A standard procedure for sick animalexamination — КиберПедия 

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A standard procedure for sick animalexamination

2018-01-13 416
A standard procedure for sick animalexamination 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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accurate adj [ˈækjurət] точный
anemia n [əˈniːmɪə] анемия
anesthetize v [əˈniːsθətaɪz] анестезировать, обезболивать
apparent adj [əˈpærənt] видимый, явный
biopsy n [ˈbaɪɔpsɪ] биопсия
conclusive adj [kənˈkluːsɪv] окончательный,заключительный
contusion n [kənˈtjuʒn] ушиб, контузия
dye n [ˈdaɪ] красящее вещество
enhance v [ɪnˈhɑːns] улучшать, активизировать
evidence n [evɪd(ə)ns] данные
fecal adj [ˈfiːkəl] фекальный, каловый
myelogram n [maɪˈæləɡræm] миелограмма
panel n [ˈpænəl] группа анализов
polycythemia n [pɔlɪˈsaɪθiːmɪə] полицитемия
pyelogram n [paɪˈæləɡræm] пиелограмма
saline n [ˈseɪlaɪn] солевой раствор
smear n [ˈsmɪə] мазок
ureter n [juˈriːtə] мочеточник
urinalysis n [ˌjʊərɪˈnalɪsɪs] анализ мочи
working n [ˈwəːkɪŋ] функционирование


Routine disease investigations are based on clinical, pathological and epidemiological evidence. If there is a need for conclusive identification of a disease or condition, an accurate laboratory diagnosis should be obtained. It is particularly important, especially in the case of infectious diseases that the final diagnosis rests on adequate etiological evidence.

Clinical examination of a sick animal. A veterinarian must determine how the animal is housed, what the climatic conditions are, what plants they have access to, if they are hand fed or if they graze. This type of information is very important in the process of determining what disease processes are occurring.In addition to evaluating the animal’s environment, recording and compiling animal information such as type and condition of animals, age, sex, number of affected animals, and progression of disease are the first steps in the disease recognition process.

Physical examination. A physical examination is the next step in identifying diseases or conditions in animals. The veterinarian will examine the whole animal and not just the obviously affected area. It is helpful to start by examining the non-painful areas and then moving on to those areas that show discomfort. If an animal is in a lot of pain, the veterinarian may suggest lightly anesthetizing the animal so a more complete exam can be safely conducted.

The exam will generally include:

- weighing the animal, taking the temperature;

- listening to the heart and lungs;

- checking eyes, ears, nose, etc;

- examining the skin for any trauma or puncture wounds;

- examining all the limbs;

- watching the animal move about the exam room or outside on the grass;

- performing special manipulations of various body parts, e.g., neck, limbs.

Making a list of possible diseases. The list may be narrowed by running diagnostic tests.

Diagnostic tests for animals. Diagnostic tests allow the veterinarians to get a clear picture of the inner workings of animals. This has dramatically enhanced thediagnostic process, and even allowed us to check for diseases long before symptoms become apparent. Some of the performed routine tests are:

Blood Panel. The first part of the blood panel is called a CBC, which stands for complete blood count. It is a measure of an animal’s white blood cells (WBC’s) and red blood cells (RBC’s). In measuring the RBC’s, veterinarians are looking for a low count, called anemia, and a high count, called polycythemia.

The next part of the blood panel is called the chemistry panel (chem panel), also called the biochemistry panel (BCP). It focuses more on the internal organs. It is an automated test that checks many biological functions.

Urinalysis. This test is used in conjunction with the standard blood panel. Its main goal is to assess the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder). It checks for inflammation, infection, specific diseases (sugar diabetes), and kidney function.

Fecal Test. A fecal exam forworms(internal parasites) is performed with the help of a microscope. Some fresh feces are placed on a slide that already has sterile saline on it. What it is aimed at is the egg of the parasite, not the actual parasite, since the parasite resides in the stomach and intestines, and usually does not come out in the feces. This is called a direct smear.

Skin Scraping. Skin disease is the number one problem presented to veterinarians. Even though allergies are the most common cause, pets can also get external parasites (called ectoparasites) that cause skin problems. In this test, a small amount of skin is scraped as if shaving an area. Since some of the parasites burrow into the outer layers of the skin, the scraping has to be done deep enough to cause a minor amount of irritation. The discharge is examined under the microscope for either the parasite itself or eggs of the parasite.

ECG. An electrocardiogram monitors the minute electrical activity within the heart. This sequenced electrical activity is what allows the heart to beat in a rhythmic way and continuously pump blood to all cells in the body. The electrocardiogram can help diagnose a heart that is having a problem but appears normal during a physical exam.

Radiology. Many diseases are diagnosed with radiology, although some of the radiographic changes can be subtle and are open to interpretation. Also, some organs can only be accurately diagnosed if dye is injected into them. This dye radiograph is called a myelogram for the spinal cord, and an intravenous pyelogram for the kidneys.

Ultrasound. This is the use of sound waves instead of x-rays to look at the internal organs. It allows us to look at an internal organ in ways x-rays cannot, and even allows to biopsy these organs using a small biopsy needle during the ultrasound process. Ultrasounds are especially important in some heart diseases. It assesses the heart valves that are commonly injured due to bacterial infection. An ultrasound of the heart is called an echocardiogram.

Histopathology. When a surgery or necropsy is performed, or when a biopsy of a lesion is taken, the sample is put in formalin for it to be preserved for microscopic analysis by a pathologist. This is one of the most crucial steps to determine what the lesion is, and whether it is benign or malignant.

Cytology. This means looking at biological material under the microscope. For example, one of the common cytology tests is to look forear mitesin discharge from ears. They are easily seen under the microscope. Most people with pets assume their dog or cat has ear mites whenever there is an ear problem, which is erroneous in most occasions. Only if we see them under the microscope can we say for sure.

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging). A relatively new diagnostic modality of increasing importance in veterinary medicine is MRI. It involves the use of magnetic fields to look at the internal organs. It is particularly useful in neurologic diseases and for the diagnosis of problems in the brain.

Once the disease is identified, the doctor develops a treatment plan for the animal.


Ложные друзья переводчика (калька фр. fauxamis), или межъязыковые омонимы (межъязыковые паронимы) – пара слов в двух языках, похожих по написанию и/или произношению, часто с общим происхождением, но отличающихся в значении.Ложные друзья переводчикамогут приводить к неправильному пониманию и переводу текста. Вот некоторые из них

accurate точный, правильный
adequate достаточный, соответствующий
angina также: стенокардия
benzene бензол
complexion цвет лица
constitution телосложение
debris останки, осколки
dramatic кардинальный, радикальный,значительный
intelligent умный, интеллектуальный
nationality не только национальность, национальная принадлежность, но и гражданство, принадлежность к стране происхождения
obligation обязательство
resin смола, канифоль
speculation предположение, умозрительное построение, рискованное начинание (без негативного оттенка, который есть в русском языке)




Exercise 23. Look through the text and find the information about:

- animal’ssignalments;

- physical examination;

- type of a test that gives information about the cells in a patient's blood;

- physical, chemical, and microscopic examination of urine;

- analysis of fecal matter to diagnose the presence or absence of a medical condition;

- tests for the accurate diagnosis of dermatitis and other skin diseases;

- process of recording the electrical activity of the heart over a period of time using electrodes placed on the skin;

- usage of radiantenergy in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases;

- use of sound waves to look at the internal organs;

- microscopic examination of biological tissues to observe the appearance of diseased cells and tissues in very fine detail;

- study of cells, their origin, structure, function, and pathology;

- medical imaging technique used in radiology to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body.


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