Вспомни вопросительные слова. — КиберПедия 

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Вспомни вопросительные слова.

2017-09-28 266
Вспомни вопросительные слова. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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What? (Что? Какой?)How? (Как?)Where? (Где? Куда?)Who?(Кто?) How many?(Сколько?) When?(Когда?)

Соедини вопрос и ответ.

1. When do you go to the zoo? Spring.

2. How many bears can you see at the circus? On Sunday.

3. What is your favourite season? Three.

4. Who goes for a walk every day? Very well.

5. Where do you go on Sunday? To the zoo.

6. How can the monkey climb a tree? My granny.

7. Where does your friend ski? O.K.

8. How are you? In the park.


353. Обведи вспомогательный глагол. Поставь вопрос и отрицание.

a). We can see hippos at the zoo.



b). His friends have got a horse.



c). The crocodiles are green





354. Поставь вопрос (Do / Does) и отрицание (don’t / doesn’t).

a). The dolphins want to swim.



b). The monkey likes bananas.




[ei] pl a y, d a y, s a y (говорить) They say “Good bye”. She say s “Hi!” He say s “O.K.” The teacher says, “Sit down, pupils!”

At school we read and write, sing and dance, draw and play.


[i:] eat, meat, ice-cream, leaf (лист), a leaf- leaves, green leaves, yellow leaves This tree has got nice little green leaves in spring.

grass (трава), green grass You can see green grass in the park in summer. Horses like to eat grass. Giraffes eat grass and leaves.

Выучи наизусть.

“In winter I ski and skate,”

Says little Kate.

“In summer I like to swim,”

Says little Jim.

And what do you like to do in spring?

In spring we dance and sing.



357. Вставь to там, где это необходимо.

like to play want to dance can to play can’t to dance


a) Ann can _____ sing and dance well.

b) We like ____ play badminton.

c) Do you want ___ play basketball? No, I don’t.

d) I can’t ____ play volleyball, but I like _____ play tennis.

e) Can she ____ play ice-hockey? No, she can’t.

f) Does she like ____ play ice-hockey? No, she doesn’t.

g) Does he want ____ play football? Yes, he does.

358. Обведи правильный вариант.

a) The teacher say / says, “Open your books!”

b) The pupils sing / sings well at the lesson.

c) Her friends don’t / doesn’t write in the books.

d) The lion don’t / doesn’t eat grass and leaves.

e ) Do / Does the monkey climb a tree?

f) Do / Does the tigers hide in the grass?


359. Обведи вспомогательный глагол. Поставь вопрос и отрицание.

a) The elephant can swim.



b) The lion is hungry.



c) Kitty has got a blue dolphin.




360. Поставь вопрос (Do / Does) и отрицание (don’t / doesn’t).

a) The fox hides near the trees.



b) Giraffes eat grass and leaves.



c) This crocodile swims well.



d) The hippos drink cold water.





every day – каждый день animal – животное

today – сегодня honey мёд

My name is Mike. I am eight. I’m a pupil and I go to school every day.

Today is Sunday. It is my favourite day. I don’t go to school. My mother and I go to the zoo.

We can see many animals at the zoo. We can see two giraffes. They are yellow and black. They are big. The giraffes are from Africa. They eat grass and leaves. We can see three bears. They are brown. They are from Belarus. They like to eat honey. We can see four monkeys. They are brown, too. They can run, jump and hide near the tree. They like to eat bananas. We can see one tiger. It is black and orange. It is from India. It likes to eat meat. I like monkeys – they are funny! My mother likes bears. It’s fun to be at the zoo!


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