Е. Г. Липатова, Н. Г. Ольховик, Т. А. Баева, Е. В. Мушенко, Л. А. Степанян — КиберПедия 

Механическое удерживание земляных масс: Механическое удерживание земляных масс на склоне обеспечивают контрфорсными сооружениями различных конструкций...

Организация стока поверхностных вод: Наибольшее количество влаги на земном шаре испаряется с поверхности морей и океанов (88‰)...

Е. Г. Липатова, Н. Г. Ольховик, Т. А. Баева, Е. В. Мушенко, Л. А. Степанян

2022-10-27 43
Е. Г. Липатова, Н. Г. Ольховик, Т. А. Баева, Е. В. Мушенко, Л. А. Степанян 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
Заказать работу

Кафедра иностранных языков

Е. Г. Липатова, Н. Г. Ольховик, Т. А. Баева, Е. В. Мушенко, Л. А. Степанян



Учебно-методическое пособие

Часть I

Санкт-Петербург Издательство СЗГМУ им. И. И. Мечникова


УДК 13-00-03

ББК 81.2 Англ-9 А64



English for medicine: учебно-методическое пособие для студентов медицинских специальностей. Часть I / Е. Г. Липатова, Н. Г. Ольховик, Т. А. Баева, Е. В. Мушенко, Л. А. Степанян. — СПб.: Изд-во СЗГМУ им. И. И. Мечникова, 2016.— 80 с.




канд. пед. наук, доцент Гуманитарного института Санкт-Петербургского государственного политехнического университета Т. А. Баранова.



Целью учебно-методического пособия является развитие навыков устной и письменной коммуникации, перевода, аудирования, интерпретации и изложения текстов на английском языке в медицинской сфере профессионального общения.

Пособие является частью учебно-методического комплекса, разработанного на кафедре иностранных языков СЗГМУ им. И. И. Мечникова, и предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям подготовки «Лечебное дело» и «Медико- профилактическое дело».

Данное учебно-методическое пособие может быть использовано для аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов I курса медицинского вуза, а также для слушателей старших курсов на факультативных и элективных занятиях.


Утверждено в качестве учебно-методического пособия Методическим советом ФГБОУ ВО СЗГМУ им. И. И. Мечникова

Минздрава России, протокол № 2 от 03 июня 2016 г.


© Коллектив авторов, 2016

© Издательство СЗГМУ им. И. И. Мечникова, 2016


Методическая записка 5
Unit 1. The hospital team 7
§ Hospital jobs 7
§ An admission 9
§ A job interview 9
§ The nursing profession 14
§ Present Simple or Present Continuous? 11
§ An interview for a volunteer program 12
§ Writing a personal profile 14
§ Working as a nurse 15
Video task: Working in general practice 16
Wordlist 18
Unit 2. In and around the hospital 20
§ Hospital equipment 20
§ Hospital departments 21
§ Working as a porter 22
§ Wheelchairs 23
§ Prepositions of place and movement 24
§ The history of the stethoscope 24
§ Who invented the microscope? 25
§ The invention of the stethoscope  
Video task: Bumrungrad International hospital 27
Wordlist 29
Quick check: Units 1 and 2 31
Unit 3. Hospital admissions 34
§ Hospital admissions 35
§ Patient record 35
§ A hospital receptionist 39
§ A bad handwriting 40
§ Past Simple or Past Continuous? 38

§ A day in the life: an ER nurse 37
§ An interview with a ER nurse 37
§ Filling in a patient record form 36
Video task: Health in Britain 40
Wordlist 44
Unit 4. Accidents and emergencies 46
§ First Aid 46
§ A cardiac arrest 50
§ Births in unusual places 50
§ Shock 51
§ Instructions 47
§ Stroke: know the facts, save a life 48
§ Making a poster 50
§ A cardiac arrest 53
§ Stroke 53
§ Flying doctors 52
Video task: Cycle response paramedic 55
Wordlist 57
Quick check: Units 3 and 4 59
Unit 5. Pain 62
§ Describing pain 62
§ Pain relief 64
§ Alternative methods of pain relief 64
§ The mechanism of pain 67
§ Making comparisons 63
§ Questions to assess pain 65
§ Phantom pain relief 69
§ The girl who doesn't feel pain 69
Video task: The bionic girl 70
Wordlist 72
Appendix: Parts of the body 76
Reference 80


Учебно-методическое пособие «English for Medicine» может использоваться при обучении английскому языку в медицинских вузах по направлениям подготовки

«Лечебное дело» и «Медико-профилактическое дело».

Пособие состоит из трех частей и направлено на формирование коммуникативной компетенции на английском языке в медицинской и санитарно-гигиенической сферах общения. Каждая часть пособия презентует коммуникативные ситуации, являющиеся частотными и актуальными в медицинской сфере общения.

Первая часть настоящего учебно-методического пособия сфокусирована на пяти коммуникативных ситуациях: «Больница. Штат больницы», «Структурная организация больницы», «Приемный покой. Прием пациента в больницу», «Несчастные случаи»,

«Боль. Типы боли и ее лечение», — которые системно и пошагово формируют у учащихся способности воспринимать, понимать, интерпретировать чужое высказывание на английском языке, а также продуцировать собственное высказывание в устной и письменной форме, инициировать, развивать и логически завершать диалог на английском языке.

Типы заданий, заложенные в основу пособия, направлены на развитие следующих видов речевой деятельности в ходе формирования коммуникативной компетенции на английском языке: аудирование, говорение, чтение, письмо, перевод с русского на английский язык. Перевод с русского на английский язык выделяется в отдельный вид речевой деятельности, поскольку обладает особой функциональной нагрузкой в процессе развития речевой деятельности обучающихся на английском языке, актуализируя и формируя их словарный запас, создавая оптимальные условия для закрепления лексического, грамматического и культурологического материала. Культурологический аспект речевой деятельности отражен в деонтологическом подходе к презентации речевого материала и реализуется во введении современной, зачастую проблематичной и требующей понимания основ гуманистичности, проблематики в сфере медицины.

Пособие включает следующие типы базовых заданий: лексический минимум (Vocabulary), грамматический минимум (Grammar), чтение (Reading), письмо (Writing) и перевод (Translation), аудирование (Listening, Video tasks) — и дополнительные задания: повторение пройденного материала (Quick check Units 1-2, Quick check Units 3-4), приложение «Части тела» (Appendix “Parts of the Body”).

Задания и упражнения на формирование лексического минимума для каждой ситуации общения представлены как самостоятельные, а также актуализированы в каждом последующем типе заданий (грамматика, чтение, письмо, аудирование). В конце каждого раздела пособия лексический минимум коммуникативной ситуации презентован в виде списка слов с сопроводительным речевым материалом.

Грамматический минимум формируется в ходе целенаправленной работы над тренировкой грамматических навыков, а также закрепляется на уровне чтения, аудирования, говорения и перевода.

Навыки чтения формируются у студентов в формах изучающего, ознакомительного, поискового и регулятивного чтения с целью последующего создания собственного речевого высказывания в устной или письменной формах. Рекомендуется в ходе выполнения заданий на чтение актуализировать проверку переводческой деятельности

студентов с английского на русский язык с целью мониторинга их способности трансформировать лексико-грамматические единицы, функциональные фразы и метафорические единицы на родной язык.

Включенные в лингводидактический аппарат пособия видео-задания расширяют речевое и смысловое пространство пособия в силу аутентичности и современности обсуждаемой проблематики, вводят дополнительные единицы функционального языка. Уникальность видео-заданий для процесса обучения иностранным языкам заключается в том, что в ходе их выполнения у учащихся формируется способность прогнозировать и «угадывать» развитие мысли на английском языке на основе прочтения и декодирования языка жестов, мимики и сопроводительного аудио-визуального ряда.

В данном пособии особое внимание уделено упражнениям на перевод с русского на английский язык, поскольку этот вид речевой деятельности формирует навык трансформировать фразу с одного языка на другой в структурном плане и расширяет обучающий потенциал всех лексических заданий на уровне как письменной, так и устной коммуникации. Особую важность задания на перевод обретают в контексте сжатого с точки            зрения аудиторной         работы     формата      обучения:   настоящий образовательный стандарт для медицинских специальностей ФГОС3+ отводит на дисциплину «Иностранный язык» 72 академических часа, включая самостоятельную Учитывая рекомендации современного образовательного стандарта ФГОС 3+ для медицинских специальностей в части выделения 30% академических часов (36 академических часов в год) на самостоятельную работу студентов, разработчики данного пособия предлагают использовать такие разделы, как видео-задания, повторение и приложение в качестве организации, мониторинга и контроля деятельности учащегося по дисциплине «Иностранный   язык»           за пределами    аудиторного  занятия.

Самостоятельная деятельность студента прописана в каждом виде задания на уровне пошаговых рекомендаций к манипуляциям с речевым материалом.

В целом, рекомендуется интегрировать данное пособие в процесс обучения иностранным языкам в медицинских вузах в ходе организации аудиторной и самостоятельной работы студентов.

Авторский коллектив учебно-методического пособия «English for Medicine. Английский язык для студентов медицинских специальностей. Часть 1» благодарит за неоценимую поддержку в генерировании идей и их реализации и оказанную в виде методических рекомендаций доктора педагогических наук, профессора Попову Н.В. (Гуманитарный институт СПбГУ им. Петра Великого), Тони Грайса (автора  учебников

«Nursing 1», «Nursing 2»), кандидата филологических наук, профессора Маркови- ну И.Ю. (Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова).


VOCABULARY Hospital jobs

1. Match photos A-J to the words from the box.


Answer the questions about the hospital jobs:

1. Which hospital jobs are the most stressful? Which are the least stressful?

2. Which hospital jobs let you have a work-life balance?

3. Which hospital jobs are the best-paid? Which are the worst-paid?

4. Which hospital jobs are the most monotonous (the most demanding the most rewarding)?

5. Which hospital jobs are in high demand nowadays? And which jobs have future perspectives?



2. Underline the correct options in bold.



Read the descriptions and guess the correct hospital job from the box.

VOCABULARY A job interview


Think about the questions you are going to ask Student B. You need to find out about:

· his/her education and work experience

· his/her practical skills (e.g. typing)

· his/her ability to work in a team and communication skills

· his/her personality (e.g. confident, lively)

· his/her motivation to participate in the program

· what country he/she would like to work in and what field of medicine he/she wants to get experience in.


Think about what relevant qualificati- ons, skills and experience you have. Use the following prompts and invent the details yourself:

· your education and work experience

· your practical skills

· your ability to work in a team and communication skills

· your personality (e.g. confident, lively)

· why you are interested in participating in the program

· what country you would like to work in and what field of medicine you want to get experience in.



You are now ready to conduct your interview. Remember:

- Student A: you really want to find the right person for the program, so find out as much as you can about the applicant.

WRITING A profile of a volunteer
Student B: you really want to participate in the program, so answer the interviewer’s questions as fully as possible.


While you watch

3. Watch the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKUAFYVg8fc) and check your ideas in Ex. 2.

Work in pairs. Student A is the medical student who doesn’t know what specialization to choose. Student B is the family physician who needs to convince the medical student to become a family physician. Look at the information on the cards below and spend a few minutes preparing what you are going to say.


Think about the questions you are going to ask Student B. You need to find out about:

· why he/she decided to become a family physician

· what advantages and disadvantages of being a family physician are

· his/her typical day

· if he/she manages to keep work-life balance

· how often he/she has to rotate.


Use the following prompts and invent the details yourself.

· why you decided to become a family physician

· what advantages and disadvantages of being a family physician are

· your typical day

· if you manage to keep work-life balance

· how often you have to rotate.


You are now ready to roleplay your conversation.

Imagine that now you work as a family physician. Write an email to your friend telling him/her about your responsibilities, the hospital you work in, your patients, what problems you have to face and if it is possible to keep work/life balance.

admit in — госпитализировать follow-up — контрольный приём
adolescence — подростковый возраст make a diagnosis — поставить диагноз
beeper — пейджер rotate — сменяться, чередоваться
do investigations — проводить обследование treatment options — варианты лечения

Work in pairs. Student A is the US resident who needs some medical treatment but doesn’t have enough money. Student B is the person who has just come back from Thailand where he was on observation in Bumrungrad International Hospital. Look at the information on the cards below and spend a few minutes preparing what you are going to say.

5. Work in groups. Discuss the questions.

1. Would you like to work in Bumrungrad International Hospital in Thailand? Why/why not?

2. Would you like to be treated there? Why/why not?

3. What is medical tourism? Why is it so popular today?

4. What countries and cities are the leading destinations for medical tourism? What fields of medicine do they specialize in? Search the Internet and fill in the chart below:





Country Fields of medicine they specialize in





Here is a list of useful words from Unit 2. You can insert your own translation.

adj = adjective conj = conjunction phr v = phrasal verb phr = phrase pron = pronoun
adv = adverb n = noun pl = plural prep = preposition v = verb
able-bodied (adj)                                Able-bodied people sometimes don’t realize how difficult the life of the disabled can be.
all-purpose (adj)                                  Nowadays there are a lot of modern and all- purpose wheelchairs.
autoclave (n)                                        A nurse sterilizes instruments in an autoclave.
blood pressure meter (n)                       The blood pressure meter is for recording patients’ blood pressure.
bone plate (n)                                       A bone plate is used for fixing a broken bone.
centrifuge (n)                                       A centrifuge is used for separating substances by spinning them.
corridor (n)                                           Go along the corridor and Physiotherapy will be on the left.
deliver (v)                                            Porters deliver the post all over the hospital and bring letters for patients.
dialysis machine (n)                             A dialysis machine is used for cleaning the blood when the kidneys don’t work.
disabled (adj)                                      Some simple everyday activities can be a major problem for disabled people.
dispose of (v)                                      Porters dispose of all the waste at the hospital.
ECG machine (n)                                 An ECG machine is for monitoring the heart.
endoscope (n)                                      The endoscope is for looking inside the stomach, larynx, trachea, etc.
floor (n)                                                Radiology is on the second floor.
food trolley (n)                                    Porters do more than just push food trolleys around the hospital.
glucometer (n)                                      The glucometer is for determining the concentration of glucose in the blood.
highly-advanced (adj)                         A highly-advanced wheelchair can perform different functions.
lift (n)(v)                                              Porters lift (v) and carry heavy equipment. Take the lift (n) to get to the third floor.
manual (adj)                                        A manual wheelchair is moved by the user’s own power.
microscope (n)                                     A microscope is for examining tissues, samples, etc., very closely.
mortuary (n)                                         Porters remove dead bodies to the mortuary.
neurological pinwheel (n)                          A neurological pinwheel is for testing for sensation in nerves.
paediatric spoon (n)                             A paediatric spoon is a special spoon for children to grip.
reception (n)                                        You can ask all the information at the reception.

scales (n)                           Scales are for weighing substances.
scalpel (n)                            A scalpel is for performing surgery.
self-propelled (adj)   You don’t need to use your arms in a self-                         propelled wheelchair.
stethoscope (n)   A doctor uses a stethoscope to hearing sounds                          from movements within the body.
stretcher (n)   Porters transport patients by stretchers or                          wheelchairs.
syringe (n)                            A syringe is for making injections.
thermometer (n)   A nurse measured a patient’s temperature with a                         thermometer.
tongue depressor (n)   An otolaryngologist uses a tongue depressor for                          oral examination.
ultrasound scanner (n)   Ultrasound scanners are for detecting problems in the liver, heart, stomach and other internal                          organs.
ward (n)                            There are a lot of wards in this big hospital.
wheelchair (n)   Nowadays modern wheelchairs are a big                          improvement on the first wheelchairs.
X-ray machine (n)                           X-ray machine is for taking a photo of bones.


VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs



First name: Alex Surname: Bradshaw Gender: M           (1): 05.12.1977

                                (2): construction worker

                                (3): married

                                (4): wife

Contact: 0346789218

Smoking                 (5): n/a

Allergies: none  

Reason for              (6): concussion

GP: Dr Alice Green   Tel.: 0346151698  

Work in pairs. Student A is the ER nurse. Student B is the journalist who is going to write an article about working as an ER nurse. Look at the information on the cards below and spend a few minutes preparing what you are going to say.




Label the pictures with the correct words from the box.


2. Complete the sentences with the words from Ex. 2.



ü A stroke happens when the blood supply to the brain is blocked or when a blood vessel in the brain bursts. The loss of blood to the brain means a loss of oxygen and the brains cells become injured and die.

ü Stroke is less common in people under 40 years, although it does happen. In young people the most common causes are high blood pressure or sickle cell disease.

ü Globally, stroke is the second leading cause of death above the age of 60 years, and the fifth leading cause of death in people aged 15 to 59 years old.

ü Every year, 15 million people worldwide suffer a stroke. Nearly six million die and another five million are left permanently disabled.


ü age                             


ü (1)                            

ü good (2)                                   

ü untreated heart disease and artial fibrillation


ü Stop (3)                            

ü Stay physically active            

ü Moderate alcohol consumption   

ü Improve your (6)                

ü Control your (4)                       

ü Control your blood sugar levels if you have (7)                  

ü Lower and manage your (5)           


B (8)                         Sudden loss of balance E (9)                        Sudden loss of vision in one or both eyes F (10)                       Does the face look uneven? A (11)                       Ask them to raise both arms.



Ask them to repeat a phrase.

Time is brain. Every second brain cells die during a stroke.




WRITING Making a poster

10. Work in groups. Make a poster on Heat stroke: first aid. Include some general information about heat stroke, its symptoms and how to treat it.

VOCABULARY A cardiac arrest

Book baby

The 18-year-old Dominique Tverino was on a bus on the way to a medical appointment when her

                       started. A passenger realized she was in labour and told her to get off and wait in the library while she  called the                     . By the  time the                            arrived, Baby Sariah was already on her  way.

‘I just can’t believe I had her at the library,’ Dominique said.

Staff from an American library who helped with the                           , gave the new mum a bag full of children’s books and two library cards — for mum and baby.

paramedic     contractions  emergency services  delivery



Before you watch

Work in pairs. Student A is the cycle response paramedic at London Heathrow Airport. Student B is the journalist who is preparing an article about unusual medical professions for MedLife journal. Look at the information on the cards below and spend a few minutes preparing what you are going to say.


Use the following prompts and invent the details yourself:


· why you decided to become a paramedic

· how long you have been working as a cycle response paramedic

· what your typical day is like

· what you find the most difficult in your work

· some unusual situations you have faced during your work


·                                                                                 .

(additional answers)


Think about the questions you are going to ask Student B. You need to find out about:


· why he decided to become a paramedic

· how long he has been working as a cycle response paramedic

· about his typical working day

· what he finds the most difficult in his work

· about unusual situations he has faced during his work


·                                                                                       .

(2 more questions)

You are now ready to roleplay your conversation.

5. A 1001 Nights in the ER is a book written by Baptiste Beaulieu. It tells a story of a 27 year- old intern who becomes fond of a terminally ill female patient. Her only son can’t make it to her bedside because of the volcanic ash from Iceland. The doctor decides to cheat death and gain time. Like a Scheherazade, he tells her stories, funny and tragic, about life at the hospital. Go to http://www.litmir.co/br/?b=238885 and read some chapters from the book. Then write two or three patient summaries.

Make up word combinations.

1. waiting 2. marital 3. adhesive 4. closest 5. umbilical 6. cardiac 7. personal a) arrest b) relative c) details d) cord e) tape f) status g) room   8. antibiotic 9. rubbing 10. respiratory 11. main 12. severe 13. foreign 14. initial h) system i) body j) bleeding k) alcohol l) artery m) ointment n) assessment


Bob is a 46 year old man. For the first time, he is having moderate pain in his chest and he feels it moving down his arm. He rates his pain 5 out of 10. The pain is constant and has a tingling feeling. 10 minutes later Bob’s son drives Bob to St. Patrick’s Hospital Emergency for medical help. A nurse sees Bob and asks questions. How would the nurse him some questions?

Nurse:                                      ? Bob: I have pain in my chest.

Nurse:                                   ? Bob: It moves down my arm.

Nurse:                                   ? Bob: I have a moderate pain.

Nurse:                                   ? Bob: I would rate my pain 5 out of 10. Nurse:    ?

Bob: My pain started 10 minutes ago. Nurse:? Bob: My pain is constant.

14. Translate the conversation from Russian into English.

  In a GP's surgery                                                                                                                   

GP: Mrs. Andrews, isn’t it? Good morning, I’m Dr. Adams. I am your GP.


(Что с Вами случилось?)

Mrs. Andrews: Nothing really. As usual I was working in my office when I suddenly felt

                                 (сильную боль) in my stomach. It                (усиливалась), that's why I decided not to wait and see a doctor immediately.

GP:                                                                                                                           ?

(Где конкретно Вы чувствуете боль?)

Mrs. Andrews: Right here.                                                                                          .

(C правой стороны внизу).

GP: I see.                                                                                                      ?

(Не могли бы Вы описать характер боли?)

                                                                                 ? (Она колющая, схваткообразная или пульсирующая?)

Mrs. Andrews: I’m not sure, but I think it is                           (пульсирующая).

GP: Uhu-h. And                                                                                         ?

(Боль сосредоточена на одном месте?)

Mrs. Andrews: No,                                                                                                .

(Она переходит в низ живота и в область таза).

GP: I see. Let me palpate your abdomen.                                                      ?

(Боль усиливается, когда я нажимаю вот здесь?)

Mrs. Andrews: Да.                                                                                       .

(Становится гораздо больнее)



(Не могли бы Вы оценить интенсивность боли по шкале от 1 до 10?)

Mrs. Andrews: Hmmm...I would say it’s 6, but when you push on the right side it’s all 9.

GP: OK. I see.                                                                                                        ? (Наблюдаете ли Вы какие-либо сопутствующие симптомы, такие как рвота, диарея, озноб, повышенная температура?)

Mrs. Andrews: Yes, at first                                                                     

(был легкий озноб и температура поднялась до 38). I took some painkillers and


(мне стало немного лучше).

GP: I see. And                                                                                     ?

(Усиливается ли боль при ходьбе?)

Mrs. Andrews: Yes. I can barely walk.                                                        .

(Болит невыносимо сильно)

GP: It seems that you have appendicitis. We should take some analysis to make the right diagnosis.



VOCABULARY The mechanism of pain

15. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.

1. drugs a) фантомные боли в конечностях
2.  acupuncture b) чувствовать боль от ран
3.  survive c)  иглоукалывание
4. our body’s defences d) сильнодействующие препараты
5.  fractures e) длиться всю жизнь
6. nerve endings f) посылать сигналы

7. phantom limb pain g) нервные окончания
8. send messages h) переломы
9. last a lifetime i) неспособный чувствовать боль
10. unable to feel pain j) избегать повреждений
11. avoid damage k) выживать
12. feel pain from wounds l) защита нашего организма

After you watch

Work in pairs. Student A is Olivia’s mother. Student B is the journalist who is going to write an article about Olivia’s daughter. Look at the information on the cards below and spend a few minutes preparing what you are going to say.


Use the following prompts and invent the details yourself and your daughter:


· why your daughter is considered to be unique and when you first realized that she was not like other children

· what difficulties you had to deal with when Olivia was a baby

· when doctors first understood that your daughter had a rare disease

· if you communicate with other people who have chromosome disorders

· if you really think that your daughter is a bionic girl.



Think about the questions you are going to ask Student A. You need to find out about:


· why her daughter is considered to be unique and when she first realized that Olivia was not like other children

· what difficulties she had to deal with when Olivia was a baby

· when doctors first understood that her daughter had a rare disease

· if she communicates with other people who have chromosome disorders

· if she really thinks that her daughter is a bionic girl.



You are now ready to roleplay your conversation.


Today there are a lot of organizations that are trying to raise awareness of health issues, such as smoking, autism, strokes, self-injury, breast cancer and others. Write an essay of at least 250 words on the following task:

rare — редкий
a chromosome six deletion — отсутствие шестой хромосомы
a nursery school — ясли
a genetic mutation — генетическая мутация
chromosome disorders — хромосомные болезни
raise awareness — повышать степень информированности общественности

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