What is the time now? 2. My father visited Moscow many times. 3. We have classes in Physiology three times a week. 4. What time do you have lectures in Microbiology? — КиберПедия 

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What is the time now? 2. My father visited Moscow many times. 3. We have classes in Physiology three times a week. 4. What time do you have lectures in Microbiology?

2017-09-27 523
What is the time now? 2. My father visited Moscow many times. 3. We have classes in Physiology three times a week. 4. What time do you have lectures in Microbiology? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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VIII. Read and memorize the following words:

bronchitis [brɒŋ'kaitis], catarrh [kə'ta], discomfort [dis'kAmfət], bronchial ['brɒŋkjəl], diet [daiət], recommend [,rekə'mənd], tablets ['tfbləts], symptom ['simptəm], procedure [prə'si:eə], abnormal [fb'n;ml].

IX. Supply conjunctions both- and. Translate the following sentences:

Experienced therapeutists and neurologists work at this polyclinic. 2. At the polyclinic consulting hours may be in the morning and in the evening.

The nurse fills in temperature charts and gives injections.

X. Translate the following sentences:

The patient was in such a poor condition that he could neither sit up nor move. 2. This patient with pneumonia will be administered either streptomycin or penicillin injections. 3. The growth was revealed neither in the lungs nor in the mediastinum. 4. You may take this medicine either before or after meals.

XI. Choose the sentences with the predicate in the Continuous Passive:

No changes are being observed in the patient’s condition now. 2. The blood was dropping from the wound slowly. 3. The functions of the left lower extremity were being restored rapidly during the treatment of the patient at the clinic. 4. At the end of October this female visited the clinic complaining of a bad pain in the heart.

XII. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the Active and Passive Continuous tenses:

Сейчас врач лечит этого больного по поводу острого бронхита. Сейчас этот больной лечится по поводу острого бронхита.

Сестра заполняла температурные листы больных в 8 часов утра. Температурные листы больных заполнялись сестрой в 8 часов утра.

Сейчас врач Смирнов проводит медицинское обследование в своем кабинете. Сейчас медицинское обследование проводится врачом Смирновым в кабинете № 2.

ХIII. 1. Read Text В. 2. Make the plan. 3. Describe the main symptoms of bronchitis. 4. Find and translate the sentences with: a) pairs of correlative conjunctions; b) Continuous Passive.

Text B. A Case of Bronchitis

Patient Smirnov called in a physician from the local polyclinic. He could not go to the polyclinic himself because his temperature was about 38 °C. In a few hours doctor Belova, an experienced therapeutist, came to the call.

Doctor Belova wanted to know the patient’s complaints. When the patient was being questioned by the physician on his condition, he said that a short painful dry cough associated with rapid respiration had developed two days before. In addition to that the patient complained of the pain both in the throat and behind the breastbone.

While the patient was being examined the physician listened to his heart and lungs and then measured his blood pressure. Neither the blood pressure nor the heart sounds were abnormal. But both dry and moist rales were heard in the lungs. The respiratory rate was considerably increased and the patient breathed with difficulty. The physician also determined that the patient felt discomfort in the chest.

On the basis of all the findings the physician made the diagnosis of acute bronchitis in a mild form. She thought it was neither a catarrh nor a cold. The amount of the discharge from the bronchial mucous membrane was large. It accumulated in the bronchial tubes and made the patient cough. Passing through this fluid in the bronchial tubes the air which was breathed in and out produced moist and dry rales.

It was not necessary to admit the patient to the hospital, he was allowed to follow home treatment. The patient had to be on a sick-leave until his temperature became normal and all the symptoms were controlled. He was to follow a bed regimen and a light diet. He was also recommended to drink either warm milk or have warm applications to his chest. These procedures had to control the cough and impaired breathing.

The doctor administered the patient two tablets of tetracyclin to be taken orally and a cough mixture to be taken three times a day.




Суффикс -less образует прилагательные от существительных, указывает на отсутствие чего-либо или какого-либо качества: use польза - useless бесполезный; child дитя - childless бездетный.

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