What does she (he) look like? — КиберПедия 

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What does she (he) look like?

2018-01-07 379
What does she (he) look like? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Handsome, ugly, attractive, plain, good-looking, near-sighted, long-sighted, beautiful, pretty.


long, oval, round, thin, square, fleshy, puffy, wrinkled, pasty, pimpled, freckled, pock-marked, sunburned, tanned, browned, clean-shaven


clean-cut, delicate, forceful, regular, irregular, large, massive, small, stern


charming, engaging, pleasant, pleased, happy, sweet, broad, cunning, faint, ironical, sad, strained, wry, enigmatic, winning


dark, fair, pale, sallow, healthy


delicate, rough, dark, rosy


aquiline, flat, turned up, curved, hooked, snub-nosed, fleshy, a blob of nose, peak-pointed, straight


full, thick, rosy, painted, parted, parched


chubby, plump, hollow, sunken, pale, pink, rouged, ruddy, stubby (unshaven), wrinkled, dimples in one’s cheeks


firm, large, big, small, stern, resolute, toothless, strong, vivid, clean-shaven


stooping, fat, paunchy, plump, stout, well-fed, lathy, lean (mostly about men), slender, slim (about a woman), slight, neat (mostly about women), graceful, solidly-built, tall, broad-shouldered, short, long-legged, long-armed


arched, bushy, penciled, penthouse, shaggy


broad, doomed, high (tall), large, open, low, narrow, retreating


black, jet-black, dark, brown, auburn, fair, blond, golden, red, reddish, gray, ash-blond, grizzling (grizzled), crisp, waved, curled, curly, lank (straight), thick, abundant, scanty (thin), short, sleek (smooth), silky, luxuriant, long, dyed, bobbed (shingled), bald, braids (plaits), permanent wave, rich, a brunette (only about women)

she wears her hair: parted in the middle (on the left/ on the right), combed back, done-in-a-knot, in plaits, shoulder length, a wig

to part one’s hair in the middle......., to have one’s hair done (trimmed), hair-do, hair-style


close-set, even, uneven, large, small, sparse


double, pointed, protruding, round, massive


kind, good, warm, blue, brown, hazel, gray, steel-gray, green, bulging, close-set, deep-set, slanted, sunken; to be blue-eyed, cross-eyed


curving, straight, long, thick, thin

Additional phrases: to hold oneself upright, to keep oneself erect, a mop of hair, to take after smb, to put on weight, to grow thinner, to look old (young) for one’s age, to look one’s age, to be as like as two peas, to be a picture of health, You can’t judge a book from its cover, To throw dust in one’s eyes

How does she/he look?

Tired, fresh, upset, happy, disappointed, sleepy, worried, pale, unwell, healthy, surprised


1. Substitute the underlined words and phrases in the constructions given below, making use of the active vocabulary. Discuss these with you partner.

A. 1) How shall I recognize her? - Oh, it's quite easy. She's just like her mother.

2) What does she look like? - A tall, slim girl of 18 with an oval face.

3) She has light-grey eyes, a small snub nose, a big mouth with white even teeth and a pleasant smile. - I'm sure there'll be at least a dozen girls like that at the station.

4) But how am I to recognise her in the crowd? - Oh, I forgot. There's a dimple in her left cheek, she's so lovely that you'll fall in love with her at first sight.

B. 1) I say, who's the boy I've been dancing with most of the time? - Do you mean the leanstooping fellow with an awkward gait a piercing look and a mop of sandy hair?

2) The one I mean isn't like that at all. He's tall and slender with a graceful carriage, earnest eyes and smooth blond hair.

3) Do you really find him as plain as you've made him out? - No, I was joking. He takes after his father, who is still very handsome even though bald and rather stern-looking.

4) Jane was certainly the beauty of the party. - Jane? Don't make me laugh. Perhaps she wouldn't look so bad if she hadn't put on so much weight. As it is she's positively fat and looks rather old for her age.

5) No, not fat,she's just plump. - Anyhow, I quite agree with Will that you're much more attractive than Jane, especially now, when you wear your hair shoulder length parted in the middle.

2. Translate into English.


Китти: Почему ты танцуешь с Генри?

Долли: Потому что мы составляем очень смешную пару: он маленький, толстенький и лысый, я высокая, худая и бледная.

Китти: Чушь, дорогая. Он вовсе не маленький, он среднего роста. И к тому же он прекрасно танцует.

Долли: Да, я знаю. Но я предпочитаю танцевать с Билли. У него длинные ноги, стройная фигура, и он тоже прекрасный танцор, не правда ли?

Китти: Да, это так. И мне нравится его лицо. Оно может показаться безобразным, но в нем есть что-то очень привлекательное

Долли: Но он вовсе не безобразный, особенно когда улыбается и видны его ровные белые зубы.

Китти: И все же Генри решительно красив, а Билли - нет.

Долли: Но есть что-то очень недоброе во взгляде его серых глаз. Я всегда чувствую себя неуютно, когда он смотрит на меня.

Китти: Кстати, у Билла есть брат близнец, довольно красивый парень.

Долли: Да, я видела его. Он похож на мать, а Билли пошел в отца.

Китти: Я должна сказать, что не люблю красивых мужчин. Я предпочитаю, чтобы мужчина был умным, добрым, щедрым.

Долли: Я совершенно согласна с тобой, но танцевать я предпочитаю с красивыми мужчинами.



Алиса: Послушай, Майк, я только что получила телеграмму от Мэри. Она приезжает сегодня пятичасовым поездом, а я занята и не смогу встретить ее. Не мог бы ты оказать мне услугу и встретить ее вместо меня.

Майк: Конечно. Но я никогда не видел ее. Как я смогу узнать ее?

Алиса: О! Это очень просто. Она похожа на свою мать.

Майк: Это, конечно, помогло бы. Но беда в том, что ее мать я тоже не видел.

Алиса: Прости, я забыла. Я даже не знаю, что делать.

Майк: Попытайся описать ее. Как она выглядит?

Алиса: Высокая, стройная девушка восемнадцати лет с овальным лицом.

Майк: Какой у нее цвет лица?

Алиса: Она довольна бледная.

Майк: А волосы?

Алиса: Волосы длинные и светлые. Светло-серые, глубоко посаженные глаза, маленький прямой нос, большой рот с белыми ровными зубами и приятная улыбка.

Майк: Я думаю, что на вокзале будет, по крайней мере, дюжина девушек, похожих на нее.

Алиса: Да, я забыла. На левой щеке у нее маленькая родинка.

Майк: Вот это действительно может помочь мне.


3. Learn the dialogues by heart and act them out.

4. Make up a situation /situations illustrating the proverbs and sayings from Warm - Up (4, Task 2).

5.Dramatize the situations:

1. You're supposed to meet somebody at the railway station. How would you recognize him/her?

2. You have witnessed a bank robbery. Describe the criminals to the policemen.

3. Your sister got married. Describe her new husband to your aunt who couldn't be present at the wedding.

4. You saw a film yesterday. You liked the play of an actress/actor who is well-known but you can't remember her/his name. Describe her/his appearance to your friend, may be she/he will remember the actress's/actor's name.

5. You're members of a beauty contest jury. Discuss the participants and choose the most beautiful girl.

6. You'd like a big change in your appearance. Discuss it with your friend.


6. Using a coloured picture from a magazine, try to give a detailed description of a man/woman in the picture.

7. In small groups, discuss these statements. Do you agree or disagree with them? Say why.

Sun-tanned people look more attractive. Women worry too much about being slim. Women are more attracted to clean-shavenmen. Cosmetic surgery is the best answer for people with wrinkles. Most men don't worry about being overweight. Tell the class which ones your group agrees with. People who are scruffy don't care what others think of them. People with curly hair always want straight hair, and vice versa. High-heeled shoes make women look silly.   Well-dressed children are better behaved than scruffily-dressed children.

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