Write down 5 questions covering the contents of the text. — КиберПедия 

История развития хранилищ для нефти: Первые склады нефти появились в XVII веке. Они представляли собой землянные ямы-амбара глубиной 4…5 м...

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Write down 5 questions covering the contents of the text.

2017-11-16 196
Write down 5 questions covering the contents of the text. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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12) Can you explain the following:


1. A friendly audience may appreciate a one-sided talk, with no attempt to give both sides of an issue.

2....it takes the wind out of audience opposition.

3. The best approach is to find some common ground with the audience.

4. Hostile or unfriendly audiences present the greatest challenge.

13) Translate the following into Russian:

RememberYour Audience

1. Know your listeners. You can hardly know too much about the members of your audience: age, sex, occupation, education, socioeconomic status, and any other facts - and especially why they are listening to this speech.

2. Use their language. Use terms and expressions that are familiar. Similes, metaphors, and anecdotes are valuable only if they are pertinent.

3. Use visuals. Your audience will remember much more if you show and tell than if you only tell.

4. Use humor carefully. Self-effacing humor is a useful way to get the support of the audience. It eliminates status differences and makes the audience realize that the speaker is human and fallible.

5. Watch your facts. Be absolutely certain that you are giving listeners informa­tion that is reliable. Check and double-check your information.

6. Focus on the benefit. Any speech must tell listeners why they will gain from the ideas being expressed. Here are some typical speech structures:

• Where we were, where we are, where we are going, why this is good for you.

• What it is, how it works, how to use it, why it helps you

• What we're doing, why we're doing it, how we're doing it, why it is good for you.

Express your opinion of the above given advice.

15) Render the following text in English:


Устное общение по самой своей природе и совокупности качеств служит хорошим средством для установления взаимовыгодных отношений с общест­венностью Это тем более важно, что всякий руководитель, предприниматель должен участвовать в различных семинарах, совещаниях, встречах и там представлять фирму, предприятие, регион, орган власти или самого себя.

Чтобы хорошо это делать, необходимо научиться думать, стоя перед слу­шателями. Если аудитория оказывается невнимательной, нужно начать свою речь с сообщения о том, что вы намерены сказать, затем сказать именно это и в заключение повторить сказанное. Нужно внушить аудитории, что та должна что-то сделать. Иными словами, не следует покидать трибуну, пока не удалось организовать должным образом людей.

Хорошо уже с первых слов завладеть вниманием, и поэтому следует избегать необязательных фраз («Я не собирался выступать...», «Я хочу рассказать о том, что...», «Я полностью согласен с предыдущим...»); начинать лучше с главного и без длинной подводки. Именно ключевую мысль и надо вы­нести в аудиторию, а затем ее доказывать и варьировать. Особенно это необхо­димо в случае, если аудитория не настроена благожелательно или хорошо зна­кома с темой и предметом обсуждения.

Поскольку держать в постоянном напряжении аудиторию длительное время трудно и почти невозможно, специалисты советуют продумать те места и моменты выступления, когда интерес может снизиться и загодя запасти средство усиления этого интереса. В частности, можно заготовить подходящие к теме шутки, истории, примеры.

Все выступление должно состоять из нескольких разделов. Их желательно заканчивать какой-то важной мыслью, образом, сравнением. Потом в памяти эта фраза может «вытянуть» и остальное содержание.

Готовящийся текст можно наговорить на магнитофон (не прочесть, а именно наговорить) и затем работать уже с этим материалом. Здесь сразу будут видны длинноты, повторы, скучные и шаблонные обороты.

Text С


Once you've determined the objective and the approach, your next step is to decide what ideas and information will be needed to convince the audience.

At this stage, it is advisable to start making notes. As you think of ideas or examples you want to use, jot them down somewhere, perhaps on a pocket-sized note card. Don't rely on your memory; often, many of our best ideas are no more than fleeting mental flashes that are quickly crowded out by more immediate problems.

The idea of thinking about the problem also applies to the material - newspapers, reports, magazines - that you read. Many successful speechwriters are great clippers of articles. When they see an article on some topic of interest, they clip it and put the story in an appropriate file. It may be a broad topic like "higher education" or some­thing more specialized.

By clipping articles on a regular basis and keeping them in a well-organized idea file, you can easily find new and usable information. This can ensure that the talk will con­tain current facts and figures as well as contemporary examples.

Writing the Speech

Writing the speech is a multistep process involving an outline and several drafts.

Outline. Having gathered the material you need, you must prepare an outline. The outline for a speech has three main parts: the opening, the body, and the closing.

The opening is the part of the speech that must get the attention of the audience, establish empathy, and point toward the conclusion. It is wise, in the opening, to tell the audience what the topic is, its importance to them, and the direction you plan to take in addressing it.

The body of the speech presents the evidence that leads to the conclusion. The out­line should list all the key points. In this section, you will use quotes from acknowledged experts in the field, facts and figures, and examples that drive home your point of view.

The conclusion summarizes the evidence, pointing out what it means to the audience.

The outline should be submitted to the speaker, and once it has been approved, you can go on to the next step.

□ Vocabulary:

once - когда; кактолько

jot down - краткозаписать; набросать

fleeting - беглый; мимолетный

flash - проблеск; вспышка

contemporary - современный

outline - набросок, эскиз, очерк

body - основнаячасть

Iempathy - сочувствие, сопереживание

drivehome - довести до сознания


1) Find the English equivalents in the text. Use them in sentences of your own:


перейти к чему-либо; на этой стадии; делать заметки; полагаться на что-либо; тема, представляющая интерес; соответствующий; на постоянной основе; гарантировать; содержать; вести к чему-либо; перечислить; высказывания; признанные специалисты.

2) Find the words in the text which describe or mean the following:


1. to make something completely clear and meaningful -

2. continuing for only a short time -

3. belonging to the present time -

4.a plan for a peace of writing -

5. the main, central, or most important part of something -

6. the ability to understand other people's feelings and problems -

7. to write a short piece of information quickly -


3) Match the words and use them in sentences of your own:

immediate experts
make education
multistep card
higher notes
usable process
note information
acknowledged problems

4) Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. He wanted to drive home the point that the team can't afford to lose another game.

2. Icaught a fleeting glimpse of them as they drove past.

3. The cafe's decor is clean and contemporary.

4. The professor wants an outline of our essays by Friday.

5. The body of the report was submitted in due time.

6. We have a lot of empathy for those who are having hard times.

7. Let me jot down your number.

5) Match the words which are close in their meaning:

advisable recognized
contemporary recommended
wise cursory
fleeting reasonable
acknowledged current

6) Match the words having the opposite meaning:


wise antiquated
advisable renounced
contemporary improper
fleeting foolish
acknowledged permanent


7) Complete the sentences (conclusion; outline; body; rely on; advisable; jot down):


1. The____of the speech presents the evidence which leads to the_________.

2. Having gathered the material you need, you must prepare an_________.

3. Don't_________your memory.

4. As you think of ideas or examples you want to use,_______them__________somewhere.

5. At this stage, it is_________to start making notes.


8) Explain the grammatical structure of the sentences. Use it in sentences of your own:

1. Having gathered the material you need, you must prepare an outline.

2. The conclusion summarizes the evidence, pointing out what it means to the audience.

9) Insert prepositions where necessary (of; to; on; down):


to rely__________smth. to involve__________smth.

to jot smth._________ to lead___________smth.

to apply____________smth. to be submitted__________smth.

an article____________smth. to go on___________smth.

to contain_________ smth. to be_______________ interest

10) Write the words with correct negative prefixes (in; un; ir):

regular, advisable, successful, appropriate, wise, contemporary.

11) Answer the following questions:


1. What is your next step after determining the objective and the approach?

2. Why is it advisable to start making notes?

3. Why is it useful to clip newspaper articles?

4. What does the process of writing a speech involve?

5. How many parts does the outline for a speech have?

6. What should the opening include?

7. What does the body of the speech present?

8. In what way should the conclusion be written?

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