Like или likes drink или drinks — КиберПедия 

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Like или likes drink или drinks

2017-09-28 649
Like или likes drink или drinks 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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I _________ brown bread. We ______________ tea.

My mum _______ white bread. Her uncle ________ coffee.


eat или eatswant или wants

You _________ pizza. This teacher_________ to read.

Your friend ______ yoghurt. His sons ___________to play.


Напиши слова во множественном числе.

Внимание! Артикль а не употребляется во множественном числе: a cat – cat s, a dog – 14 fourteen dog s.


a friend – ___________ a snake – 13 ____________________

a sister – ___________ a horse – 18 ____________________

__ parrot – __________ a hamster – 11 __________________

__ son – ____________ a frog – 15 ____________________

__ brother – _________ a kitten – 12 ____________________


178. Напиши ответы примеров словами.

twelve and three is _____________________________

two and sixteen is ______________________________

eight and eleven is ______________________________

nine and four is ________________________________

ten and seven is ________________________________


179.Read. (Прочитай).

[Λ] hungry (голодный) yummy (вкусно), yuck (невкусно) I’m hungry. I want a hot dog! Yummy! I don’t want fish. Yuck!

[ei] snake, Kate, cake Ilike this cake. Do you like it? –Yes, I do

[i:] gr ee n, thr ee, coff ee, sw ee t We’ve got three sweets. Yummy!

[i:] t ea, ea t, r ea d, pl ea se, m ea t, ice-cr ea m My granny drinks green tea. His dog likes to eat meat. Do you like ice-cream?- Yes, I do. Yummy! Do you like yoghurt?- No, I don’t. Yuck!

!!! [e] br ea d I like white bread. My mum likes brown bread.

[ ∫ ] sh e, Ma sh a, fi sh, goldfi sh Masha likes meat, but she doesn’t like fish. Does your cat like to eat fish?-Yes, it does.

[t ∫] ch ildren, tea ch er, ch ocolate Children like ice-cream. His little brother wants to eat chocolate. Does his teacher eat jam?

[i] happ y, funn y, jelly Her sister doesn’t like jelly. Yuck!

[u] g oo d, b oo k, sch ool, t oo (тоже ), f oo d (пища, еда) Tom likes juice. His friend likes juice, too. This food is yummy!


180. Вставь артикль a или an.

a Следующее слово начинается с согласной: a d og, a c ake
an Следующее слово начинается с гласной: an u ncle, an a unt (тётя)

___ cat _____ green frog _____ nose ____ apple

___ pig _____ orange parrot _____ ear ____ sweet



181. Вставь a или some.

[ Λ ] l o ve, s o n, s o me (некоторое количество)

Some tea, some chocolate, some jam, some ice-cream, some sweets, some apples, some cats

I have got _______ sweet. My friend has got _______ cake.

We have got _______ water. Her friend has got ______ bread.

His cat has got _______ milk. My aunt has got ______ hot dog.

Her dog has got ______ meat. They have got _______ yoghurt.

Present Indefinite do not = don’t

does not = doesn’t

Утверждение. Вопрос. Отрицание.
I like to play. We like to play. You like to play. They like to play.   She like s to play. He like s to play. It like s to play. Do I like to play? Do we like to play? Do you like to play? Do they like to play?   Does she like to play? Does he like to play? Does it like to play? I don’t like to play. We don’t like to play. You don’t like to play. They don’t like to play.   She doesn’t like to play. He doesn’t like to play. It doesn’t like to play.



like или likes drink или drinks

Her parrot ________water. She _________ mineral water.

Ted and Peg _______cheese. His sisters _______ apple juice.

His aunt _______ jam. Children _____________ milk.


eat или eats want или wants

I _________ ice-cream. Tigers ____________ meat.

His sister _________ jelly. It ______________ water.

Tom and Sam _______ sweets. They ___________ bananas.



Tom like s jam. Bob eat s fish.

Tom doesn’t likejam. Bob doesn’t eatfish.


184. Вставь don’t или doesn’t.

a) She _________­­­_______ eat jam.

b) They ______________ like eggs.

c) It ______________ drink tea.

d) My hamster_______________ want bread.

e) My father and my uncle ____________ eat chocolate.

f) His sisters ____________ like pizza.

g) This boy _____________ drink juice.

h) His dogs _____________ want meat.


[æ ] rat, cat, carrot, apple Rabbits like carrots. Do her little children eat apples? - Yes, they do. Yummy! Do they drink apple juice? – Yes, they do. Sam has got four carrots. Does he drink carrot juice? – No, he doesn’t. Yuck! [ɔ] orange, an orange – oranges We’ve got two oranges. Yummy! Does his aunt drink orange juice? - Yes, she does. Does Ted like oranges? – No, he doesn’t.

[ju:] computer, cucumber, a cucumber– cucumber s My father likes to eat meat and cucumbers. Cats don’t eat cucumbers. Do tortoises eat cucumbers? – Yes, they do.

[e] egg, an egg – eggs, lemon Do her brothers eat eggs? – Yes, they do. Does your sister eat lemons? - No, she doesn’t. Yuck! My sister likes oranges but she doesn’t like lemons.

[ɔu] no, go, potato, tomato, apotato – potato es, atomato – tomato es My mother likes cucumbers and tomatoes. My dad eats fish and potatoes. We are hungry. We have got three carrots, two cucumbers, eight tomatoes and twelve potatoes.


186. Поставь артикль a или an, напиши слово во множественном числе. Во множественном числе артикль a (an) не употребляется.

+ s. + es.

___ carrot -- ____________ ___ fox -- _______________

___ apple -- _____________ ___ tomato -- ____________

___ orange -- ___________ ___ potato -- _____________

187. Вставь артикль a / an (если один)

или some (если некоторое количество)

_____ cake ______ lemons ______ tea ______ oranges

_____ sweets ______ apple _______ egg ______ carrot


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