слишком бурная, и его возлюбленный оставляет его.

Первые шаги

• Спасите свою любовь от Злодея.

• Найдите идеальный подарок для свей любви.

• Уделите время, чтобы написать письмо, подтверждающее вашу любовь к своему неизбежному возвращению.


Шаг 8: Details

Finally, let’s fill out the blank spots on your Hero Sheet: we’re talking about Languages, Reputation, Secret Societies and Wounds.


Your Hero usually earns a Reputation over the course of play — unless you purchased an Advantage that lets you start with some Reputation. Reputation is always a single descriptive word that shows how people generally perceive your Hero. “Honorable” is a great Reputation. So are “Deadly,” “Vengeful,” “Well-Connected.” Reputation adds dice to your roll when it’s appropriate socially: someone who is “Deadly” is likely to Запугивание her opposition.


Your character can speak a number of languages equal to his Смекалка. Since all Heroes start at Смекалка 2, every Hero can speak Old Théan and his native language. If your Hero’s Смекалка is higher than 2, you may select additional languages you know at this time. For the most part, most business in Тэйя is done in Old Théan. It’s the language nearly every Théan knows.

Secret Society

You may, if you wish, join a Secret Society. Joining a Society costs nothing. You gain 2 Favor with your Society, but you may also find your brethren making demands of you.

Brotherhood of the Coast

Serving under the black flag, these pirates seek freedom and liberty... and a profit from those who would exploit the weak and vulnerable.

The Invisible College

A band of clergy hoping to topple the Inquisition and restore the Church, operating right under the Inquisition’s nose.

Knights of the Rose & Cross

Knights-errant wandering Тэйя, righting wrongs and meting justice through Heroic quests.


When your Hero takes Wounds, don’t worry too much. After all, they’re just Wounds! Your Hero can fight through a Brute Squad, crash through a skylight or stumble through a fire... and you’ll live to fight another day. But eventually those Wounds can add up.

The Death Spiral

The Death Spiral keeps track of both your regular Wounds and your Dramatic Wounds. Wounds aren’t a big deal, but Dramatic Wounds can injure, maim or even kill your Hero. When your Hero takes Wounds, fill in a number of bubbles on the Death Spiral equal to the Wounds he took. If your Hero takes one Wound, you fill in one bubble; if your Hero takes two Wounds, you fill in two bubbles. Keep going, filling in a bubble for each Wound he takes. If you ever fill in one of the stars (instead of a regular bubble), your Hero takes a Dramatic Wound.

Benefits and Penalties

Each Hero gets the same Death Spiral: four Wounds per Dramatic Wound and four Dramatic Wounds per Hero. Heroes with more physical Навыки (like Атлетика, Драка or Оружие) will take Wounds less often, but all Heroes are pretty tough.

 As your Hero takes Wounds (and your Death Spiral fills), you get benefits and penalties fitting your situation:

• A Hero with one or more Dramatic Wounds gains 1 Bonus Die on all Risks.

• A Hero with two or more Dramatic Wounds grants 2 Bonus Dice to any Villain who rolls a Risk against them. (Boo!)

• A Hero with three or more Dramatic Wounds has exploding 10’s on all Risks they make. This means that if you roll a 10, you immediately add another d10 to your roll.

• A Hero with four Dramatic Wounds is Helpless. (Boo!)



Стили Фехтования


The Boucher Style of fighting was originally forged in the streets of Montaigne, and isn’t considered a “gentlemanly” school. However, some Duelists are more concerned with results than with the impression they make on their peers; this Style is designed with them in mind. Students of Boucher wield a long knife in each hand, and use the two together in a series of attacks designed to confuse and disorient the opponent.

 Boucher is one of the fastest fighting Styles taught on Тэйя today. Once the superior reach of the opponent’s weapon has been overcome, the knife fighter starts a flurry of attacks that is almost impossible to stop.

Style Bonus: Boucher Шаг

When wielding a dagger or knife in one hand with nothing in the other — or a dagger or knife in each hand — you gain an ability called Boucher Шаг.

 Boucher Шаг allows you to Исполнение two Maneuvers back to back, spending Raises as normal for each of them before your opponent can react. All other rules for Maneuvers still apply—you cannot Исполнение the same Maneuver twice in a row, for example. You can only use Boucher Шаг once per Round.
Valroux (Вальроу)

The Valroux Style of fighting is one of several that uses a fencing weapon in the primary hand and a main gauche in the off-hand. The fighting Style is technically defensive, with the main gauche used only to parry. Students of this Style call attention to openings they could have exploited, generally humiliate their opponents, and finish them off whenever the duel grows wearisome.

 One of the main strengths of this Style is its demoralizing effect on opponents. Masters of Valroux move the duel around in a dizzying circle, keeping their opponent guessing as to the pace of combat, all the while hurling insults that infuriate their adversary. To win against a student of the Valroux Style requires an iron will and long patience.

Style Bonus: Valroux Cross

When you wield a fencing sword in your right hand and a dagger in the left, you can Исполнение a special Maneuver called Valroux Cross. Valroux Cross prevents Wounds equal to your Оружие, and you choose a Maneuver you know your opponent can Исполнение on her next Action. Performing any other Maneuver costs your opponent an additional Raise.

 You can only Исполнение Valroux Cross once per Round, immediately following the Maneuver that caused your Wounds.

Когда вы вооружены фехтовальным клинком в правой руке и кинжалом в левой, вы можете выполнить специальный маневр под названием Крест Вальро. Крест Вальро предотвращает число ран, равное вашему Навыку оружия, и вы выбираете Маневр, который, как вы знаете, ваш оппонент может выполнить в следующем Действии. Выполнение любого другого Маневра будет стоит вашему противнику дополнительной Рэйз.
 Вы можете выполнять Valroux Cross только один раз за Раунд, сразу после Маневра, который наносит вам раны.

Katya Mireli was a dancer who traveled across Ussura with various circus troupes, never staying in one place or with one group for very long. Her most famous performance was a captivating dance with a curved sword in each hand. Her act became so famous that it attracted the attention of the nobility and wealthy merchants, who would come from a hundred miles or more to see the famous Mireli Sword Dance.

The Mireli Sword Academy is unique in that it has no set campus. Those who wish to learn it must find Mireli or one of her students as they travel from place to place, often amongst performers or circus troupes.

This has been tradition for the Academy’s nearly three decade long history.

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