V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. — КиберПедия 

Общие условия выбора системы дренажа: Система дренажа выбирается в зависимости от характера защищаемого...

Автоматическое растормаживание колес: Тормозные устройства колес предназначены для уменьше­ния длины пробега и улучшения маневрирования ВС при...

V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

2017-09-29 338
V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1.Оси транспортного средства служат для колес и для поддержания ходовой и рулевой систем. 2. Разница между задними и передними колесами, зависит от их местоположения в транспортном средстве. 3. Для более маленьких транспортных средств часто используются полые оси. 4. Современное автомобилестроение развивается на без осевой подвеске, как независимой. 5. Автомобиль имеет два вида тормозов ручной или стояночный и ножной тормоз.


The Control System

I. Read and translate the text.

Steering is controlled by a hand wheel, mounted on an inclined column and attached to a steering tube inside the column. The other end of the tube is connected to the steering gear, which is designed to provide maximum ease of operation. Power steering, adapted for passenger cars in the early 1950s, is generally a hydraulic mechanism used as a booster to reduce the effort of steering.

A car has two sets of brakes: the hand or emergency brake and the foot brake. The emergency brake gener­ally operates on the rear wheels only. The foot brake in modern cars is always of the four-wheel type, operating on all wheels. Hydraulic brakes on cars and hydraulic vacuum, air, or power brakes on lorries apply the brak­ing force to the wheels with much less force on the brake pedal than is required with ordinary mechanical brakes. The wheel brakes are generally of the internally expand­ing type, in which a convex strip of material is forced against a concave steel brake drum.

II. Vocabulary to be remembered:


Steering управление
To mount устанавливать, собирать, монтировать
Inclined column наклонная колонка
Tube труба, патрубок
Steering gear рулевой механизм
Hydraulic mechanism гидравлический механизм
Booster усилитель, сервомеханизм
Braking force тормозная сила
Convex strip выпуклая полоска
Concave steel brake drums вогнутые стальные тормозные барабаны


III. Translate the following words and word combinations from English into Russian.

an inclined column, a steering tube, ease of operation, power steering, the effort of steering, a hydraulic mechanism, the emergency brake, the four-wheel type, the braking force, the internally expanding type.


IV. Translate the following words and word combinations from Russian into English.

Установленный на наклонной колонке, связанный с рулевым механизмом, ручной тормоз, ножной тормоз, действующий на все колеса, тормозная педаль; управляемый наклонной колонкой, приспособленный для пассажирских автомобилей, действующий на все колеса.

V. Answer the questions.

1) By what is steering controlled?

2) The other end of the tube is connected to the steering gear, isn’t it?

3) When did power steering adapt for passenger cars?

4) How many sets of brakes has a car?

5) What is the foot brake?

VI. Ask questions to the given sentences:

1. Power steering is generally a hydraulic mechanism used as a booster to reduce the effort of steering. (what for?)

2. The emergency brake generally operates on the rear wheels only. (on what)

3. The wheel brakes are generally of the internally expanding type. (what type?)

VII. Is it true and false?

1) Steering is controlled by a hand wheel, mounted on an inclined column and attached to a steering tube inside column.

2) The other end of the tube is connected to the steering gear, which is designed to provide minimum ease of operation.

3) Power steering, adapted for passenger cars in the early 1930s, is generally a hydraulic mechanism used as a booster to reduce the effort of steering.

4) A car has five sets of brakes.

5) Hydraulic brakes on cars and hydraulic vacuum, air, or power brakes on lorries apply the braking force to the wheels with much less force on the brake pedal than is required with ordinary mechanical brakes.


VIII. Read and translate a funny story.

A man is driving down the road and notices a car in the ditch. He doesn't usually help many people so he drives on by. Then he notices that a pretty woman is the driver so he goes back to help. As he is hooking his truck to her car he says, "You know, you are the first pregnant woman I've ever helped out of a ditch". "But I'm not pregnant," she says. "Well you're not out of the ditch yet," he says.



Steering System

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